

In the open space, Li Suping stabbed the gun slowly.

The sun has reached the top of the head, and by the time of day, it is noon. Half of the day has passed, and there is still less than half a year before the night comes.

Li Su is training.

After being welcomed into the tribe, he was received by four elders of the tribe.

Recalling the other party's enthusiasm, he couldn't help but get goosebumps. What do you think happened to this primitive man? Just welcome, why did you develop the habit of getting started? Touching everywhere!

Originally, Li Su didn't hate being touched by others, but after doing this a few times, he felt that whenever he saw someone reaching out, he would subconsciously get goosebumps.

He can use the stone spear.

After entering the tribe, performing a sacrifice, and picking up the stone spear again, Li Su found that the uncomfortable feeling before was gone. He felt it carefully, and there were bonuses...

It's like being buffed by a stone spear proficiency buff, the effect is extremely good.

The Gu clan, the main god they believe in is called Zhan, they are proficient in weapons and can use stone spears and stone axes.

As for the human race, there are a total of seven gods, believed by different tribes.

Basically, most of the current skills of the human race can only be used after receiving the blessing of the gods.

It is a little different from the gods in the West. The older the gods in this world are, the stronger they are and the more abilities they have. They are not mainly responsible for anything.

And once you get the protection of a god, no matter how strong that god is, the more protection you can get.

For example, although the god they believed in in the Gu clan was mainly engaged in fighting, they could receive protection from him, as well as hunting and ceremonial protection.

For example, why after being expelled, Li Su's mother and the others were basically naked and had no sense of shame, living in a cave. After Li Su killed the night demon and got rid of the crime, their appearance immediately changed, from cavemen to The child became a nester, and his level of civilization jumped a level, and even his ability to talk became stronger.

When I was in the cave before, although I had a lot of emotions, my ability to express them was not very high. I relied more on guessing and understanding.

That's Li Su, who has amazing senses. Otherwise, during the time he was living in a cave, he would definitely have bumps all over his head.

A world dominated by gods?

Li Su couldn't help but blinked his eyes, feeling strange.

After all, Sui Man Makes Fire is about the human race relying on its own wisdom to ignite the fire of civilization.

This world is completely wrong. It relies on the gods to obtain everything. Once the gods' protection is gone, everything will be lost.

Continuing to swing the stone spear, Li Su kept confirming the feel of his hand.

Basically, the effect of God's blessing is roughly equivalent to three years of practicing day and night with a spear... It's quite a powerful blessing. In a world like this, if you directly control this power, you can undoubtedly save a lot of time. , can quickly become stronger.

He had never practiced the stone spear weapon.

But he was no stranger to spears.

He had used it many times during the time of Flesh and Flesh Supreme, but his experience was still so low.

By constantly thrusting out the stone spear and feeling the effect of the blessing, Li Su silently realized it.

It is different from a sword, and it is also different from a knife.

The thrust of the spear requires more concentration. The power is gathered at one point to produce a point-breaking effect. The angle is adjusted with both hands to form an extremely special attack method. According to the attack range, the corresponding attack effect is obtained.

The stone spear's attack has a maximum range of thirty centimeters with one hand and almost fifty centimeters with both hands.

If you meet this distance and attack, you can double the damage, and even reach the point where it is infinitely close to double. If you use more intuitive numbers to describe it, a force of five hundred kilograms can almost cause damage close to a thousand kilograms.

Feeling the God's blessing on him, Li Su blinked and had a quite intuitive understanding of the Gu clan's hunting team and even the hunting team leader.

Ku, whose right arm was destroyed by himself, was able to deal approximately 1.5 times the damage.

And his three sons were all around 1.2. As for the one who was beaten to death by Li Su at the beginning, he happened to be 1.2.

The lethality caused by the spear's edge was almost equal to his strength.

As for Li Su?

If you use the super five senses, you can probably get a price of about 1.99.

As for why he couldn't break through the second..., it wasn't that he didn't fully exert his maximum effect, but that God's protection was only to this extent.

The same goes for stone axes. Li Su tried it and it was almost the same.

