Chapter 1308 Take action one after another

"What's going on here in the Mythical World?"

"It's just a delay. The manpower dilemma has already emerged. Compared with the alien races, the huge basic population is the best breakthrough. Over the past few days, the death toll has continued to increase."

"The internal atmosphere is in a mess. It seems to be still stable. In fact, the management system is already overwhelmed. The death rate is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Panic has begun to spread. The speed is very fast. It will not take long to reach the critical point. "

“It won’t be long before the inferiority of life is revealed.”

"As for the higher-ups in the mythical world, they can basically just watch all this happen, and there is no possibility of reversing it."

"I guess they are still struggling and hesitating at this moment."

"The clever method at the beginning made me prepare for a while, thinking that I could get through two moves. Unfortunately, I was hesitant to take action. However, after cracking it twice, the opponent was completely silent."

"They must be thinking about protecting everyone as much as possible and not wanting to sacrifice too much."

"You can't see their desperate and thunderous methods when facing aliens."

"When we gathered the entire human race, we were so decisive. It didn't even take an hour. How many people died during this process? Countless people."

"How arrogant."

"Even now, I'm afraid this group of people still despise us somewhere deep in their hearts."

"That's right. After all, these methods are no more terrifying than using force to make someone feel terrible with absolute strength."

"But, they forgot one thing."

"Then who made the prehistoric world become what it is today? The extremely powerful ancient heaven was destroyed, and the three realms with countless powerful people collapsed."

"It's us!"

"They don't even know that this situation is exactly what we want."

"There's nothing better than boiling a frog in warm water."

"Continue to struggle and wait until the panic reaches the critical level. Then they will know. If they delay, why don't we take care of them?"

"By the way, what about the alien race? How is the situation?"

"It's intense!"

"After all, it's different from the mythical world. There are many strong people there, and there is almost no mortal class. It takes a lot of effort to master the means."

"However, compared to the mythical world, that side is much more decisive."

"After realizing that they couldn't manage it, the high-ranking aliens immediately came to an end, and all the Da Luo were summoned back."

"Not only that, they are much more ruthless than those in the mythical world. When they realize that they can't handle it, they directly choose to give up and decisively choose to give up on the alien races that have problems, especially the ones that are difficult to return, or leave to survive on their own. Or die. Even if the person in question is a disciple of a high-ranking foreign race."

"Being decisive beyond imagination, the prepared means were forcibly cut off by the opponent before they could achieve their maximum effect."

"Although the current atmosphere is not good, it is much better than here in the Mythical World."

"I heard that a meeting has been held, and the Ming clan, one of the higher-ranking races, has also appeared. They are probably planning to give up their original territory directly."

"So decisive? The territory occupied by the alien race is the place with the best resources in Heaven. Are you just giving up like that?"

"Yeah, I thought it would be easier to solve it on the alien side, but now it seems that they are in much more trouble than the mythical world."

"Although from the beginning, the alien side will have more manpower, but if the other side really plans to give up its territory, it will be really troublesome."

"Do you want to redeploy manpower? Yes, if the other party really plans to leave, even if you can't keep all of them, you will still have to bite off a piece of them. At least they will be seriously injured in a short period of time and have no time to deal with the 'hell'. "

"May I?"

He couldn't help but glance at the other party. If the manpower is transferred, what if the mythical world becomes like a foreign race?

"Haha, impossible."

"There are almost no ordinary people in alien races. If you decisively put aside your interests, you can indeed survive by cutting off your tail."

"This side of the mythical world is basically a dead end. To be honest, I sympathize with the near saints in the mythical world. They have some abilities and are not lacking in resourcefulness."

"But their structure has too many problems. There are too many ordinary creatures in it. If there are saints, it can be solved easily. Without the saints, just a few near saints and some extreme giants can't solve it at all. Ability."

"It's not that they can't move, but they can't bear to do it. They can't cut off their body and head and run away with only their tail."

"That's why I say they are arrogant."

"You are obviously not capable enough, but you still dare to show off your strength when facing us. What will be the final result? Nothing."

"Since you said so, I'll borrow one third."

In this way, the net will undoubtedly be much weaker. Although the number of monks on the side of the mythical world is small, they are very powerful. With the remaining two-thirds, even if the opponent is really strong and breaks his wrist, they can at least take a bite of the flesh and increase the losses. .

