Chapter 1247 Amazing Foreign Land

Following the team, Li Su also took out his lightsaber and struck at the fish that slipped through the net.

The team advanced quickly.

Xue Xue took the lead, and the entire team was like a nail, killing through the army of red ants with overwhelming force.

The whole process took less than a minute, and he was able to fight his way out from the siege all over the mountains and plains.

Although they were killed, they still didn't dare to stay. They directly changed their formation and accelerated to escape.

I have to say that Zhao Yan’s organization is not bad.

He did not choose to fly away, but broke out from the ground. This decision was quite good.

If someone with less experience comes over, there is a high probability that something will happen.

Not long after breaking out of the siege, flying insects over three meters soared into the sky and flew down. If they hadn't climbed up against the tree pole and such a large piece fell, even Taiyi would have been smashed back.

Judging from the appearance, it should be a creature like a ladybug.

The speed is astonishingly fast, and the quantity is also astonishingly large.

Different from red ants, these ladybug-like things have extremely hard bodies and exoskeletons that are like steel. The lines on the surface of the body are covered with strange lines, and traces of laws shine inside.

Fortunately, their group is in the late stage of Taiyi, otherwise, it would be really troublesome and they would probably get entangled.

These bugs seem to have not only become huge, but also retained their original characteristics. Each one has extremely terrifying strength, like a walking chariot.

The only good thing is that not all of their targets are Li Su and others, but also the huge red ant colony below.

Although Li Su and the others are powerful, their numbers are still too small. Compared with them, the red ants below are undoubtedly the best food.

Killing out the ant colony and killing the ladybug swarm, no one had time to take a breath.

Sounds like thunder sounded one after another, and centipedes that were dozens of meters long and made people's scalp numb just by looking at them quickly crawled out from the gap between the huge and ancient bark of the tree trunk.

These things, with a strange black mist, quickly rushed towards them.

The first one to strike was Xue Xue. As the vanguard of the team, she was almost merciless and slashed directly with the blade formed by the golden energy.

"Be careful, these bugs are all poisonous!"

After cutting open the centipede, Xue Xue's face showed unprecedented solemnity instead of joy.

Being able to make Xue Xue react like this made Zhao Yan and others frown instantly.

With Taiyi's cultivation level, ordinary poisons are basically meaningless. If they want to affect them to such an extent, the black mist on these centipedes is by no means an ordinary thing.

Bloody battle, fighting.

From broad daylight to sunset in Shanxi.

Finally, after nearly four hours of fierce fighting, the nine people finally broke through the siege.

On a huge leaf, as Sun Qian arranged the breath gathering formation to isolate all their breath, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, even Xue Xue had a layer of sweat on her forehead, and she looked exhausted.

Although the strongest one they encountered was something comparable to a caterpillar in the middle stage of Taiyi, it really exhausted these geniuses.

For four whole hours, Taiyi magical power was used non-stop, so what if the range was reduced?

The quantity is too much.

Almost one person was killed in one second, and two more were added in the next second.

Faced with this situation, even Li Su was a little surprised. He felt that the strength of the ruins was quite unreasonable.

Among the teams that came in, although theirs was not the first, except for the two singles Qiao Tian and Chu Zhan, and the pretender who was mixed in a certain team, the other teams were better than theirs. Very limited.

They were all in such a mess, one could only imagine what was happening to the other people who came in together.

Either it is in danger or it is on the verge of danger.

"Damn it, is this ruin trying to kill people?"

The red-haired man Yang Chao couldn't help but start complaining.

You know, his talent is quite good, and his magical powers are derived from the fire of Zhurong. As a result, this will make him even more tired and like a dead dog.

Listening to Yang Chao's words, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, with seriousness in each other's eyes.

Indeed, this level of difficulty is outrageous.

You know, they have been fighting for a day. In fact, the location of their group is still only the outermost layer.

It’s like this on the outside, so what’s the point of going inside?

What will the insects in the depths look like? strength?

There are many relics from the ancient times, and there are also many that have been passed down by Taoism, but most of them are relatively simple. Although there are certain dangers, they are not so scary.

"Yanyan, you are the captain, what do you want to do next?"

