Chapter 1280 The Treasures Return

Half Saint?

True saint?

Everyone couldn't help but be startled. It was obvious that they were very unfamiliar with these two realms and it was the first time they had heard of them.

Li Su also took a slight breath. He knew that there were problems in the current saint realm.

After all, in the ancient times, there were only so many saints. It makes no sense that after the great destruction, when the vitality of the ancient times was greatly damaged, more saints appeared.

Moreover, although the performance of today's saints is powerful enough, compared with the ancient saints, the gap is really big. At least Li Su did not feel from them the power of the saints in the list of gods.

This gap is not just as simple as strength, but a deeper one.

To use an example to describe it, the saints from ancient times were actual chess players, while the entire ancient world was just a chessboard.

What is that concept?

Unless a situation like the great calamity of heaven and earth occurs that can disrupt all cause and effect, otherwise, they are omniscient and omnipotent!

And at any time, they have the ability to directly overturn expectations and make everything happen again.

Especially at the end of the Battle of the Gods, there was undoubtedly a real fight between the saints.

The results of it!

How would you describe being hit directly when using the Arcana in a fight?

He stumbled slightly and lost a lot of face.

Damn it!

Even if the energy is greatly damaged and the source has been consumed a lot now, no matter whether it is the Xinhuo flag or the Pangu flag, if Li Su dares to let them knock, it is not an injury that can be described, but his brain will be knocked out, and his soul will be shattered on the spot. the result of.

So, how terrifying is the Heavenly Saint?

The so-called treasure is actually the highest manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth, the supreme power of the ancient universe. As a result, it cannot even hurt the saints of heaven and earth.

Therefore, in terms of specifications, the difference between the modern Saint and the ancient Saint is not just a little bit, but like the other side of the ocean. You can't even see the taillights.

But, half saint? True saint?

"Uncle Master, what is a semi-saint? What is a true saint?"

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but show curiosity. Because Xinhuo Banner was severely damaged, his memory of ancient events was unclear, so there was basically no information in this area. Pangu Banner did know, but his level was too low at the time. Asking questions about the saint was undoubtedly too ambitious, so I didn't ask.

Now it just so happens that he has reached the billion-level Dao realm, and is only one step away from the ultimate Daluo, which is the world of formation.

Therefore, it is appropriate to ask now.

"The so-called semi-saints are the two guys over there who have completed the transformation of the Dao in their bodies and possess the true world status."

"At this level, you can basically break away from the shackles of the ancient world, jump out of the law, and not be in reincarnation."

"Entering this realm, all powers based on the ancient laws will lose their meaning. Unless there are existences with the same specifications, they will not be able to serve as opponents at all."

"As for the true saint, that is the complete body of the semi-saint. The self-world specifications have completely matured, and the whole has completely risen to another dimension. It is completely separated from the category of prehistoric creatures and completely independent."

"From then on, it can be considered complete in a complete sense. Life and death have become meaningless to it. Neither fate nor time can restrain it. In the true sense, it is free and free. comfortable."

"When thoughts arise, they arise; when thoughts cease, they cease!"

"Take the guy who was wiped out just now as an example. During the Great Destruction, it was actually severely damaged by its masters. Not only was its Taoism reduced, but its realm was also knocked down. Not only that, it was suppressed by us for millions of years together."

"However, even so, it is still not dead."

"Don't look at how easy it is to eliminate now. In fact, it is more than ten thousand times weaker than it was a million years ago, and the stalemate with us during these million years has also been greatly consumed. Otherwise, given your situation, it would still be impossible to kill him even in our heyday. "

"True Saint, based on your situation, there is no possibility of killing it in principle."

Following Pangu Banner's words, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. At this moment, even Wuxin Master and Jiutian Emperor, who had made a breakthrough, couldn't help but change their expressions.

Although he had already sensed the strength of the other party from the side, he never expected that the other party would be in such a situation at this moment.

Even though they are ten thousand times weaker, they still have this kind of power. If they were in their heyday, they wouldn't even be qualified to meet each other face to face. They would be burned to death by the aura erupted from a distance, right?

"Is it scary?" Pangu Ban looked at Li Su and said softly.

"Terrible!" Li Su nodded directly. Nonsense. Judging from Pangu Banner's description, he had no chance of meeting the true saint.

"Then, I want to tell you, is there such an evil spirit true saint in the prehistoric world today? And unlike the guy who was crippled by the master and the others, that true saint is almost a complete body?"

