"Isn't it here yet? Asu!"

Er Meng stuck out his tongue and kept breathing. This trot has been over a hundred kilometers, right?

When was the last time you exercised vigorously like this? Twenty years ago? Or thirty years ago? I'm afraid it wasn't fifty years ago, right?

Hearing this, Li Su couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "There's still half the distance..."

Nonsense, can this be achieved?

It’s not even half the distance, what’s going on with this bear? After all, he is already in the realm of supernatural powers. He actually ran 100 kilometers in an hour... and he is getting slower and slower. This is no one else.

Ermeng quit, and it’s been more than 100 kilometers, and he still has half of it? It started to act up: "I won't do it anymore, I won't do it anymore, this bear can't live a good life, I'm hungry, so hungry, so hungry!"

Li Su was startled, and then he looked at the bear and said nothing.

What bear? Is it on me?

He took a deep breath and said feebly: "Er Meng..."

"What are you doing?"

"I want to tell you first that you are acting cute and coquettish in the wrong place. It is of no use to me!"

"Hey, Xiong's decades of experience..., uh..., why is it useless? No more love? No more love?"

"I love you big-headed ghost!" Li Su touched the other person's head, sighed and said: "Er Meng, first you have to understand a situation."

"What's going on, I won't listen!"

"No, you have to listen! First of all, this operation is private work, for the two of us. The purpose is to rob others, not to fight, but to steal their money for enjoyment."

"Yes or no?"

Er Meng was stunned and nodded.

"You haven't stolen anything. What's the use of arguing with a poor guy like me? I'm poor too!"

Li Su sighed, "Not to mention the question of whether you are willing or not, if I ask you for 10 million crystal coins now, and you are willing to borrow it, will you give it now?"

Ermeng immediately shook his head. He had no money, not even a dime, and ate all the money after his salary was paid.

"Right? Is it possible to have a relationship with a poor guy? What's the use of being cute and playful? I have no money!"

Ermeng froze, so I expressed my feelings in vain? Ermeng snorted and immediately planned to leave without giving the bear food or playing with you.

"You still have to get on the sword." Li Su glanced at the other party and said directly: "You bear, you can't do it!"

Ermeng stopped and immediately twisted his body. He was so cute, and there was food everywhere when he returned to Xia City. "Why can't it work?"

"Oh, I don't understand it at all!"

"don't know?"

"You're like this, you can't even keep up with the hot shit you eat!"

"Bears don't eat shit. That's a dog's hobby. Don't talk nonsense! Be careful when you say nonsense. I'll sue you for slander."

"You still don't believe it after taking a look? Then let's add it all up!"

"Yeah, I'm listening!"

"You ran for an hour for a hundred kilometers, right? There's still half the way."


"If you arrived in ten minutes, would we have started looking for it by now, or even found it directly?"

"Uh..., should? Maybe?"

"Now that I've found it, is it ready to eat?"

"It seems, indeed."

"What's the result? Now we have to keep running! Didn't we waste a lot of time!"

"Uh...?!" After hearing this, it was true.


The bear is gone!

Li Su glanced at the other party, "I have traveled more than a hundred kilometers. If I don't go, won't these more than a hundred kilometers be wasted?"

Ermeng was stunned and froze. Xiong Sheng will never work, let alone work for nothing? This is intolerable! ! !

"Then, another question, if Zoe mines a large amount of ore veins during this period, when we find it, the ore veins initially had 100 million tons, and when we arrived, there were only 5,000 tons. How much do you think we lost? ?”

Ermeng was stunned. His eyes were wide open. When he said that, holy shit, he actually lost five thousand tons of spiritual minerals!

Li Su said: "Is it uncomfortable?"

Er Meng nodded fiercely.

"Do you feel like you're bleeding inside?"

Er Meng nodded again.

"Are you so heartbroken that you can't breathe? You traveled more than 200 kilometers and lost 5,000 tons of spiritual minerals? How does it feel?"

Ermeng's eyes were filled with tears, as if his heart had been stabbed with a knife.

