
Click! Click! Click!

In the woods, a small figure kept moving through the treetops.

Behind him was a huge creature.

It was an extremely weird-looking bird. It kept making shrill calls. The sound was strange and harsh, with a special audio frequency. Just hearing it made me feel very uncomfortable, as if it was scratching the glass with sharp force. Goosebumps can be heard, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Facing the creepy figure behind him and the behemoth chasing after him, Li Su's eyes flashed coldly, and he was calm and unbelievable.

He looked like an ape, but also like a spiritual deer, using his limbs like a lynx, writhing in the woods with great ease.

His ears catch all sounds, his nose smells all smells, his eyes count all images, and his skin absorbs all movements.

Coupled with a brain that surpasses human limits and terrifying reflex nerves, every second that passes is like minutes to him.

His nerves were shaking, his heart beat over two hundred, and his lungs expanded to the limit with every breath.

At every moment, Li Su, who was traveling through the jungle, could perform more than thirty movements to dodge the pursuit of the strange birds behind him.

Goo! Goo! Goo!

The strange bird behind him kept shouting, and the cry was extremely rapid.

Its mouth is making sounds, and the sound like a steel needle is rioting. Its nasal cavity is also ringing, and the echo is the frequency of the collision of gold and iron.

There is fire in its eyes, burning wantonly.

Every time Li Su dodges its attack, every time it breaks a large tree trunk, the flames in its eyes get higher and higher.

Provoked, humiliated, teased.

As the king of the dark night, he toyed with the human race like ants, and finally devoured the absolute predator. His anger was constantly being accumulated, his reason was gradually drowned, and only his murderous intent continued to flourish.

It has never been so played by a life that it despises.

It was so angry that it kept making high-pitched screams as it passed by, rampaging unscrupulously and destroying everything in sight.

The tree pole was broken, and the branches fell down, leaving a mess everywhere it passed. Especially its sharp sound, it had the effect of cutting like a steel knife. The body of the tree pole that was broken by it cracked the next moment. Kai Lai was chopped into pieces by the sound.

Unfortunately, although it was extremely powerful, the ant in front of it made it extremely angry and an eyesore. It wanted to kill it and devour its flesh and blood. It remained unmoved and kept running around, not giving it a chance to get close.

The two sides just chased and escaped, constantly entangled with each other.

From the treetops to under the tree trunks, from the ground to the shrubs.

Li Su kept changing his position, passing through tree poles, bushes, and raised stones on the ground to avoid the pursuit of this creature called the Night Demon.

He took a big breath and sweat fell like rain. Even if his dodge method was the optimal solution and the use of power was also the best, it was obvious that it had only been a little more than six days since he was born. No matter how powerful or abnormal his body is, it is far beyond imagination. It has five senses that are at the limit of biological species, and reflex nerves that are several times more sensitive than wild animals. After killing, the physical exertion has undoubtedly reached a limit.

His movements began to appear a little unsteady and deviated.

In this critical moment of life and death, any problem will undoubtedly have a huge chain reaction.

Once the strength was insufficient, scars appeared on Li Su's body. He was rubbed from a branch and blood spattered. He was stained with blood and injured, and his right shoulder was scratched.

Facing this scene, the eyes of the strange bird chasing him suddenly trembled. It became excited and excited.

His nostrils began to pump vigorously, sniffing the other person's blood, and memories of the past began to appear in his mind. The fragility of life. Once injured, death is not far away.

It chased harder and screamed louder, trying to drive Li Su to a dead end little by little and kill the opponent.

Of course, it was excited because Li Su was injured, but it did not discover a shocking fact. It should be said that because it had been hunting humans easily for a long time and playing with this race wantonly, every time it found it, it would eat up all the humans in the place where it was found. It does not realize a problem.

That is consumption, and it is not unilateral, but mutual.

Li Su's physical exertion was huge, but the strange bird's consumption was small?

No, it consumes more!

Not only is its body huge, every time it pounces or chases, it subconsciously makes sounds, emitting harsh audio through its mouth and nasal cavity.

As we all know, singing is a physical activity.

The sound of the strange bird requires a large amount of air to be sucked in and out, which is more energy-consuming than singing a high note and shouting with all your strength.

And it has been shouting for an hour.

And throughout the whole process, I was still singing while running.

Li Su's physical strength was almost at the bottom, his breathing was very rapid, the oxygen could not keep up with the body's consumption, and a large amount of lactic acid accumulated in the body.

Isn't this the case with strange birds?

It didn't notice that after this attack, the power of its vocal attack was rapidly weakening. That time, it clearly made a cry from its nose and mouth. Although it was uncomfortable, it could form like a shock wave, as if The general effect of cutting with a steel knife is gone.

The tree pole was simply broken by it, not split.

This scene was undoubtedly captured by Li Su who kept running away in front.

His breathing was very rapid, very rapid, and he no longer had any extra energy left to fight with the other party.

To resolve the battle as quickly as possible, it is best within a few minutes, otherwise even if he wins, it will be a miserable victory. In this dangerous forest, exhaustion of physical strength is not a good thing.

about there!

