Votting out a mouthful of black blood, Li Su felt very tired. How to describe that feeling? It was as if he had not slept for three days and three nights in his previous life. His body had been hollowed out and he would die suddenly if he continued like this.

He didn't stop and ran fast.

The toxins have been almost expelled.

I thought I was just a superman with five senses, powerful strength, and terrible reflexes.

Sure enough, unless a person forces himself into a desperate situation, he will never realize how strong he is.

His liver was moving crazily. For the first time as a 'mortal', Li Su felt the existence of other internal organs besides the heart, which beat directly.

A large amount of blood is absorbed by the liver, and the toxic substances in it are directly extracted by it, concentrated and injected into the gallbladder, and then the gallbladder changes it into bile, which directly enters the stomach and is spit out from the mouth.

Although it looked like mouthfuls of black blood, it was actually just toxins that he drank and absorbed.

Fortunately, it is not sour and highly toxic. The toxicology should be liver damage type, accompanied by hemolytic type, neuropsychiatric type, gastroenteritis type, and respiratory failure type.

It is a plant poison..., according to Li Su's memory knowledge, it should be a plant similar to poisonous mushrooms, so I would like to remind everyone to be wary of mushrooms and do not eat them randomly, otherwise they will vomit like Li Su... Uh, he's fine down there.

As a large amount of toxins were excreted from his body, Li Su's body was recovering rapidly.

Of course, he was still embarrassed.

The person chasing him is really not kidding. He is not weak at all, but the most troublesome is his ferocity and fearlessness of death.

They have already killed many four-legged people, but the other party is still chasing after them, making them extremely difficult to deal with.

Although he is agile, he is poisoned and cannot run with all his strength. He is also very agile when running on tree branches with the help of his limbs. He can be chased and intercepted, which is more troublesome than the Night Demon.

Because he had the ancestral spirit following him, Li Su did not dare to let the other party block him. Once the ancestral spirit caught up, he would probably be in trouble.

Fortunately, the ancestral spirits that the other party came with this time were a bit large. They were very fierce in close combat and had powerful bursts, but in terms of pursuit, they were a bit average in this dense forest.

Li Sulu had made observations when he came to the Gu clan tribe. This forest was very large, spreading for tens of kilometers. Even with his eyesight, there was no end in sight. Therefore, as long as he moved quickly enough, the ancestral spirits would not be a danger to him in the short term.

In fact, what really made him a little afraid was one of the four-legged people chasing him.

The man's body was strange and extremely abnormal.

He is not tall, but very broad. His arms are extremely long and can be close to his calves when they are straightened. His shoulders and back arms are very thick, not as slender as apes, but as huge as orangutans. His lower limbs are well-proportioned, his thighs are thick, and the front of his calves are Thin but wide, with a lot of muscles and very high explosive power.

To describe it, it can be described as having the legs of an antelope, the arms of an orangutan, and the back of a tiger. It has a ferocious look, its eyes are like crocodile eyes, round and big, its nose is upturned, more like a pig's nose, and its mouth is full of fangs.

This guy has an extremely developed sense of smell.

Twice Li Su distanced himself, but he found him quickly.

His hearing is not bad, and his reflexes are extremely strong. Li Su's two counterattacks were either not noticed by the opponent in advance, or they were dodged by him in the blink of an eye.

With extraordinary five senses and powerful wild intuition, he can be said to be the strongest guy in the team and the biggest threat to him.

It was very troublesome for Li Su to encounter the trumpet account he opened.

Under the influence of poison, Li Su almost got the opportunity to fight back.

If it weren't for the fact that his five senses, in addition to being superhuman, could also absorb surrounding information and form a miniature of the battle in his mind, producing an effect that was close to predicting the future, he might really have been entangled by the opponent.

For this reason, Li Su couldn't help but sacrifice a little and was punched by the opponent.

Although he used his arms to weaken the opponent's strength before being hit, this punch was still a bit unexpected.

He was just using the force to retreat, but the opponent broke through the defense and hit him directly on the left side of his sternum. There was a click on the spot, and two... or maybe three of his sternums cracked with a loud crack.

The terrifying force of the fist poured into Li Su's left chest, which shocked his lungs and spurted blood on the spot.

You must know that even if he was affected by toxins, and his body was injured by a rhinoceros horn before escaping from the encirclement, and his body could not recover, Li Su's combat power was undoubtedly there. Even though he ran away in embarrassment, he could still scare the rest of the second team. His face was frightened.

