Further east from where Li Su and the others were, there was a village surrounded by mountains on three sides, resembling a crescent from top to bottom.

There are many houses inside, which are made of slender green grass dried and tied together. They are built on tree poles and stand suspended in the air. There are hundreds of them scattered here and there.

Assuming there are three people in a room, there are probably close to 2,000 people living here.

In the tribal era, it was extremely difficult to develop like this.

In the center of the village, a huge animal skin hung on the canopy of a tree, with patterns like pictures and words carved on it.

There are seven pictures in total, each representing a god.

One of the pictures is the largest, and it shows the appearance of a god holding a weapon. That is the god that this clan mainly worships.

At the bottom of the picture, there is another pattern.

There is a ten on the top, and a mouth on the bottom. However, the top two vertical lines of the mouth are protruding, and the bottom is curved.

This is also ancient, and it is the surname of this clan.

There is a thatched hut under the animal skin, which is the largest in the entire tribe and is also the place where the Gu clan holds discussions.

At this moment, there were more than twenty people sitting inside.

Four old people, the rest are in their prime.

They respectively represent the four strongest bloodlines of the tribe, as well as twenty hunting teams.

Chao, the strongest, had the largest population of nearly 700 people, accounting for one-third of the total population.

Then in order are Jie, He and Mo.

Among them, Jie has the strongest fighting ability. Seven of the twenty hunting teams in the village belong to them.

Then there is He. There are five of them in the hunting team, almost the same as Chao.

Finally, there is the Moura. They only have three hunting teams, and there are more women in the tribe, because something happened a long time ago that hurt their vitality.

At this moment, they are discussing the issue of sending a team to the south.

Four days and three nights ago, the god they worshiped fought with the beast god, and the god won and expanded his territory.

This was a good thing, as the gods' territory expanded and the range within which the tribes could hunt was also strengthened.

This is especially true this time, because there is a river in the place where we captured it. It is an extremely fertile place. Not to mention the water source, it is living water. There are big fish in the water, and food is extremely abundant and readily available. If we can capture that place, it will be a huge improvement for tribes that don’t know how to farm yet, and they can strengthen the tribe and increase their population. The Gu family has been here for more than sixty days and nights, but the population has always remained at around two thousand, limited by resources and unable to develop. Now that we have the opportunity, we naturally want to strengthen ourselves.

Obviously, such a place is naturally coveted by others.

This place itself is the territory of the Beast God, and there are also humans and four-legged tribes under the Beast God.

Although the Four Legs did not occupy it, they regarded it as their pasture, and naturally they did not want to let the Gu family take over.

Therefore, around the river as the center, the two tribes fought several times, and a lot of blood was shed.

In today's meeting, the discussion was naturally about increasing efforts and sending hunting teams to the other side of the river.

Chao, Jie, and He were fine. Even if they sent out two hunting teams, it would still be fine. However, things were different for the Moans. They originally only had three hunting teams. If they were divided into two teams and went out, it would mean that there was only one hunting team in the tribe. There is a team, and they have a large population. The pressure of a hunting team is too much.

In addition to the above-mentioned problems, there is another problem, that is, the God's Day is coming, and people have to be sent to participate. These two things have caused a lot of quarrels.

Just then, a member of the hunting team ran in.

For a moment, everyone in the Four Meridians couldn't help but look at him.

The members of the hunting team immediately told what happened and Zhi came back.

Suddenly, the eyes of the old man in the Four Meridians were shocked. Zhi was from his clan. His father was once the strongest warrior of the clan and his son. However, he was punished because of his carelessness, which caused the loss of the Gu family's bone tools. His bloodline was destroyed. The Gu clan was expelled and they were not allowed to come back unless the lost bone tools were recovered.

That incident not only caused the loss of Mo's strongest warriors, but also drove out many people who were of his bloodline. This caused Mo's vitality, which had a small population, to be severely damaged, and it has not been able to recover until now.

The old man frowned and looked extremely unhappy. Although he was his son, his carelessness not only greatly reduced Gu's combat power, but also caused great harm to the whole lineage of Mo. At the same time, he was sad and resentful. . He asked: "What did she come back for? Did she find the lost bone tool?"

"No, but Zhi came back with a group of people. Among them was a young man with two bone weapons. Zhi said that they were her children. They were protected by the gods. They killed the night demon and gained its power."

As soon as the words fell, there was no sound in the entire thatched house.

Night Stalker?