Dodge is not the purpose, but to tire the opponent.

The thing behind him has been at the level of a predator for so long that it has developed a hobby of killing.

That is a behavior that wild animals will never do under normal circumstances. A fatal blow is the normal state of natural animals. Even herbivores can explode with incredible power when they fight back before death. Even eagles have one. If you're not careful, you might get kicked to death by a rabbit.

After dodging another attack from the opponent, the strange bird broke several tree poles. It struggled to stand up, flapped its wings, and kept scanning its eyes to find the target.


The strange bird was startled. It wasn't that it didn't find the target, but that the target didn't run away this time. Instead, it rushed toward it.

It couldn't help but raise its head, fixed its gaze on Li Su, and took a deep breath. It expanded its lungs and was about to make a sound through its mouth and nasal cavity at the same time, making a sound that could tear objects apart.


It undoubtedly used all its strength to squeeze with both lungs, forcing the air to spurt out from its mouth and nose.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard it tried, its lungs, which had been accustomed to this way of breathing tomorrow morning, did not respond to it this time. They were too tired, really too tired. Not only that, the strange bird's inhalation this time was not enough. It was also tired, very tired, and the air in both lungs was less than one-thirtieth of the usual amount.

It froze, its eyes wider than lanterns.

This is because the shock wave erupts through the resonance of the mouth and nasal cavity. This is its ultimate move. It will excessively consume the air in the body and cause short-term stiffness. It is the same as the magnification move. There is stiffness.

Under normal circumstances, this is nothing, because the shock wave will knock back and tear the enemy apart.

But at this moment, the air it inhaled was obviously insufficient, and its lungs were also in an extremely exhausted state, causing it to directly enter a state of rigor, which is the last state that wild animals can have.

This process doesn't take long, about two or three seconds.

Therefore, the stiff strange bird looked at the ant that was floating down as if it had escaped the gravity of the earth, and stepped on its beak with its feet, and its eyes widened to the limit.

Stepping on the opponent's beak, Li Su let out a breath and raised his hand. The stone knife he had been holding tightly in his hand swept directly across the strange bird's pupils.


Although not very sharp, the stone knife was obviously harder than the strange bird's eyes and directly opened its eyes.

Then Li Su's knees slightly bent, and the right hand holding the knife stabbed the opponent's right eye that was cut by him with great ferocity, deep, deep, until his arm was sunk in, and then he pushed hard inside. After stirring around, Li Su pulled it out.

Blood splattered, with white liquid mixed on top.

Li Suhe jumped up, jumped off the strange bird, turned around and ran, running for more than ten meters before stopping.


The strange bird, which screamed crazily, kept wailing, and finally stopped from stiffening, started to flutter violently this time. Not to mention that its sight was taken away, Li Su's last stab was too deep, too deep. Although it is still a little far away from its brain, after all, Li Suren is too small, with a total length of just over one meter, and he is just a short hand, but following the eyes in, the stone knife still rotates in a circle, and countless nerves It was broken by him and the blood vessels were cut by him.

boom! boom! boom!

Life has directly entered its final chapter. Even though it has strange abilities, the strange bird, which is an apex predator in its small size, is still like an ordinary creature, overwhelmed by death, struggling wildly, destroying everything around it.

Standing not far away, Li Su finally let out a long breath. The anger in his eyes cooled down little by little, and the murderous intention gradually calmed down.

He raised his hand and took out the part of the strange bird's eyeball that was brought out by the stone knife.

The portion size is quite big.

While thinking about it, Li Su threw it directly into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

After shaking off the blood on his hands, he sat directly on the tree pole, breathing heavily while completely relaxing his body.

It’s tiring, but it’s also fun.

The anger, pressure, and murderous intent accumulated last night all poured out.

This is good, and my mentality suddenly becomes balanced.

Turning his head, Li Su, who finally had the strength to spare, looked at his shoulder. Well, it was a bit miserable. It was cut by a branch. Fortunately, the wound was not deep and the bleeding had stopped. He moved his arm slightly, although the wound was still a little burning. Yes, but it does not hinder movement.

Li Su sniffed a few times with his nose and did it for a while. He felt that he had regained a little strength, mainly because his stomach was warm and energy was gushing out. Not only did he quickly recover his physical strength, but his physical body actually also grew a little bit. .

His eyes lit up slightly. It was the flesh and blood of a strange bird. It was very nutritious, because it was like the highest level of protein, and there were also trace amounts of extraordinary factors in it, which could effectively replenish nutrients and improve physical fitness.

This is very good!

Although it is not as good as extraordinary particles that can directly transform people, it is almost the same as a century-old medicinal material.

Looking at the strange bird that was still struggling and making a mess all around, Li Su couldn't help but have a curious look on his face at this moment.

Naturally, he would not continue to be angry and hateful to a guy who was destined to die. The last knife had already vented all that needed to be vented.

At this moment, he was very curious, how did the other party achieve the special audio?

It's not a supernatural power, but there is such an organ directly in the body, and I don't know what it looks like.

