It was easier to go back. It didn't take long for Li Su to see the hills where he lived in the distance.

By the way, Li Su knocked out a wolf that looked like a big one, weighing more than three hundred kilograms, about the same size as a tiger. He carried it and trotted back all the way.

As time went on while he was out, the sun moved a little bit, and it was almost a day.

It was faster when I left, but when I came back I was a little tired and my speed slowed down quite a bit.

As Li Su returned, there was a sound on the hill.

He was so small that he was completely crushed under the wolf. A hunting team was dispatched and headed straight for him.

When they came down and saw that it was Li Su who was carrying the giant wolf, the hunting team immediately screamed loudly, with an extremely happy look on their faces.

Li Su's various performances are undoubtedly unparalleled even in the hunting team, and will definitely lead them to glory in the future.

Several hunters immediately stepped forward and helped Li Su accept the huge wolf.

They had smiles on their faces, and even though they experienced such despair last night, they still cheered up quickly.

Going up the hill, Li Su's mother was also there.

Looking at Li Su, she couldn't help but let out a calm breath and relaxed a lot.

"came back?"

Li Su nodded: "Mom!"

"Have a good rest. That's the end of the Night Demon thing. We'll start cleaning up later. Ah Shan has already gone to find a new habitat."

She didn’t think Li Su could kill the Night Demon. In fact, she didn’t think he could find it, my mother said immediately.

Li Su immediately said: "Mom, we don't have to leave."


"I found the Night Stalker and killed it!"


This time it was not just the mother, everyone could not help but widen their eyes and looked at Li Su in disbelief, killed the Night Demon?

Li Su smiled, took off the package hanging on his back, and took out the tree vine that tied the Night Demon's body.

Looking at the things in his hands, everyone looked at each other.

In this era, there is no such behavior as lying. What is said is basically confirmed.

But such a thing as killing the Night Demon was so shocking that it was unbelievable.

For a while, many people scratched their heads and didn't know how to describe their feelings.

Even my mother looked at Li Su suspiciously. The thing he took out was undoubtedly the body of some kind of creature, but was it a night demon?

Li Su smiled and picked up the nasal cavity part removed from Night Demon.

Along the way back, he did some research and lost a lot of time.

The strange sound frequency of the Night Demon undoubtedly came from these two organs. He put the nasal cavity of the Night Demon that he had cleaned when passing by the stream into his mouth, then took a deep breath and blew hard into it. .


A sound like the scream of a night devil sounded, and the sound contained an extremely uncomfortable frequency, exactly the same as the night devil.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed and they couldn't help but take a few steps back.

If the sound had not come from Li Su and not elsewhere, they would have immediately picked up weapons and gone to fight.

Among everyone, only Li Su's mother had a strange expression.

Not only did she not step back, but she took two steps forward, widened her eyes, and stared at the bones in Li Su's hand. The colors in her eyes were extremely complicated.

Li Su smiled and handed the bone to the other party, thinking that the other party wanted to see it.

My mother shook her head in surprise, but turned around and said, "Wok, you go find Shan and ask him to bring the people back."

"Okay, leader!~"

"You have disposed of the body." She arranged for others to deal with the wolf that Li Su brought back. At the same time, she motioned to the woman beside her: "Collect the feathers and make them into ornaments. We have a warrior in our clan!"

After saying that, my mother hugged Li Su in her arms and lifted him up like a treasure. "Night Demon, who grows up in the south, is a four-legged tribe. From the god of the dog tribe, my son hunts I got it and gained its power. God bless my family. My son has the power of the gods, is protected by the hunting god, and has ancient blood flowing in his body..."

As if opening a chat box, Grandma said a lot. Following her words, everyone soon came over and knelt down around Li Su. They all stretched out their palms and placed them on Li Su's body. There was a burning look in his eyes.

They shouted loudly, making sounds with unclear meanings, and their vocabulary expressions finally exceeded Li Su's understanding. The only thing that was certain was that they were very happy.

Facing this scene, Li Su had a thousand things to say in his heart, but he could only show a dry smile on his face. After all, this is the way of expression of primitive people. Although he doesn't agree with it very much, he can't deny that it isn't?


Enough is enough for you guys! ! !

Where are your hands touching?

I'm only six years old! ! !

Feeling the hand that went straight to Xiao Su'er, Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and he was struggling. However, there were too many hands on his body. You must know that he even specially cleaned his body when he came back. , and the result was spent again.

