Chapter 1288 Asking for help

"Minister, how does Master Shengsi look like?"

"Will it be very fierce? No, it should be said to be very serious, just like Liu Zun and the others?"

After the discussion was over, the Supervision Department quickly took action.

The minister took the lead, including the deputy minister and the twelve group leaders, and all went to the temple where Li Su was.

Originally, if we were just asking for a group, we wouldn't need so many people to come together, but now that the Saint has returned and officially entered the temple, as the leader of the department, it is natural for his subordinates to meet him and become familiar with him.

Because in a state of war, the person who calls the shots is naturally a saint, a near-sage.

But when the war ends and everything returns to normal, Lord Holy Si, who unites the power of the seven major religious leaders in the mythical world, will undoubtedly be the most powerful person in the entire mythical world.

Building a good relationship naturally becomes necessary.

Even though the minister, who was born in the Shuo Chan religion, pays attention to rules, he also understands the necessity of being sober.

Especially in a department like the Supervision Department, which has great power and can offend people, it is not a good situation if the relationship with the leader is too bad.

If someone is caught in the crosshairs, it really can't be solved by abdicating one's position and giving way to someone more worthy.

Therefore, it is still necessary to bring the entire supervision department to identify the mountain.

At least it will leave a good impact, and there will be no shortage of friendship between the Supervision Department and the Holy Office.

Unable to help but rub his eyebrows, the minister glanced at the ninth team leader with a headache. What should this girl say?

The talent is not bad and the ability is there. Otherwise, he would not be able to become the ninth leader of the inspection team as a disciple of the upper sect. You must know that there are many people in this department who are covetous in the great sect. Therefore, except for the positions of minister, deputy minister, first, second, third, fourth and fifth team leader, let’s not mention them for now.

From sixth to twelfth, the competition is very fierce.

To be able to sit on the position of the ninth team leader is to be regarded as a figure who has been killed by thousands of troops.

But this mouth is so broken.

Along the way, from appearance to personality, I asked questions about everything, and my face was full of curiosity.

If he hadn't known that the other person was still very serious in serious situations, he would have thought of packing him up and sending him back.

No, how far do you think the temple is from the Inspectorate?

Also, didn’t I tell you about Shengsi’s strength before?

Yes, you are transmitting a message, but do you think the message transmitted by Taiyi's cultivation level can't be heard by a billion people in the Dao Realm?

If you ask this question, how do you want him to answer?

What do you value most to your disciples?

So shameless!

He preaches Taoism in a dignified way, but he can't just say that he is handsome, Master Shengsi? His personality is also quite easy-going, and he is not as rigid and strict as the six members of his family, and he is very coercive?

Can he say this?

If word gets out, what do you want others to think? What do you think?

What makes the minister most helpless is that although this little girl was born in a high-ranking sect, she and he can now be regarded as brothers and sisters of the same sect. After all, the other party has passed the examination of explaining the teaching and received the orthodox inheritance.

Therefore, unless the other party's mistake is obvious, it is better not to be too cold-faced and preach directly.

After all, although she asked a lot of questions, there was nothing wrong with her. She just asked for some relatively personal information.

More importantly, although she was the one asking the question, she was not the only one who was curious.

The fourth, sixth, and eleventh team leaders are obviously very curious about this kind of problem.

After all, they are all women!

Well, the male team leader is relatively calm in this regard, looking in all directions and listening to everything.

"You'll know when you get there!"

Having said that, Dong Chan taught Daozi, and the director of the Supervision Department directly accelerated the pace. He did not intend to let the ninth team leader continue talking. He had a hunch that if the conversation continued, the topic would most likely go straight to the direction of Sheng Si's partner. .

Don't think that after cultivating an immortal, you will stop eating the fireworks of the world and strive for transcendence.


The temple is not far from the Supervision Department.

It's only a hundred kilometers apart.

Of course, to mere mortals, this is huge.

To a monk, it's nothing.

The minister accelerated, and soon the group arrived at the foot of the mountain where the temple was located.

No Tengyun!

Although Shengsi Palace can only be regarded as a grass-roots team at present, and many rules are not yet mature, there are still basic systems and etiquette.