Master Wu Xin couldn't help but gasp, and his heart suddenly jumped to his throat.

A cripple who was about to die was suppressed by the Six Holy Treasures. It took them a month and countless energy to finally eliminate him.

Complete body?

It's just a joke! ! !

You know, they have not forgotten that Pangu Banner said at the beginning that Wuxin Master and Jiutian Emperor had just become semi-saints.

In the eyes of this group of people, this realm is exactly the saint level. It is on the same level as the saints of the great religions in the mythical world. They are semi-saints, so what about the saints of the great religions?

Naturally, he can only be a semi-saint!

Although the gap between Semi-Saint and True Saint doesn't seem big, one is just beginning and the other is complete.

But after they have practiced at their current age, they understand that this seemingly similar distance will definitely be a completely insurmountable distance, a gap between victory and defeat, life and death.

Li Su couldn't help but shrink slightly, "That's really scary!"

After all, he is only in the billion-level Dao realm, not even the Ultimate Great Luo. In the current situation, the tail of the Half-Saint has not been touched. There is actually a True Saint-level evil spirit lurking in the wilderness. In a sense, it is like a bolt from the blue. It's no different.

Pangu Ban stared at Li Su for a moment, and said with some surprise: "The reaction was much calmer than expected."


Li Su thought for a while, and indeed, although he was shocked, he was not afraid at all!

After all, the true saint is indeed terrifying, but when I think of the scene behind the door under the blood pool and the intestines of Saint Pangu, to be honest, for an ordinary person, it doesn’t really matter whether it is a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb. difference.

If that door is opened, is there any difference between it and the true saint appearing in front of him?

High or low means one death, and the outcome will not change much.

Thinking of this, Li Su said: "I'm mentally prepared. You should get used to it!"

"Are you ready?"

"Well, when I was in the Northern Territory, I was robbed and killed by people from the Demon Court and the Black Mountain Sect in a place surrounded by a blood pool, and finally fell into the depths of the blood pool."

"It seems to be related to the saint Pangu, and it was formed from a section of his intestines."

"At the end of that intestine, there is a very huge door, three thousand feet wide and ten thousand feet high."

"There's nothing wrong with the door, but behind that door, there are all evil spirits. At a glance, they are so densely packed that you can hardly see the end. I don't know if there are trillions or billions."

"I was scared to pee there once."

"Then, around the time of the Golden Core stage, by chance, I entered the Wuzhuang Temple, where I saw the scene of the ancient power, the Lord of the Earth Immortals, the Zhenyuan Immortal fighting the evil spirits, although it was only for a moment. , but there is no doubt that both the Immortal Zhenyuan and the evil spirits fighting against the Immortal Zhenyuan feel stronger than the great saints."

After scratching his head, Li Su paused and said, "So, Uncle Master, you are telling me that there is a perfect evil spirit saint. That's pretty much it, right?"

Following Li Su's words, Master Wu Xin and others' eyes were opened. Just hearing the news about the True Saint, their three souls were in turmoil and their seven souls were scattered. Unexpectedly, the little guy's experience was even more... fear.

Jin Dan has not only seen battles with beings stronger than saints, but he has also seen evil spirits that number in the trillions or billions blocked behind a gate? Although he didn't say his level at that time, it was obviously not high.

In fact, Wuxin Zhenren and the others had an impression of this matter.

The joint pursuit of the Demon Court and the Black Mountain Sect completely angered the Saints of the Human Sect and the Jie Sect, triggering a war between the four sects and leading to the subsequent series of events.

Remember that time, this little guy was just Taiyi, right?

To be honest, the scene described by the other party in a calm tone made them shudder when they thought about it.

Pangu Banner was slightly startled. He didn't know about Saint Pangu's intestines because it was isolated from all magic power. He did know about the ruins of Wuzhuang Temple, but he had forgotten about it.

After all, the one who followed Li Su at that time was its clone, and he was always here to suppress the damn evil spirit leader.

The original intention was to scare this little thing, to keep him alert enough, to continue working hard to improve, and not to relax just because he got them.

As treasures, they know their abilities very well, so they are afraid that Li Su will become dependent on them.

Undoubtedly, once they recover, Li Su will basically have no real worries about his life as long as he is in this primitive world.

Obviously, once there is no threat to something like a living thing, the desire for progress will plummet.

If this continues, there may be no problem in the prehistoric era, but once it goes beyond the prehistoric level, it will be another matter.

Now it seems that I have thought too much.

