Chapter 1248 Great Terror

Although he pretends to be Taiyi, he obviously can't just do Taiyi's things.

There are a lot of bugs in this world. Although more than 300 people have come in, they have to kill them. Will they be killed until the end of the year?

We haven't figured out everything yet, but that doesn't stop Li Su from ending.

As for the numbers above the head, that's easy to solve.

This thing is attached to the soul. As long as it is an independent soul, it can be obtained by entering here and starting killing.

The number currently hanging above his head is Pei Feng's remnant soul, not his true body.

So, all we have to do next is find a place to kill.

The clone has been released not long after entering. Now all you need to do is turn your main consciousness there.

Looking at the resting people, Li Su also slowly closed his eyes, let's try it first.

What is the passing mark for this number?

The eyes were closed on one side and opened immediately on the other side.

Soon, countless cells invisible to the naked eye quickly gathered and began to expand, revealing the bone marrow and internal organs, and turned into Li Su in the blink of an eye.

Not Pei Feng's appearance, but Li Su's original appearance.

There is no doubt that the breath is only at the limit of Taiyi, but for a moment, Li Su naturally became the center, and the laws of heaven and earth spontaneously moved closer to him, and began to twist themselves and become like him.

The feeling was like the bright moon in the dark night sky, taking away all the light at once.

Looking at his own situation, Li Su's marble-like face took on a strange color, and he was a little surprised by his own situation.

This is Da Luo's transformation. Even if he suppresses his realm, some things still cannot be completely covered.

The phenomenon at this moment belongs to weight.

His own weight overwhelms the weight of the world, causing the original natural rules to begin to overturn towards him and change with him as the center.

This is a prerequisite for the formation of a foreign land, and it is the aftermath of the eternal cornerstone forming a guidepost in the original avenue.

Unexpectedly, it was so fast?

You must know that he is currently only at the fifth level of the Billion Dao Realm. This situation should only start to grow and sprout after the seventh level. It will not be fully mature until the tenth level, waiting for the power to blossom and bear fruit.

But I didn't expect that only the five realms had already appeared. Because I had been suppressing it with the treasure before, I didn't feel anything.

Of course, this is a good thing.

It means that Li Su's Tao is very strong and has a strong foundation.

This is like the soil on which sprouts grow. It is extremely nutritious and the signs that grow out have already begun to show visions even before they take shape.

It can be said that if Li Su's situation were known to the billionaires outside, they would probably only have one expression.

Jaw-dropped, dumbfounded.

No, even the ultimate Da Luo would probably find it unbelievable.

How powerful must the Dao Fruit be to cultivate such a terrifying Dao Beacon?

After moving his body, Li Su couldn't help but feel his own situation.

It is indeed a transformation of a billion Tao realms, a great blessing.

At the Taiyi level, he was about eighty times stronger than himself at the peak of Taiyi.

You must know that at that time, he could kill some of the weaker Daluo in the early stage. Now, even the strong ones in the Daluo stage in the early stage, and even Tianjiao, he estimated that he could do it with Taiyi cultivation alone. Suppressed.

In comparison, Li Su's strength now is even stronger than the suppression strength of the near saints he encountered in the underworld, and not by many, but can almost form a crushing situation.

Unknowingly, have you reached this point?

His eyes scanned the surroundings slightly, and from the moment he appeared, his powerful aura instantly attracted countless insects.

However, when they were all about a kilometer away from Li Su, their bodies began to stiffen and became completely unable to move.

Not only are they unable to move, their bodies are changing, their strength is dissipating, their bodies are collapsing, their solid shells, and their powerful strength are all dissipating visibly to the naked eye.

However, after advancing only a few meters, these insects with the strength of true immortals and heavenly immortals have transformed into as fragile as newborn babies.

In just a few minutes, Li Su did nothing. More than thousands of insects had died in the field formed by his aura, and this number continued to increase rapidly.

Fortunately, the bugs in this world have no thoughts at all and no fear, only the instinct of crazy destruction.

Otherwise, with the strength of Li Su's aura, I am afraid that no life within thousands of miles would dare to approach, and would flee quickly and madly.

It's terrible, it's so destructive.

This is a pressure that can suffocate all creatures if you stay for one second longer. Be careful to scare them to death. This is like a sheep locked up with a wolf. No, it is a hundred times more terrifying than that. You don’t need to think about it. Fear, the first thing a cell will do is collapse, self-determination.

The thought moved slightly.