It is quite remarkable that a mere mortal could injure him so severely with his innate soul. In terms of combat power, if the Gu clan wanted to capture him and surrounded him without any means of retreat, they would have to spend at least two to three hunts. The team must pay the price to kill it.

There is no doubt that the combat power has exceeded what normal 'people' can achieve. Isn't this a warrior on the four-legged side?

With countless thoughts in his mind, Li Su jumped in the air, the stone spear in his hand suddenly pointed in a certain direction, his waist swung, and his spine dragon kept exerting force, stabbing several times in succession simply by relying on the void in his upper body.

As soon as he made the move, a figure appeared. It was a four-legged man with gorilla arms and antelope legs. He was extraordinary, actually holding a weapon in his hand.

It was a bone spur, thick and strong, about the same size as an adult's arm.

I don't know what kind of bone it is, but it is very hard. Li Su thrust out the stone spear with a force of nearly three thousand kilograms. The two sides collided no less than ten times, but it was not injured at all. It can be seen that its strength is high, definitely exceeding that of iron tools.

I don’t know how this thing was destroyed and formed into sharp bone spurs.

The opponent's reflexes were equally terrible, and he reacted instantly. He directly faced Li Su head-on in the void. Both sides struck dozens of times in an instant. The stone spears and bone spurs kept colliding, and the air was shaken, forming a considerable scale. Shockwave.

This is a body of flesh and blood, and it creates an effect that can only be achieved by a collision between martial arts masters possessing true energy.

Both of them trembled. Li Su used the force to fly away and continued running. His arm holding the stone spear was a little numb and was shaken quite badly. From the tip to the tail of the spear, it kept vibrating and the force was extremely heavy.

The opponent also used the force to retreat and landed on a tree pole.

The hand holding the bone spur was also shaking, and he couldn't hold it tightly. His eyes kept flashing, and he was really surprised to meet his opponent.

From the moment he was born, he was gifted and had extraordinary strength. He was known as a genius in all four limbs and was the future king.

But he never expected that it would be so difficult to hunt the so-called "warriors" in the Gu clan. He failed to make any achievements several times and was almost killed by the opponent. He had obviously lived in the woods all his life, but in his eyes, the tribesmen were just half-baked, having lost their instincts as animals. However, Li Su hit an iron plate and was almost stabbed to death by the other party's spear.

It's so off the mark, I can't help but wonder whether he is four-legged or the other person is?

Not to mention the physical injuries, he was also poisoned, and he still showed such strength. What would it be like in his heyday?


Taking a breath, the opponent took off the animal bag, drank the blood in the bag, and pursued him again.

As a beast, he could feel Li Su's situation.

Although I don’t know why the other party was poisoned and not only did not die, but the special poison from their four legs can kill even big insects, but the other party is recovering quickly.

However, as a beast, he can feel that even if the opponent is recovering, his strength has still declined, a huge decline.

This was normal. He was injured, poisoned, and was chased by them all the way. He had no chance to rest and recover.

Although the Quadrugs believe in beast gods, their ability to think intelligently is not as good as that of the tribes who believe in gods, but they are far smarter than animals in thinking. They are just bloody and cruel, not bound by rules, and advocate wild freedom.

That doesn't mean they can't think.

When it comes to hunting, being protected by the Beast God, they are not bad, but rather very strong.

The prey has been weakened, so what needs to be done is undoubtedly very simple. Continue to weaken him until his body has no strength at all.

Li Su let out a breath. He was a little tired from running ahead.

The consumption was too great, and for him, another person would have died of collapse.

But even so, his consumption was still too great, and his physical strength could not keep up, and he was already squeezing his own cells.

If this continues, it won't be long before he is exhausted.

Spitting out another mouthful of poisonous blood, Li Su couldn't help but take a deep breath, and his body completely recovered. The toxins in his body were already very weak and could not weaken him.

The five senses are recovering rapidly, and the information around him is captured more and more clearly. Due to poisoning and damage to himself, most of Li Su's five senses have been shut down, and the capture of information has also been greatly reduced. In addition to barely maintaining Apart from the people from the four-legged tribe who were chasing him, it was almost impossible to sense anything more.

Now that he has recovered, in an instant, with him as the center, all information within a radius of one kilometer has been captured by him.

Around a tree pole, a small head flew out. It was the snake's head, including its poison sac, which was broken by Li Su with a stone spear. He chewed the remaining part with his mouth.

