Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 201 Ermeng and Su, thunder and fire


Crocodile Ao yelled and rushed out first. It was obvious that they had been tricked.

Especially that last laugh,

It was simply a mockery in front of his face, even Crocodile Ao was a little out of his mind at this moment, it was so irritating.

If the other party ran away directly, he wouldn't feel anything, and he wouldn't even chase him. At most, he would just see if the cub came out.

But the other party not only startled them, but then ran away. Not only did they run, but they also laughed.

In Crocodile Ao's life, no, that group of second-generation demons had never received such treatment. It was so irritating.

His rationality couldn't be suppressed, his anger was rising, and the cub was no longer there. It was most likely taken away by the other party.

Thinking of the seventeen magical powers that had been lost in the opponent's blue light, Crocodile Ao's black crocodile head turned blue, and Qi spurted out directly from its ears. The flames could be seen flickering, and his brain was on fire.

ah! ah! ah!

He jumped thousands of miles and chased the green light crazily. After all, it was a demon, not a human.

I never thought that I could do this even if I caught him.

As soon as Crocodile Ao left, the other demons naturally followed quickly, with six or seven streams of light following closely behind.

"Tch, they didn't all leave...!"

Standing on the spot, Zhu Zhong had an unkind expression on his face and his eyes were fixed on the remaining more than a hundred monsters not far away. They were all in the Taoist realm and their strength was not bad.

Unfortunately, the Crow Clan, Sunflower Demon Clan, and Black Snake didn't leave.

In fact, several tribes were not interested in cubs from the beginning. Well, it's right to think about it.

Others may not say it, but the Crow Clan has experienced it personally.

King-level cubs are very powerful, but they are also very troublesome to raise, especially if they are fed to the Immortal Realm, which consumes a huge amount of resources.

Why did the Crow King abuse the cubs he had carefully raised in the first place? The main thing is to make it obey.

As a result, they turned into enemies.

So the Crow Clan has finally become enlightened, and they haven’t looked for another one in these years. There are hundreds of magical powers, and they almost wiped out their entire clan... It took hundreds of years for the Crow Clan to recover a little bit. At the time, the eight demon kings The strongest one is the Crow Clan, and now the Crocodile Clan is almost catching up with them in terms of lower-level forces.

Not to mention the Huli explanation that came out this time. It is obvious that this cub has very weird abilities and the painting style is particularly scary. I am afraid it will be more troublesome than the last one. How can I be interested?

But Crocodile Ao is a little different.

This clan itself is ferocious by nature. When they are hungry and angry, they will even eat their own clan members. The ferocious cubs undoubtedly suit their appetite.

In fact, their family had two cubs, and they were both killed.

As for who killed it, who knows...!

The Sun Flower Demon and the Black Snake were undoubtedly led by the Crow Clan, and they did not move.

The Crow Clan glanced at Zhu Zhong and others who were about to move, and after confirming that Qingguang had indeed left and leaving nothing around, he waved and said: "Let's go!"

Soon, the demon clan left.

The fifth surname didn't say anything, and just took the people away. Although there was a loss this time, it was still within acceptable limits. Only the surname Cai was more unlucky. Cai Hun also came. When he returned to the Holy City, this guy , old miserable.

It has not recovered for more than ten days. Now it looks like nothing on the outside, but it is still extremely miserable inside, and the feathers of the Black Crow clan are not easy to use. He had been chopped too many times, and the inscriptions were imprinted on his body, and he could only slowly polish them off.

Zhu Zhong exhaled and was about to do something when he saw a figure appearing, standing in the distance.

It's Chen Yi!

Zhu Zhong frowned. He was also the second generation of the Chen family. He was not a leader, but he was an important figure in the think tank.

"Let's talk?"

Chen Yi was quite direct, standing far away and speaking directly.

chat? What else is there to talk about? Zhu Zhong almost retorted to the other party without saying this directly. Not only was there an irreparable rift between Xia Guo and Wu Xing, the most important thing was Li Su, Li Su.

His father has already started asking today, and there may be a video call in a few days.

As a result, you can't find anyone yourself?

Zhu Zhong had a feeling that once his father knew that Li Su had been missing for more than ten days, he might drop everything and whip him.

Zhu Chong didn't care if he was beaten. He had a good face, but he could bear it if I beat my son.