So can he break through?

Of course!

After all, in his opinion, the ability of God's protection is too simple and crude.

To poke, just to poke.

This is a spear, or a gun.

A gun like this rotates when it stabs. Even if it only rotates once, it can still produce super high output. It is not easy to double the damage.

As well as the spin, there's the pace, the body.

With something like marksmanship, it is very simple to inflict damage several times one's own strength in conjunction with the movement of steps, the rotation of the body, and the coordination of the limbs.

In ancient times, the top gunmen were very scary, because their opponents were different from swordsmen and swordsmen. Most of the time, they were soldiers and generals.

In other words, someone who wears armor and has extremely high defense.

Especially at the general level, watching TV seems to pierce through with one shot and split with one knife.

If you really go up, you will find that the result of this knife or shot is that your hand is numb, not that the opponent's armor is broken.

It can be said that the comprehensive strength of top gunmen is not necessarily strong, and it is easy to be attacked and killed. But if he is given some time to prepare on the battlefield, even a top expert would find it difficult to dodge a simple stun gun within two feet.

A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun came out like a dragon.

Although these are words to describe a certain legend, guns are just like that. Once you take a stance, from the time the move is made to the time it hits you, all you can see is probably that little bit of cold light, and you can't react at all.

Li Su's eyes flashed. He absorbed and digested the experience of God's protection extremely quickly, and then turned it into his own thing. Through simulation in his mind, plus consciousness training, his body continued to absorb and digest these, and no longer let them Protecting the leader, but focusing on oneself and constantly remembering, eventually became instinctive.


Another spear was thrust out, and the sound was almost the same as when he was protected before. However, this was not protected by the gods, but performed by Li Su himself...

Well, not bad.

Seeing that the power was almost the same, he couldn't help but have a look of satisfaction on his face.

As an atheist, it would be too unsafe and unsafe for him to rely on God's protection for everything. After all, God has thoughts and is not a simple god. What if one day He suddenly has some fucking thoughts? , I stopped giving protection to Li Su, what a joke.

He has no idea of ​​entrusting his life safety to others, not even gods.

Now it's better, Li Su can feel it. Even if the god takes back his protection, there is basically no problem for him to use the stone spear. The manual feeling before will no longer exist.

Is this considered as covering God's wool? Li Su couldn't help but blinked his eyes.

Soon, he stopped, today was a rather important day.

He was to be named and given a test of strength.

The names of the human race in this world are not chosen randomly. They pick whatever they pick up, such as heaven, earth, mountains, or rocks. Instead, after reaching a certain age, they choose names according to the situation, and the word Most of the time they are newly invented. After all, this is the time of primitive people and there are not many words.

The Gu clan is divided into four lines.

The one where Li Su lives is a falcon, the elder is called a falcon, and his mother is called a falcon, both of which are animals.

The Chao pulse is the day, so every name will have the day.

The Jie pulse is a type, and according to Li Su's understanding, the name means there are many strokes.

The hunting captains of this lineage, Bare, Gu, and Jaw, all have the same sound.

As for He, the sound, Ku, Hao, etc. all have four sounds. Of course, the four sounds are according to Li Su's understanding, which means that the names of this lineage are heavier and shorter.

Not long after, the old people came, um, and the hunting team.

Not only them, but also many idle people from the tribe came. After all, it was said before that a notch had been made, and the Gu clan had warriors. It was obvious that even in ancient times, the attribute of eating melons still existed.

Of course, there were a few in the crowd with angry eyes, and no doubt they were Ku's family members. After all, four of his family of five were beaten to death and one was crippled by Li Su. His wife and daughter naturally hated him.

In terms of quantity, uh..., there is only one?

This person is not good...

There will be no shortage of women at the team leader level.

How to say this period? Humans are similar to lions. Female lions love majestic male lions because they can give birth to powerful offspring that can continue.

Ku has many sons, four in total, and there are many women around him.

Not to mention that his sons are not young, they are not bad, and there should be women.

There was only one result, and although she had hatred, her expression was more complex, and there were injuries on her face, fresh ones, so you could imagine who hit her.

