Chapter 1309 I didn’t do it

"Damn it, what will happen to it?"

"Have you heard? Old Liu from the next street is sick, and soon the whole street is in trouble. Now it has been completely blocked, and no one has come out."

"Also on the next street, I heard that several cities in the north have been completely closed down, and no one has come out. In the middle of the night, there were faint wailing sounds from inside, but now there is no sound at all. It's said that The whole city is dead."

"What's going on?"

"I've heard that these diseases all start suddenly, from one person, and then spread quickly."

"This is not a normal illness, but an attack. It is a means. Those monks have been looking for the source."

"Damn it, we said there was going to be a war before, but now the war is not happening, why are people starting to get sick everywhere again?"

"Let me tell you, everyone was living well before and nothing happened, but those monks showed up, and the result was."

"Shut up, do you want to die?"

"Originally, life was good. Although it was a bit harder, I didn't have to worry about food or clothing."

"What now? I'm told to take that pill every day. Although it can indeed keep me from being hungry, who can bear to eat that thing all the time?"

"A friend of mine said that the elixir was not medicine at all, but made of some kind of worm that was crushed and mixed with flour. Who knows what the worm was? Maybe these inexplicable diseases are caused by that What the hell happened to Dan?”

"Okay, just say a few words."

"Old Zhao, how about you say a few words now? Everyone is talking."

"Also, the monks today are busy dealing with sick people and sealing off the streets. How can they have time to manage us?"

Although it only lasted a few days, even if the communication between mortals in the mythical world was not developed, all kinds of bad rumors spread quickly.

No way, too many things happened.

Once it breaks out, it will spread to hundreds of thousands of people.

Moreover, as if there is a tacit understanding of the outbreak of these epidemics, a group of innocent people will appear in each region, witness everything happening with their own eyes, and then withdraw from it.

In such a situation, even if it is only spread from person to person, panic will still spread very quickly.

Although it is still relatively stable at the moment, and at least the fear of the monks can be suppressed, if it continues like this, collapse is basically just a matter of time.

"Otherwise, let's move!"

"Moving? Where?"

"Go to the outside, to a sparsely populated area."

"I heard that when this kind of disease breaks out, it usually occurs in places with a large number of people. Last night, many people quietly left and went to the wild."

"Can this still happen?"

"Save it, if you go to the wild now, you will only die faster."


"When we get outside, what do we eat? What do we drink? There is no river near us. Not only that, have you ever seen anyone selling the carcasses of wild beasts? No, right?"

"Damn it, what are we going to do? Can we just wait for death?"

"Hey, is there any way? It's not that there is no way." Suddenly, an old man smiled strangely, his eyes were very penetrating, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

"I said, Lao Zhang, what can I do? What do you mean by the sudden pause?"

Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look at Lao Zhang with curiosity on their faces.

However, their expressions changed immediately in the next second. The one who spoke, Lao Zhang, looked very blue, as green as a dead person, and his pupils were dilated and completely lost their luster.

Not only that, his skin was also changing rapidly, with veins protruding and his expression gradually distorting.

Facing this scene, everyone immediately felt bad and subconsciously took two steps back.

Damn it, could this old Zhang be sick too?

However, in the next second, an inhuman roar erupted from Lao Zhang's mouth, and he immediately threw the person not far away from him, and before the other person could react, he bit the other person's arm.


With a shrill scream, the person who was jumped by Lao Zhang struggled wildly in pain. Under the fear and threat of life, he waved his fists without hesitation and beat the opponent crazily.

Facing this scene, many people immediately rushed forward, trying to separate the two.

"Old Zhang, what are you doing? Let go, let go."

Of course, there were also many people who couldn't help but gasp, realizing that something was not right, and accelerated back.

But before everyone could pull away from Lao Zhang, the man who had a large piece of his shoulder bitten suddenly stopped moving, and soon his face turned blue-gray, just like Lao Zhang, as if he was dead.

Immediately, the opponent began to twitch, and within just a few seconds, an inhuman roar erupted from its mouth, just like Lao Zhang.

In an instant, Lao Zhang let go of each other, and the two of them almost instantly aimed at the crowd pulling them. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, they quickly threw down the others and started biting madly.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Just when everyone was stunned by the scene before them, this inhuman roar spread from all directions, followed by indescribable panic and wailing.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, and a look of horror appeared on their already panic-stricken faces.

Disease broke out again? ? ?

Not only that, this scene is undoubtedly more terrifying and more soul-destroying than the previous situation of people wailing to death after getting sick

Damn it, damn it!!!

What happened? ? ?

Soon after the new disease broke out, the monks from the mythical world quickly received the news and rushed to the scene, but unlike before, facing the scene in front of them, their expressions changed drastically and they couldn't help showing panic on their faces.

First of all, there are many points of outbreak this time, and its scale is far beyond the imagination of the previous situation.

There are outbreaks everywhere in almost the entire third world.

Not only that, although the disease spreads slowly this time, there is no one individual appearing and quickly covering a large group.

But the people infected by the disease die very quickly, and their bodies can still move after death, with strength and speed far greater than before, and they are highly aggressive and target the people around them.