"It's okay, just transfer two-thirds. In a short period of time, the mythical world will not choose to kill everything. At most, there will be some small moves. At the worst, it will be based on millions, and let go of three to five mortals with a scale of over 100 million. When he sees a glimmer of hope, he just lowers his determination to defeat the enemy."

"One to two hundred million, no problem?"

"Of course not. We didn't intend to kill all the mortals. They are our main source of food. Mortals are extremely weak, but their brains are surprisingly developed and they have extremely high intelligence. They are simply perfect as food for the birth of despair. In so many universes, this is the first time I have encountered such a suitable existence as food."

"Although other races also have wisdom, and even give birth to high wisdom, that is basically in the case of possessing extraordinary particles. Only humans, even if they have not transcended the ordinary, still have wisdom as a population."

"Okay, let's do as you say!"

"However, people can be seconded, but you have to focus on the straight line between the alien race and the mythical world."

"Hmm? Are you saying that it is possible for the alien race to break through to the mythical world?"

"Under such a situation, if the other party can decisively give up all interests, then it is not impossible to directly join forces with the mythical world."

"No matter what grievances there were before, at least under the current circumstances, in addition to maintaining their respective bases, the two sides have a common goal that is enough for them to join forces."

"A hell prison?"

"Well, so we must not let people from the alien side break through. This is one of the reasons why I agreed to second people."

"Understood, I will set up a trap between the two parties. If the other party really has this intention, then they will never come back."

While the evil spirits were discussing, on the other side, there were foreign races.

"Give up all your resources and take people away directly?"

"Is it necessary to go to this point? With our strength, we can dig out the evil spirits and start fighting directly."

"Didn't you analyze it before? The evil spirits are not strong enough to eat us. Otherwise, there is no need to use that method to trap the saint."

"As long as we hold our ground."

The person who spoke was a billionaire Daoist. He tried to stay calm, with doubts on his face. .

Facing his words, the near saints who decided on this plan looked at each other.

This meeting was not the first, but the second.

They had held it once before.

The participants were only near saints, not only the five upper races, but also eight people from the fifteen middle races.

What was opened at this moment was actually a meeting that had been decided, that is, just an arrangement.

The five races naturally expected the voices of opposition. After all, the resources occupied by the alien races are very huge now. Perhaps this is not very attractive to near saints and extreme Daluo.

But if it is for extreme Daluo, such as the billion Dao realm and the billion Dao realm, it will be different.

The resources accumulated in these places every year are actually close to four layers for them to practice.

Once they leave, it basically means that the good days of improving strength by sitting are gone forever.

It can be said that if the Three Pure Heavens were not sealed and lost the protection of the saints, and the evil spirits were coming fiercely, making all the aliens terrified, this topic would probably be directly and strongly opposed by everyone below the billion Dao realm as soon as it was raised.

"Yes, hold your ground."

The God Clan Near Saint nodded, "Indeed, based on the current situation, as long as we can hold our ground, the evil spirits won't be a big problem."

As the God Clan Near Saint spoke, many people took a breath, and their nervous hearts immediately relaxed a lot.

However, before they could speak,

The near-saint of the God Clan continued, "But, I think you got one thing wrong."

"That is, what is our position?"

"My position, first of all, is all the alien races. In fact, the losses in this regard, I think you all understand, are very large, very large. So far, at least one layer has been lost, not only that, but there are still two layers that are being lost."

"And according to our statistics, except for the Fate Clan that has no fixed location, the entire alien race, the Immortal Clan, the Earth Clan, the Pseudo Clan, and the God Clan have all been affected."

"Among them, the Earth Clan was the most seriously affected, and even the direct disciples had problems."

"What does this show? It shows that the evil spirits have infiltrated us far beyond imagination. As long as we are still here, still under the opponent's nose, then the attacks we have to face will not stop. If it continues like this, we will have nothing, but can the people below bear it? If they can't bear it, they will collapse sooner or later."

"Even if they don't collapse, what can they do? Facing such With the continuous small moves, our energy will be drawn here by the other party, and we will have no spare energy to take care of other things. "

"What is the real big trouble for the evil spirits? Is it us? No!"

"It's the saints!"

"For this reason, they had to find a way to seal Sanqingtian, making our strongest combat power lose control."

"Local resources are lost if they are lost."