Faced with this result, Li Su couldn't help but let out a breath and relaxed a lot.

At least, except for the crippled Ku, no one should cause trouble for him and want to kill him.

There are many young people in the open space.

With a population of two thousand, there were still quite a few children, and there were quite a few of his age who could be named.

Soon, Li Su was called over.

After all, he has a different identity and has shown amazing abilities. He is recognized as a warrior and can strengthen the existence of the tribe. However, primitive society does not have any idea of ​​​​a finale, and there is no need for a warm-up or anything. They just put people aside to show their strength. , it is best to reassure the tribe and boost their momentum.

The test is very simple, in two aspects.

strength, and weapon use.

Especially the last one is the key point.

How much protection you can exert from the gods basically exceeds your maximum limit. Even if your strength is a little short, if your protection is high enough, it can make up for it.

The first level is strength.

There are ten stone blocks in total, one is heavier than the other. If you pick up the second one, you can join the hunting team, the third one is considered excellent, the fourth one is among the top forty even in the hunting team, and the fifth one can only be picked up by the hunting leader. Gotta get up.

The Gu clan has a hunting team of twenty, that is, two hundred people.

The top 20 are all team leaders, so being in the top 40 is already very good, and they are the elite of the tribe.

Although Shi Dunzi has entered the core since he picked up the fourth one, and the fifth one is basically the leader, but that is only the lower limit. For example, there are superior and inferior hunting teams among twenty hunting teams. If the top five hunting teams of the Gu clan unite, Basically, it can easily kill fifteen people after death, the gap is huge.

Mo, should he be Li Su's grandfather by blood? He waved to Li Su with a glowing face and said: "My child, go ahead and do your best."

Ever since he met Li Su yesterday, the old man has been smiling, an ear-to-ear smile, like a mother-in-law who looks more and more pleased with her son-in-law.

Li Su nodded and walked to Shitou Dunzi.

Suddenly, everyone in the Gu family, who had heard about it but had not seen Li Su's strength with their own eyes, couldn't help but take a breath, as if they were going up on their own.

Warrior, I heard that even if you are not even seven years old, you don’t know how heavy it can be. The fourth one? Or the fifth one?

Although there are ten stone pillars in total, the strongest one in the history of the Gu clan picked up the seventh one. As for why there are ten, eighty or ninety were all made by tribes that had warriors, which means that at that time, The height of the greatest power held by the tribe.

He didn't go straight to the biggest rock. Only a fool would go straight to that thing. His mother had told him before that it was the heaviest thing that only an adult warrior could pick up. He still had at least seven days and nights before he became an adult. .

the fourth.

Squat down, pick it up, and lift it above your head.

Not bad, the weight is about three hundred kilograms.

The first is fifty, the second is one hundred, the third is two hundred, the fourth is three hundred?

Putting it down, Li Su walked to the fifth one, picked it up, and raised it above his head.


That’s five hundred pounds, right?

An increase of two hundred? The hunting leader shouldn't underestimate it either. If there are too many, it's still quite tricky.

Putting down the stone pillar, Li Su walked towards the sixth one.

The fifth one was picked up. Many people in the field took a breath, with shocked expressions on their faces. Li Su's appearance did not indicate that he was less than seven years old. He was at least thirteen years old, but it was obvious that the fifth stone Dunzi, let alone thirteen years old, some twenty-year-old young men may not be able to hold it up, or even lift it above their heads.

There is no doubt that he is a team leader!

So young, so in a few years, is it difficult to pick up the back?


A little heavy, Li Su's eyes flashed, this piece of shit is almost 700 pounds. If the next ones are all in a level of 200 pounds, the tenth one should be about 1,500 pounds.

0.75 tons? Pure strength deadlift? Sure enough, we can't underestimate primitive people. With that kind of power, Li Su would be 100% in trouble and would have to run for his life.

After all, lifting and exploding are two different concepts.

They lift weights without any skills, but simply resist with their physical bodies.

He slowly picked up the sixth stone pillar, and after a moment he put it down again. He took a breath and said, "It's too heavy, I can't lift it."