This little guy doesn't need them to scare him at all.

"So, Uncle Master, when will the True Saint be resurrected?" Taking a deep breath, Li Su couldn't help but scratch his head.

What is this called?

One wave has not subsided, but another wave has arisen.

The war between the mythical world and the alien race has not yet been resolved, and the True Saint is so big that he is pressed down again, so when can he hug his wife and heat the kang? Instead of worrying about life threats all day long?

Pangu Banner was startled for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Let's wait until you become a Half-Saint."

When Li Su heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, so he said that he hated the Riddler the most.

Isn’t it tempting to say half-spoken words?

On the side, Master Wu Xin couldn't help but twitch his mouth. When they heard the true saint, they were undoubtedly extremely anxious, but the other party didn't say anything. Isn't this a desperate person?

However, they did not ask immediately. After all, their identities were different from Li Su, who had the inheritance of an orthodox saint and was a closed disciple. Even though Master Wuxin was already a semi-saint, his identity was far from that of a treasure like Pangu Banner.

Not only that, as the realm breaks through, both Master Wuxin and Jiutian Emperor can feel that unlike the most precious fire flag, the power of these precious treasures, Pangu Banner, is truly terrifying.

Even if they are damaged, you can still feel the immense power inside the six treasures. Maybe it is not easy for them to suppress the evil spirit leader, but if they are replaced by half-saints, it is another matter.

Obviously, it is a serious mistake to use the Fire Flag to measure treasures like the Pangu Banner.

Li Su rubbed his eyebrows, quickly sorted out his emotions, lowered his head and said softly: "Okay, at least for the next few decades, no, I don't have to worry about it for a hundred years."

"In this way, at least we can resolve the issues concerning the mythical world and alien races first."

As Li Su finished speaking, Master Wuxin and others were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at the little guy who said this.

Obviously, he seemed to be just talking to himself at this moment, subconsciously expressing his thoughts.

Involuntarily looking at each other, everyone wanted to say something, but when the words came to their lips, they couldn't utter a single word.

To be honest, as a ultimate great Luo, as a semi-saint.

Li Su is undoubtedly the weakest person in the game, but there is no doubt that he is also the core of the game.

Not only are they the strong ones who unknowingly regard him as the center, but even the most powerful treasures of the ancient saints also take him as the center as a matter of course.

Not only that, the other party said that there would be no need to worry for at least decades or hundreds of years, as if he would be able to break through after this time. To be honest, if it were anyone else, everyone present would not be able to help but ridicule him. The other party does not know how high the sky is.

That was the semi-saint realm, a realm that had blocked Master Wu Xin for hundreds of thousands of years.

But as soon as I think about it, this little guy in front of me took just over a hundred years to go from Golden Core to the One Billion Dao Realm and reached perfection at such a terrifying speed.

It seems that after more than a hundred years, it seems that it has been given a lot of face?

Especially Master Wu Xin and Jiutian Emperor knew that this little guy had a lot of luck in him. Especially this time, of the 40% allocated to them, a full 10% was absorbed by this little guy.

In other words, although he is still in the billion-level realm, in fact, the other party is only one step away from being a semi-saint.

Looking at the treasures around him, every Tao Fruit under it is undoubtedly the highest Tao Fruit that can achieve the world.

A hundred years and a half saint may be an unreachable distance for others. For this little guy in front of me, it cannot be said to be as simple as eating and drinking, but it is just determining the path.

Not only that, the little guy's strength is obviously much worse than that of himself and others.

But looking at him, they felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind. The true saint was indeed terrifying. Even if they were replaced by a saint from a great religion, it would probably be extremely difficult, but this little guy gave them a feeling of being able to go straight to the bridge.

Faced with this idea that could already be said to be absurd, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

This guy is very important!

Not to them, not to the mythical world, but to the entire prehistoric world, he is the real wedge!

He is someone who can lead this chaotic and unclear era to light and hope.

Taking a deep breath, he explained the ultimate Da Luo, the ultimate Da Luo from the ghost gate, and the ultimate Da Luo from the Buddhist gate. He couldn't help but have his eyes twinkling. After he got out, he reported it immediately.

‘This son possesses the supreme Taoist lineage of our sect, and has the most precious treasure of our sect to follow him. He should be our sect’s Taoist son and heir to the great lineage! ! ! ’

Master Wu Xin, Shen Zun, and Nian Zun suddenly became excited and couldn't help turning their heads to look at the guys beside them. When they looked at their flickering eyes, they couldn't help but feel a little thump in their hearts.

