Chapter 1287 Intelligence

What is fate?

First, let's talk about fate!

Life from birth to death is the so-called fate, which is destined, because no matter what happens in the meantime, the result of birth to death will basically not change.

For example, matter will exist, and by the same token, it will disappear.

The situation is similar to a drink and a bite, there is a beginning and an end, but it is basically destined.

This is fate.

Luck is just the opposite, it always changes and will not remain fixed.

This is just like daily life. No matter how you keep the same rhythm, the details will definitely not be exactly the same. In this case, even a stone in nature will definitely not be able to experience exactly the same day.

From this, it can be seen that fate and luck are actually contradictory.

Similar to change and immutability, they are intertwined together.

So people often say that fate is impermanent and constantly changing, just because of this reason.

For example, a person died.

How he died is actually just a process, and the result has not changed.

For example, the wind met a tree and ended early.

The end is an inevitable result, but the encounter with the tree leading to the early result is also just a process.

Obviously, for most existential substances, the process is higher than the result, so a person who dies suddenly will be said to have bad luck, and a person who dies of old age will be said to be blessed.

Therefore, fate is actually a very subjective existence.

Continuously comprehending and feeling, as he mastered more and more power of fate, Li Su gradually began to have some "own" understanding of fate.

How to describe this understanding?

Interesting and boring.

Interestingly, even if it is destined, the process has never been repeated, no matter how similar, but it is different.

Boring is also boring, because all changes are inseparable, no matter how they change, in fact, the result will basically not change, and it will always go towards the unchanged result.

Of course, there are some wonderful parts in this.

That is, when the changes in luck are piled up to a sufficient extent, it can have a certain impact on the unchanged fate, and even change it.

In other words, even if it is said to be unchanged, it is only basically unchanged, not absolutely unchanged.

This feeling is a bit similar to the Great Derivation of Fifty, escaping one, which is very fresh.

And with his understanding, the power of destiny in the long river in his body also began to change.

No longer entangled in various ways of destiny, but evolved into lines, watching these lines intertwined in disorder, accompanied by collisions and changes again and again.

For this situation, Li Su did not control or try to manage it, but just kept watching and let them develop on their own.

Of course, this was not smooth.

In fact, after the power of destiny changed into this form, it had been broken and ended countless times.

However, fortunately, the largest framework was not destroyed. After it was completely destroyed, it only needed to be guided a little, pulled up a line, and it would start again.

Don't say, as he began to comprehend the power of destiny in this way, he clearly felt that the power of destiny in the long river was growing and becoming stronger.

Of course, although the power of destiny is indeed growing, it is not without depression.

That is, this power is really difficult to be part of the "power".

The specifications are undoubtedly very high. At least in terms of light changes, even the Supreme Saint cannot compare.

After all, the saints are supreme, very strong, and almost infinite.

The way of destiny is different, it is essentially infinite.

Even if the collision between several lines can produce unimaginable changes, when this number is constantly superimposed, the changes can only be described as infinite.

Even though the power of destiny formed in his body at this moment was clearly understood by himself, in fact, he himself did not know how many changes were formed.

It’s not that he can’t understand it, but it is constantly increasing every minute and every second, every moment.

In the face of this increase, it is obvious that even if Li Su turns all his 6 billion supreme cells of life into brains, it is not enough.

After all, how can infinite existence be recorded with limited things?

Not only that, as the power of destiny continues to expand, Li Su also encountered a problem.

That is, this thing has a really high requirement for luck.

Not only was the luck that he finally got before swallowed up by it, but also most of the luck that he got when he killed with Wuxin Zhenren at the beginning was absorbed by it.

However, even with so much luck entering, it was still like a bottomless pit, with no sign of stopping.

On the contrary, because of the large amount of his luck being absorbed, the growth rate of the power of destiny itself began to decline, and the expansion rate was slowing down.

Although the internal part was still changing, the volume itself did not grow.

With such a sign, it was obvious that the growth of this power required a large amount of luck.

Facing this result, Li Su was undoubtedly quite troubled.

After all, he had a lot of luck, but it was obvious that with the current strength of the power of destiny, it was estimated that it had just reached the level of a celestial immortal, not even a true immortal.

If this continues, when will he be able to unleash the power of destiny as large as Da Luo? Or how many evil spirits must be killed to be close to saints or even true saints?