The sixth block failed.

At this moment, no one said anything. The eyes of the four elders were shining, and they were excited to see Li Su.

The crowd was also in a commotion. Not to mention other things, Li Su's strength was there. Now, except for the top five leaders, there were only a few people in the hunting team who could pick up the sixth stone pillar.

Mo personally stepped forward, his eyes were burning, he took his own stone spear and walked over to where Li Su took him to test the weapon.

It was a wooden target, very big and very thick.

This is for adults only, and the degree of mastery is calculated based on the depth of penetration of the stone spear.

Moan handed the stone spear in his hand to Li Su, "Come on, kid, give it a try!" He was emotionally shaken and full of anticipation.

Li Su took it, felt it for a moment, and then put it into position.

1.5 maybe….

After thinking for a while, he didn't use his own skills, it was just God's protection, and he slightly lowered his intensity. After all, he was still young, especially the weapon protection had only been for a day.

Thinking in his mind, he stabbed it with a spear.

With a pop, the stone spear pierced directly in, even the handle of the spear was not inserted into it.

hiss! ! !

I was already looking forward to it, but when I saw this scene, Rao Shimo still couldn't help but gasped and was frightened.

Can you deal this kind of damage just after getting shelter? Once you have completely adapted, is it still far to reach the maximum limit of God’s protection?

Not far!

The people in Four Meridians were also shocked and their eyes widened. It could be said that the power and weapon usage displayed by Li Su had exceeded that of many hunting leaders. He could at least be in the top ten, close to the top five.

It is obvious that the opponent is still growing and has huge advantages. It is basically only a matter of time before it surpasses the first.

Worthy of being a warrior, just by using strength and weapons, he has already surpassed countless others. Even the top three in strength, the leaders of Jiemai couldn't help but be shocked. What were they doing when they were less than seven years old?

Playing in the mud!

Is this a warrior? ? ?

Li Su's test was over, and soon, several other children began to test.

They were excited, excited, and in high spirits.

Comparatively speaking, non-disclosure exists in all eras, no matter how big or small.

These dolls are no longer young. Under the protection of God, they are very smart and have a wild temperament.

Originally, the test was supposed to be held in the afternoon because Li Su was brought forward.

Not only that, I heard that the other party was about the same age as them, but he was favored by the elders. The masters of the four veins came here to watch.

Can you be convinced by this? You must refuse to accept it!

The first boy rushed up, his eyes bursting with sparkling light, and he went straight to the sixth stone pier.

Hey, I want to hug him.

Then his face turned blue, and Stone Dunzi remained motionless.

After screaming for a long time, the hunting team member who became the father couldn't stand it anymore, so he rushed out, picked it up and carried it to the second stone pillar.

He knew the condition of his own baby, but he barely managed the second one, and he actually went to hug the sixth one? If your father can't even pick up that thing, who is the poor one?

The baby was stunned for a moment, feeling that he was despised by his own father. He got angry, hugged the second stone block, and prepared to lift it high to show that this thing could not defeat him.

As a result... I used up too much strength to hold the sixth piece, and my condition was not good. I couldn't hold the second piece, which was originally very reluctant.

After hugging him hard for several times and still not moving, the baby's mouth cracked and he burst into tears. He was so sad and felt that Shitou Dunzi was bullying him.

On the side, his father's face turned green, he picked up this stupid kid and got off immediately.

No more exams!

What a crap test, just this performance? Not to mention the hunting team, even the auxiliary hunting team cannot enter, they have to go to the logistics...

After the first child performed a feat, the children behind him immediately took a breath. In this primitive society, the most capable were naturally the first to go up. That child was considered the boss of their group. The result was very bad and very ominous. Look at his father. He looks like he will definitely be beaten to death if he goes down there.

For a time, my ambition was gone, and I started to take assessments honestly.

Basically, it was difficult to lift the first stone, and when I picked up the second stone, I started to exhale and teetered. The hunting team members watching on the side were frightened.

But at any rate, all nine dolls passed, showing their original strength.

Then came the stakes.