After a moment of silence, Xue Xue spoke first. After all, she was not really a lady. Although the level of danger was much higher than expected, she had come. Now she even wanted to quit, but there was no place to go.

Zhao Yan nodded and was about to speak.

However, before she could speak, everyone's eyes were inexplicably paused and they couldn't help but look at the top of her head.

At this moment, a string of numbers appeared above everyone's heads.

Among them, Xue Xue is the most popular.

Fifteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine!

Then there are Shang Xing and Yang Chao, with seven thousand five hundred and ninety-nine and seven thousand three hundred and eighty respectively.

Zhao Yan, An Ran, Luo Yun, and Li Su are all about the same age, they are all in their early 2000s.

Sun Qian was the least, only in the dozens.

Everyone was startled and their eyes couldn't help but shrink slightly. What does this number mean?

"The number is the same as the bugs I killed just now."

Li Su felt the words above his head and spoke first.

He is a swordsman, and he has used basic swordsmanship all the way here.

That is to say, the simplest stabbing swords are all kept one sword at a time, so the number of stabbing swords can be calculated mentally, which is almost consistent with the number above the head.

Everyone was stunned.

Zhao Yan quickly reacted, nodded and said: "No wonder it looks familiar. Although there are some differences, the techniques are not as delicate as the swordsmanship."

As her husband, although Zhao Yan's heart is focused on the team, she also has an eye on Li Su.

After all, this is the first time to cooperate, and the other party has been relatively mediocre before. He probably has never experienced such a big scene, so he is naturally more concerned.

As a result, Li Su's swordsmanship is, I have to say, pleasing to the eye.

Clean and neat, as if it were made in heaven.

After more than four hours, almost all the bugs I encountered were killed with one sword, which was amazing.

Hearing this, Shang Xing and others couldn't help but glance at Li Su, their eyes trembled slightly, looking a little surprised.

In that situation, the other party was still in the mood to count how many swords he had fired and how many insects he had killed. In terms of his state of mind, he was quite calm.

Not only that, discovering this situation quickly will undoubtedly save them a lot of time.

Although everyone will eventually think of it, it is still inevitable to try. In a place like this, the sooner you understand your own situation, the better undoubtedly.

I definitely don’t want to have an encounter like the previous one happen again in a short time.

"The kill count means that the content of this ruins is related to killing insects?" Yang Chao frowned slightly, "Does this mean that this ruins is regular?"

Relics can be roughly divided into three situations depending on the situation.

The most common one is undoubtedly the one Li Su has played before. The treasures are scattered everywhere, and whether you can get them depends on how fast you run and how strong you are.

This is undoubtedly the simplest.

The second type is regularity. If you want to get treasures, you can only get them through the ruins rules.

The last one is assessment. You can only obtain it if you reach a certain standard.

Although regularity and assessment look similar, they are actually different.

First of all, the assessment does not require exploring the rules. Once you enter, you will know immediately what needs to be done and what to do. There is usually a screening mechanism, and those who are not qualified cannot participate.

Regularity is much simpler. Generally there is only one rule and no other conditions.

Furthermore, assessments generally focus on talent and character, but do not pay much attention to strength.

The rules are different. Basically, the strength of the participants is used as the standard.

For example, the one in front of you is obviously the characteristic of regular ruins. Kill insects and earn points.

The score depends on how fast you kill.

But how to use this point?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Xue Xue, who had the most points. After all, she had the most points at the moment. If this score had any effect, she should be the first to notice it.

Xue Xue felt it for a while, then shook her head and said: "No reaction."

"You mean the score is not enough?"

Shang Xing frowned. More than 15,000 points meant a total of 15,000 bugs. Although they suppressed the explosion of their own strength in order to break through, this number was really not small.

This is the result of four full hours.

In an instant, everyone was undoubtedly feeling a little heavy again.

Although I knew that the difficulty of this ruins was very high, it was still somewhat unexpected, not that ten thousand points was much.

For Taiyi's cultivation level, if he attacks with all his strength, it is not difficult to achieve a hundred thousand points.

The difficulty lies in not being sure about this.

What if it’s not even a hundred thousand points? But what about parts per million?

After all, unless there is a reaction, they have no way of determining it.

And it’s not just a question of how many points are needed, but other situations must also be taken into consideration. What if after the points are met, you don’t get something, but are sent to the next place?