But his father doesn't follow the routine.

It is said that children are beaten behind closed doors, but his father is different. He has a very clear style of painting. He likes to hang and beat in public, and while beating, he can tell you all the dark history he has done for most of his life.

He had been stoned once in high school, and it was still fresh in his memory. That day became a stain on his body.

Especially that bastard Ying Long, he actually videotaped it... It made Zhu Zhong feel extremely uncomfortable and panicked every time he saw him. In the past few decades, those boys like Zhao Kun have often sighed and regretted it. Why? No video? If you record it, you won't be ordered around by Zhu Zhong...

He was almost fifty years old. Thinking about this kind of thing, Zhu Chong felt shuddering.

However, he is the lord of Xia City after all, and he is in charge of millions of people in Xia City.

Chen Yi appeared at this time and avoided others. This was undoubtedly a signal...

The five surnames share the same spirit, not just in words, but in basically every action, they are together.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Zhong said: "Let's go, by the way, Ermeng, I have a favor for you!"

Ermeng, who was gnawing on bamboo shoots, raised his head, looked at Zhu Zhong with cute eyes with dark eyes, and quickly sent a message, I am a panda? Pet? What do you want to do? Tell you about work, even if you kill me, I won’t do it...!

Zhu returned his gaze.

Li Su, do you know? The signal appeared just now. You go find him and bring him back to Xia City. It's very simple, right?

Ermeng was startled, Li Su, I heard that he is a very powerful guy with extremely high talent. He has reached the Taoist realm in less than a year since he started practicing, and his strength is quite amazing.

But what does that have to do with bears?

Zhu Zhong naturally knew that Ermeng belonged to the category of "a hundred catties of thousand-year-old bamboo shoots from thousands of mountains and forests!"

Two cute meals, one hundred kilograms of thousand-year-old bamboo shoots...? Hearing this made him ravenous, and then he became angry. He looked at Zhu Chong with his big eyes, "You're so Chong, but you didn't give me anything to eat?? I'm going to complain to Father Zhu."

That's right, not only did this guy have no intention of doing anything, he also wanted to get it for free.

"You brought the person back, I'm going to get it for you!" Zhu Chong was angry. Isn't this bastard usually stupid and lazy? At this point, it knows how to calculate.

"You have to get it for me now, one hundred pounds a month!" Ermeng is a swindler. If you don't get it for me, I will file a complaint.

Zhu Zhong's head was filled with smoke. He used to think that Ermeng was very good and to his liking, but now he found that this guy was no better than that coquettish fox. They were both a scam...

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhong's cheeks ached. That damn fox actually called his wife and told him that he had gained another five kilograms... Damn it, his wife almost beat him to the punch.

"Okay!" Zhu Chong smiled. It was estimated that with that kid's ability, he wouldn't be able to die.

There is a saying that the harm will last for thousands of years... As he did, even if he died, the other party would not necessarily die.

Well, black history is just black history, isn’t it just thick-skinned? Taking the bear with me, I risked my life. Some things are new and I can't stand it. I want to make it public again...? Hey, Yinglong, why don't you prepare to go to the mine for me next month!

The evil fire came up, Zhu Zhong's eyes were dark, and he decided to take the risk.

Er Meng was startled. He was lazy and a little naive, but he was not stupid. He was very smart in certain things.

If I don't bring Li Su back, will anything bad happen to him as a bear? It seems, no..., something is wrong! ! !

Father Zhu had contacted it before and said briefly.

That is Li Su..., the importance is equal to winning the battle + Zhang Shengying!

I won’t talk about other things, Dad Zhu. I want to sleep and eat, but as for Li Su, please pay attention to me and don’t act cute. Otherwise, if something happens, don’t eat bamboo shoots in the future. Eat iron. ! Don’t you have a common name called Iron-eating Beast? Eat for a hundred years first...!

Recalling Zhu's father's words, Ermeng's legs felt a little weak.

Even if the iron-eating beast can eat iron, it can't eat it every time? It will become thin...

Immediately, Ermeng howled: "You're so heavy, you're dead!"

It yelled, then ran away with a squeak!

Zhu Zhong gave the other party a small look. Just like that, he still wanted to threaten his brother? Then he waved his hand, signaling everyone to retreat.