When Li Su went to the ground and searched many caves based on the smell, the injured savages used too many herbs, crushed them with their mouths, and applied them on their shoulders.

Listening to the banging sound not far away, Li Su couldn't help but sigh, the vitality of this thing has increased.

His eyeballs were popped out by him, and he was also stabbed. The severe pain was enough to make him unconscious on the spot, and it would not be surprising to pass out directly. After all, the eyes are too close to the brain.

As a result, it had been almost five minutes, and the other party was still alive. His vitality was really terrifying.

But fortunately, this thing is very strong. When it is about to die, the sound it makes still has that special audio, which is extremely irritating. Even if the beasts in the forest smell the smell of blood here, they still can't help it. Dare to get close.

At least before he dies completely, there will be no problem and he can get some of it back.

The other party has eaten so many of his own people, so it is fitting that he should be eaten by his own people as a feast.

Wait, wait.

After a full half hour, the strange bird's aura gradually weakened and lost its vitality.

Li Su didn't move. Not only didn't he move, he stood further away. Don't ask, the other party is not dead yet. Not only that, but it seems that he has realized the key point of life. This guy is no longer struggling, it is accumulating strength. One last burst.

But how did Li Su know?

After all, the other party's heartbeat could no longer be heard and his breathing had stopped.

He didn't know, but he just felt that way.

After waiting for a long time, the strange and silent bird suddenly screamed. A shock wave erupted from its mouth and penetrated instantly, as if thunder exploded. Centered on it, it was almost ten meters away. It was as if it had been cut into pieces by a thousand swords, and was chopped into pieces.

The sound came and disappeared quickly. After this time, the other party was completely out of breath.

Covering his ears, Li Su was still a little dizzy even though he was quite far away. His screams were actually louder than the first time, which was a bit unexpected.

He stepped forward directly and soon came to the strange bird.

He was already completely dead, and he was about to die. The beasts that were frightened by its cry would come over quickly after not hearing its sound for a long time and being attracted by the smell of blood.

Therefore, there will not be much time left for Li Su.

Climb directly onto his body, pick up the stone knife, feel the texture of his skin, and start processing it.

He was very fast, avoiding the blood vessels that contained rich blood, and cut them directly through the skin and muscle texture.

The strange bird is very big, standing about 2.5 meters tall, and its wingspan is probably not more than 5 meters.

The dissection was not easy, and it took him half an hour to cut it open.

I took some feathers, mainly from the chest, which were very hard in texture, and then the chicken breast. Unlike before, it was very elastic and chewy after death, but not as hard.

Li Su cut it open while eating. He did not remove the internal organs. He took out the heart and liver and cut them into slices. It was very smooth, tender, chewy, and very spicy. He even got a nosebleed from eating it.

He didn't pay attention, and looked at the other person's lungs. There were two very weird joints there, which should be throats. They were very hard, and the shape was also very unique. There were many small holes on them, and the structure was very special. weird.

This thing should be the reason why the strange bird's voice is so unique! !

Li Su blinked his eyes and took it off.

It's almost time.

He raised his head, moved his ears, and began to capture the movement in the forest. There was a beast starting to come downwind. Because of the headwind, he couldn't smell it, and the distance between them was not far away.

Although there is still a lot left, there is no other way. Taking them all away is unrealistic given his current situation.

He took off the strange bird's organs, lifted up the feathers and pieces of meat tied with soft vines, held up his swollen belly, and took a forced breath. Li Su jumped up and climbed directly to the tree. The shape was covered in the shade of the trees. After confirming the direction, he left extremely quickly, heading towards the place where he came from.

Not long after Li Su left, figures appeared, including quite a few four-legged beasts.

When he saw the strange bird, he screamed and pounced on it without hesitation, and began to bite its flesh and blood crazily. After a while, the strange bird weighing four to five hundred kilograms was chewed beyond recognition.

The feast lasted for a long time, almost half an hour.

There were too many beasts coming, including everything. Especially when the wolf-shaped beast arrived, it didn't leave any bones behind and just gnawed them clean.

And almost twenty minutes later, another four-legged beast arrived, ten in total, which was considered a larger group.

However, unlike other beasts, they did not immediately come forward to eat, but kept looking around.

After a while, one of them stood up and revealed his true face.

Yes..., people!

But, how should I describe it? Although they are human beings, they feel more like beasts!

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

The man stepped forward and looked for a moment, then yelled. His face was filled with tears, as if it was not a bird that died, but his father...

Suddenly, the other nine were roaring, happening, and shouting.

Soon they dispersed and took action directly, killing all the beasts around them without hesitation. The corpses were hung up with vines, and the heads were chopped off with great anger.

After finishing everything, they began to quickly collect the corpse of the strange bird, packed it up, wrapped it in fur with an extremely cautious expression, and then quickly took the corpse towards the other side where Li Su left.

The Night Demon likes to eat people and has a hobby of killing. Everywhere he goes, he will kill all the humans there before leaving.

Is this behavior really innate?

It seems..., but it's not!


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