Chapter 1281 No one can stop it

"Where has Senior Brother gone at this point in time?"

"The war may start at any time, if the aliens know that the six Ultimate Da Luo are not here!"

"Also, the saint actually agreed to take the person away at this juncture."

"Although you can use one qi to transform into three clears, you can disguise yourself, but once there is a real fight, you will be exposed in an instant."

"No, I can't think about it anymore."

"After thinking about it like this, I have a problem with my state of mind. No matter what, the mistake can't be on my side."

"Drink some tea and take your time!"


Picking up the white jade cup with a capacity of only about one tael, Master Wuwo tasted it elegantly.

One bite, two bites.

There was only about one tael in the cup, but he divided it into five servings before he drank it all.

Putting down the teacup, he took the teapot from the side and put it in front of him. He stretched out his hand and saw a crystal clear plant on the side. It was surrounded by strange light and exuded a seven-color halo. It was less than a foot tall, but it grew ruggedly and winding, vigorous and ancient. I picked three leaves from the tree.

Each of these leaves is no longer than nine millimeters long and no more than five millimeters wide, which exactly corresponds to the number ninety-five.

At the same time, the stripes on the leaves are also very unique. They have the veins of heaven and earth, the tracks of mountains and rivers, and their patterns resemble scenery and pregnancy pathways.

He stretched out his hand to cut the water from Jiutian, and used it to make a slow fire. He boiled it three times and cooled it three times until the leaves were completely absorbed by the water and turned green. Then he introduced the tea into the teapot.

As soon as the lid was placed on the teapot, there was an immediate vibration. It was time, and it was stopped.

Keep this tea directly at the moment of formation.

After a while, after he had finished savoring the tea he had just drank, Immortal Selfless Master raised the teapot and filled a cup.

Judging from the measurement, a pot of tea should be able to be poured almost nine times.

Nine cups, five sips.

It’s the number ninety-five again!

Simply drinking tea, at this moment, under the actions of Wuwo Master, it is really, really arrogant! ! !

Five extreme Daluo, ten billion Dao realms, three billion Dao realms, nearly one hundred million Dao realms, and countless foreign warriors stood opposite the real person who was far away from me.

At this moment, there was only a small river less than a hundred feet wide between the two sides.

The military formation has been set up, the weapons have been drawn out of the body, the blades are sharpened, and the spears are shining coldly.

The heaven, which is rich in spiritual energy and is dozens of times more than the ancient land, is now oppressive and dull. The air is filled with an atmosphere called killing, and the white clouds are rendered into pitch black.

This huge army naturally has a leader.

Located on top of the cloud where the military formation is located.

Those are the thirty-six alien races, the upper heavenly races!

Close to the saints and heavenly beings, red.

The five major powers of the foreign race are heaven, earth, si, god, and destiny.

The Celestial Clan is the one among the five tribes whose life form is closest to that of immortals. They are proficient in all laws and can control all elements.

And that Chi is the Immortal of Fire.

Although he is said to be an element of the Five Elements, don't underestimate him. His fire is very terrifying.

It was the fire element that merged with all the worlds, and finally formed the fairy fire, which can burn almost all materials.

Among the alien near-sage levels, in terms of destructive power, almost no one can surpass him. Even a saint will be injured when facing Chi's attack, which is extremely powerful.

Facing such a strong man, under normal circumstances, let alone facing it calmly, being able to avoid being frightened to pieces can be said to be courageous.

But it happened to be on the other side of the river.

One of the Sansu of the Human Cult in the Mythical Realm, Master Wuwo came alone. He sat alone on the opposite side of the river, facing the alien saints and the alien army, and drank tea leisurely.

Does this guy know what the situation is now?

The war is really about to break out.

It can be said that it is not surprising at all that they would start fighting in the next second.

It is really unimaginable that the other party can be so comfortable and leisurely when he is alone, without even a helper.

Moreover, what surprised the aliens the most was that although their leader did not make any move, he could approach the huge army formation composed of millions of troops. It can be said that the pressure never stopped for a moment, but it had already reached the level of a weaker army. Luo was about to be ground to pieces, but after dozens of days, the other party was right there, drinking tea in peace.

The pressure formed by the military formation, let alone affecting the opponent, could not even have any impact on the clouds on the other side across the river. The pressure formed by the military formation seemed to fall into an endless wilderness, which could not be filled or contained.

It was clear that Chi, the near-sage heavenly being, was on our side, and there were millions of foreign troops, but he didn't know what he was doing, and instead felt uneasy.

Compared to an army of millions, Near Saint Heavenly Man Chi is sitting on a throne on top of the clouds.

The right side of his face was resting on his fist, his eyes were half-closed, and he was dozing off.

He seemed completely indifferent to the situation in the military formation under his command, and had no intention of paying attention to it. He just waited quietly.

The army, in fact, meant nothing to a being of his level.

Once the war starts, the battle will only be between him and the other party. The people below, even the five ultimate heroes, will have no chance to participate.