At the same time, he looked at Chen Yi standing in the woods in the distance.

Damn it, this is the time to talk.

I hope that the conversation you want to have is constructive, otherwise you will be full of artistry!


It's normal for Er Meng to run away, it's not unusual.

After all, it is a bear. It is instinctive to jump up and down. Although it jumps up and down, it only eats bamboo at most and never fights.

You have to think clearly when you hit it. It has no other abilities except that it can tell the point with one move. Whoever hit me can tell it at a glance.

Yes, that really makes the point!

Once your magical power is activated, you will be brighter than anyone else, like a fire shooting into the sky and shining in all directions.

Then Da Meng comes, this is his biological father, he will fight you tooth and nail when he comes up, and then his second father will also come, and he will fight you tooth and nail when he comes.

How could you hit such a cute cub?

The Monster Clan once had an incident. On the Snake Clan side, Black Snake was preparing to frame this guy and attacked Ermeng.

Then it lit up, its whole body was covered with light, and then the father bear came, and his body bones were beaten into two sections, and then the second father also came. If it hadn't practiced the magic skill of peeling skin and ran fast, After diving into the Hundred Thousand Devil's Cave, I'm afraid it will turn into snake soup and be served to the crying Ermeng!

After signaling, Ermeng ran for a while, picked up the tablet hanging on his bear's neck, raised his little paw, and scratched it dozens of times like lightning.

First, it sent a message to the second father.

"Second father, Li Su seems to have left Xiacheng. He has been missing for several days. Er Meng is looking for him now... When he finds second father, he wants to give me bamboo to eat."

"*\u0026*\u0026%*\u0026¥@#...!" A bunch of foul language exploded out of the tablet, and Marshal Zhu, who was as fat as Maitreya Buddha, appeared. He looked at Ermeng with a smile and said: " Good son, go quickly and find someone to bring back to Xia City. After that, you stay with him for the time being and don’t let him run around, you know? I’ll get you some bamboo shoots later, that’s enough!”

Ermeng's eyes trembled, and his fur stood up. Sure enough, Erdaddy was still very grand, unlike a certain one. His big head nodded one after another and said: "Okay, I'll go right away!"

After hanging up the call, Ermeng opened the tablet again and logged into his military account.

Li Su's identity is extremely confidential, and there are only a few people in the entire Xia Kingdom who can clearly know where he is.

To check, you must have an identity!

Name: Ermeng.

Identity: Special Advisor of Xia Kingdom! (general level)

Strength: Peak of magical power.

Er Meng pulled Pala a few times and revealed Li Su's information.

It took a look, raised its head and recognized the road, then started trotting all the way, embarking on Ermeng's adventure in the forest to find the genius Li Su.

Run for a while and take a breather.

After running for a while, Ermeng's eyes lit up, he made a ninety-degree turn and rushed into the bamboo forest not far away.

Bang Chi, Bang Chi.

Take out the bamboo shoots!

So, move forward, stop, and take out bamboo shoots!

After three full times.

"Boss Blood, are you still following?"

In the distant sky, Blood Crow, Sun Flower Demon, and Black Snake were hiding in the clouds, who were supposed to leave with the large army.

The Sunflower Demon paused, and the Black Snake rolled his eyes.

Blood Crow's face was green, red and purple. It was almost within the limits of Xia City. If he followed it, he would be beaten to death.

"Let's go!" Follow me... I actually suspected that there was something wrong with the stupid bear running out alone. It was also mentally disabled.

Soon, the three demons disappeared.

Er Meng continued to dig at the bamboo shoots, and after swallowing them, there was a mocking look in his eyes, "Three idiots, who are you looking down on?"

It is a special advisor to the Xia Kingdom, a general bear!

If you don't have any skills, how dare you become a general?

Not a single bamboo shoot fell in the forest, and Ermeng started on the road again.

It eats and walks, eats and walks!

Finally, it felt close.

Moving down a big bamboo shoot, it walked towards the position shown on the tablet.

Hey, it’s not far from Xia City? The relationship was so good that I just happened to go to see if Zhu Chong was back and get the one hundred kilograms of bamboo.

It quietly stepped forward, intending to take a look at this Li Su. There must be something extraordinary about him being so valued by his second father.