The first doll rushed forward, but not only did it not penetrate, but it was knocked out due to the shock. The stone spear rebounded directly and hit the head of the team member who was guarding to avoid an accident. There was a thud. , the team member fainted on the spot before he could react.

Facing this scene, the kid was stunned for a moment, and then he opened his mouth and howled loudly. Of course, it was not because the stone spear hit someone else, but because the force of the rebound was really painful, and the skin almost fell off.


Faced with this scene, the corners of the Four Meridians Elder's mouth couldn't help but twitch wildly, and the team leaders also had black lines on their faces. As for the team members who were supervising the hunting, they were even more frightened, and it was terrible to see.

"Ahem, I think in future tests, we can start with the weak ones..."

"Well, I'm fine with that."

"This is good!"


After watching Li Su's performance, I looked back at the performance of the dolls in my tribe who originally felt very good and very good. It was really like just eating the toffee, the sweetness has not dissipated, and a piece of dog shit was directly stuffed into the mouth. I was so choked that I couldn't even spit it out.


The test is over.

Li Su got his name. Anyway, he couldn't understand the word. There were too many strokes, and it also had the characteristics of the four veins. Fortunately, the name was now directly coined. Otherwise, to complete modern society, he would have to find it out in a dictionary. For a suitable one, I’m afraid the dictionary will be broken.

He only wrote down the pronunciation, shui, um, four tones!

After the name was given, the next step was training. Li Su was directly assigned to the hunting team, and he started moving with the team to get used to Gu's hunting, cooperate, and prepare for going south to seize the fat riverside.

By the way, Uncle Ashan and the others were included in the hunting team.

The hunting team was originally twenty people, but due to the appearance of the Night Demon, ten were lost, and the rest were elites. They met the requirements to join the hunting team. Uncle Ashan became the trusted hunting leader, and the twenty-first member of the Gu family .

Although Ku was crippled and three of the nine team members died, he was not banned. Instead, he directly replenished the team and appointed a new team leader.

Well..., the crippled Ku became a victim, Li Su was a warrior, not to mention that Ku led people to kill him but was killed in reverse, because this man was excellent himself, and his sons were not bad either, he was quite domineering and arrogant. Although in this society, it is not easy to add insult to injury, but since he was crippled and was disqualified from being a team leader, his status will naturally plummet.

When he was strong, there was a lot of people, but now no one cares about him. Such a contrast, one can imagine Ku's mood.

As time goes by, the day is approaching for the hunting team to set off.

One person came to the door quietly.

"Are you here to laugh at me too?" Ku's eyes were as red as a wolf, looking at the people who came in, and his voice was filled with incomparable coldness and resentment.

"Did you ask me to come here specifically to mock you?"

"Then what are you doing?"

"I just want to ask you if you want revenge."

"Huh? You!"

"The hunting team is about to set off, and he will come with it. This is an opportunity!"

"You want to kill him? Why...? Huh? Could it be that, haha, I see, that's why..."

The other party interrupted him, "You don't want to?"

"Yes, why don't you want to? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to drink his blood and eat his flesh!"

"Very good! You take this thing with you..."

Looking at what the other party took out, his body trembled. Although he was just doubtful just now, now he was completely convinced. He couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile on his face, with an extremely cruel meaning: "I have a request! "


"I still want that woman!"

"It's a bit troublesome, but it's okay, as long as it works out!"

Ku's eyes brightened, and his expression shone. After more than a dozen scratches, he found his goal and direction in despair. His face was extremely ferocious, and the light of wisdom was flashing.

"I'm going to rest for a few days."

"If you can think of rest, you are worthy of being a top ten team leader...!"

"Top ten..., Jie Jie." Listening to the other party's words, Ku's eyes became colder, colder, and his murderous intent became heavier.

"So murderous? That's your bloodline!"

"Mine? Haha, hahaha~!"

After the two talked for a while, the man quickly left. Looking at the other person who left, he was laughing and laughing non-stop. He got down on all fours and lay down like an animal. His intelligence began to decrease and his animality continued to increase.


He growled softly, calling out the name of hatred, like a wild beast.


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