With food in his belly, his spirit was shaken, and the cells in his body felt as if they were alive.

Of course, Li Su was neither happy nor relaxed. His expression was still tense and his body was in a highly tense state.

Although this kind of recovery can greatly reduce physical energy consumption and even replenish it, it is a fact that the body is highly exhausted. After all, we are still human. Without true energy and mana, people can only rely on sufficient time when they are tired. Go to rest to recover.

Avoiding a four-legged attack, Li Su smashed the opponent's brain with his backhand. His eyes flashed and he looked into the distance.

Although he was running away, he was not running randomly.

This is the direction he specifically chose. As for the end..., it is certainly not a cliff or a big river. There is no such thing nearby, and he does not need to use that kind of dangerous escape.

For him, the most troublesome thing is not the person chasing him, but the ancestral spirit behind the person.

Sure enough, handing over the bone tools was a huge mistake, otherwise it wouldn't have been so troublesome.

Thinking about it, Li Su's little face turned a little black and green. It seemed easy for him to just kill the enemy. But for the person who plotted against him this time, he was not only a life and death enemy, but the most important thing was that he felt a great impact. The shame of being slapped in the face.


As a modern person, I was actually plotted by primitive people.

Not only was he poisoned, but he was also deceived into taking away the bone tools, and was also sneak-attacked.

Don’t you say that primitive people are very simple? What a simple ghost! After twists and turns, Li Su almost knelt down when he reacted.

It can be said that if the other party hadn't underestimated his situation in the whole matter, he would definitely have said that he could never die again.

Not to mention the amount of poison and the rhinoceros horn attack, the second most powerful team of the Gu clan, plus more than a hundred four-legged people, and several ancestral spirits, were still tested before dark. At that time, it could be said that he was destined to die, but you must know that he left some room and did not try his best to show off.

The trap set by the opponent can even be killed by myself even if I have retained my strength. You can imagine how terrifyingly targeted this plan is.

It wasn't that the other party was poorly prepared, it was simply that Li Su grew too fast and fiercely, far beyond the opponent's expectations.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but feel a chill in his vest. This experienced veteran is not something that young people can do. Only young people with four legs can't do it. They can only be old guys, so the guys who do it are very good. It may be one of the three elders of the Gu family except Mo, but not for Mo. After all, he is a direct bloodline. Even if he really inherits the throne in the future, it will be a good thing for Mo.

As for whether it could be the second master? The mother's father's brother is still young, but unlikely.

Because that guy was a reckless man, from head to toe, otherwise Mo wouldn't have dragged his mother to help deal with things about Mo Mei. But instead of feeling uncomfortable, the second master was very happy and felt relieved.

If there is a problem with this guy, Li Su can only say that he is really a movie king, a super movie king.

Therefore, the only clue is undoubtedly the second team, but the second team...?

Li Su took a breath, her head hurt a little.

The hunting team members 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are a little different from the 15th team that was born. They are not from the same lineage. They are all mixed up and not as pure as the later ones.

This is so weird.

He had a headache, which meant that apart from knowing that everyone in the second team wanted to kill him, he had no idea who was behind the scenes.

You're going too far, you know it's outrageous?

The calculation was so vicious, and he ended up being picked out? The only one we know so far is one of Chao, Jie and He? It all seems possible, but none of it is possible.

What puzzled Li Su the most was why he was killed? There are people from the Four Meridians, but the whole team wants to kill him? He was merciless in his attacks and had a confirming look in his eyes.


Dad is digging your ancestral graves?

He continued to run forward, sweating profusely all over his body. He had never been so tired in his life, no, not in his last life, not even in his previous life. His tongue was stuck out to help dissipate heat.

Even though he didn't seem to be cornered, in fact Li Su was in a very dangerous situation. His physical strength was clearly far beyond that of ordinary people. Even though he was only seven years old, he was still far behind most people. His survival was all due to his ability. powerful.

Once again, he avoided the sneak attack of the four-legged man, but it was still the guy with the bone spurs.

It was very insidious. He suddenly jumped up from below. If Li Su hadn't been watching out for him, he might have been hit by this sneak attack.

It's getting more and more dangerous. If this continues, it won't be a dangerous situation, but death will be certain.

Li Su's heart pounded and he made a decision. He turned around and pulled back a little.

And it was this small distance that allowed him to enter the encirclement and enter the attack range of the ancestral spirits chasing behind him.


