What happened here?

As he got closer to the place where the shock came from, Li Su couldn't help but frown.

The spatial structure here is extremely abnormal and fragile.

It's as if the overall structure has been completely destroyed. Even if it is reorganized and restored to its original state, there are still problems inside, full of cracks, and a lot of impurities have been stuffed inside.

Under such a structure, space is a big problem. Although it has no impact on him, if he were to be replaced by someone with a lower level, maybe people would disappear as he walked.

You must know that there is still a long way to go from the center, at least thousands of light years, or even tens of thousands.

This is already the case here, and the closer you get to the center, the worse the situation will become.

Facing a world with an unstable structure, Li Su hesitated for a while and stopped thinking about scattering flesh and blood.

The structure of this place is too unstable, and the space may change at any time, and this kind of fluctuation is particularly easy to occur due to the flow of extraordinary power.

In other words, if you leave your own flesh and blood, you will easily be sent to nowhere the next second.

Of course, there is no solution.

The easiest thing is undoubtedly to take action directly and pass through the Yuqing supreme stable space.

However, creating a stable space in a place where there are obviously huge structural problems is really no different from lighting a bonfire in the dark night, it is so eye-catching.

never mind.

He has deployed a lot of nodes. At present, it can provide him with almost one and two thousandths of spiritual energy per second. This amount is basically enough.

At least there is no problem in maintaining the practice of innate Dao patterns.

Although it still takes a lot of time to reach perfection, at least the speed of progress can be seen with the naked eye. Compared with other Daluo realms, it is much faster.

Of course, this is also related to the huge number of his innate Dao marks.

More than 12 million, you must know that even Master Wuxin does not have that much.

Under normal circumstances, if a great sect has between two and three million disciples, he is considered a genius. If he can reach four million, he has already reached the peak.

Even Ning Wuxia, a prodigy who has never been born in ten thousand years, can only talk about five million, which is still more than double the difference between Li Su and Li Su.

This, coupled with the supreme relationship between saints, allowed Li Su to practice extremely quickly.

After all, others only have a few million Dao Patterns in one round of practice, but he has gained 12 million in one round. Not only is the number more, but the important thing is that so far, the number of splits of his innate Dao Patterns is still not large. In total, Just over a hundred times.

The more innate Dao patterns there are, the more difficult it is to practice.

One time is the fastest and more powerful.

Ten times will slow down a lot, and a hundred times will undoubtedly be even slower.

Once it exceeds a thousand superpositions, the speed will be greatly reduced and the improvement will also be reduced. Compared with the first ten times, the difference in the increase effect can be said to be astonishing, almost one thousandth.

Of course, the increase here is about quality, not quantity.

It means that the gap between the Yi Dao Realm and the Ten Thousand Dao Realm is still very big. The quantitative deficiency alone is fatal enough, and the qualitative gap is even more terrifying.

Let alone a one-time difference, it is a zero-point difference. The weaker party has to pay a huge price. For every zero-point one, it takes almost 0.5 or more to make up for it.

Of course, there are other ways.

For example, stronger skills and magical powers, or magical weapons and magical weapons.

Of course, this kind of compensation is almost impossible under normal circumstances. After all, the level itself is lower than the other party, and the quantitative gap is naturally larger.

After all, the stronger a person is, the stronger his skills will be, and the better his magical weapons will be.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, it is best not to pursue cross-level battles in the Daluo realm.

There may not seem to be much difference between one realm at this level, but in fact the gap inside is much larger than the later stage of Foundation Establishment and the early stage of Golden Core.

It is said that the difference is only a few tenths, but in fact the number inside is surprisingly large, and it is likely to be so large that it will make your scalp numb.

Relying on desperate actions and not being afraid of death, such inspiring behaviors as blood and bravery cannot be said to have no impact, I can only say that they have no impact at all.

While thinking about it, Li Su began to speed up.

In fact, he was also a little curious, what happened over there?

It is still so far away, and there is already such a huge vision. What will happen if it really reaches the center?

With such a big movement, even if the person who made the move was not a saint, he was definitely quite close to that level.

If that's the case, it would be a good idea to go take a look.

At least from the situation of the war, I can feel the strength of each other. How far is there between myself and the near saint, or even the saint?

Accelerate forward, and the speed will naturally increase a lot.

In addition, the structure of this side of the world is unstable and chaotic. Even if Li Su has the Yuqing Supreme, it is difficult to grasp the specific situation three hundred light years away. There is no problem if the movement is slightly louder.

Moreover, since he was heading towards the center of the chaos, his impact would undoubtedly be greater.

Don't mention it, if you really find a place to hide in such a place, it will be really difficult to find someone. Even a saint would have a huge headache.

After all, everything is messed up.

In fact, cause and effect is just a bundle of lines with no visible edges. It is extremely difficult to sort out anything from it.

At this moment, the bundle of threads was directly knotted and rolled into a ball. It would undoubtedly be more difficult to sort out the situation inside.

Maybe the sun-shooting Daluo hasn't been found yet.

If the other party is really in this deep place, let alone eighteen years, as long as the other party is determined not to come out, it will take one hundred and eighty years to find him.

After running for almost two days and almost tens of thousands of light years, Li Su paused slightly, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The horizon, the far horizon.

There, the scenery is completely different and extremely weird.

It was a towering tree that was broken by a strange green moon.

They lay across the end of the sky, and the scene was extremely strange.

There really was a big battle!

Looking at this scene, despite his suspicions, he still couldn't help but take a breath, his eyes flickering for a while.

This is a foreign land!

Once a monk reaches the Daluo realm, his power will undergo a huge qualitative change and form unique characteristics.

In fact, when you are in the Taiyi realm, those characteristics will appear, but the scope will be small and the impact will not be long.

But it's different in the Daluo realm. Even a simple slash of sword intent can leave traces that won't dissipate for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, as the strength becomes stronger, this trace will become more amazing.

For example, at the level in front of Li Su, he was angry in the Demon-Conquering Palace before. If he hadn't torn apart the space in advance and directed his anger to other places, once it broke out in reality, the whole world would die because of his anger, and it would be a long time to come. For a long time, there will be absolutely no life on that planet.

The entire world will be filled with his murderous intent, and all life will wither in it.

Foreign lands are a further manifestation of this phenomenon.

The powerful monk radiates the scene in his heart, directly distorting the rules of reality, completely changing the covered place, and evolving a realm like another world.

This was the scene before me.

The strength of the two people fighting against each other has reached the point of distorting reality. The towering trees and the strange green moon are magical powers and real things.

At least it was a battle at the level of Jiutian Emperor and the others.

And that weird green moon, even though it's dozens of light years away, can still feel the endless evil power in it.

Is one of them an evil spirit?


A soft sound came, and Li Su was shocked and spoke in surprise.

"Senior Brother Taiyi??"

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