Winning the battle is good, and Zhang Shengying can do it too. Unfortunately, the two of them have too much sense of responsibility and too strong pursuit of power. It is impossible to live with them. I don't know what Li Su will be like? It would be great if you love bears.

Thinking about it, Ermeng stretched his head into a relatively dense forest. There was not much space inside, and the tree trunks blocked the sky and the sun. It was a good place to hide.

He is a vigilant person, in line with the bear's appetite.

Ermeng thought..., but Xiongyan took a look inside, why couldn't he find anyone?

Where are people?

It looked down at its tablet in disbelief. It was in the right place, right here. Where were the people?

Just when Er Meng was confused, the flies that had been lying there in the forest without moving for a while started to move.

Flesh and blood grew crazily from the fly's body, expanding dozens, no, hundreds, no, thousands of times in an instant.

However, he saw numerous white bones appearing, forming a skeleton, and terrifying veins climbing up. Then, flesh and blood continued to cover it, and skin began to emerge, covering it bit by bit, turning it into a human form.

Standing up straight, Li Su moved his body and his face turned a little blue.

It hurts!

It’s also tiring.

The changes on the physical level are undoubtedly very challenging, because the muscles and meridians have not transformed into Taoism, and Li Su is hiding in the Buddhist kingdom. When he comes out, he feels uncomfortable all over his body, not to mention the discomfort.

My whole body was numb... I almost fell apart. Not to mention how slow I was flying all the way, I was attacked by mosquitoes several times. I was so disgusted that I couldn't eat it. After all, the shape of a mosquito about the same size as me really ruined my outlook. , and finally thrown into the Buddhist Kingdom to be boiled in oil.


There was a sound, and something fell to the ground, a big bamboo shoot.

Li Su turned around in horror, only to see a head with round eyes staring at him.

It has a strong scent, no kidding, very strong.

Far beyond the realm of Taoism!

Demon? Divine power realm?

A wave of coldness rushed from his spine to his forehead. Li Su's pupils shrank into a line, and his whole body was cracked. There were bone spurs sticking out. On them, black, white and red were intertwined. There was also a wheel between his eyebrows, which was golden. red. His belly suddenly split open and glowed with green light.

The flesh and blood moved crazily and splashed out, with golden cicadas inside.

He is going to fight!


Ermeng also shouted, its breath burst out, and its body instantly expanded. A treasure light was shining, and it shot straight up, forming a halo above its head, illuminating almost all the surrounding areas.

Then..., it turned around and ran away, barking as it ran.

"Don't come over here~!

Xiong Ke can tell you that the top of my head is a locked halo that can illuminate the dark night. Once you take action against me, the halo will be transferred to you, and then you will shine brightly for a long time!

And once activated, my eldest father will come immediately, and my second father will also arrive later. They are all immortals, and they are not afraid to tell you that if you dare to touch me, you will be dead! ! ! "

Looking at the black and white animal that screamed and ran away, Li Su, who was ready to fight for his life, was startled and a little confused. If you read this thing correctly..., a national treasure?

Panda clan? ?

However..., feeling the breath of the runaway guy, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Is that guy in the magical realm? It is in the supernatural realm, right?

Thinking of this, the magical power he activated began to shrink, the bone spurs disappeared, and the cracked skin recovered. Li Su let out a long breath, which scared me to death.

This has entered the scope of Xia City, and there are actually monsters in the supernatural realm appearing.

Li Su didn't chase after him. According to what was written in the manual of Xia Kingdom, the panda clan was near Xiacheng. The bears of this clan would look for food around Xiacheng if they had nothing to do. Don't make a fuss when encountering them. Always keep bamboo to hug the bears. Touch the bear.

After finding a stone, Li Su sat down and did not chase the bear. Although everyone wanted to touch the national treasure and hug it, especially such a big one that could be ridden... and lay down on its soft flesh to sleep. It must be very comfortable.

But at the moment he had no intention..., mainly because he was tired.

The Master's Qingping Sword put a lot of pressure on him, especially the first volume of the Wuming Kung Fu, which was obviously a Buddhist martial art... and it pierced the deepest part of his body.

It was nothing at first, but after so much time, Li Suzhen was a little tired.

Potential is the deepest foundation of the body. It determines how high a person can reach.