Surrounding Li Su, tens of thousands of insects made a piercing sound, and the body of the insect suddenly froze towards him as he came back madly. It lost its vitality and died on the spot without a sound.

It was not a Taoist magic power, just a simple thought, a word of death, and the army of insects that forced Xue Xue and others to break out in embarrassment was completely killed.

One hundred and eighty-eight thousand.

Still not enough?

After feeling the numbers that appeared above his head, Li Su's eyes moved. This level of difficulty is really not low. Considering the strength of Xue Xue and the others, it will also take a lot of time.

Raising his head, he looked into the depths, and without hesitation, his figure disappeared.

The deeper you go, the more bugs there are, and there are also some powerful individuals. Get a million first and see what happens.

However, it's really interesting.

Even if we talk about prehistoric monks, shouldn’t we be too underestimated? You actually have such an interesting talent?

Hopefully, don’t be scared to death.

Well, he was seen!

Many of the monks who came in seemed to have extremely powerful and special innate magical powers, which allowed them to conduct ultra-long-distance observation and capture.

He was discovered immediately.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Li Su didn't hide it in the first place. It is better to say that he exposed it deliberately. After all, it was a matter of time. Even if Taiyi couldn't find it, Da Luo would be exposed. Instead of being secretive, it was better to be more generous.

As for what to do if the outside world finds out?

Nothing to do!

When it was determined that the Ultimate Da Luo couldn't come in, Li Su didn't need to hide. He was not bragging in the Billion Dao Realm. Even if everyone from outside came in, it wouldn't be enough for him to fight.

Just kidding, as someone who has climbed all the way up with his head on the ceiling, he has never been afraid of anyone in the same realm.

As for the entry into the extreme Luosuo realm?

There is only one result, so hit it right!


Just when Li Su was quickly heading towards the depths.

the other side!

Li Chu's team.

A young girl suddenly opened her eyes, her delicate and pretty face covered with a look of fear.

Her pupils were wide open, as if they were about to pop out of them. She opened her mouth with all her strength and breathed incessantly and unwillingly. She tried her best to say something, but she could only say ha, ha, ha, The sound of ha.

That's not laughter, that's fear, it's screams, it's wailing.

She couldn't help but tremble all over. Her lower body was soaked immediately, and pimples appeared on her skin, which suddenly spread all over her body.

I was sweating profusely and wasted no money, my soul was shaking, my magical powers were having problems, and my Taoist mind couldn't hold on, as if it was about to collapse.

Fear, incredible fear, overwhelmed her, destroyed her, crowded her body and mind.

It was as if a pair of invisible hands were strangling his neck, like a drowning person. No matter how much he opened his mouth, he couldn't take even a breath.

Her behavior quickly alarmed everyone in the team.

Li Chu opened his eyes immediately, and when he saw the appearance of his team members, something bad immediately appeared on his face.

Without even taking the time to ask the other person what was wrong, Li Chu rushed in front of the other person, raised his hand and struck the person unconscious with a single palm strike.

"Senior sister, what's wrong with Xiaofei?"

Faced with this scene, more than ten people immediately gathered around, and one of them couldn't help but speak.

When Xiao Fei had something abnormal, they woke up immediately and saw each other's appearance. To be honest, it was scary. The other person's expression was really scary.

That face and reaction directly penetrated into everyone's hearts, making everyone tremble inexplicably, and a chill rushed into their hearts.


Li Chu frowned, a look of solemnity on his beautiful face. While knocking Xiao Fei unconscious, she also felt the other person's condition.

Very, very bad.

Just now, if she had slowed down her movements just a little bit, it would not have ended up like fainting, but everyone would have died.

As for the reason, it is also very simple.


To be honest, Li Chu was a little unbelievable when he came to this conclusion.

What is the so-called shock?

It is a situation that only mortals can experience, and it usually only happens to children. Because they saw some too scary situations, coupled with the instability of their own souls, they were frightened to the point of leaving the body. This is a shock.

But what is Xiaofei? It's Taiyi. Although her talent is mainly in observation, her magical power allows her to form celestial eyes and see everything within a million miles. But that was also Taiyi, and the soul should be extremely powerful.

A child's soul is compared to a bean dregs that falls apart when shaken.

The strength of Xiao Fei's soul is that of a diamond.

You have to see something so terrifying to be able to scare yourself like this.

"Senior sister, what should we do?" Everyone was surprised when they heard Li Chu's words. Obviously they didn't expect that the word "shock" could actually appear on people like them. However, no matter how unbelievable it is, it happened. .

And Xiao Fei reacted like this, which shows that there is some big terror around.