Not to mention I don’t like cleanliness, but I also like skin-to-skin contact... I’m also drunk! ! !

Surrounded by a group of yellow teeth, even if his olfactory organs were turned off, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and fell asleep.

After a full day, including killing the night devil, Li Su was indeed tired. When he returned home, he naturally fell asleep quickly.

After discovering that Li Su was asleep, everyone soon became quiet. Mother directly held him in her arms and carefully returned to the cave.

Almost as soon as the sun moved a little bit, the mountains came back.

There was a lot of blood on his body, as was the case with the hunting teams that went out together. It was not that easy to find a habitat. This was not a normal migration, but was being targeted by the Night Demon. Therefore, not only did the distance have to be far, but also the last It's best to be able to wade in the water. The wading area can cover up the smell and avoid being chased by the night devil.


After returning, Shan immediately entered the cave. When he saw Li Su in his arms, he exhaled and couldn't help but reveal a big smile on his face.

Not only did the little guy come back safely, he actually did it and killed the Night Stalker.

During this period, the human race was more struggling to survive and did not care much about the issue of hatred, but he was undoubtedly very happy and very happy when Night Demon died.

"We're back, Shan. Please immediately have someone prepare enough food for the road. Let's leave here."


Shan was stunned for a moment. The Night Demon has been killed. Do you still want to leave?

"Chief, where are we going?"

"go back!"

"go back?"

"Well, get ready and return to the east!"

"Go back east? Chief, can we go back?"

"I couldn't before, but now I can!" Grandma hugged Li Su tightly with a smile on her face.

Shan was stunned for a moment. He was about to say something when he suddenly saw the bones lying next to Li Su. His expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened and he said, "Chief, that is...??"

A very happy smile appeared on my mother's face and she said: "It's a bone tool, with the power of the night devil on it!"

Shan became excited, with an extremely hot look on his face, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Because a large number of people were killed by the Night Demon, there were only less than twenty tribesmen left. They prepared quickly. They were all young and strong. A hunting team went out to hunt for fresh food. At the same time, the others quickly organized and organized the tribe. The relatively intact animal skins inside were packed up.

The carving day is not even close, and the preparations are complete.

Soon, I went straight on the road, facing the direction of the rising sun, and left the residence where I had lived for more than ten days and nights.

Many people took a souvenir look at the home behind them, and headed towards the east under the leadership of Shan.

I don't know how much time passed, but Li Su finally woke up. He was slightly confused and rubbed his eyes, then stretched and stood up.


After looking at the sun that had risen a lot and moved about two millimeters, Li Su blinked his eyes.

I actually slept for two days, and I was really tired.

However, he slept really well this time, with strength gathering in his body. After the battle with the Night Demon, his physical fitness has improved greatly. This is mainly due to the opponent's flesh and blood, which contains special substances that allow him to The body becomes stronger and stronger.

When he got up, Li Su found two bones hanging on his chest. They were the strange things of the Night Demon. They were pierced with hair and hung around his neck. Not only that, there was also a piece of animal skin on his chest, which was threaded with tendons. He got up and put it on his body, and the Night Demon's feathers were sewn into it.

This is..., clothes?

Li Su was stunned for a moment, a little confused. Although his mother and the others also had ornaments on their bodies, they were just ornaments, completely different from him.

However, the clothes he was wearing at this moment, although simple, were unmistakable.

what's the situation?

"woke up?"

Grandma's voice rang out, right next to Li Su, very gentle.

Li Su was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but turn his head. The next moment, he was stunned again, and his expression became even more bewildered, because his mother was also wearing animal skins, not only her mother, but also the entire tribe.

what's the situation?

As soon as I woke up, would this level of civilization be directly upgraded?

Not only that, where is this place? At this moment, they were obviously in a large open space, not on the original hill.

"Mom, what are we doing here?"

"go home!"

Well...? When we go home, Li Su naturally won't ask, shouldn't our home be on that hill? Still going there?

And judging from the direction, he was walking to the east, which is closer to the habitat and home of the gods. In other words, his tribe did not originally live here, but migrated here?

"Come on, eat first!"

Grandmother held Li Su in her arms and handed him the meat of the night devil that he had hunted.

After Li Su opened his mouth and took a bite, he picked up a piece and gave it to his mother, and planned to share it with everyone.

But my mother stopped him, shook her head and said, "Only you can eat this!"