"Yes, that's it. I'm so heartbroken right now that I can't breathe." Li Su touched the big guy's head, "The tears are streaming down my face, and I feel like I'm losing blood! So, Ermeng, remember, if you don't work or if you do private work, It’s two different things!”

"If you don't want to work, you'll have to do it for others, but if you do private work, you'll do it for yourself. It doesn't matter if you do it for others, or even if you don't do it to be cute, but if you do it for yourself, it means you are being reduced all the time. We are supposed to get something, but every second of delay is a huge loss. If it exceeds a certain time, it is a blood loss!"

"Er Meng, do you know that we are going to rob? What is the point of robbery? It is the speed of the soldiers!!"

Li Su waved his hand, "What I'm talking about is wind and wind, what I'm doing is resolute, what can be done in half a day will definitely not take a day, as for hard work, as for tired, when you get home, put the things you grabbed in the house, and then you Lie down on it, don't you feel happy and comfortable? Sleeping on the big bed made of spiritual stone, take a few bites when you are sleepy, chew twice when you are tired, don't you feel happy!"

Ermeng Xiong's eyes began to shine, as if he had seen that lazy life.

"Furthermore, think about it, now that you are also in the supernatural realm, you act cute every day and ask for it. How much can you ask for? Are you full? You still have to be touched and hugged. You are a noble bear, and it costs at least one hundred kilograms to touch it. About a thousand years of bamboo shoots, right? It’s even more incredible if you hold it in your arms, it’s at least three hundred kilograms, right? Are you tired of being like this?"

Ermeng was stunned.

"But you can't be noble, do you know why?"

Ermeng became anxious and shook his head violently. After all, that's a Xiong Sheng who can weigh a hundred kilograms of bamboo shoots that are about a thousand years old at the touch of a touch!

"Because you are poor! How can you be noble if you have no money? How can you be proud when you are hungry? To deal with you now, thirty kilograms of hundred-year-old bamboo a day is enough, and not a hair more."

Ermeng's eyes widened, feeling that his outlook on things had been refreshed. There was no doubt that this was how Zhu Zhong treated him.

"So there are methods and tricks for not working. Do you know that the worst thing is to not work all the time? That's a useless bear, a disabled bear, a bear that can be fooled at will."

Li Su said seriously: "You don't want to be that kind of bear, do you?"

Er Meng shook his head wildly, of course he wouldn't do it.

Li Su smiled with satisfaction: "So we have to figure out one thing first, that is, we need to do more private work. You can do the work with money depending on the situation. If you only work hard and don't pay, then you will never do it. Do you understand? ?”

"When you have more money and stop begging for help, when someone wants you to appear, you can still ask for an appearance fee. That's right, you have to pay just for standing around!"

Er Meng blinked, and in an instant a majestic picture appeared in his body.

"Uncle Ermeng, please come out and help me shake the place!" Zhu Zhong lay on the ground, extremely humble.

"Okay, three thousand catties of bamboo!"

"This, this is too expensive!"

"Then you go find another bear."

"No, wait a minute, I, I, wuwuwu, can't I give it to you?"

Xiong Sheng is so majestic! ! !

Ermeng Xiong's eyes suddenly widened, "Asu, how far is it?"

"Yes, that's it! You dare to work privately and make money for yourself!" Li Su said with a row of bear heads: "About a hundred kilometers!"

"Then why don't you come up quickly? Oh my god, my little money is gone, it's all gone. My heart hurts so much!"

Ermeng let out a howl, showing off his speed for the first time. It was really fast, in a word, as fast as flying.

One hundred kilometers in five minutes!


"Asu, is this here?"


Li Su got off Er Meng and felt his surroundings. Yes, his cell clone was here.

As for the direction, due east!

That's the location.

"Ermeng, over there, no sound can be made from now on! The entire spiritual mine belongs to us. If they are discovered, they will definitely speed up and call people to resist us. Although we can also shake people, But if it shakes, it will be a big loss. According to the laws of the Xia Kingdom, we can only get 30%, which is directly reduced to 70%. At half and half, everyone only has 15%."