A huge roar sounded directly. The roar was like thunder and exploded on the ground. It was like a shock bomb exploding. An extremely strong shock wave exploded. Li Su, who was more than ten meters away, was directly hit and his body appeared. Stiff.

If this happens, things will get serious.

He could have jumped to the tree pole on the other side, but he missed it and fell out of the air.

Four black shadows immediately rushed up, surrounding him from top to bottom, left and right.

Not only that, the guy who was paying special attention to Li Su also quickly came closer, and the piercing murderous intent sent chills down his back.


Li Su exhaled heavily and took a deep breath into his lungs. He twisted his body forcefully in mid-air. The four guys rushed in front of him and stepped on the ground with their feet first.

His calf swelled visibly, and his toes and soles exerted force at the same time, directly lifting his nearly 80-pound body.

There was a turn in the air, turning into head down and feet up.

His feet were like snakes, paddling in the void, avoiding the attacks from Shang and Zuo, and at the same time, his toes were like spears, kicking directly on their chests.

At the same time, he swept the spear with his right hand diagonally, and before the opponent's hands were about to pierce his chest, he swept it on the opponent's head, knocking the skull away, and most of the brains exploded out.

In one moment, three kills.

Undoubtedly, it is terrible, but it is also the limit.

His left hand was reluctantly brought back to block the guy coming from the right.

There was a crackling sound.

Although it is said to be a pounce, its power must not be underestimated. This move comes from a beast and is the most commonly used move by land-based predators.

It's simple, fast, and therefore very powerful.

It was clear that his arms were in front of him, but Li Su seemed to have been pounced by a fierce tiger. The power of his two palms was like a Hummer moving at an eighty-mile speed, hitting his arm and hitting his chest.

The bone is cracked.

The hand bones and sternum were all cracked by the huge force.

With a "wow" sound, Li Su spit out a large mouthful of blood. His left lung was shocked and injured. He was knocked horizontally and flew several meters away, and stopped after hitting a big tree.

At this time, the guy who was most lethal to Li Su moved. He sprinted fiercely, and his legs exploded with unimaginable power. He flew through the void, bone spurs were drawn out, with huge power and super speed, he directly A mysterious moon formed and struck towards Li Su's head.

Although it was not a knife, Li Su's head would probably be damaged if it hit him.

At the critical moment, Li Su's eyes suddenly opened, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, the blood was like a sword, and he spit it directly towards the opponent.

The blood was carefully prepared by Li Su. He could have dodged the blow just now, but he didn't. It was done deliberately. What he wanted was to give the other party a feeling that he was at the end of his rope.

He can capture all information and form an effect similar to predicting the future. How could he fall into the attack range of the ancestral spirit?

Everything is for this moment.

He spat out angrily, and the blood was squeezed by his lungs. At the same time, the force of the collision formed a huge high pressure, turning into a line of blood that stretched for several meters and hit the eye of the man who came with the bone spur. superior.

He reacted quickly, but unfortunately the blood line came faster. When he realized it, his eye had been hit. Although he subconsciously dodged, his left eye was still hit by the blood line.

Hey, even though the savage's body was strong, the fragile eyeball obviously couldn't withstand such a heavy blow and was immediately shattered.

The savage holding the bone spurs screamed, and Li Su was stunned and froze in mid-air.

At this moment, Li Su took advantage of the force and rolled. With the force of being pushed away, he did not fall down. Instead, he turned over and rolled directly up from the tree pole until he reached a height of almost two meters. He barely raised his left hand hook with cracked bones. He clung to the tree pole, holding on tightly with his five fingers like hooks. His face was turning green with pain at this moment, but he didn't stop. Instead, he used his strength to wrap around and throw himself up.

At high altitude, he clenched the stone spear tightly with his right hand, exerted force from the tail vertebra, twisted through the waist, to the shoulders, and then to the arms, and then suddenly threw it down not far away.

With a whoosh, the stone spear pierced the air, making a shrill sound, and suddenly arrived in front of the ancestral spirit that beat him until his body became stiff and prepared to roar again.

It was a beast that was very similar to a bear, but it was a little different. It had slender limbs, a long back, and could walk upright.

As soon as it opened its mouth, Li Su's stone spear came over and inserted straight into its mouth.

There is no doubt that the ancestor spirit, a strange beast with the blood of a beast god, is quite powerful. Even if the stone spear is fast and urgent, the moment it pierces its mouth, it still reacts and shuts up and bites it.