"The soul of the Night Demon resides on it. Only those who kill it with their own hands are qualified to swallow it. If others swallow it, they will be killed by its flesh and blood!"

Li Su was stunned for a moment, a little dumbfounded. Is there such a thing?

But he didn't say anything about it, it was all superstition, because in ancient times, you would be burned to death if you talked about this stuff, and he didn't want to appear too different.

Until Li Su was full, his mother glanced at Shan, who immediately said: "Let's go!"

Soon, the team of more than 20 people set off again. Li Suyin woke up and joined the escort team without letting his mother hold him.

Even in the daytime, walking through the forest is still quite dangerous. A team of less than twenty people may be destroyed at any time.

Obviously, with the addition of Li Su, who has super five senses, it becomes easier. His sensing power is so powerful that even animals with protective colors will be captured by him and killed in advance.

Setting off again, Shandu couldn't help but let out a breath and relaxed a lot. He felt that he had a lot of confidence in this migration, and perhaps no one would die. After all, their number was already very small.

The entire team clearly felt the difference Li Su made after waking up. Not only could they get on the road easily, but getting food became easier and more convenient.

Everyone couldn't help but smile on their faces. They were extremely happy, their eyes were burning, and they kept scanning Li Su's body.

This is the warrior...!

Just one person is enough to protect a tribe and make the tribe strong.

Not only that, Li Su is only six years old now, still very young, no, should be said to be super young, and they will be protected by such an existence for the next dozens of days and nights.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but smile and had hope for the future.

Because the number of people was reduced, they walked very fast. They walked from around seven o'clock to almost nine o'clock. It took almost a month, hundreds of kilometers, and they didn't know how many mountains they climbed.

Li Su suddenly stopped, his eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the top of the mountain not far away.

"Uncle Ah Shan!"




"Shangshan over there is looking at us."

Shan nodded and waved directly to stop the team, and then said: "Leader!"

Grandma nodded and said directly: "Well, we have entered the hunting range. Just wait, someone should be here soon."

Soon, more than 20 people sat down on the spot. Even though they were in good physical condition as primitive people, the accumulated fatigue from such a long journey was still quite tiring.

Resting where he was, he didn't wait long before someone came over.

They were armed with weapons, not stone knives, but spears, stone spears tied with stone tools. Not only that, they were all wearing animal skins, especially the leader, who had feathers on his head and ornaments on his chest, which were better than those on Amu. There are more, three large, medium and small strings, covered with various things.

There were more than thirty people, and they were immediately surrounded.

Immediately, except for Shan, the rest of the hunting team became nervous and picked up their weapons.

Li Su also frowned and couldn't help but glance at his mother. He had been reminding him since just now, but her mother didn't let him act.

Not only that, she looked quite excited at this moment.

"You are from that tribe, why are you here?"

"Hu, it's me!" Mom stood up and walked out, looking slightly nervous.

Hearing his name, the leader immediately looked at his mother. When he saw her appearance, especially the jewelry hanging on her chest, he was obviously startled and said in disbelief: " Childish?"

My mother took a breath, knelt down on the spot, touched her head to the ground and said, "Zhi, take the rest of the mountain back and ask to meet the elders."

Soon, others knelt down and imitated their mother's example.

On the side, Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw this. Does this mean that he will also kneel down?

Although it is said that when one is in the country, do as the Romans do, there must be prerequisites, right? That means the opponent needs at least one character who can make him cowardly, right?

Just when Li Su was hesitating, the man named Hu frowned, quickly suppressed the nostalgia in his eyes, and said with an indifferent expression: "Zhi, why did you come back? Your father committed a serious crime, which caused the clan to hold The bones are lost, and your clan has been expelled and will never be allowed to come back!"

Mother took a breath, raised her head and said, "I know, Hu. But the clan leader once said that if our clan can recover the bone weapon, we can be exempted from serious sins."

"Did you find it?"


"Child, out of respect for our ancestors, I won't kill you. I'll give you a hundred breaths and leave immediately...!"

"Hu, although we have not recovered the lost bone tool, my child, although he has not been named yet, has ancient blood on his body. He is favored by the hunting god. Not long ago, he killed the night demon and showered He became a warrior with the four-legged bloodline and the blood of the god of the dog clan, and obtained the bone weapon of the Night Demon!"


As Amu finished speaking, the person opposite could not help but open his eyes wide.

