Chapter 1311 Head-on Collision


The evil spirits were shocked and their faces changed.

The lesion ignored it and directly activated its own power, activating the diseases hidden in the bodies of the native mortals in the mythical world without hesitation.

This time was different from the previous time. It was fully activated and all activated together.

Was it discovered?

At the same time, in the Saint's Seat, Li Su, who had been silent all the time and devoted his body and mind to the 'zombie' virus that he had evolved through the Supreme Life, suddenly opened his eyes.

To be honest, I really thank the fragment of the single world that I had to enter because I was being chased by someone in the mortal world.

Not only did he learn the Supreme Life from there, but he also got the information about the 'zombies' in that world.

Otherwise, even if he could think of this plan, it would still be difficult to execute it. At least the difficulty of creating that kind of virus is not ordinary.

However, it was too late to find out at this time.

Taking a deep breath, Li Su's long river suddenly shook, and in an instant the entire Saint's Seat also started, and the amazing mana surged out, which was absorbed by him.

The Life Dao Fruit bloomed with amazing light and flew directly out of Li Su's body.

This time, it was obviously different.

The Dao Fruit became extremely huge, no longer in the shape of a baby before, but like Li Su, it was completely an adult, almost exactly the same as Li Su, but the difference was that it was filled with incomparable vitality, and the whole body was full of supreme scriptures, turning into fetal membranes, forming a long river.

With his explosion, in an instant, the entire third world, all the remaining living people couldn't help but tremble slightly, and in an instant, a large area of ​​dead blue appeared on their bodies, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into dead people.

This time, it was obviously different.

Many dead people had strange markings on their bodies, with an ominous breath, which was a disease, and various diseases broke out almost at the same time.

Among the less than 60 billion living people, more than hundreds of thousands of people had this situation, and almost none of these situations were the same.

Not only that, under Li Su's virus, everyone had become dead, and their flesh and blood were almost rotten, but these outbreaks of lesions still could not be stopped, and not only that, they spread wildly on the dead.

As the two different viruses collided, the dead people couldn't help but tremble at this moment. They should have lost all their intuition, but they burst into wailing like living people. Even though they were almost dead, they were awakened by pain at this moment.

This is no longer a simple disease.

This is a battle between an evil spirit near saint and a billion Dao realm genius in the myth world who was supported by the power of near saint.

The two of them fought and killed each other crazily with the bodies of hundreds of thousands of people as their territory.

There is no doubt that compared with the direct conflict in the Daluo realm, the fight between the two was only limited to the bodies of hundreds of thousands of mortals.

But don't think that such a fight is simple.

A person has at least billions of cells inside his body.

The attack between the two people is to use these cells as a battlefield to strangle each other.

The speed of the attack and the intensity of the strangulation were completely unimaginable.

Every second that passed, there were more than hundreds of millions of collisions and confrontations.

There is no doubt that in terms of realm, the evil spirit is higher.

But it is obvious that with the supreme saint and the help of the boundless magic power of the saint's seat, Li Su is not much behind.

It can be said that they are evenly matched and can be said to be a match made in heaven.


"The other party has discovered it!"

Facing this scene, Emperor Zun and others naturally reacted immediately. Although they were prepared in their hearts, they still couldn't help but change their faces.

After all, the reaction of the evil spirit was much more intense than they expected.

After discovering something was wrong, they immediately started to go all out and didn't leave any room at all.

After looking at each other, several people almost did not hesitate to operate their magic power.

There was a loud bang, and the third world was shrouded in shadows in a thunderbolt.

It was the holy land of the great sect!

It flew directly from the first world and landed in the third world.


The seven holy places burst into amazing splendor at this moment. In the center, huge spiritual veins flowed out like rivers. Countless supreme scriptures began to shine along those spiritual veins, releasing the sacredness.

Aura, like a tsunami, gushed out directly from them, and was materialized and realized.

It poured down like sea water, directly covering the third world.

The Venerable Xuwu of the Chan Sect flew out, stood on the top of the holy land of the great sect, and raised his finger to the air.

"This is the sky!"

The Emperor of the Jie Sect jumped down, stood on the land of the third world, and pointed to the ground.

"This is the earth!"

Finally, the True Man Wuyu of the Human Sect floated between the holy places and said softly: "This is the human!"

In an instant, with the holy lands of the three religions as the center of the formation and the three near saints as the core, the boundless supreme scriptures gushed out and directly covered the third world.

"Using the sky as the boundary, driving away invisible things, this is the protective array!"

"Using the earth as the blessing, blocking visible things, this is the blessing array!"

"Using people as the heart, fighting against evil things, this is the Zhicheng array!"


With a loud bang, the third world seemed to break away from this world in an instant, becoming an independent world.

The great formation of the three elements of heaven, earth and man!

"The extreme of the east, Jianmu Fusang, billions of plants, listen to my command, release vitality, and turn into a blue dragon!"

Just as a formation was formed.

I saw Shenxuan Zhenren appear above the holy land of Xichan Sect and speak softly.