As long as they are injured by them, the injured will be quickly infected, and in just a few seconds, they will directly become a new corpse, a new monster.

It was too fast. It only took about five or six seconds for the scale to grow exponentially and double continuously.

Moreover, the most difficult thing for the monks was that these diseased bodies were often mixed in the crowd. You should know that the number of monks in the myth world was seriously insufficient, and the manpower was already in an extremely tight situation.

Faced with such a situation, even if the responsible people were all disciples of the big sects with amazing strength, they still couldn't handle it.

In just a few minutes, the number of infected people broke through from millions to tens of millions, tens of millions, and even hundreds of millions.

Faced with this scene, even the disciples of the big sects were panicked and reported it immediately.


"A new disease has been discovered!"

As they reported the intelligence they saw, even the commander with the strength of a true immortal couldn't help but almost roar at the first time, thinking that the messenger was talking nonsense.

It's not surprising that the disease caused death.

After death, the dead can actually get up and attack people? Become a source of infection? Isn't this a joke?

However, when a large amount of such information was continuously transmitted, the true immortals couldn't sit still and rushed out directly.

When the commanders sent here saw the situation in the third world, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

In more than ten minutes, some places had formed a shocking scale of corpses. The running footsteps were like a tsunami, and the inhuman roars gathered into thunder, shaking everything.

Screams and wails intertwined into a song called horror, which directly filled the entire third world.

The scene was too terrible and too shocking.

Even the existence of the True Immortal, who had the power to destroy the world, could not help but be stunned by the scene in front of him.

"Damn it, save people immediately, and ask for help immediately."

After a while, seeing the corpse group getting bigger and bigger, the True Immortal could not help but roar.

The shrill alarm was sounded, and at this moment, the whole prehistoric world was shaken.

After all, this crisis was too scary and too terrible. When Daluo appeared, the infected people had formed a tide of corpses, which had reached an astonishing scale of billions.

Obviously, less than an hour had passed.

"Save people, save people!"

Facing this scene, Daluo's face turned cold, and his pupils were almost spitting fire.

"Quick, set up an isolation point, separate the living people from the corpses, notify the people's teachings, and immediately send a special team to find out what disease this is and how to treat it? And can these dead people recover?"

Obviously, even if Daluo went down, facing this extremely mixed situation, especially the situation where a large number of dead people and living people were intertwined, it would be extremely difficult to save people.

After all, this is not as simple as mixing black rice and white rice together.

You know, the body of a mortal is very weak, and it can't withstand too much force. If you are not careful, it's not saving people, but killing people.

Soon, not only tens of millions of Dao realms, but also hundreds of millions of Dao realms and billions of Dao realms came.

Facing this scene, almost all of them changed their faces and started to take action with a sullen face.

Soon, on the third world's native land, one high wall after another was built, and countless living people were sent in.

But it is obvious that even if a high wall is built, it is still not enough for such a huge population. After all, it cannot accommodate so many people. There is no way to put it down. After the first layer is full, it can only be covered with another layer.

Billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions.

Even if it is a billion Dao realm, facing this scene, it is still exhausted and sweating.

There is no way, there are too many things to take into account and care about.

However, even if they act quickly and react quickly, the scale of the corpse group is still increasing at an astonishing rate. In just a day or so, the number has reached tens of billions. The entire third world is almost full of corpses.

Not only that, because of the voices of mortals, these corpse groups are almost attracted to the new high wall and surrounded there. They keep piling up and climbing up, trying to break through the high wall.

"What does the human teaching say?"

Facing this scene, the billion Dao realm couldn't help but roar. It's been half a day, and there is still no result?

Because they don’t know whether this disease can be cured, and whether those who seem to be dead have the possibility of recovery, they can’t kill them, and they have to try their best not to let these corpses be destroyed too badly.

“The Human Sect said that these people are not completely dead, but are in a state similar to suspended animation.”

“Their bodies have been rewritten by a special disease. Although it can be treated, because the individuals are different, the lesions are also different. There is no way to treat them in batches. They can only be treated one by one.”

“One by one? With this number, tell me how to treat them one by one? How to treat them?”

The one billion Dao realms were going crazy, pointing at the extremely terrifying corpse tide in front of them, and couldn’t help roaring. How many disciples of the Human Sect are there? Only a few thousand, how many corpses are there in front of them? Thirty billion? Or four hundred billion?

Just when the Daluo were extremely anxious and angry, suddenly a high wall shook slightly, and the next second, a roar came directly from inside.

"Damn, someone infected was let in?"

Their faces couldn't help but change, and several billion Dao Realm warriors immediately rushed over, and without saying a word, they tore open the high wall.

There were already hundreds of layers piled up inside, but at this moment, almost every layer of the hundreds of layers had people mutating, wailing, and screaming.

Faced with this scene, let alone the billion Dao Realm warriors, even the billion Dao Realm warriors, the ten million Dao Realm warriors, the Taiyi, the True Immortals, and the Heavenly Immortals were all stunned, standing there fixedly, looking at everything inside woodenly, without moving.

The number of infected people was increasing rapidly and spreading, but they didn't say a word.