Killed the Night Stalker? And got the Night Demon’s bone tool?

Soon, Hu's eyes moved and looked at the only young man standing, Li Su.

When he saw the decoration on the other person's body, especially the very special bones hanging on his chest, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Bone tools have mysterious powers and are unique.

The bones hanging on the opponent's chest are obvious and different.

As mentioned before, primitive people rarely deceive, especially now. If a child is expelled and returns without finding a bone tool, it is a violation of the ancestral law. He will be killed and the bones will be thrown to Beast, soul can never return to the embrace of the great ancestors.

"Kill the Night Demon with just such a child?"

Before Hu could speak, a young man jumped out from the crowd opposite. He held a bone spear and rushed directly towards Li Su.

After hunting down the Night Demon and obtaining the bone weapon, he is a well-deserved warrior and the strongest among their clan.

Nowadays, there have been no warriors in the tribe for a long time. A sinner who was punished actually said that he had cultivated warriors? what is this?

Although Hu doesn't think Zhi would lie about this kind of issue, it doesn't mean that others think so too.

In fact, when the more than thirty hunting teams surrounding Li Su and the others heard this, they first showed disbelief on their faces and looked at Li Su suspiciously.

When Hu saw this scene, he didn't say anything. He was also very curious. He couldn't even kill the Night Demon and obtain the bone weapon. The child obviously hadn't grown up yet. How did he do it?

The young man who rushed out had his eyes flashing and his mind spinning. He didn't believe that Li Su could kill Night Demon, but the bones hanging on the other man's chest were undoubtedly real, and they should be bone weapons. Suddenly, murderous intent arose in his heart. Although the ancients were simple, they had nothing to do with innocence, so he rushed out and made a decision.

Kill this child!

There are not many bone weapons in the clan, and they all belong to one another. Not only that, he is so childish. He has heard from his fathers that there was a feud between the two sides and they had fought before. The other party was very aggressive when something happened. Now that the other party comes back with the bone weapon, he will definitely get it. Special treatment, being placed alongside their own clan, is not a good thing.

Therefore, he directly moved his spear and stabbed Li Su in the chest. The force was so powerful that he wanted to pierce him and nail him to death!

Feeling the other party's malice, Li Su frowned, and the power of the spear did not hold back at all. This was not a test, but a real attempt to kill him.

So, Li Su also took out his stone knife, and after feeling the opponent's strength, he hit the opponent's stone spear with the stone knife honestly and politely.

He didn't dare to collide head-on with Night Demon Li Su because the size difference was too big. The one in front of him was pretty good, but he didn't have a hundred kilograms of strength. Although he had murderous intentions, he looked down on him and couldn't use up all his strength.

With a bang, the young spear was knocked off by Li Su.

Not only that, the force beyond imagination made his hands numb.

Li Su stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's hand. Killing him directly would be a bit bad, so he would beat him half to death first.


He directly pulled it over and punched the opponent's waist with a loud bang, causing the opponent's waist to collapse on the spot.

Li Su didn't stop, grabbed the other person's hand and pulled it back again, boom! Boom! Boom!

One punch, another punch, another punch.

The sound, like beating a drum, immediately deformed the opponent with a hammer. A mouthful of blood spurted out on the spot, and he was knocked unconscious by Li Susheng's hammer.


Stopping suddenly, Li Su's mouth twitched as he looked at the guy who was exhaling too much and taking in too little. Oh no, he didn't stop... he was about to die.

After all, he has no habit of showing mercy when dealing with his enemies.

Throwing the person away, Li Supo looked at his mother with some embarrassment. She was so miserable, so troublesome... It seemed that something was going to go wrong on her trip home.


Hu and others took a breath of air-conditioning. When the young man adjusted the stone spear, they realized that something was wrong, especially Hu. Thinking of the other party and the Zhi clan, if they didn't deal with it and had a bad heart, the child would probably be killed.

As a result... it was the young man who turned around and was beaten to death.

Suddenly, the scene became awkward!

How to deal with this?

Trouble with the kids? Just kidding, not to mention that the young man had murderous intentions and carried out a fatal blow, and he was not dead yet. And you can tell from the few movements of that child that he is an extremely fierce cub. How strong will it be when it grows up? Even a large tribe like theirs doesn't have this kind of genius.

Hu took a deep breath and waved his hand, "Come here, inform the elders and take that idiot down."

"Zhi, take your child and follow me!"


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