"Can those evil spirits still be used? What's more, once the basic base is safe and no longer under attack from the other side, we will be able to free up our hands to solve the problems of Sanqingtian."

"As long as the saints are released, no matter what the evil spirits have prepared, it doesn't matter."

"Facing the saints, they can only lose this result."

"This is our biggest basic base, not forcing us to stay here for a little benefit."

Speaking of this, the near-saint of the God Clan looked around and said lightly: "Now, who has any opinions?"

Before anyone else could speak, the Immortal Clan Near Saint smiled and said, "You don't have to be so absolute. In fact, if there are objections, we can accept them. If someone really doesn't want to give up the benefits here, they can choose to stay instead of being reluctant."

"By the way, raise your hand now, I will only think that you are reluctant to give up the benefits here, and I agree that you can stay."

"Wait a minute, if you nod your head, and start to implement the plan, and suddenly drag your feet and hesitate, that will be different. Then we will always think that you are a spy from the evil spirit. For those who behave like this, no matter who they are, no matter what their identity is, one will be killed."

As the Immortal Clan Near Saint's words fell, the entire conference hall was audible.

For a long time, there was no sound, and the Immortal Clan Near Saint clapped his hands and said, "No one has spoken, which means that they agree with this plan. Then according to the originally agreed result, everyone, take action."

"The life and death of the alien race is all in your hands."

"Yes!" Although the words of the Immortal Clan Near Saint made people shudder, the analysis of the God Clan Near Saint undoubtedly made everyone recognize the reality.

Now, the alien race is on the edge of a cliff, and the situation is so serious that it can't be more serious.

After all, even if there was almost a war between saints before, the alien race did not give up the idea of ​​​​their homeland, which can already show how great the threat of evil spirits is at this moment.

However, fortunately, it is only a temporary abandonment.

Once the saints are out of trouble, they can naturally fight back and take back everything they have lost.

Watching everyone leave quickly, they act according to the plan.

The near saint of the earth clan suddenly looked at the near saint of the life clan and said: "Do you really not care about the myth world?"

The situation in the Three Pure Heavens, the alien race naturally saw it. To be honest, each of the nine huge evil pillars gave them tremendous pressure. Even if there was no matter on the homeland, even if they could go directly to deal with it, the difficulty would probably be extraordinary.

In this case, the combat power of the myth world is undoubtedly very important.

You know, family members know their own affairs.

Although there are not many top combat forces in the myth world, the individual strength is relatively strong. Even if they are at the near saint level, the alien race will suffer a lot if they fight alone.

Not only that, the other side also has formations, which are different from enchantments and are very good at group battles.

The evil spirit side will definitely send heavy troops to guard the evil pillar. If they want to destroy it, the other side will undoubtedly be a great help.

Moreover, if the two tribes can gather together and concentrate their forces, even if the evil spirits have hidden a lot of combat power, the difficulty will be greatly reduced. After all, there are nine pillars, and the other side cannot concentrate their combat power before they know which one they will attack.

Moreover, according to their analysis, facing such attacks from the evil spirits, to be honest, the situation on the mythical world side is much worse than theirs.

The population, which was previously the biggest advantage, has now become a quagmire that completely traps them there. It is almost impossible to do what they did on their side and directly cut off their arms.

And once the alien race completes its separation, the evil spirit side will inevitably concentrate all its strength there.

Therefore, no matter what, the mythical world side will almost have a clear end.

It’s not that the alien race is kind, but once the mythical world is completely resolved, what awaits them is undoubtedly a solitary battle.

Not only that, but we also have to consider the reaction of the saints of the mythical world sealed in the Three Pure Heavens.

Indeed, this matter has nothing to do with the alien race, it was done by the evil spirit, but you can't expect everyone to be reasonable, and you can't simply think that the other party will take revenge. In fact, since I am gone, everyone is gone too. This kind of thing that has no logic at all is everywhere in reality.

The Near Saint of the Fate Clan said calmly: "They will not give us a chance to contact each other. There will not only be powerful enemies blocking the way to each other, but I am afraid they have prepared many traps."

"Don't underestimate the evil spirits. In fact, at this moment, we are the ones who are in great crisis. The reason why the other party did not attack is because the loss is too great, not because the other party does not have the strength."