As for why?

This is a hundred-layer high wall, a full hundred-layer high wall.

If one or two layers leaked, it would be reasonable.

Can a full hundred layers leak, justify it?

Not only that, how long did it take from realizing that something was wrong to tearing open the high wall? Less than a minute.

But look at how many people are infected inside? There are more than hundreds of thousands of people on each layer. Is this the effect that can be achieved by an individual case?


His face gradually stiffened, turned blue, and then purple.

Whether it was Daluo or Taiyi, everyone clenched their fists tightly at this moment, and their pupils spit out extremely crazy emotions.

The next moment, as the space shook, several figures appeared and ended.

It was Emperor Zun and his people, the highest level under the saints of the mythical world!

Facing what happened in the third world, they finally couldn't sit still and ended.

"Hehe, hahaha!"

"Evil spirit, evil spirit, evil spirit!"

Even though the two great masters of Wu Yu and Wu Wo, who were extremely elegant and rarely angry, couldn't help laughing angrily at this moment, and their eyes spit out a cold light like ice for thousands of years.

After a long time, the Emperor spoke in a cold voice: "Disciples of the Human Religion, select 200 million people, make sure they are cured, and take them away!"

"Trillions of creatures, very good, very good, evil spirits, will not stop until one is dead, right? Mythology, I am here to accompany you!!!"

"God Lord, lead people to set up a formation, completely block this place, don't let a mosquito slip through."

"Everyone, go to the foundation of the big sect, I don't believe that it can be done to this extent, and it can be controlled remotely. The evil spirit must be on this land. After the selection is completed, let that bastard be buried with these trillions of creatures! ! ! "


"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Didn't you say you would hold on? Why did you suddenly launch a general attack? Without these mortals, how can the Myth World restrict them?"

"Focus, what are you doing?"

Just when the Myth World was furious and decided to give up the trillions of mortals, the evil spirits on the other side could no longer sit still after seeing this scene. They had surrounded the Myth World from all sides and ran directly to the location of the lesion, and roared in exasperation.

Not to mention that the evil spirits planned to keep most of the trillions of mortals as food.

Even if they really wanted to kill them, it wouldn't be now.

The aliens had already begun to prepare for a breakout, and two-thirds of the manpower originally arranged on the Myth World side had been lost.

Now, the Myth World has directly given up the mortals and is also preparing to break out.

As far as their current manpower is concerned, it is not enough, not to mention that the group of guys in the Myth World at the moment have been madly angry and are ready to use the foundation of the great sect.

How to stop them?

Once they escape, the problem will be really big.

Facing the question, as the troublesome operator of the myth world, the disease focus was confused at the moment, and his expression was very bad. The whole person lost his previous confidence and control, and said in an extremely bad expression: "I don't know, this is not my work!"

"Not you?"

"Not me, this plan was made by us together. The biggest burden of the myth world is these trillions of mortals. Killing them will only make the monks of the myth world completely unrestrained. How can I do it?"

"How to explain the situation in there?"

"Is it fake, an illusion?"


Of course not!

In fact, when the strange disease broke out, the disease focus went to check it out as soon as possible. After all, releasing the disease is his job. Obviously, this new situation is not his handiwork.

And as the disease became more and more serious, the disease focus's idea was no longer to check how it came from, but to start suppressing it.

Yes, he wanted to suppress this virus.

To be honest, he never thought that as an evil spirit, he would actually go to save lives one day.

Of course, the result was a failure.

This new virus is undoubtedly a top-level virus with a very terrible nature, no worse than the top-level disease he has mastered. It is a kind of "end" disease.

"End" disease, as the name suggests, is a disease that can kill all living things and cannot be cured.

This disease is rare.

There may not be one in a universe.

The lesion has two in its hands, which were discovered when the evil attacked other universes. It is very terrible.

Obviously, the disease in front of us is of that level.

In order to try to kill it, the lesion even used the same "end" disease to destroy it.

However, the result is that although the other party was killed, its host also died.

This is not surprising. In fact, the reverse is also true. This is the characteristic of the disease called the end. Once infected, other diseases basically have no space to parasitize.

Looking at the reaction of the lesion, a group of evil spirits looked at each other for a while. Although they are individuals, they also share intelligence. This is the characteristic of evil spirit life.

Therefore, it is not necessary to communicate what the lesion is thinking with words, eye contact, or consciousness.

Although the disease called "End" is very rare, and there is not just one in a universe, it is not 100% impossible.

After all, the difficulty of the birth of this disease lies in coincidence.

In fact, it doesn't matter how it was born. They have seen the miserable situation of the mortals in the myth world now, and this cannot be false.

Even if the near saints in the myth world try their best to save it, it is almost impossible to save it.

After all, there are still these evil spirits outside, looking down and watching, and they can't consume it without scruples.

Even if they really save it, what's the matter? You must know that in their eyes at this moment, this account must be directly counted on their heads. Even if they save it, they still have to face other means of the evil spirits.

Taking 200 million people away directly is the most correct move for the other party, and it is also the most troublesome situation for the evil spirits.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Why did it suddenly become like this? ? ?

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