Take this temple for example.

Only veterans are eligible to fly up directly, and those below are only allowed to walk up.

This is respect for the center of power.

As the saying goes, there is no rule.

Even if we talk about the core power of the Supervision Department, everyone, including the ninth team leader, immediately became very serious the moment they arrived here.

He stopped talking, showed a serious look, and started climbing.

As they stepped onto the stairs, except for the minister, everyone else's expressions couldn't help but change, and their pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.


Indescribable pressure covered all of them in an instant.

How to describe it?

It was a comprehensive suppression from flesh and blood, all the way to bones, to soul, to Tao and Fruit.

Not heavy, but deep into the bones.

Taking a breath, everyone couldn't help but be a little shocked.

You know, even now, they are still far away from the temple, at least one or two kilometers away.

Moreover, this coercion is not pressure caused by momentum.

Rather, it is the pressure caused by its existence, which is so huge that it is unparalleled!

How to describe it?

It was as if the ant suddenly realized that he had seen the stars in front of him, feeling the enormity and majesty of the stars for the first time.

The overwhelming sense of presence directly squeezed their bodies and minds.

Without saying anything, the minister glanced at the thirteen members who came together, with a meaningful look in his eyes.

got it? That feeling.

Feeling the minister's gaze, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. In this second, they deeply understood why the other party said that if the Holy Master hadn't restrained his momentum, the minister would not even be qualified to enter the temple.

This sense of existence is simply too huge.

Just feeling it brought them tremendous pressure, and it felt like facing an elder.

Lord Shengsi, is this too much?

Is this really an existence that was in the same realm as us not long ago? Are you kidding me?

With unparalleled shock, the group began to go up the mountain.

Obviously a group of Taiyi Dzogchen, but the result was more than a thousand ladders. I was so stunned that I was sweating and felt like a mortal.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

"I finally understand why there are special rules around the temple to prevent junior disciples from flying."

After finally walking through the last square, the ninth team leader spoke. She breathed heavily and couldn't help but say.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be startled.

However, when you feel your own situation, well, don’t say it, it’s true.

With such a huge pressure, even walking is extremely difficult. If it flies over, if one accidentally enters the pressure range, there is a high probability that he will fall half to death.

When the minister heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Nonsense, how is that possible?

The reason why this is the case is that this Saint Si has exceeded the standard. Otherwise, if there were another billion Dao Realm sitting in it, although the flight would be hindered, it would not stop there.

"Be serious."

After glaring at the ninth team leader, the minister adjusted his breath and spoke directly to the temple: "Minister of the Supervision Department, lead the deputy director of the Supervision Department, the first, second, and twelfth team leaders, Seek the Holy Priest to report on the work regarding the subtle work of evil spirits."

However, before the minister could finish his words, an incredible killing intent came from the temple.

The killing intent was not high.

It's almost similar to me being angry, unhappy, and this level of unhappiness.

But just such unhappiness penetrated the hearts of all of them in an instant.

In an instant, a group of people went crazy.

As if the small animal was being targeted by a predator, its spine couldn't help but rattled, and the whole person went into combat mode, extremely nervous.

However, the next second, that state was interrupted.

It was like a frog being stared at by a snake and immediately freezing.

Because for them, what happened was not as simple as being stared at by the beast, but actually falling into the beast's mouth. Their flesh and blood had been pierced by the sharp teeth, and their bones were bitten by it and were about to be broken. .

Not a fatal crisis, but actually no different from death?

At this moment, I couldn't even think about why. There was only a big word "death" in my mind, engraved on every brain cell.


Department of Supervision?

In the temple, Li Su, who showed a hint of murderous intent because of a certain piece of news, couldn't help but be startled and suddenly woke up.

When he discovered the situation outside the temple, he immediately couldn't help but thought to himself, "Holy shit," and quickly retracted the murderous intention that had just spilled out of him.

Not only that, he directly used Taoism to form a huge true meaning of meditation, which directly covered the group of people outside and calmed their minds.

It took a full two seconds before he calmed down.

Fortunately, I had already encountered this situation before when I was over there in Honghuang.