Although her detection range is a million miles away, it's so big that a mortal can definitely cover it in a lifetime, but is it big for Taiyi? It's not big at all, it's about the same size as your own backyard.

If it's the big terror, come closer.

"Don't panic!"

Li Chu spoke in a deep voice. Although she was anxious, she knew that she couldn't mess up now, or even move. It was already night, and the outside would only become more dangerous. After all, most bugs like darkness rather than light. , the chaos at this moment will only plunge everyone into a huge crisis.

If there is really something terrible, it may not necessarily be that they are really targeted.

Although the range of a million miles is not large, it is not small either. Among dozens of teams, the first one to be found may not necessarily be himself and others.

"We are not the only team entering here. Let's wait for any news."

"Everyone be quiet. Senior Brother Wu, please take a few people to observe the situation outside. Don't go out. Watch from all directions. Everyone else should get closer, take out their weapons, and be ready."

Of course, if you don’t move forward, you still need to be prepared.

Of course, it's not just Li Chu's team.

In fact, among the more than ten teams that entered, there were more or less monks who were good at observation.

Unlike individuals, teams generally focus on vision and lack one or two combat capabilities. It is far better to choose someone with powerful auxiliary functions than all warriors.

This is the experience summed up by predecessors, and it is also a bloody lesson learned time and time again.

So, the results speak for themselves.

There is no doubt that Li Chu is a qualified captain. He analyzed the pros and cons in an instant and suppressed everyone's panic.


Of course, that’s what she thought!

Not just their team, almost all of the more than ten teams that came in together were like this, and they were immediately awakened.

Seeing the assistant who had peed all over the floor and was helplessly knocked unconscious, all the leaders' faces were filled with solemnity and irritation for a moment.

It was really too scary what happened, especially the performance of my support staff, which was too scary. To be honest, the expression on his face was too scary.

They have also been practicing for thousands of years, and they can be considered people who have seen the world.

Fear, fear, these emotions are not unheard of.

After all, I don't know how many people have been killed. I don't have tens of thousands in my hands, but I have eight or nine thousand blood.

Even so, they had never seen such an expression before. Just how terrifying did they have to see to react like this?

Needless to say, these teams also include Li Su's team.

The person who was frightened was the little girl An Ran.

Although she knew that she had the magical power of wood and inherited the Jumang shaman ancestral tradition, she didn't expect that she could also use it for observation and turn the trees in the forest into her own eyes.

Fortunately, Li Su reacted quickly enough and discovered that the other party was not in the right mood. He immediately used the Sword of Evil and stabbed it directly into the opponent's heart. He used the Sword of Evil to forcefully suppress the overwhelming fear of the other party and successfully saved the other party before he was frightened to the point of peeing. .

Faced with Li Su's actions, everyone couldn't help but be surprised at first, and couldn't help but change their expressions. Yang Chao's face even changed at that time. He was so straight-tempered that he obviously couldn't hide his thoughts and shouted angrily.

"Pei Feng, what are you doing?"

Xue Xue and Zhao Yan couldn't help but change their expressions. You must know that An Ran and them are not only teammates, but also friends for thousands of years. Blood relatives may not have such a relationship.

Although their expressions were solemn, the two women did not move, mainly because they did not think that Pei Fengfeng had killed An Ran inexplicably.

Li Su sighed. To be honest, he didn't want to take action, but if he left this girl to carry it on her own, it was certain that her heart would be filled with dust. I'm afraid she would have to die in society for a long time.

If it was something else, that would be fine, but he was the cause. He couldn't really just watch it.

Yes, he did not cover up his aura, but only suppressed his realm. If someone really observed him and his realm was not enough, he would indeed be greatly impacted.

However, I didn’t expect that the stamina would be so great? This reaction was one that would scare him to death.

"An Ran's mood is wrong!"

Facing Li Su's words, everyone was startled, and their eyes finally focused on An Ran.

The opponent's reaction was undoubtedly terrible. Although his expression was much better than that of other teams, it was still extremely dangerous.

Not only that, they immediately discovered that although Li Su pierced An Ran with his sword, it was not a real sword, but the sword's intention, and it did not hurt her, but suppressed the fear in the other party's heart.

While Xue Xue and Zhao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, the emotions between the two women couldn't help but tighten.

An Ran's talent is not bad, and his strength is also strong. There is also this Mang Daotong. Although he is smaller than them and has not experienced many things, his soul strength is definitely not weak.

After all, what did An Ran see? That’s why he reacted like this! ! !

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