Naturally, they knew about this creature. It was the son of the beast god, a hybrid. He inherited power from his father and mastered the power to enchant people's souls. It was very terrifying. There were cases where thousands of tribesmen were eaten by it. .

It is the ancestral spirit enshrined from the Inu clan, with four legs and one lineage.

Even an adult hunting team cannot defeat that kind of existence and will be killed by it.

"There must be a limit to the nonsense and lies. Drive them away immediately, or kill them if they don't leave!"

Momo was angry, how could he believe such a thing? A young man killing the Night Demon? How is that possible? The only person who can do this kind of thing is a brave man who never comes out for a hundred days and nights.

How could a group of expelled sinners be protected by gods and gain that kind of power?

"Elder, what that young man is carrying is indeed a bone weapon, entwined with divine power."

Immediately, Mo was stunned.

Are there really bone tools?

Bone tools are different from ordinary things. They are unique to the children of the beast god. They carry the power of their father and ancestors, and they can be distinguished at a glance.

Two pieces of bone..., no wonder Zhi Hui came back. Although he could not recover the lost bone, the value of the bone is the same. Now that the other party has brought back two pieces, naturally the recovery is completed and thrown away. The bone artifacts can be returned to Gushi.

Mo thought for a moment, then turned to look at Chao and the others and said, "Since the bone tool has been brought back, Zhi will clear her father's name and ask her to hand over the bone tool immediately..."

The other three old men looked at each other and said nothing. The main reason was that the bone artifacts were treasures and were extremely important to the tribe. Bringing two back would undoubtedly be of great benefit to the Gu clan.

Nowadays, there are only five bone weapons in Gushi, two of which were there when the village was founded. After more than a hundred days and nights, only three more were added. Therefore, although the strongest warrior of the year lost one, Reason for being severely punished.

However, there was a flash in the eyes of someone in the prime of life. He was from the He lineage, and he once had a grudge against his childish parents.

I thought that lineage was completely over, but I didn't expect that ten days and nights later, the other party's daughter actually turned over, picked up the bone tool, and returned to the Gu clan.

That's right, I found it.

In fact, one of the three bone artifacts added by Gu Shi was picked up.

That's why Mo let Zhi hand over the bone weapon, because he didn't think it was the opponent who killed him, the existence of the Night Demon, let alone the child. Even if Gu could find the opponent and the hunting team surrounded him, he would still have to pay a heavy price to kill him. Its killing.

A child? How can it be!


The hunting team member nodded. He raised his head and did not leave. Instead, he looked at a man in his prime who belonged to the He lineage, that is, the man who had a grudge against his father's generation.

"Still not retreating?"

"Elder Qi, when Zhi brought his people back, he said that his son was protected by the gods and hunted down night demons. The team members didn't believe it. The team leader's son Hao took action against him. He thought the other party was lying and wanted to kill Guang Guo. Children of Bones.”


In an instant, Momo's pupils shrank and his expression suddenly changed. He turned his head and looked at Ku. He knew that the other party had hatred for his son, but when his son was driven away, Hao was not born yet. His youngest son was born only eight days and nights ago.

Facing Mo's sharp gaze, Ku shrugged and said with a smile: "Elder Mo, it's not my son's fault. After all, Zhidu said so. Her child should be very strong. If it's not a lie, then he will be injured." He’s my son, isn’t he?”

Following Ku's words, many people looked at each other and said nothing.

In a tribe, the strong are naturally respected.

You deserve to be beaten to death for speaking out loud.

His face turned cold and he couldn't help but clenched his fists. He took a breath and said, "Go and bring the person back. If the child dies, bury him outside."

For the ancients, it was a great shame to be found out and beaten to death for lying, and they were not qualified to be buried in the ancient clan.

The kneeling hunting team member had a very strange expression at this moment. He did not leave and said again: "Elder Mo, Master Ku, in fact, the injured person is not a naive child, but Hao, and the injury is serious, and he is being treated."


In an instant, Ku's smile froze, and Mo was also stunned.


"What did you say???"

Ku stood up directly, his eyes were cold and angry.

If his son beat the other party to death, Ku would not care. He would just laugh and say that the other party was lying and deserved to be beaten to death. Now that it was the other way around, he naturally couldn't bear it.

Hao is the most talented among his many sons.

He joined the hunting team after only eight days and nights. He will be the destined hunting leader in the future and can inherit his position.

"If you dare to hurt my son, you are seeking death!!!"