After so many confrontations, it was still a stone. It could no longer bear it. The moment it was bitten by teeth, the stone spear shattered.

It broke into dozens of pieces and exploded in the bear-like ancestral spirit's mouth. The mouth and tongue were torn on the spot, and countless blood surged out.

The ancestral spirit's eyes immediately turned red due to the terrible pain, and it screamed crazily. The terrifying scream formed a huge shock wave, and in addition to it, its four legs were also included.

There was a loud bang, and everyone froze, shocked by the roar, and their bodies stiffened.


Having already endured it once, Li Su was obviously prepared this time. He opened his mouth wide in the air, and his blood vibrated under the control of his body in advance, maintaining the same frequency as the roar.

After his body froze slightly, he immediately regained his ability to move. He instantly grabbed the tree pole next to him and began to leap out quickly, running deeper into the forest without looking back.

Li Su was extremely fast. He was already faster than before. He didn't care about anything. He ran so crazy ahead that he almost left an afterimage.

He was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and it just kept bleeding, and it never stopped.

His injuries were too serious and he paid a heavy price. Not only his left lung was cracked, but most of his sternum was cracked. His three or five bones were broken not once, but into several sections.

His eyes were dizzy, and his vision was getting darker and darker. He had reached his limit and his body could no longer hold on.

Without stopping, he continued to run wildly, his nose constantly inhaling the smell in the air, faster, faster, faster.

Finally, after climbing over a large area of ​​dense forest, a huge black shadow appeared in front of him. Li Su ran over. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding but he didn't care. He walked directly in front of the black shadow and decisively stepped forward. Run inside.

Step by step, he got slower and slower, and finally stopped.

Unable to hold back, he spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were filled with Venus, his five senses were no longer activated, and his knees softened and he fell to the ground.

Damn it, don't let me recover, none of you will survive after recovery! ! !

With such a thought in his mind, Li Su completely fainted.


Behind him, Quadrud naturally did not give up.

The genius of the family was full of rage and murderous intent at the moment. One of his eyes was broken, which had a great impact on him.

The severe pain made him almost go crazy, and he rushed forward crazily.

There is also the bear-like ancestral spirit that is also running wildly. Its mouth is full of blood and it is spreading violently. As an ancestral spirit, its bear life is majestic and supreme. As a result, today, it was attacked in the mouth and its tongue was all wet. It almost interrupted me.

It was extremely angry and sprinted wildly to find that person and eat him, swallowing all his blood and bones to calm down his anger.

The rest of the four-legged people were also filled with murderous intent. They could hardly help but want to scream and prepare to howl loudly. How could they be killed like this by a tribe in the forest? It's hard to calm down and calm down.

Not only that, with the smell of blood in the air, there was no doubt that the man had been severely injured and he couldn't escape far.

They rushed very fast, and the distance that Li Su had managed to pull out was quickly filled by them. Soon they came to the edge of the woods, and the smell of blood in the distance was very close.

Coming soon!

The eyes of the four-legged man were shining, especially the one holding the bone spurs. He couldn't wait to use the bone spurs in his hands to cut the body into pieces.

At this moment, suddenly, the fastest bear suddenly braked and stopped in place.

It stared straight ahead with its eyes wide open. After a moment, it turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.

Not only it, but the ancestor spirits that followed were stunned for a moment, a little confused, and then couldn't help but take a breath. The next moment, their expressions also changed drastically, as if they were being targeted by natural enemies, they turned around and ran away at a very fast speed. He was even faster than he was able to catch up with him, running for his life.

The four-legged man was startled, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face, especially the face of the man with the bone spurs who took the lead. The bear that ran away belonged to him. The two had been together for too long and were familiar with each other.

When the bear ran, it made a sound, and the sound was full of terror and fear...

what's the situation?


Just when Quadru was confused, there was a sound from ahead. The sound was very loud, like thunder. The trees around him were really shaking. It took a long time before the sound stopped.

In an instant, the faces of all the four-legged people changed drastically, and the souls of the dead appeared. Even the people holding bone spurs couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning and were so frightened.

With a swish, they ran away at twice the speed when they arrived, disappearing from the woods on this side in an instant.

Soon, the woods became quiet. As for the snoring sound, it would only sound once every long period of time... The sound was very loud, like thunder. Along with its sound, a huge object like a mountain was also heard. Follow the ups and downs.

That's not a mountain, it's a living thing...!


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