Under normal circumstances, it is silent and low-key, constantly releasing energy and allowing people to grow.

But after Qingping Sword melted into it, the taste changed.

Along the way, his potential has also released energy to him, and even more..., and he has also changed the taste, with a total of four kinds.

Every second, his bones, muscles, sinews, and skin seemed to have been struck by thousands of swords and chopped over and over again, until they were almost reduced to minced meat.

Fortunately, his body's ability to regenerate along with the path of transformation is very terrifying, otherwise Li Su would most likely be killed by the magical power he cultivated... His own magical power killed him, and he was also drunk.

What does the inscription say?

Mr. Li is very good at swordsmanship. He hooks them to write swords, chisels them to write swords, and carvings in his house to write swords. The sword is perfect, and the person is stunned!

Horizontal criticism, a strange story through the ages?

Li Su sighed, feeling tired, his teachings were unreliable, his master's kung fu was unreliable, and he didn't care whether people could bear it or not...

He silently used his magical powers and began to transform the meridians.

Well..., it's not slow.

It seems that because his own energy has become extremely violent, the carving is as simple as swiss and swish.

The only thing you need to pay attention to now is to be careful when cutting, don't cut the tendons...


There was a soft sound, and Li Su's face turned a little dark. He counted... and eighteen of them were broken!

Fortunately, he can be cured..., what's going on? No, brother, you are brother, why are you branding the sword intention of the Four Swords on my tendons?

Although I don't need to erase it myself, it is very slow to repair...

You wait a moment...?

Suddenly finding that resources were being consumed like a mammoth, Li Su couldn't help but widen his eyes. Not only that, the pain in his body increased so much that he almost shed tears. Before, the sword was just for cutting flesh and tendons, but now it is Cutting his cells, one stroke at a time, and then chop after chop. Good guy, the inscription is floating...

No..., hiss!

Slow down..., damn, there's flesh under the sword...!

Li Su's whole body was shaking. After the tendons were cut open, his Qingping Sword seemed to have discovered a new world, and he started to chop directly. In the shadow of the sword, the dull hair on the head of Yuanshen'er bounced back and forth, extremely happy.

Li Su couldn't help but wanted to curse. He felt as if he had raised ten sons like huskies, and his heart was broken.

But as the picture came out, Li Su couldn't curse anymore.

I still remember that when I was very young, I saw that my father was tired every day and had to clean the house, so I wanted to help, but I just kicked him over and knocked over the bucket that my father filled with dirty water. , followed by a miserable meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots, and from that day on, Li Su never thought of helping, no matter how tired his father was...

At this moment, the same is true for his Qingping Sword Fruit. It is not causing chaos, it is transforming the path!


It's not that I can't bear to part with him, it's mainly because Li Su understands him. He's going to fight now. After that, I'm thinking about Qingping Jianguo's active transformation. Just dream...

Do not hit?

It hurts so much... No, you can transform it into a Dao, just carve it in. Why overcut it?

Li Su's whole body was spurting blood. Of course, this was not a problem. After all, he recovered in the next second. As for the pain, it stopped hurting the more he cut.

Mainly due to consumption, it was really huge, and his resources began to be emptied at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the Buddhist Kingdom and the Ghost Realm, madness is erupting, and spiritual energy rushes into Li Su's body wave after wave. Should it be said that it is worthy of the Lingbao Sutra? The consumption is too damn high. If it weren't for the many corpses swallowed in the blue light world before, it feels like all the resources are not used..., no, why does it feel like most of them have been absorbed by the flesh and blood supreme?

Damn it, recovery...?

Slow down, slow down….

Finally, Qingping Sword stopped, but when he saw Jian Guo hanging his tongue, he went back with a swish!

Li Sum was paralyzed, and the only corpse left in the Buddha Kingdom was the big python... which was equivalent to one-half of the fragmented space in his world...

As for transforming into the Dao... don't tell me, it's really fast.

Just this time, haha, in just one hour, one-fifth of the skin, meat, tendons, and bones were completed, so fast.

Not only that, his Creation Sutra has also improved. It seems that he has been chopped too many times, and his recovery speed and sturdiness have improved, especially the bones have a sheen like gold and iron.

The effect is not bad...!

Li Su couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

"You're so cracked, doesn't it hurt?"