In fact, this group of people just waited for the two of them to start fighting, and then killed them directly across the river and headed straight to the hinterland of the mythical world.

Of course, the pressure of the military formation cannot be said to be completely meaningless.

It is obviously unrealistic and impossible to directly create a flaw. In fact, their level is only half a step away from the realm of saints.

However, even if it is impossible to defeat the opponent, the consumption still exists.

For beings like them who are almost equal, the outcome of a battle cannot be determined in a short while. It will 100% lead to a protracted battle.

Therefore, even though it is just a small consumption, in the end it may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

The opponent obviously knew this very well, but he couldn't produce equivalent combat power.

However, it took longer than expected!

When will that omen appear?

I thought there would be a direct war soon after that, but at this juncture, something happened on the Ming clan's side.

He took the initiative beyond expectations.

Of course, the rest of the people also welcome this. After all, the Ming clan's own combat power is extremely amazing, not to mention that their clan's abilities are very special. When it comes to destiny, with their active participation, the losses on the alien side will undoubtedly be reduced to an astonishing level. the height of.

But then, the Ming clan said that the time was not right. The consequences of taking action now, not to mention the mythical world, would be very heavy losses for the alien clan.

Therefore, you need to wait for a sign to appear!

Obviously, the opponent predicted in advance and discovered what was going on, so he took the initiative to end the game.

Originally, the aliens had different attitudes towards this. After all, God knows when the signs will appear? If it never shows up, will it continue to be delayed like this?

I didn't care before. That's because although there are many human races in the mythical world, it is very troublesome to cultivate strong people and cannot be compared with foreign races.

It's different now. They have obtained a strange object called a light-spraying insect, which can directly raise the life level of human beings.

This is undoubtedly an unacceptable result for foreigners.

Although at the level of near-sage and saint, quantity no longer means much.

However, don't forget the situation of the great religions in the mythical world. They have thaumaturgy that is similar to that of the aliens, and more complete. No, it should be said that the thaumaturgy of the aliens actually evolved from that thaumaturgy.

That is, formation!

Although today's foreign races have long since severed ties with the ancient times, some information has still been passed down.

Dutian Shensha Formation!

Zhoutian star battle array!

The Immortal-killing Formation!

The first two are directly comparable to the ancient Heavenly Saints, and the latter one requires four Heavenly Saints, and they are all Heavenly Saints, to be defeated at the same time.

Although today’s great religions in the world of mythology cannot put up such a grand formation, what about the future?

As long as there is a hint of possibility, as time goes by, a hint of possibility will sooner or later become inevitable.

And this is exactly what the alien race cannot accept.

The Grand Sect of the Mythical World has a top-level formation, and the Great Sect of the Mythical World has the manpower to form a top-level formation.

The former can be tolerated, but the latter is completely unacceptable.

Therefore, for the survival of the alien race and the safety of the saints themselves, this battle must be fought. Even if there are sacrifices, some saints will die.

After all, if you don’t fight, it means slow death!

However, fortunately, although the Ming clan is not sure when the sign will appear, it will not take long and it will definitely happen within a hundred days.

Now more than half of the hundred days have passed.

Although there is a situation where one day in the sky and one year on the earth exist, even if there are a hundred days in the sky, it will only last a hundred years on the earth.

Although the light-spraying insects can increase the life height of human beings in the mythical world, how many can they have in a mere hundred years? And the most important thing is that it only lasts for a hundred years. Even if the life height is improved, it is not enough to breed a large number of strong people.

This kind of confrontation doesn't end here.

In front of Master Wu Yu, the same army was prepared, and the same Heavenly Clan's Near Saint, Lan!

It was the Immortal of Mountains and Winds, another ultimate power that had also been cultivated to an unimaginable height.

Then there are the earth tribe, the god tribe, the pseudo tribe, and even the life tribe.

Today's Heavenly Court and the Mythical Realm are basically completely surrounded by alien races, with a huge army of more than ten million gathered on the side.

Either stand across the river, confront the enemy on the plains, or attack the army on the hills.

Regardless of the mythological world or the foreign races, almost everyone is nervous.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that if the near saints were not present to suppress it, the war would have already happened and staged.

In fact, both sides are standing on the edge of the abyss. One step forward will lead to destruction.

"Damn it, what are the aliens waiting for?"

At the moment when the war between the two clans was about to break out, some people looked anxious, some frowned, and their eyes flickered.

There is no doubt that they are all surprisingly consistent, constantly looking at the battlefield and feeling the movement.


For people with anxious expressions, this moment has undoubtedly been waited for a long, long time.

As the alien race was dispatched, if the atmosphere was not unprecedentedly tense and they could not act too abnormally, they might not be able to help but cheer.

no way!

There are no more seats in the ancient world, and the saints' seats have been taken up by the old people.

If you want to break that damn blockade, if you want to become a saint, if you want to not be stuck at this damn near-saint level, and if you want to pursue that dreamed realm, the only way is to die of the old saint.

Is it dangerous?


does it worth?


