Standing on the spot, Li Su blinked his eyes with a puzzled look in his eyes.

The Night Demon can be killed by one person, not to mention the few guys who run out. With his extraordinary five senses, even if he does not have extraordinary power, his strength can be said to be beyond what ordinary people can understand.

Looking at the three people who couldn't say a word and whose expressions were painful and twisted, Li Su let go of the stone spear in his hand and scratched his head, feeling quite confused.

According to his original idea, it should have pierced the hearts of the three people and stunned them at the same time. He didn't know why the stone spear was so awkward to use. Although it penetrated their hearts, it did not kill these three guys immediately.

It's very uncomfortable. Why? ?

He turned around and glanced at the guy who was lying on the ground and yelling. This one was also hit on the head. He didn't know why it was tilted and hit on the shoulder.

He, Li Su, is not cruel and has no hobby of killing. He just needs to kill his enemies.

What is this half-dead thing?

Go kill him?

It’s a bit hard to start!

After all, the other party came to kill him, but he killed him on the spot, which was more or less justified.

Now the opponent's arm has been broken. With his strength, the impact point was still the tip of the stone spear, and the bones were basically broken into pieces. If he wanted to survive, he had to cut off the entire right hand, otherwise the fragments on his arm would be broken. Once the bones and the blood that he beat to death flow back, he will basically die.

Thinking of this, Li Su turned his head and glanced at his mother, with a questioning look in his eyes, should I go up and kill him?

The strange thing is that my mother actually moved. She glanced at Li Su, who was twitching, her face turned blue, and she looked like a dead person. A trace of disappointment flashed deep in her eyes, and then she looked at Li Su, her eyes soft and gentle. He shook his head lightly.

Oh, don’t you want to kill?

Then don’t kill him!

You picked up a stone spear on the ground, Li Su took it in his hand and returned to the team.

He pinched the thing with a look of discomfort on his face.


The one just now seemed to have a material problem, but when he replaced it, it still looked like that. It was very awkward, as if the thing had rejected him.

Li Su walked up to his mother and said, "Mom, why is it that the stone knife is fine to use, but this stone spear feels wrong? It doesn't obey the orders."

My mother was stunned for a moment, then she laughed and said: "When we were expelled, the tribe had not received the blessing of the god of this weapon, so naturally you couldn't use it."

Li Su was stunned. What do you mean?

"Kid, do you remember that we didn't wear clothes in the beginning?"

Li Su nodded.

"Because at that time we were still sinners, not the Gu clan, and without the blessing of the gods, so we couldn't wear clothes, and the related memories and methods couldn't be used. But after you killed the night demon and took away its power, After bringing back its bone tools, our sins were washed away, and we once again had the identity of the Gu clan. The blessing of the gods who originally protected the Gu clan was activated, so we were able to wear clothes.

The weapon you are holding now is a new protection given to the Gu clan. We cannot use this weapon before we return to our ancestral land and obtain the qualification to worship the gods. "

Listening to his mother's explanation, Li Su couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Damn it, a stone spear, why the hell does it need God’s blessing to use it?

Is this the age when Sui people made fire? ? ? Li Su is a little confused. Does that mean that Suiren will find the God of Fire in the future, be blessed by him, and gain fire?

Does this sound boring? Human beings move towards civilization and ignite the bright fire. In this world, is it given by God? Does that mean you can still take it away?

Li Su buckled his head, with a strange look on his face.

The main reason is that he is very curious. If he tries to make fire by drilling wood without God's permission, will he be able to succeed?

After all, primitive people didn’t know about flames. How could modern people still not know about it?

Before Li Su could do anything, someone came over not far away, very quickly, and his hand was no worse than that of the guy who yelled Ku.

Come again?

Li Su was surprised. There were a lot of people this time, seven of them, and all seven were about the same strength. He glanced down at the stone spear and put it aside, and then wielded the stone knife. Although his senses were amazing, there was obviously something wrong with it. The stone spear is still very troublesome to use, although even if it is troublesome, defeating it is no problem, but it is very annoying to cut the weeds without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows again and again.

Before he could move, his hand was held down by his mother. She gently took Li Su's hand, stood up directly, looked at one of the people coming from a distance and said, "Second father!"