It's pretty easy to do.

It wasn't until Li Su regained his strength that thirteen people, including his ministers, woke up sweating profusely.

The fourth, sixth, ninth, and eleventh little girls, at this second, their legs became weak, and tears began to roll in their eyes.

As for other people, it wasn't much better. Many people even directly felt their crotches being a little wet.

Although Li Su acted quickly, the aftermath of the impact was still somewhat felt.

There is no way, Li Su is too strong.

He is not just as simple as having a strong realm, he is also staring at the ceiling all the way.

Basically, once the realm is equaled by him, it will basically be crushed in terms of strength.

Therefore, once the realm is transcended, the gap will be very wide. If you go to a small realm, there is basically no play. If you go to a large realm, the gap will undoubtedly be even more terrifying.

Not only that, with the return of the Six Holy Treasures.

Even if their origins are damaged, they are now integrated into Li Su's Dao Fruit and sunk in his long river for cultivation.

But the qualitative improvement is still extremely amazing.

Even Extreme Daluo felt a lot of pressure, let alone Taiyi surface layer.

But, what a coincidence, these people arrived just when Li Su was feeling unhappy. Even in terms of talent, their quality was much higher than that of Xue Xue and the others from the prehistoric side, but the result was nothing when facing Li Su. Both.

After coming back to their senses, everyone couldn't help but take a breath, they were really nervous.

Is this a show of force?

Is this a show of force?

No, why? Have they ever done anything to provoke Shengsi? Not at all?

Besides, among the people present at this moment, apart from anything else, at least the minister, deputy minister, first, second, third, and fourth team leaders are all firm supporters of the Holy Secretary, right?

Especially the first and third ones, one is taught by Jie and the other is taught by humans.

Look at them, they are obviously not much better than themselves?

Feeling the panic of everyone outside the temple, Li Su's mouth undoubtedly twitched. To be honest, he didn't expect the people from the Supervision Department to come by such a coincidence.

Because of the information collection and the fact that there were no safety concerns in the temple, he naturally did not specifically investigate the surrounding situation.

Moreover, even if there is perception, there is still a lower limit.

Obviously, Taiyi's surface level was not in the category that he needed to be wary of.

At this point, someone may want to ask.

Obviously the world of mythology does not lack tens of thousands of Daojis and billions of Dao realms, so why does an existing organization like the Management and Supervision Department have a bunch of Taiyi?

First of all, they're not exactly Taiyi.

In fact, the people among them can basically break through, and they are all geniuses.

In their situation, it cannot be said that becoming a big Luo is 100%, and 90% is basically no problem.

Once they break through, considering their talents, it won't take long to reach the level of Yi Dao realm.

Then there are the three stages of the Ten Thousand Dao Realm, the Billion Dao Realm, and the Billion Dao Realm.

Because of the war, they have been gathered together. As the top combat power, they are ready to go to war at any time. In terms of the current situation in the mythical world, there is undoubtedly an urgent need for top combat power, and improvement is even more urgent for them.

You must know that the amount of spiritual energy in heaven is very terrifying, and it is very suitable for Daluo realm practice, which is completely different from that in the mythical realm.

Therefore, among the people currently serving in the rights department and responsible for specific internal affairs of the mythical world, there are very few people in the Daluo realm.

Of course there is another reason for this.

That's a matter of face!

Li Su is not bad in terms of status and talent.

But obviously, he is too young, younger than most great-great-grandchildren of the Qianyi Dao Realm.

That's fine if it's in the combat department. It would be very uncomfortable if the power department of this kind of internal affairs fails to do its job well.

Therefore, it is better to let the outstanding descendants of Taiyi go in, since Broken Mirror is not far away anyway, and they will be the team members of this little guy in the future, which is just right.

Well, back to the topic.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Li Su said directly: "Come in."

Soon, thirteen people, including the minister, walked in directly from outside the temple. Although their faces had returned to calm, their fluctuating souls could still tell that they were nervous.

After all, this show of force is a bit too domineering.

Sure enough, he had to pay attention.