He got angry and wanted to go out and kill the child who had wounded his son.

"Ku, do you think I'm dead?" Momo spoke, his eyes were also cold. If he was really beaten to death for lying, he deserved it. He wouldn't say anything, but now that Ku's son has been killed, there is no doubt that It shows that children are very strong. Even if they cannot kill the Night Demon, they must be geniuses. Today, the falcon lineage is the weakest. Children born in recent years have mediocre performance. The captains of two of the three hunting teams are already very old. , but no one can replace him. Strong children are very important to the 隹 lineage.

What's more, if you fail to kill someone and get killed in return, you deserve it.

As Mo's words fell, the three captains of the Mo's lineage immediately looked at Ku with evil eyes. Not to mention that Zhi belonged to the Mo's lineage, and Zhi's father was the pride of the Mo's lineage back then.

After a pause in his steps, he looked at his clan leader with equally cold eyes.

"Elder He, my son is a Hemai genius. He joined the hunting team in just eight days and nights. His strength is not weaker than that of adult hunting team members. Now that the hunting team can take down his hunting team members head-on with no more than two hands, I think the opponent will definitely You used your tactics to sneak attack my child, otherwise my child would not have lost."

He already had a grudge against Zong's father, but now that his son had been hit hard, he naturally wouldn't give in.

He frowned. The main reason was that this guy talked too much just now. Now that his son was injured, he was anxious?

At this moment, not only the eyes of the other people of the line showed contempt, but even the hunting leader of He Mai also frowned.

"That's enough, Ku, don't mess around!"

Nonsense? Am I kidding? Ku opened his eyes wide and looked at He in disbelief. His face turned red instantly, his eyes turned red, and he wanted to say something.

"Leader Ku, your child is dying. He has been vomiting blood and is too seriously injured..."

There was a sound from outside. It was obvious that although he was sent for treatment, how ruthless was Li Su? He doesn't hold back when dealing with enemies, and his fighting skills are extremely high. The power of his fists is no worse than that of swords and guns. The attack power of one punch directly penetrates the internal organs. If he punches hard several times in a row, it doesn't look like much on the outside, but everything is inside. They were all torn apart by him. With the current medical methods, unless a miracle happens, it's just three words, there is no way to save it!

Suddenly, many people present frowned. Although there was something wrong with Ku's son's action, Zhi's son actually beat him to death. You must know that the other party was a sinner before, and it was a bit too much to kill him like this just after returning to the tribe. .


He roared like a lone wolf, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at the harpoon. After a moment, he said: "I swear, I will never give up until my son dies!!!"

After that, he turned around and left the thatched cottage directly.

As the other party left, Hao glanced at He. The other party's face was ugly. Not to mention Ku, Hao himself was a genius of He Mai. To be beaten to death like this was undoubtedly a loss to He Mai.

Momo didn't say anything. The hatred started from his father's generation, and now it has become a dead knot with no room for redemption.

He ordered. After all, he was of his own blood. Although he caused trouble when he came back, the main reason was still with Ku. No wonder his grandson was beaten to death for talking nonsense. That was what he deserved. In the same way, he killed someone and was killed in reverse. That was also the case. Deserve it.

"Go and bring the person back, and arrange for the person to move in first..."

Before he finished speaking, an anxious voice sounded.


"Is it over yet?"

Even Chao's face turned a little dark, and he couldn't help shouting angrily. "What happened again??"

"Leader Ku took his sons, grabbed the returning hunting team members, asked for directions, and went out with weapons."


At this moment, the three elders were all angry, and He's face was extremely ugly. It is true that the childish son's behavior was excessive, but it was your son who took his own life. You really can't say anything after being beaten to death.

Now he just takes his son out with weapons? What are you going to do?

"You guys should catch up immediately and push Ku back."

He looked directly at the four leaders of his lineage and said angrily.

"You guys go too!" Moura looked at the hunting leader of his own lineage, with an anxious look on his face.


The seven team leaders immediately stood up and rushed out.

So the question is, can you catch up? Of course, we can't catch up. Everyone is about the same strength and walking at the same eighty-mile speed. How can we catch up?


Outside, waiting and waiting for a long time without any results, Li Su became a little bored. He picked up the weapon of the guy who was likely to be killed by him and took a look at it.

Stone spears are also a type of stone tools.

But, how should I put it….

Unlike the stone knife, this thing felt strange in the hand. It felt awkward and awkward. To describe it in words, it was not as easy to use as the wooden spear he made.