This is not impossible!

After all, the strength of this ruin is beyond imagination.

The reason why they are relaxed now is because they are a team, nine people in total, who can take care of each other. Once separated, facing the previous situation and trying to fight out, the danger is not as great as usual.

"Let's rest first!"

After a while, Zhao Yan said directly: "No matter what happens, everyone is tired after fighting for a day, and it's getting dark. That's it for today. Let's all rest first. No matter what we have in mind, we can wait until tomorrow."

Looking at each other, everyone nodded directly.

Shang Xing and others quickly found a seat to sit down, closed their eyes and began to adjust their breathing.

The four hours of fighting, not to mention the mana consumption, the mental consumption was really huge. Although Taiyi was strong, he was not a perpetual motion machine that was not aware of fatigue.

In fact, the stronger the strength, the greater the consumption will naturally be.

A fight that doesn't dare to relax for a second is still too much for even a top talent.


Watching everyone resting, Li Su naturally found a place to sit cross-legged and closed his eyes.

It’s interesting!

This battle is obviously nothing to him. After all, he is in the billion-level realm and uses basic swordsmanship. This kind of battle will last not to mention four hours, even a year, and he will not be able to recover. quick.

Not only that, the most important thing was the battle itself. He not only noticed that the number above his head was equivalent to the number of bugs killed.

As the supreme owner of life, although there are not many insect genes in the cells, more are the genetic maps of ancient mythical beasts and alien beasts.

But as long as it has flesh and blood and is still alive, it cannot escape the range of his perception.

Therefore, while killing, he also drew a lot of blood for analysis, wanting to see the status of these things.

Obviously you don’t know if you don’t see it, but you will be shocked when you see it.

There's something wrong with these bugs!

They have no so-called brains.

Oh, this is not to describe them as stupid, but to say that they do not have brains, which is the part used for thinking.

The same is true for red ants, ladybugs, centipedes, moths, caterpillars and the like.

Although the head is the same organ, it is not their brain, and there is actually no self-thinking in it.

Of course, just like that, Li Su wouldn't care too much.

What really concerned him was what was inside the other person's head, not the brain cells used for thinking, but the energy called evil.

Moreover, according to Li Su's observation, these bugs are not controlled by the evil nature. On the contrary, they are absorbing the energy of the evil nature, converting the evil energy into the kinetic energy of their own bodies, and thus acting.

This is very interesting!

Not only was this structure special and it was the first time he had seen it, but more importantly, these bugs and the evil nature seemed to be completely integrated into one. When they were killed, the evil nature in their bodies was also eliminated.

In fact, Xue Xue and the others may not have discovered it, but the moment they entered this world, Li Su discovered that the aura in this world was very pure. Although there was still a trace of evil between heaven and earth, the number was very rare, and it was the same as in the prehistoric and mythical worlds. , those places in heaven are completely different.

Also, after those bugs died, the corpses did not disappear immediately because of the death of the evil nature, but still remained. And if he read correctly, these corpses were quickly covered up by the surrounding trees and land. ,Absorbed.

In the place where we fought just now, it seems that the concentration of spiritual energy has also increased.

Faced with this result, Li Su was honestly quite shocked, and his closed eyes were full of shock.

Although it is a bit unbelievable, the existence that created this ruin seems to have found a way to eliminate evil?

No, it's not elimination.

From what he saw, it was obvious that the other party used evil as an energy source, absorbing energy from insects to grow, and then digesting the corpses of dead insects and converting them into spiritual energy.

Although from a perceptual point of view, the efficiency is very low, and the aura transformed in the end is even less than one in ten.

However, this is a true and genuine way of absorbing the evil nature that has no other effect other than degenerating people.

Incredible, simply incredible.

I don’t know who the owner of this place is? The power of evil is a problem that has troubled the seven great saints in the mythical world and has been unable to solve it for hundreds of thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, in the sealed place of Honghuang, a small ruin was actually solved.

Li Su couldn't help but take a deep breath. For a moment, Li Su became more and more curious about the identity of the master of this world.

No matter who is able to do this kind of thing, the other person must have had a very high status in ancient times. He was either a descendant of a saint, or he was born with great power.

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