He belongs to the lineage of Mo, and is the second son of Mo, who is also the younger brother of his father. He was obviously nervous and his face suddenly lit up with joy. He was sweating profusely. He thought he would not be able to catch up, but he didn't expect his elder brother to come over. My daughter is fine.

He laughed and rushed over, opening his mouth to say something.

The moment he landed, his expression froze because he saw Ku and even Ku's three sons.

Gu's arm was broken and he fell to the ground, seriously injured.

And his three sons were even worse. They were dead. They were strung up and nailed to the tree pole. They had no life left and only blood was dripping.


A gasp of cold air, what's going on? ? ?

The faces of the six people who rushed over from behind also changed drastically. Were they crippled? All his sons were killed?

Who did it?

They couldn't help but look at Hu, who was also one of the leaders of the hunting team and belonged to the Chao lineage. Today, because it was his turn to be on duty, he did not attend the clan discussion.

Hu swallowed his saliva and looked at the child being held by Zhi, who looked to be at most seven days old.

In this world, children need to grow up for nine days and nights before they can be considered adults.

For at most seven days and nights, there is no doubt that the child's hair will be uneven.

As a result, not only did he kill Hao, who had joined the hunting team for eight days and nights, but he also killed Ku, the leader of the hunting team for fifteen days and nights, and his three sons in one glance.

If it weren't for Zhi shaking his head and falling to the ground due to excessive emotion and grief, and the severe pain from his broken shoulder, Ku, who passed out, most likely wouldn't have survived and would have been stabbed to death by him.

Too fierce, really too fierce.

The scene where Li Su nailed Ku's three sons to a tree pole with a gun directly touched the hearts of everyone present. Looking at the bone tool hanging on his chest, not to mention the more than 20 people surrounding Li Su Individuals, in fact, they are shaking inside.

If what Ruozhi said was true, her unnamed son really killed the Night Demon. No kidding, they were really not enough to kill each other.

That's a warrior!

Night Demons, the Gu clan can kill them. With a bone weapon, ten teams can besiege them and they can do it at the cost of a certain amount of casualties.

But if they are warriors, even if there are twenty teams with several bone weapons, they will undoubtedly pay a heavy price.

After all, although the Night Demon is powerful, it is still just a beast. The warrior is different, he uses tools, such as the bone tools hanging on the children's chests.

Warriors, only warriors can fight.

Unfortunately, there are no warriors in the Gu clan today.

Zhi's father's brother couldn't help but swallowed his saliva at this moment. He glanced at the child who should be called his second grandfather with a slightly horrified look, "Zhi, your son..."

"Well, second father, he is my child. He is loved by the gods. He can drink blood and live on his own since he was born. He can walk in one day, run and jump in one night. He joined the hunting team in three days and two nights, and can be independent. Kill the black lynx.

Three nights ago, we encountered a catastrophe. We were targeted by night demons, and eighty-seven of our tribe members died in one night. The next day, my son chased after him angrily. He used a scratch to find and kill the night demons, stained his blood to avenge his tribe, and took away his life. Flesh, bones return…. "

There was a look of great pride on her childish face, and she was infinitely proud of her son.

There was a grunt.

Except for the people around Zhi, everyone in the Gu clan could not help but swallow their saliva and looked at Li Su with wide eyes in disbelief.

Three days and nights?

In other words, this guy is only a little over six years old? ?

Damn it...!

Can you kill the Night Demon at the age of six? Get a bone tool? By the gods, is this a human being? ? ?

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that although this child has grown older, it is obviously different from a normal fourteen-year-old child. For example, the teeth in his mouth are obviously still deciduous teeth and have not yet been completely shed.

Then there is his hair, which is too short. It must be a lot worse for a fourteen-year-old child.

Moreover, if Zhi dares to say this, it is obviously unlikely to be false. At least as Zhi's second father, he can feel the emotions of his daughter.

He turned his head and said directly to one of the two hunting leaders of the Moli lineage: "Viper, go back and inform your father first!"


After watching the other person leave quickly, he stepped forward with a smile on his face and said, "Zhi, can I hug you?"

Zhi smiled and nodded, looked at Li Su and said, "Son, this is the second grandpa."

The corners of Li Su's eyes twitched, and he suddenly became a little confused. How should he react? Can't you reach out and hug me? God, how old is he? I'm afraid he's almost two thousand years old in total. How could he do such a thing?