Faced with this feeling, Li Su couldn't help but frown, feeling a little strange.

Although he is not a weapons master, his talent is there, and it is normal for him to be able to master it immediately. This is the first time he feels unfamiliar, and it is better to use it with bare hands.

Amu and the others were still kneeling, which made Li Su helpless. He glanced at the sun on the delivery and moved a little.

It’s been almost over an hour, so it’s all about whether you accept a word or not, right? As for...?

Suddenly, Li Su turned his head and looked at the place where he had left with the young man who was almost beaten to death. Four figures were running towards him quickly.

They run very fast. They can break seven seconds for 100 meters, right? It can already be regarded as flying.

As they quickly approached, several people had murderous intent on their bodies, strong murderous intent.

Target? ? ?

Own! ! !


Li Su took a breath, what's going on in this village? Who did you provoke? Why are there so many enemies?

Soon, four people arrived.

The leader's eyes were fierce and he looked directly at Li Su and the others. His eyes first glanced at Amu, and after a trace of incomparable hatred and cruelty, he looked straight at Li Su.

Children, with bone tools!

"I want you to pay for my son's life!"

With an angry roar, the expressions of the surrounding hunting team members suddenly changed. The leader Hu's expression also changed greatly, "Huh!"

Ku moved, and the three sons who followed him also moved. There was blood in their eyes. My brother, was he killed? Can this be tolerated? cannot!

As expected of a father and son, or a hunting team, they cooperated in a tacit understanding. They joined forces and moved forward. Except for retreating, the road was completely blocked by them.

They are, without a doubt, strong.

Especially under a joint attack, the attack power is even higher than that of some hunting teams. A combination of four people is more powerful than ten people.

As if they had a telepathic connection, when father and son joined forces, countless large beasts were killed by them.

Hao, rest in peace!

Dad, send him down immediately to apologize to you! Not just him, everyone in this lineage will send you a funeral.

Hmm..., very strong!

Faced with the siege of four people, Li Su made this comment. It must be said that the cooperation was exquisite. If the father and son in the previous life, plus the one who should be killed by him, were together, they would probably have opponents...

Li Su's ears were shaking, his eyes were flashing, his breathing was beating, his skin was vibrating, and his five super senses were activated.

In an instant, he absorbed thousands of pieces of information from this space, captured everything, and his brain began to analyze and simulate at super speed, calculating the trajectory of everything, and then implanted it into his super-reflective nerves.

In an instant, five people passed each other.

A body flew out, his right arm was broken into two sections, and his shoulders collapsed.

There were three more people in a line who were pierced by stone spears. The powerful stone spears penetrated the three people directly until they stopped at the big tree several meters away. They were stabbed through the body and penetrated through the cracks in the bones. After passing by, his heart was pierced on the spot. Although the angle was different, it was made into meat skewers and nailed to the tree pole.


Only then did the screams appear.

Yes Ku!

He was sweating profusely, his face was full of pain, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

His arm was broken, and he didn't know how it was broken. He fell to the ground in great pain, with goosebumps all over his body and cold sweat falling down. However, when he couldn't help but twitch and want to roll over, his eyes fell on his son.

The three sons, the only three sons after Hao's death, were pierced by a spear and nailed together.

The man holding the stone spear was the one he was filled with hatred and anger, and wanted to kill.

At that moment, he forgot even the severe pain, and looked at Li Su in disbelief, holding a spear in one hand and nailing his three sons to the tree trunk.

how so...? ? ?

"Ahhh! My son!" For a moment, Ku couldn't help but scream. He was almost crazy. His blood was cut off, and all his sons were dead.

No, no, why? Why?

How could a mere child be so strong?

He screamed crazily, feeling extremely painful and completely incomprehensible. However, when he saw the bone tool hanging on Li Su's chest, a passage inexplicably appeared in the depths of his mind.

My son has the blessing of the gods to kill the night demon and take its bone weapon...!

Could that be true? ? ?


Seeing this scene, Hu and others were dumbfounded, shocked, and frightened.

They saw the method of killing Hao, but they didn't think it was a big deal, especially Hu, he could do it easily.

But four people, father and son, were killed in an instant, and what exactly happened just now, he found that he had only vaguely seen it.

Looking at Li Su blankly, Hu took a breath of air, this was so scary.

Is he really...the warrior who killed the Night Demon alone...? ? ?


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