Not only that, the most terrifying thing is that the luck swallowed up by this thing is equivalent to being consumed by Li Su.

If he hadn't discovered it in time and not allowed it to absorb his luck to an unlimited extent, I really don't know what terrible things would have happened.

For monks, luck is very important.

For example, in the past two days, he had lost his temper several times without any warning.

If his Saint Supreme was not stable enough and his foundation was strong enough, he would probably have gone crazy on the spot.

That is to say, he reacted quickly enough, and after realizing that something was wrong, he immediately stopped the power of destiny from absorbing his luck. Otherwise, if he continued like this, I really don't know what the result would be.

Even so, Li Su has been unlucky in the past two days. He has suffered from things like making mistakes in his performance, causing cramps in his toes, trigeminal nerve pain in his soul, Qingping Sword almost cutting off his Dao Fruit, and so on.

Among them, the trigeminal neuralgia that appeared in his soul was really unforgettable to him, and his face was directly painful and swollen.

You must know that he is the supreme owner of flesh and blood, and every cell is a living being that can walk on its own. As a result, the painful reaction in his soul directly caused the facial muscles to become inflamed for several hours.

Faced with this result, I can't say it's a ghost. I can only say it's a hell.

Fortunately, Li Su still had an evil spirit in his hand that he had not dealt with. Without saying a word, he directly connected to the Xuanhuang Tower. With the help of the Saint's Seat, he directly injected the power of the near saint into the Xuanhuang Tower to help it strangle the one suppressed by it. evil spirits.

After completely eradicating its part, Li Su finally got rid of the unlucky situation of drinking cold water.

Nowadays, although the physical problems have been recovered, the sequelae still remain.

His face became very stiff, like a piece of iron.

That was the aftermath of trigeminal neuralgia in the soul. After it was fed back to the body, it was actually written directly into his genes. It will take a lot of time to completely reverse it.

Facing this result, Li Su was undoubtedly very scared. Fortunately, he was in the Sage's Seat and had not gone out recently. Otherwise, he really didn't know what the result would be.

No wonder the Avenue of Destiny, in the entire prehistoric period, even the saints did not practice it.

I am in the billion-dollar Dao realm, but I have just started. I have been like this even with a lot of luck. If it were someone else, I might not be able to pass it in the first seven days?

Moreover, the rewards for such a dangerous thing are not obvious. At least compared to the immortal period, the supreme power of the Seven Saints is far from comparable to the half-hearted way of destiny in his body, not even a little bit different.

You should hurry up when entering the world fragments. It is too dangerous to figure out the way of destiny alone.

Exhaling a breath, Li Su stopped observing the Path of Destiny. Unable to swallow the luck, the growth rate of the Path of Destiny dropped too much. Although the change was still the same, the amplitude was already very low.

There is no need to keep an eye on it all the time, just pay attention to the end.

After all, after it was destroyed, he had to rebuild it.

You can take most of your attention away and focus on finding people.

Although he didn't practice for long, only about ten days, he collected a lot of information.

Although the time here in the temple is one day, it is completely different in the three worlds of the mythical world.

The first is the mortal world, which is the world with the most ordinary people.

A day there is the same as on earth. It belongs to a day in heaven and a year on earth.

Then there is the second world where the foundation-building elixir is the main one. It is one day in the sky and almost a month there.

Only the top world is exactly the same.

Not to mention the mortal world, the creatures from Xia Kingdom are basically monks and will not stay there.

Ten days have passed since the top level was reached, and there is not much information.

The key point is undoubtedly the golden elixir foundation building. Ten days means that a full ten months have passed there.

After so much time, the information Li Suneng could collect was naturally very large.

After all, that's hundreds of millions of people.

Also, Li Su's information collection is not just about timely information, he can also collect past information.

The message left by the soul undoubtedly lasts much longer than the message in words.

In terms of his current state, capturing the content of the last six months or so is not a big problem.

Although Teacher Yiren is strong enough to enter the third level world, more people will undoubtedly stay there.

After finding them, naturally, we can also find the teacher and the others.

I have to say, the amount of information is huge.

After all, there are hundreds of millions of people, and this number is actually increasing by tens of millions every day.

It can be said that the breakthrough of one billion will only take a few days.

It has to be said that the effect of light-spraying insects on the human race is really great. One billion foundations can definitely be said to be a height that has never been reached in the mythical world.

