Chapter 1312 Separation

"Completely separate the mortal world from the mythical world? Let me manage it alone?"

Li Su looked at the Emperor in astonishment. He had originally thought of releasing the authority, but he did not expect that the Emperor and his men would directly deny it.


"Sorry, Su'er."

"This is almost like handing the biggest trouble to you."

The Emperor took a deep breath and said slowly: "To be honest, trillions of mortals are too heavy a burden for the current situation in the myth world."

"Although the other party still did not show up in the end, they must be watching in the dark, and there is no way to determine whether there are other traitors among the mortals or even the monks, or whether they have been marked."

"In this case, the fewer people who can reach the mortals, the better! You have the protection of the treasure. Even if you really encounter any threats, you can quickly escape with the help of the treasure."

"So it is safer for you to control it alone, and only you know it."

"Not only that, we can rest assured that the mortals are with you."

"Without the worries of mortals, we can also concentrate completely and deal with the evil spirits with one heart."

It is not a trouble.

After all, Li Su is only responsible for the operation, plus opening the entrance to the Demon Subduing Hall. In fact, the other things are handled by the Xia Kingdom.

For example, the command of the personnel and the placement after entering were all sent by Uncle Zhu.

In fact, they were also in charge of the Demon Subduing Hall at this moment. It must be said that Xiaguo has developed well in recent years.

Especially in terms of technology, it has developed very well and has returned to the level before the destruction of Xiaguo, which is quite remarkable.

Although Xiaguo's technology is far behind the strongest cultivators in the myth world, it is also a top-level civilization system.

Not to mention mobile phones and artificial intelligence, even space transmission technology has been mastered.

In addition to the help of the metal life starships left in Xiaguo, they are Daluo-level metal life. Although the trillion population is huge, it is much simpler for a technological society.

In fact, Uncle Zhu's previous report was still a bit conservative.

In recent years, they have prepared a considerable amount of materials and really intend to completely transform the myth world and turn it into the appearance of Xiaguo.

The other party has prepared a full thousand super brains with the mothership as the core.

The number of base stations used for information transmission is more than 100,000.

Of course, Zhu Zhong and his men were still somewhat caught off guard. They had already imagined as much as possible, thinking that even 10 billion people could be quickly gathered and transformed directly.

Then, they thought that more than 1.2 trillion people would be thrown at them.

Even if one planet is divided into 10 billion, it would take 1,200 planets to fit in this terrifying volume.

With no other choice, they could only distribute as much as possible, dividing the prepared things into 12 parts, and commanding them in a rather reluctant way.

Fortunately, with the starship and Wei as the core to coordinate the central deployment, the crowd was finally not in chaos.

Nowadays, the entire Xia country can definitely be said to be very busy. It can be said that in addition to students, among the more than 800 million people, 500 million people are constantly busy.

Among them, the busiest people are undoubtedly translators.

You must know that even a country, even if the writing is the same, can develop different accents.

Let alone the mythology world.

There are tens of millions of writings alone.

After all, the myth world itself is not suitable for mortals to live in. Before, most mortals lived in the outer space, and it was not managed by the system. As long as they had Taiyi cultivation, they could take some of them to open up new territories.

After millions of years of continuous accumulation, you can fully imagine what their development will be like.

In many places, the words of God have long been transformed into ancient languages, which are directly inconsistent with what they are saying now.

Here, it must be said that Li Su brought back the starship from outside the Four Heavenly Gates, otherwise, the translation problem alone would be enough to make Xiaguo collapse.

In addition to language, the rest is food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Here, Li Su also helped a little.

After all, the spiritual energy in the Demon Subduing Hall has long been exhausted. The planet where Xiaguo now lives is not counted, and the planets around it are almost inactive.

So, while letting people in, Li Su extracted spiritual energy from the Immortal Prison and the prehistoric world to nourish the exhausted stars.

Now, with the help of large-scale machinery, large-scale reclamation has begun inside.

While building houses, they planted plants.

Judging from the current situation, they will still need the myth world to provide food in the next one or two years, and after that they should be self-sufficient.

By the way, Lei Yu Tianzun of the Heavenly Court went in specially to adjust the environment inside.

He created an artificial sun, which radiated directly to the more than 1,200 planets through the formation, and created four seasons, plus day and night.

In addition to the food prepared by the Heavenly Court in the early stage, it can be said that Li Su has nothing else to do except letting people in and absorbing extraordinary spiritual energy.

Next, just wait.

According to the current situation, at most five years, these trillions of people should be able to return to the right track and start a peaceful life again.

Basically, the only trouble he had at the moment was to wait for the disciples of the other sect to clean up the ordinary people infected with evil spirit diseases in the corpse group, and then he would be in contact with his virus and let their souls return, and then there would be nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Li Su nodded.

Although the request of Emperor Zun and others surprised him, considering the current situation of the myth world, trillions of mortals were very troublesome for the myth world, and there was no time to manage them.

Apart from other things, the transfer of the holy land of the great sect, the destruction of the evil pillar of heaven, and the release of the imprisoned saints were enough to drain everyone's experience.

Not to mention that the evil spirits must be looking down on them, and the battle could start at any time.

Therefore, he was the only one in charge of the Demon Subduing Hall, which was basically the best choice at present.

Without the authority of others, the situation of the Demon Subduing Hall would be sensed by Li Su. If there was really a problem, he would be able to detect it at the first time. On the contrary, once the authority was released, if something happened, he would probably find it difficult to respond at the first time.

"Senior, what are you going to do next?"

Emperor Zun said slowly: "Su'er, do you still remember the great sect's foundation that we mentioned to you before?"

Li Su was startled, and immediately nodded and said: "I remember."

When he gave the plan before, Li Su originally planned to let Emperor Zun and his men fall into anger and madness because of what happened.