It's not that they don't have determination, and it's not that they can't wait. To be able to reach this level and reach this point, their will has already been comparable to diamonds.

But after tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years of endless waiting, even diamonds have been ground into pieces.

Most importantly, they have absolutely no hope!

After all, saints will not die easily. In fact, unless an endless battle breaks out between two saints, they will basically not die!

On the contrary, the ultimate great Luo, even if he is a near-sage, actually has an end to his lifespan, it just takes a long, long time.

Is this waiting?

this is not!

This is waiting to die!

In fact, let alone themselves, they are the guys who don’t want to fight. Do they really don’t want to fight deep down in their hearts?


This is the ultimate pursuit of those seeking Taoism. It is the only flame after having long been indifferent to ninety-nine percent of life's emotions.

That kind of emotion cannot be understood by ordinary people.

Therefore, even if you die because of this, it is better to die seeking the truth than waiting to die in despair!

For those with furrowed brows and twinkling eyes, it was puzzling.

"What's going on? It's been dozens of days. Could it be that the saint from the alien race has changed his mind?"

Among the alien army, in a less conspicuous position, two old acquaintances of Li Su, Heitianzun, one of the three deities of the Black Mountain Sect, looked beside him, and King Diming, one of the four kings of the Demon Court, couldn't help but pass on the soul. sound.

At this moment, they led the demon clan and the Black Mountain cultists respectively to wait for the war to begin.

"I don't know, but I heard that when we were preparing to start a war, the most mysterious clan of aliens, the saint of the Ming clan, appeared."

King Diming shook his head, his expression unchanged, "It is said that there are some signs that are about to appear. Before that, it is not easy to start a war!"

"Ming clan?" Hei Tianzun's expression moved slightly.

After betraying the mythical world and joining the alien race, he naturally got a lot of news.

Among them, there is one about the Ming clan.

There is no doubt that among the five upper-level races, the Ming clan has the smallest number of people, and their combat effectiveness is also unclear. They rarely participate in foreign affairs, and you can't find them most of the time.

But its status among foreign races is, in fact, very high.

Mainly related to their talent, it is said that they can observe the trajectory of fate and perceive the future scene.

In fact, the Celestial Clan, the Earth Clan, the God Clan, and the Pseudo Clan all had some problems during their development, and the one who helped them solve them was the Ming Clan. Therefore, as long as the Ming Clan's suggestions are made, even foreign saints will give priority to them, and if possible, proceed according to the Ming Clan's requirements.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture when the war was about to begin, there was sudden movement.

However, it's not surprising when you think about it. After all, this war undoubtedly involves the fate of the entire alien race, and even the fate of the saints. As one of the clan members, they will naturally find ways to spy on the fate.

Thinking of this, Hei Tianzun couldn't help but said: "Does that mean that if the signs never appear, then this war will not be fought?"

"That's not true!" King Diming shook his head, "It's time-limited."

"And since this is the case, do you think there is still a possibility of retreat between the two races, especially the alien race?"

"The emergence of the light-spraying bug has actually completely cut off the retreat between the two sides. The only way out is to fight to the death."

"Just as it is impossible for foreign races to allow the growth of the human race in the mythical world, it is absolutely impossible for the mythical world to give up the light-spraying bugs to increase the strength of the human race."

"They all involve fundamental interests."

After Heitianzun thought about it for a while, he nodded immediately. Indeed, when the matter has reached this point, there is no way to reverse it.

Although he said it wouldn't take long, Hei Tianzun still couldn't help but said: "It's a pity, because he directly mobilized the army and used the near saint to suppress the formation, otherwise, it would be better!"

Upon hearing this, King Diming couldn't help but glance at the other party, and said without hesitation: "Heitianzun, please don't mess around. If you want to die, stay away from me!"

Under this current situation, as the third force, those who look forward to the battle between the mythical world and the alien races, if they still dare to take the lead.

King Diming didn't know if a fight would begin immediately, but they would definitely be the first to die!

After all, almost no one in the entire battlefield can guarantee that they will definitely survive. At this juncture, if you are acting like a monster and looking like you are going to fight and die, I am afraid that you don’t need to wait for the mythical world to come to you. The number one alien race is there. He won't let them go.

After all, this waiting was a request made by the Ming Clan, the most mysterious alien race. In fact, even this formation was directly arranged by the Ming Clan.

In a sense, the opportunity for a third party to intervene in Gonghuo has been eliminated. When the war starts, the person who can decide can only be the top leaders of the two races, or the saints of the alien race.

Hei Tianzun shrugged his shoulders, "What else can you do now? There is nothing you can do at all."

Making a fuss? Just kidding, the alien sage is not far away, not to mention the Black Mountain Sect and Demon Court themselves are very conspicuous, even the people from the mythical world can't do it.

After all, the army from the mythical world did not come over. They were directly guarding the hinterland, which meant that there was no chance at all.

King Diming thought for a while, and after confirming that there was indeed nothing Hei Tianzun could do, he said: "Wait, no matter what the signs are, no one can stop this war!"


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