There was a weak voice, and Li Su looked up and saw the panda that had just run away. It stood tremblingly ten meters away, looking at Li Su in disbelief. Li Su didn't chase him. After running for a while, it realized something was wrong and came back.

It stood there and watched for a long time, until the scalp of that one was numb and the heart exploded. Thousands of gashes were opened on the other side, some of which were as big as one meter long and so deep that the internal organs could be seen.

Li Su smiled, his heart was bleeding, what do you think?

However, Li Su was not worried about pain at this moment. Human habits are very scary. After all, the effect is outstanding, and the pain is not intolerable. If this continues, Qingping Sword Fruit may be the first one to complete the transformation. .

What bothered him right now was not his body, but his money.

Qingping Jianguo went back, tired!

But Li Su could feel its excitement, thinking that if his father hadn't beaten him, he would have wiped the floor cleaner than Tim's. Don't underestimate the determination of being a son of a man, but it's a pity that his father didn't know how to cherish it.

In other words, this is just an intermission, and it will come again after recovery.

Li Su thought for a moment, then turned to look at the bear and said, "Er Meng?" There were not many bears in the magical realm, and there was only one he could think of.


"Apart from eating bamboo shoots, don't you eat anything else?"

"for example?"

"Spirit Mine!"

Ermeng's eyes were bright and green, and his big head nodded wildly, but then he shook his head: "Bears don't fight!"

"If you don't fight, let's steal!"

"Steal? Whose?"

“Zoe’s family!”

"If you don't fight, you want the bear to do it? Bears don't know how to dig holes!"

"You are in the realm of magical powers. If the other side has magical powers, you should be able to feel it, right?"

"Okay, Xiong has no other skills. His senses are so powerful that he didn't run away within a hundred miles."

"Okay, let's go over there. If we have the magical power, we'll run away. If we don't, we'll just finish it off. How about that?"

"How to divide it?"


"The feelings are good, let's go!"

"Wait a minute, I have to take a rest, I'm tired."

"I'll take it to you...!"

"You gave me a ride?"

"Ordinary people don't think about it."

Ermeng ran up, and Li Su climbed up with a squeak, holding the soft giant panda in his arms. He squinted his eyes and said with a smile on his face: "Finally I touched the national treasure!"

Ermeng's eyes also narrowed, it felt familiar to him, a top shit shoveling officer, if you hang out with him, you will definitely make a lot of money!


"Southeast, two hundred kilometers away!"

"Okay, uh, wait a minute, there is a detector over there at Wu Xing. Where is your locator?" Xiong knew the way.

Li Su, no, the ghost realm appeared under the bear's feet, and a dark hand stretched out, giving it the locator he put in it.

Xiong Yan was horrified. He felt that Brother Su'er's Taoist and magical powers were very strange. His painting style was horrifying and he couldn't look directly at him. It took a breath and bravely took it, then picked up the flat plate hanging around its neck and said: "I will give you a secret mission first, a silent signal."

But when he saw it snapping for a while, the bear's paws became phantoms, and then closed it, it said: "It's done! Sit tight!"

"No problem, but your appearance is too eye-catching, I will put on makeup for you!" Li Su thought for a while, and his body began to become fleshy, softening directly on Ermeng's body. Suddenly the black and white panda disappeared, replaced by a black one The big, dark bear blends in perfectly with its surroundings. Standing in the shadows, you can’t even see it!

Ermeng was startled, and then he became happy. Are there any bears in this world who are not naughty? No! It's just too eye-catching to tear down your home.

The next moment, step forward with eight steps, three hundred steps to start, let’s go! ! !

With a body weighing several tons, he can drive very fast, combined with the leisurely figure-eight steps, which makes him feel special.


Mortal world, military headquarters.

Zhu Chongba took a deep breath. Xiong should have taken Li Su back by now, right?

He thought and clicked on the communication.

drop! drop!

Uh, do you have any information? Did it come from Er Meng? found it? Zhu Chongba had a smile on his face, feeling that Er Meng was reliable.

"Hello, Second Dad! Xiong and Li Su went to steal the mines, don't miss it...!!"

Zhu Chongba's old face froze, his eyes widened, and he looked at the contents of the communication in disbelief...

The people were gone before, but now the bears are gone too? ? ?


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