There was no way, after all, unlike those people who took tens of thousands of years to achieve a billion realm, Li Su broke through too fast. Although the realm was stable and the roots were strong, there were still certain problems when running too fast.

For example, in terms of the pressure on people, there is no way to do it as accurately as Wuxin Zhenren and others.

It's not that he can't control it, but it feels like it's less, but it's actually still very big.

It's like suddenly possessing super strength. Even if you pick up the cup very lightly, it will still be crushed.

Although the reason is that these guys are currently too weak, Li Su did not ignore their feelings because of this, and said directly: "I'm sorry, because I discovered something that affected my emotions and affected you."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Although the mythical world pays more attention to rules, on the whole it still respects the strong. Therefore, similar to the strong, especially strong people like Li Su, there are not very few things that apologize to the weak, but basically none.

Li Su's apology was different. You could feel the sincerity in it, not just politeness.

The director of the Supervision Department took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "Master Shengsi, there is no need to apologize. We came at the wrong time. I wonder what happened? To make Master Shengsi so angry?"

Having said this, he paused and did not continue.

Although I didn't say it, the meaning is undoubtedly obvious. If possible, I would be willing to share the burden.

Li Su shook his head when he heard this.

After all, he has only seen a small part of the matter, and it is also a private matter. Directly asking the supervisory department to dispatch it is a bit too much.

Of course, we have to deal with it, but we have to figure out the situation before talking about it.

"If you don't talk about this, what's the matter with you coming here?"

Seeing that Li Su avoided the topic, the minister did not pursue the question and immediately explained the purpose of his visit.

After listening to their work report, Li Su nodded, "I see, I understand."

"You came just in time. Based on the information you provided, I have also collected some information in this regard. I originally planned to send it to you later. Now that you are here, I will give it to you directly."

The thirteen people were slightly startled, and their eyes flickered. They came here with the intention of asking for help, but in fact they just wanted to deal with him.

There is no doubt that Li Su is beyond imagination, especially in terms of strength, overwhelmingly powerful.

But, but!

What could he find out if he was alone and still only staying in the temple?

At most, it is an analysis of the intelligence collected from them.

It is completely conceivable how much useful content can be analyzed from these pieces of information.

After all, they have analyzed the submitted information countless times.

Taking a breath, everyone was undoubtedly a little disappointed. They didn't expect Li Su to be serious, but it would be nice if the other party could come down and discuss it with them.

Coupled with the previous coercion, even though the other party apologized directly and unexpectedly, it still made people think too much.

This Lord Shengsi seems to be difficult to approach.

The minister also took a gentle breath at this moment and said calmly: "In that case, I'll trouble Mr. Shengsi."

Who is Li Su?

Even if they restrained themselves from Taiyi's surface emotions, they couldn't hide them.

Obviously, these people thought he was perfunctory.

Li Su didn't explain this either. After all, it was clear whether it was perfunctory or not after receiving the information.

"I'll pass all the information to you, and you'll distribute it, okay." Smiling, Li Su looked at the director of the Supervision Department, who looked very calm on the surface.

Just this, and distribution?

Before the minister spoke, even the disciples of Jiejiao and Renjiao, including the deputy minister, could not help but complain in their hearts.

Although their current level is not high, they are still at the peak of Taiyi, and each of them has a lot of people under his command. Together, there are thousands of people.

If that doesn't work, you can still ask Daluo Realm to take action.

There are now hundreds of thousands of people in Shengsi Palace Prison, and they were the ones who were arrested, and the total number of arrests took less than ten days.

How many traitors does the other side have to find to get enough for them to allocate?

The minister took a slight breath. Although he had some opinions in his heart at this moment, he still nodded, "Okay, Master Shengsi."

Li Su smiled and pointed directly at the other person's eyebrows with his finger.

"Then you caught it!"

When the minister heard this, he said calmly: "Lord Shengsi, let go!"


Before he could finish his words, there was just a thud. The director of the Supervision Department, explaining his teachings, rolled his eyes, his head seemed to explode, and he almost fainted on the spot.

The huge amount of information, covering hundreds of thousands of people, almost melted his brain.

"Ah, Master Shengsi, please slow down, slow down!"

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