In the end, Emperor Zun and his men changed it to decide to use the great sect's foundation.

Not long ago, they returned to the holy land of the seven sects, and they did indeed explode with unprecedented shock. Even though Li Su was fully focused on controlling the virus at that time, he still felt an amazing breath that was enough to threaten his life.

Facing that explosion, Li Su even heard the surprised voice of Tai Chitu.

"What is this breath?"

"We plan to separate the seven holy places, find a place to settle them, and then activate the foundation."


Is this saying that the so-called foundation of the previous explosion was not actually activated?

Li Su's pupils could not help shrinking slightly. You know, that aura is very terrifying. Even if he faces it personally, with the protection of the treasure, he still feels hurt.

Of course, this does not mean that the treasure is not good, but that his realm is not enough and he cannot fully exert the maximum power of the Tai Chi diagram.

"Why do we have to separate?"

Although he was a little curious about what kind of background there was, there was such a huge pressure before it was activated, Li Su asked in confusion.

You know, in this situation, once the seven holy places are separated, it means that Emperor Zun and others have to separate, which is equivalent to being alone. If they are discovered by the evil spirits, it is easy to get into trouble.

Emperor Zun and the others looked at each other, then looked at Li Su and said, "Because the energy required to activate the foundation is too huge, it will almost drain the spiritual energy within thousands of light years around the holy mountain. Although the situation on the Heavenly Court is better, it still requires at least hundreds of light years."

"Now, the seven holy places are too close. Once activated, we can only give up the other six and use one of them. Otherwise, the result will be that all seven cannot be activated."

"Before putting the seven holy places together, the first reason was naturally to form a formation as the center of the formation to build the three worlds. In addition, if it is activated by a saint, it will greatly reduce the impact on the surrounding spiritual energy. Qi absorption, so there is no impact. "

"It's different now. We can't provide so much mana to activate the foundation, so we can only separate them again and let them stay in one place to accumulate power. . "

"We, that's what we plan to do!"

"We plan to destroy the evil pillars that seal the saints by using the foundation first."

"As for the many treasures in your hands, we still don't plan to expose them."

"Instead, we plan to wait until three of them are broken, and then we will make a concerted effort to destroy all the remaining pillars at once."

Li Su's eyes lit up when he heard this.

It has to be said that this method is quite clever.

Even if the evil spirits are prepared, they would never have thought that there are as many as six in the myth world.

Without defense, the probability of breaking the formation directly will undoubtedly be very high.

Before Li Su could speak, the Emperor continued, "Besides that, it's you, Su'er. To be more precise, it's your Saint's Seat."

"Saint's Seat?"

"Yes, your Saint's Seat was made by seven saints at the same time. In addition to being used as your amplification, it can also directly hide itself and its ability to connect with the seven holy places."

"So, we hope that you will take the Saint's Seat and hide it in the deep space. After we have made arrangements, you can return directly through the connection between the temple and the Saint's Seat.".

"The Saint's Seat has the protection of a saint. Once it is hidden in the void, unless you take the initiative to come out, even if there is a saint on the side of the evil spirit, it will not be able to find your trace for a while. "

Hearing this, Li Su took a deep breath. Although it was dangerous to separate them, considering that he wanted to break the evil pillar, it was undoubtedly best to use his foundation to test and destroy it.

Whether it was destroyed or not, at least he had the experience. If he used the treasure later, it should be able to basically guarantee the destruction.

"I understand. I wonder when you guys are going to act?"

"Act now!" Emperor Zun said directly.

Li Su was startled and couldn't help but say, "So soon?"

You know, they are still in the mythical world at this moment. If they really want to separate, they should retreat together first and get rid of the evil spirits, right?

That way, it will undoubtedly be much safer.

If they separate directly now, what if the evil in the dark targets one of them?

Feeling Li Su's worry, Emperor Zun and his companions couldn't help but smile bitterly.

That's right, after all, facing this crisis, their performance is really not very good? Some mortals actually have to let the younger generation make plans and do it themselves.

There is really no way to say this.

After all, as near-saints, they are indeed very strong, but this strength is basically concentrated in combat. Compared with the omnipotence of saints, it is undoubtedly too much worse.

No wonder that I and others, who are near-saints, are worried about a little guy in the billion Dao realm.

"Little guy, don't worry. Even if we are separated, we are not alone. Don't forget that we are leaving with the Holy Land of the Great Religion."

"Your Saint's Seat is a treasure."

"Do you think the Holy Land of the Great Religion is not? This is made by the saint himself, and it took countless years of hard work. Each of them can be said to be the top war fortress."

"If the evil spirits really set their sights on us and chase us, that would be a blessing."

"We are not bragging. Unless the evil spirits send out two or more saints, no matter how many near-saint evil spirits there are, they can't stump us."

"As for the saint-level evil spirits, Even if there is a spirit, it is probably too busy now. "

"Although the thing that trapped the saint has completed the internal blockade, it has not completely stabilized. At least half of the evil spirit's combat power is there. "

"Otherwise, just start fighting directly, instead of doing this kind of trick. "

"It is obvious that the evil spirit is also stalling for time. "

"After all, they have sealed the saint so openly, so they must have the power to eat up the rest of the people. Otherwise, won't this seal be a joke soon? "

Hearing this, Li Su took a deep breath and completely understood what the emperor and the others meant.

There are probably at least three reasons for the hasty separation.

The first level is naturally to activate the foundation.

The second level is to hurry up. Since the evil spirit is obviously also stalling, the faster the action here is, the better.

The third level is fishing. Deliberately separating may also mean using oneself as bait to seduce the other party. Once the evil spirit can't help but follow one of them, it will immediately use the holy land of the great sect to give the other party a hard blow.

"I understand. Let's follow your plan, seniors!"

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