In the previous great sect era, at most one great sect could only build a foundation of tens of millions, and the total amount could only reach hundreds of millions.

How long has it been now?

It immediately exceeded one billion, which increased tenfold.

In fact, the upper limit of the human race is far from being reached. First of all, the light-spraying bugs are limited. Although there are trillions of people, there is no way to use them all.

The second thing is that if a mortal eats a light-spraying bug, he or she will not immediately become a Foundation Establishment, or give birth to a Foundation Establishment.

But it will take one or two generations.

Take female childbirth as an example. If you can give birth at fifteen years, it will only take thirty years to give birth to a child who is born with a foundation.

It's a pity that the population of human monks has exploded, and there is a high probability that it will not reach its peak.

Even if the emergence of the new saint makes it possible to stop the war, the aliens may not make any concessions in this regard.

As for the mythical world, there is a high probability that they will make concessions.

After all, the scale of the human race is too large. If they are allowed to explode their troops without limit, not to mention the alien races, even the ancient world itself would probably be unable to bear it.

Although for now, Honghuang's spiritual energy is abundant, and he looks like he can't use it all up.

But if the monk population were to increase to billions, tens of billions, or hundreds of billions, the result would still be terrifying to think about.

However, there are quite a few bugs.

Although he had a hunch that there should be a lot of traitors in the mythical world, after collecting the information, Li Su was still shocked when he told the truth.

Based on the information he intercepted, the number of traitors currently imprisoned in the Saint's Seat Prison is actually less than one-tenth?

In other words, the number of fund-building elixirs actually reached the incredible level of one million people?

You know, in today's mythical world, the golden elixir foundation building is almost close to one billion.

But those are all new additions, and the original scale is actually less than 100 million.

Among 100 million people, there are millions of traitors?

Doesn't it mean that the proportion is as high as one percent? One out of a hundred people is a traitor? Damn, no wonder the mythical world is like a sieve. At the beginning, it was almost destroyed by the aliens.

It's a shame that the high-end combat power in the spiritual world is individuals rather than groups. Otherwise, if it were a war between mortals, everyone in the mythical world would have been killed long ago.

Under this comparison, according to the proportions of modern armies, let alone the platoon level, the battalion level and above are nothing.

However, the method is really special.

He actually directly manipulates the soul, and this method should be used by evil spirits.

No wonder there were so many bugs, but the Supervision Department of Shengsi Palace only caught less than one-tenth.

Modularize the soul and change the evil nature as filler.

It is worthy of being a life form fed by soul emotions, and its power is really special. Although Li Su can see this method, if he wants to imitate it, even if he has the soul supreme, it will be difficult for a while.

It's not that it can't be done, it's mainly because it involves a lot of depth and requires a lot of experiments first.

Looking at the situation of this group of people, Li Su quickly shook his head.

Sure enough, as long as you are a traitor, there will be no good end.

Although there seems to be no problem with this kind of behavior, how can it actually be without problem? As time goes by, not to mention other things, just the seemingly normal modules that are formed with evil nature and inserted into their souls to replace them have huge problems in themselves. They will completely penetrate into their souls, almost unknowingly. In the blink of an eye, he completed complete control of his soul.

There is no need to become evil anymore. The depths of their souls have already changed. With just one thought, these people will immediately become half-evil puppets and lose all their selves.

I don’t know what these people are trying to do. For monks, the most important thing is undoubtedly their soul.

This thing, once someone manipulates it, will not end well. It is the result of being unable to control life and death. It is basically a consensus that all monks should have.

However, compared to the second floor, the third floor where immortals and above live is a big problem.

In terms of Ultimate Daluo, there are actually three.

The only good thing is that there are no great sects here, they are basically from higher-ranking sects.

Then there are the billions of realms, not only the upper sects, but also people from the great sects.

Moreover, all seven major religions have it.

Not only that, this even involved the descendant of the Holy Saint. He couldn't help but rub his eyebrows. This information was undoubtedly a bit explosive.

Forget it, never mind.

"Let seniors and others have a headache."

Soon, Li Su shook his head and began to sort out the collected information, and then handed it over to the deity for processing.

Just as Li Su was processing the information, his eyes suddenly condensed slightly, and he couldn't help but look at one of the pieces of information he had collected.

The next second, his expression changed immediately, and murderous intent began to appear in his gentle eyes.

asshole! ! !

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