Oops, I forgot about this!

"Now that I've finished talking, that's it. I'm so sleepy."

After confirming that Li Su would not be careless just because he got them, he spoke lazily about the treasure floating on the Life Path Fruit, the treasure from Nuwa Empress.

"Little guy, just call me Sister Tutu. Please give me more advice in the future."

After the words fell, Jiangshan Sheji Tu went directly into the Life Path Fruit, and then the Life Path Fruit somersaulted into a stream of light and rushed into Li Su's eyebrows, returning to his path.

"Boy, just call me Brother Qing!"

The one who spoke was the Qingping Sword, with a little childish sound, it plunged into the Shangqing Dao Fruit and returned to Li Su Avenue.

"Tai Chi." The young man's voice was gentle and unconcerned.

"Golden lotus." The old man has gone through many vicissitudes of life, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

"Seven treasures." In middle age, the sound of Buddha fills the air.

Finally, Pangu Banner said, "Just continue to call me Master Gu."

After all, it also fell into the supreme Taoist fruit of Yuqing and returned to the origin of Li Su's Taoism.

Six treasures in a row all entered the river. Even Li Su couldn't help being shocked, feeling as if he had eaten too much and was holding on.

However, because of their entry, the avenue couldn't help but rumble. The extremely majestic long river seemed to have gained an incomparable mass. It was clear that the realm and strength had not improved at all, but the nature of the power was significantly heavier than before. seven times.

Unable to bear it, Li Su stumbled. Li Su almost fell flat on his face, and it took him a while to regain his balance.

Although he has already held the treasure, it is obvious that compared to the starting fire flag and the Pangu flag, their quality is extremely scary. Even if it is said that it can bear a billion Dao realm, it is still a bit heavy.

It is indeed a complete treasure, the quality is simply terrible.

Seeing the changes in Li Su, Master Wu Xin and others were also surprised. It was obvious that compared to before, the opponent's quality at this moment had obviously improved to an extremely terrifying level, especially Extreme Da Luo, who even felt the huge Threatened.


Compared to the Fire Flag, the Saint's Treasure is much more terrifying! ! !

"Asshole, what rude things are you thinking about?"

At this moment, Xinhuo Qi, who was still outside, suddenly seemed to feel something. He turned his gun head and pointed it directly at Master Wu Xin and the others, and spoke extremely unhappily.

Master Wu Xin and the others were startled. As a half-saint, they would naturally not express their thoughts directly, but they did not expect that they would be felt by the other party.

"No!" Although he thought about it, the next second he shook his head and denied without hesitation: "How could it be?"

"No, you thought about it!"

The Xinhuo Banner was very determined and furious, and the flames almost sprayed onto the noses of Master Wuxin and the others in an instant, "You guys must be thinking, why is there such a big gap between the Tangtang Treasure and the Pangu Flags?

right? "

Master Wu Xin and others couldn't help but look stunned. After all, it was very specific and basically the same as what they had in mind.

Is the treasure so magical? You must know that with the strength of a few of them, even the weakest Eighth Generation Daluo, what thoughts are in his heart, as long as he is not willing, it is impossible for the outside world to detect it.

"Ahhh, damn guy!"

Suddenly, Xin Huoqi turned his gun, looked at Li Su, and said in a faint tone: "Boy, you don't think so too, do you?"

Li Su was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Xin Huoqi's spearhead to be suddenly pointed at him, but he understood in the next second that the other party was having fun.

After all, compared to the Six Sacred Treasures, the Xinhuo Flag, as the most humane treasure, currently performs significantly differently.

"How could it be? You are the most precious treasure of humanity, the Flame Fire Flag, and you use humanity as the fuel. Apart from anything else, in ancient times, one of the first targets of evil spirits' destruction was you, isn't it?"

"Why? Because I know how powerful you are!"

"The reason why you are like this now is because you are being targeted, and because the prehistoric humanity has not converged on you at present. When you leave here and let humanity gather, your glory will definitely shine again!!!"

Instantly understanding what Xin Huoqi meant, Li Su immediately and sincerely praised him without hesitation.

Listening to Li Su's words, Xin Huoqi smiled directly, glanced at Master Wu Xin and the others, and rushed into Li Su's body without hesitation, returning to its path.

Before leaving, he did not forget to mock: "You deserve it for not getting the treasure!"

Seeing the disappearing Xinhuo flag, Master Wuxin looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

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