The other party didn't let Li Suzhen do that action. After getting the consent, he couldn't wait to reach out directly in front of Li Su. When he saw that Li Su didn't react offensively, his mouth suddenly split open, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth, and he hugged Li Su in one fell swoop. Standing up, he touched Li Su's bones a little, and the next moment his eyes lit up. He couldn't restrain his love and shouted: "The Gu clan has a warrior!!!"

The eyes of the six hunting leaders suddenly lit up when they heard this. Although they were not as experienced as the elders at their level, they could still feel something by touching the bones.

In an instant, everyone's faces showed expressions of ecstasy.

Perhaps, the Gu clan had conflicts, and the four major bloodlines often clashed over some interests and had dissatisfaction with each other.

But now it's different.

Warriors...are never from a certain sect, but from the same clan without a doubt.

Hugging Li Su tightly, the second grandfather smiled excitedly: "Let's go home, Zhi Zhi!"

Hearing this, Zhi couldn't help but smile on his face and shed tears.

Behind her, Shan and others who had been silent all this time were also bursting into tears, unable to contain their excitement. They went home, went home, they could finally go home.



In the Gu clan.

The viper ran back in a hurry, and even he was a little tired, sweating profusely and panting.

"How's it going?" Momo couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, and asked loudly.

"Ku took his three sons and went to kill Zhi's son, but Zhi's son killed him. Ku's right arm was broken, and his three sons were pierced by stone spears and nailed to the tree pole. When we arrived, Ku was already unconscious and his three sons were definitely dead!"

"What...?" He couldn't sit still, his expression changed drastically, and he stood up.

In fact, it wasn't just him, everyone's expressions changed at this moment, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

It was nothing if Hao was killed. After all, although the opponent was a genius, he was still young and his strength was still weak.

Ku is different. He is the hunting leader himself and one of the twenty strongest members of the tribe. His three sons are also different. They are all official members and among the best in the team. Although they are older, they were once He is destined to only be a member of the team and cannot be the team leader, but he is really not weak.

Moreover, the four of them are father and son, and their combined fighting strength is extremely strong. It is difficult for a ten-man team to win, and both sides will suffer losses.

Therefore, Ku is considered a very strong leader in the Gu clan.

Now he was killed by a child? This, this, this, is simply unbelievable.

"Elder, she also said..."

"Say what?"

"Her son can drink blood and live on his own since he was born. He was only three days and three nights old when he killed the Night Demon. He is only on his fourth day now."

Everyone felt numb immediately, like a numb scalp!

Under seven? what is that? They're not even children, they're just cubs, at an age where they can die at any time, their hair hasn't grown, and their teeth haven't even been replaced.

Taking a deep breath, Mo looked at Chao and the others.

He said solemnly: "A warrior is born extraordinary!"

Chao clenched his fists and said, "Warriors rarely have divine power!"

Jie said: "Warrior, you are growing very fast!"

He was shocked and his eyes flashed, "With warriors, a clan can prosper and a clan can shine!"



I can't sit still, I really can't sit still.

At first I thought it was fake, so no one cared about it, but when it turned out to be real and the naive child was really a warrior, it would be different, completely different.

Love and Hatred?

In the face of the development of a clan, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore.

Why was the Gu clan limited to two thousand people, with no increase in number for dozens of days and nights? Not only is there not enough food, but more importantly, there is not enough fighting power.

Not only the four-legged enemy on the beast god's side, but in fact there are also fights between the tribes on the god's side. In short, they are insufficient in strength.

For example, the river in the south, such as the God's Day in the near future, there are not enough manpower and combat power. The main reason for the argument is that sending people out will cause casualties. In order to greatly weaken oneself, it is not necessarily sure to take Down.

There are ancestral spirits on the four legs, and other tribes have bone weapons. Once a fight occurs, if the damage is serious, the Gu clan will most likely be targeted, and it is not impossible for the clan to be exterminated.

This era is so realistic.

However, at this time, Gu Shi has a warrior? ? ?

All hatred can be put aside. Warriors not only represent strength, but also represent countless interests.

In the face of this benefit, everything must give way, everything must give way! !


What a pity!

But compared to the Warriors, it’s not worth it.

The Gu clan has twenty hunting leaders, and it has never been lower than this number for decades.

But what about the warriors?

Not one!


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