"From 100 million tons, there are only 1,500 tons left. In addition, if it is mined by the other party, there may not even be 1,000 tons."

While talking, Li Su covered the two of them with ghost realm.

Ermeng nodded quickly. The bear's eyes flashed green, showing a rare killing intent. That was the bear's money. Whoever touched it would kill him!


One person and one bear cautiously stepped forward and walked in the direction pointed by Li Su.

"Asu, I feel it." Not far away, the bear barked.


"The spiritual energy fluctuations here are strange. There is indeed a mine nearby!"

Li Su was shocked, this bear still has such ability? Can you feel the presence of mineral veins? Although he was closer, he didn't feel any change.

Soon, one person and one bear climbed over the low mountain.

When I climbed up, the scene on the other side of the mountain appeared.

People, lots of people, only a few outside, more inside.

There are about a hundred people in Zoe's family, all of them have good strength, and they are all in the Taoist realm. Some of them are still at the peak of the Taoist realm. They have traces of Taoism on their bodies, although they are only very shallow, very shallow, and they are also in the earthly immortal world. Considered elite.

Others were absent from work and worked very hard.

But I saw cart after cart of ore being pulled out, the spiritual mine, and the inner mine without a doubt.

Ermeng couldn't help it, it was all his money.

"Asu, shall we do something?"

"Wait a minute!"

"I'm going, what are you afraid of? All the bears I don't fight will catch up, which means there is no magical realm here. Just go up and slap them all to death. It's just a small amount of money!"

Li Su glanced at the other person, "Look, look, look, this bear is really awesome now."

I don’t understand the key points of making a fortune at all.

Although they mined quickly, what came out was fragmentary. That is to say, although this vein contains a lot of ore, it is very complicated and must be very laborious to mine. After all, it is the Xu family's mine, so that's all.

The two of them, one and the other, are obviously not good at digging holes. Even if they pounce on them, how much can they get?

If contact is lost here, the Zoe family must respond immediately.

“Ermeng, where do you think Zoe’s family will transport the ore?”

"Huh?" It shook its head honestly.

"Although the five surnames are of the same spirit, they do not share resources. In other words, those who manage their own families will basically not move into the Holy City, but have their own base outside. But where is it? No one knows, it’s so hidden.”

"Not only that, do you know the nature of the spiritual mine?"

Ermeng shook his head.

"Spirit mines, especially those of medium to high level, may produce a large amount of ore, but they cannot be mined too aggressively, as it will reduce the quality of the ore itself. Therefore, in addition to moderate mining, the best way is to collect miscellaneous ores to fill them. Take it out after a period of time, so not only will the quality of the spiritual ore not be damaged, but the miscellaneous ore will also turn into high-quality ore."

"Asu, what do you mean?"

Li Su's eyes lit up, truly green: "Yes, let's raid their lair~!"

Er Meng was startled for a moment, and suddenly became a little excited. Where is my old home? That's really..., that's really, "Asu..., it's a lair, and the other party will keep a close watch on it, right? Is this possible?" Although it is at the level of supernatural power and at its peak, it can't handle so many people.

"Who said we have to do it ourselves?" Li Su rolled his eyes, "Just find a place! If we can't defeat it, how can Xia Guo be defeated? If your father comes, can he be defeated?"

"No more. Even if each of us has 5%, it's still more than the one under our feet, right? Hundreds of millions, even billions."

Ermeng's eyes lit up, yes, why didn't it expect that it couldn't defeat the shaking man?

"The bear understands!!" For the glory and nobility of the panda, he risked his life!

"very good!"

Undoubtedly, Er Meng, who refused to work until he died, was turned astray by Li Su and got out of hand.

"I will place a clone in the sky to confirm the target location. Let's double lock. Next, you should also pay attention and observe. Once you feel the magical power, stop."


Soon, one man and one bear took action.

As for what's under my feet, well, I can't see it anymore...


I don’t know why, but the first chapter was unbanned and then banned again...!


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