In an instant, the vitality of boundless plants and trees surged up, turning into the highest wood, multiplying nine million scriptures, and turning into a blue dragon.

"The extreme of the west, the golden essence of black iron, the metal of the earth, listen to my command, condense the golden essence, and play the white tiger!" That was the monk Jiusheng.

Immediately, the spirit of the refined iron was mighty, killing the white tiger, and roaring into the world.

"The extreme of the south, the sky melts the earth fire, the boundless fire, listen to my command, gather the fire energy, and descend the red bird!" That was Lei Yu Tianzun

In the middle of the earth, endless fire rose into the sky, burning all things. The divine bird, the Vermillion Bird, descended.

"The northernmost point, the deep spring and weak water, the eight seas of the world, listen to my command, gather water spirits, and become the Black Tortoise!" That was the Ghost Gate Emperor.

But the water vapor was infinite, forming spirits, silently forming in the silent place, with feet like pillars of heaven, turtle head and snake tail, and the Black Tortoise took shape.

"Four Elephant God, Four Elephant Formation."

"Four Elephants to control the world!"





The four sacred beasts roared at the same time, and the four spirits rushed directly to the edge of the third world, outside the Three Talents Formation, and formed another formation!

The Four Elephants to Control the World Formation!

Seven Near Saints, plus the seven major holy places, the formation was formed in an instant, and the entire third world seemed to be completely cut off at this moment, completely independent from the prehistoric world, and no longer connected.


In an instant, thousands of miles away, the lesion shook, and a huge force erupted from the inside, and the whole person instantly became a bloody mess.

Although the main body was not there, the focus of the spirit was undoubtedly mostly focused there.

Especially in order to compete with Li Su for the right to the mortal body, he wanted to completely infect him and control his body, and he was extremely devoted. To be honest, although he realized that he was deceived, he never thought that someone in the myth world could fight him on equal terms in this regard.

No, that's not right!

His infection was destructive, and he didn't hold back at all for the target, but he was blocked by the other party.

In a sense, he was much inferior.

To be honest, the focus was shocked and a little unbelievable.

As an existence transformed by an evil spirit, he asked himself that there would be no opponent in the world in the field of focus, and even a saint could not overwhelm him in this field.

But he didn't expect that he would actually meet him.

And what shocked him the most was that the person who collided with him, although his strength was almost the same as his, was another matter in terms of realm.

Extreme Daluo, no, at most one billion Dao realm!!!


A mere 100 billion Dao realm, can actually be on par with him?

Moreover, the Dao method used by the other party, the disease is not its root, the source is something else, it is life itself.

This is even more incredible, using the Dao of life to suppress him in the virus? What kind of Dao is this?

True Saint Daoism? ? ?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

How could there be a True Saint Daoism in this land of prehistoric times? The real true saints in prehistoric times are obviously only the ancient times.

No, this is not right!

Even if there are ancient saints, what? After the destruction of the ancient times, the ancient saints left behind only the remnants, and there was no real Daoism. No matter how talented and evil, it is impossible to get the orthodox inheritance through that kind of thing.

Indeed, there are people who have inherited the ancient saints' Dao methods in this world, but that is just the comprehension of observing the remnants and summarizing by themselves. Although there is a connection and it is also powerful, it is two concepts with the True Saint Daoism.


I couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the aura of the lesion fell.

Although his body was fine, his mind was undoubtedly hit hard like never before. The double formation set up by the seven near-saints directly shattered all his spirit in the third world.

Damn reptile!

"Focus!" Seeing that the focus's breath was falling and he was seriously injured, the evil spirit next to him couldn't help but change his face slightly.

It's not that they have a good relationship, but every evil is important, especially those at the near-saint level. The loss of each one is not only a weakening of combat power, but also a decrease in the speed at which the evil universe infects the origin of the prehistoric universe.

This is undoubtedly something they can't accept.

It's been a million years, and the Lord has been waiting for too long.

If they drag it on like this, even if they finally complete the task, they may not have a good harvest when they go back.

Before, the death of Plague and Desolation had already made them very uncomfortable.

"Go!" The focus's face turned slightly pale, and he looked up and said directly.

"Go?" Everyone was stunned and a little stunned. Although the situation was somewhat unexpected, the myth world actually used this method to get rid of mortals.

Not only that, they transferred two-thirds of their manpower to the aliens, and the lack of manpower was also a big problem.

But this was not a reason for them to retreat.

At least, they had to entangle them and prevent them from completely getting rid of them, and then deal with them after the aliens were done.

Now that the lesion was let go, it was equivalent to giving up the original plan. If there was no reasonable reason, it would be a problem if they really went back.

Taking a breath, Yao Yao said with an extremely solemn expression: "There is someone here in the mythical world who has the True Saint Taoism."

When everyone heard this, their pupils couldn't help but shrink, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"No way, Lesions, are you kidding me?"

"What is the True Saint Tradition? It is not something that can be learned by writing two strokes of handwriting and leaving a book behind."