"Moreover, don't underestimate the myth world. Although they are inferior to us in the number of practitioners, they have inherited the foundation of the ancient great sects, and they definitely have a lot of trump cards."

"Otherwise, the evil spirits would have taken action long ago, directly holding us back and quickly killing the myth world."

"Instead of locking us firmly in place in the same way, we can only deal with it."

The Near Saint of the Immortal Clan nodded directly, and after looking at each other, everyone immediately took action.

At the same time, the myth world.

At this moment, Emperor Zun and others widened their eyes and looked at Li Su in amazement.

To be honest, since the other party has a plan, it must be unexpected.

After all, the mythology world today has actually been pushed to the edge of a cliff. It is true that the great sect has a lot of heritage, which is inherited from the ancient times. But the problem is that those means are not very effective for the current situation.

This is the reason why Emperor Zun and others are in trouble.

Otherwise, with the treasure as a trump card, the heritage left by the ancient times can be used without hesitation.

But I didn't expect that Li Su's plan would be so earth-shattering and so shocking.

"Su'er, are you sure?"

Li Su nodded, "Only by doing this can the evil spirit be caught off guard."

More than being caught off guard, they were simply at a loss, not knowing what to do. To be honest, even they couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling after hearing this, it was unbelievable and unimaginable.

It can be said that the current plan of the evil spirit is chaotic.

Then the plan proposed by Li Su at this moment is definitely chaotic.

Unable to help it, everyone looked at each other, their eyes full of hesitation. After all, this plan, in their opinion, was too beyond imagination, no, it should be said that it was impossible to imagine it at all.

And the most troublesome thing is that if this plan fails, it is not a matter of how many people will die, but Li Su will have problems.

To be honest, that is quite unacceptable.

Looking at the reactions of the crowd, Li Su naturally understood the considerations of Emperor Zun and others, and he took a breath and said.

"Seniors, I am actually very worried."

"Of course, this worry is not just about the problem of transferring mortals, but about the alien race."

Emperor Zun and others were stunned and a little surprised.

As for the alien races, they naturally had some discussions. They should be similar to this side, but because they don't have the huge population of the myth world, and their people are almost all cultivators.

There may be chaos for a while, but the problem should not be big, far less troublesome than their side.

After reaching this conclusion, the situation of the alien races was basically not discussed anymore, after all, the myth world really has no spare energy to care about them.

"What are you worried about?" Thinking of this, the God was a little strange.

Although the evil spirits also have tricks against cultivators, it is undoubtedly much more difficult for cultivators than against mortals. As for the situation of the alien races, as long as they react and shrink their territory, they will soon be able to stabilize.

"I'm worried that the alien races will give up all their territory and choose to escape the attack range of the evil spirits."

Before Li Su finished speaking, the faces of Emperor Zun and others changed.

There were no fools present. There were too many problems in the myth world. Most of their minds had to be used to deal with those endless means, and they had no spare energy to care about the alien races.

Moreover, unlike the native land of the mythical world, the territory of the alien race is the place with the richest resources in the heaven, and there are a lot of benefits in it. Giving up is really no different from a heroic act of cutting off one's arm.

So, subconsciously, they did not think deeply about this place.

But is it possible?


Why? Because of the existence of the Fate Clan.

In this rumor, the race that can see the future can stop the holy war that almost happened before at the last moment. The Fate Clan has at least seven credits. On the contrary, although Li Su actually ended it, it can only be counted as three.

If it weren't for the Fate Clan, who asked for a hundred days of waiting, waiting for Li Su to come back, the two clans would have killed each other.

Therefore, when Li Su said this at this moment, they immediately realized it.

Not only did they realize that the other party might cut off their arms, but they also realized what a terrible situation the mythical world would face once the alien race left.

I'm afraid that what will greet them next will be the all-out attack of the evil spirits.

By that time, let alone surviving with a broken brain and a tail, it's hard to say how many of them can survive.

Taking a deep breath, Emperor Zun looked at Li Su and said, "Su'er, we understand what you mean, but this plan."

"Seniors, have you forgotten that I have a treasure, and more than one. The treasure is indeed powerful as a weapon, but it has another ability."


"The treasure can suppress luck!!!"

Taking a deep breath, Emperor Zun and others couldn't help but look at each other, then looked at Li Su and said, "Okay, let's follow your plan, Su'er!"

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