"The true saint is one and only!"

"Unless it is recognized and the roots are released, it is possible to gain orthodoxy."

"The True Saint of the Great Desolate World has been isolated from this world for a long time, and has been sealed in the realm of nothingness by the Lord with the supreme evil energy. Not only that, everything in this world that carries the True Saint's lineage has long been destroyed. What is left is just a reverberation and a trace. It is absolutely impossible for people in this world to learn the true sage Taoism."

"Of course I do, but that's the point."

"I just launched my Tao method, but was blocked by someone. The method he used was similar to mine, but the root cause was not the Tao of disease, but the Tao of viruses evolved from the Tao of life."

"what does that mean?"

"We are transformed from the main source, and the essence of our power is an extension of his source, a branch of the main vein, and a sub-real power."

"A mere ordinary monk, without using the power of the main vein, can use the branches of the main vein to be as good as me. Apart from thinking that he has the lineage of a true saint, what else can he do?"

how come? ? ? Several evil spirits had unrecognizable looks of shock on their faces.

"That's it, I understand."

One of the evil spirits suddenly nodded, "If this is the case, the other party has either obtained the True Saint Dao Lineage that is well hidden and has not been destroyed, or has obtained the most precious treasure. Is this the reason why you want us to retreat? "

"Indeed, if the above situation is really the case, it is not suitable to continue to follow."

"Since the other party possesses the True Saint's lineage, we cannot rule out that the True Saint has left some means on the other party and possesses some ancient treasure."

"If that's the case, you have to go back. No matter which of the above, it's not good news."

As he said that, the man turned his head and glanced in the distance. It was not the direction of the mythical world, but the location of the nine huge evil pillars that protruded from the ancient land not long ago.

Following his gaze, the others couldn't help but take a breath and instantly realized something.

Whether it is a true saint or a treasure, there is no doubt that once the evil Tianzhu is attacked by the mythical world, it is really likely to be broken by it.

Although if you want to contact the 'evil hell', you need to destroy all nine evil pillars.

But now the Hell has not yet been fully formed, and the evil half-saint is still presiding over it. If it is really broken by the other party at this time, the Hell may have flaws.

You know, they have trapped nearly fifty semi-saints on Sanqingtian's side. Although the total of them is still not as good as the true saints, but a short burst of power comparable to the true saints is another matter.

Once there is a flaw, it is still possible for the group of half-saints to work together to create a gap that is enough for people to come out.

For this day, it can be said that the evil nature has been preparing for countless years, and even the external evil has to give up on itself to achieve it. Even if a semi-saint escapes, it will undoubtedly be destructive to their entire plan.

After a moment of silence, the evil spirit who spoke directly said: "You go back with the lesions, I will stay!"

"No, weak, what's the point of staying alone? If the other party notices it, in that case, I will stay too."

"No, you all have to leave. Only I can stay." The evil spirit who was called weak shook his head, and before anyone else could speak, he said calmly: "Don't forget what my Dharma name is."

"Let's stay too!"

At this moment, two more people came out of the group of evil spirits.

"Trauma, shattering?"



At the same time, here in the mythical world.

In the Sage's Seat, as the spirit of the lesion was destroyed by the two formations, facing the lesion without an owner, Li Su naturally drowned it immediately.

After all the remaining people were in the palm of his hand, he relaxed and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It has to be said that even with the Saint's Seat as a power source to continuously replenish one's own mana consumption, it is still a bit reluctant to face the evil spirits approaching the Saint.

It consumes a lot of energy. Even if you have a supreme soul and are under the protection of Yinwen, your soul is still very seriously consumed.

The soul is like this, not to mention the consumption of flesh and blood.

If Life Supreme were not powerful enough, even if he faced an attack at the level of a near-sage, it would still be difficult to be completely killed. Otherwise, all the cells in his body would have to be reborn thousands of times, which would damage his roots.

Therefore, severe damage to vitality is almost inevitable.

Not only that, don't forget that Li Su is still burdened with the blood debt of slaughtering nearly 100 billion compatriots at the moment, which also makes him quite uncomfortable. Even with the treasure to help him suppress it, he still has an indescribable feeling, as if on the clear glass It was covered with a layer of fog, and it was as uncomfortable as wearing clothes soaked by rain.

"Su'er, are you okay?"

The next second, Emperor Zun and the others rushed over. Although they could not find the location of the evil spirit, the moment the formation fell, they clearly felt that there were spirits no weaker than theirs that were crushed by the formation.

Even though it felt like Li Su's aura was just a little confused, several people still couldn't help it. After confirming that the third world was safe, they immediately ran over.

Taking a gentle breath, Li Su shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"Although there were some twists and turns, fortunately the plan was successful, and we don't have to continue to be passive like this."

Faced with Li Su's words, Emperor Zun and others, who had been solemn for many days, couldn't help but smile, as if relieved.

"Yes, all this is thanks to you, Su'er!"

"If it weren't for you, I really don't know how many people would have to die before this could be resolved!"

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