cough! cough!

I don't know how much time passed, but Li Su slowly opened his eyes. He felt very uncomfortable and had difficulty breathing.

His vision continued to turn black, and bursts of tearing pain shot through his body.

Not dead..., good luck.

As expected, the other party didn't have the guts to chase after him at all costs, otherwise he would have really fallen into trouble this time, at the hands of a group of primitive people.

How long have you slept?

Li Su raised his head and glanced at the slightly offset moonlight. He couldn't help but take a breath. Fortunately, it didn't take long, it shouldn't be more than eight hours.

The injury can only be said to be average, mainly physical energy, which was consumed too much. He has a strong body, and the consumption is naturally much greater than others.

Originally, I weighed more than eighty kilograms, but if I were to go on the scale now, I'm afraid it would be less than sixty kilograms. A full twenty kilograms of weight was consumed in this battle.

The heartbeat is very fast, the limbs are weak, the mouth is dry, and the skin elasticity has decreased.

Dehydration is quite serious, with the body's water loss exceeding 8% or even 9%.

The loss of energy is even more so. He is very healthy, with a fat content of about 16%. Now he only has muscles in his body, and the fat has been burned away.

This is bad, very bad.

Li Su stood up with considerable difficulty, and then Ye Guang kept scanning around, needing to replenish water and food. His five senses became very dull, and his brain couldn't help but feel dizzy when he moved.

Lack of sugar, lack of salt, all sorts of deficiencies.

All organs are screaming.

Not only the cost of fighting, but also the time spent in coma was also high. His body was severely injured continuously, and seven or eight sternum bones were broken, and they were broken twice or three times. His chest was uneven before he fell into coma, and his left side was broken. The lungs also suffered impact damage.

After waking up, the bones were pushed back to their original positions by the muscles, and the bones began to proliferate and repair. The damage to the left lung also improved a lot. It was obvious that the body mechanism had undergone a certain degree of treatment under self-protection during the coma.

Unfortunately, there are not enough nutrients, and although the cells are strong enough, they cannot exert their maximum activity.

Moving is not a big problem.

But it's obvious that they can't afford high-intensity fighting.

If you encounter a four-legged person now, you don't need to be too strong to kill him.


There was a sound, close by, like thunder.

Li Su raised his head, glanced behind himself, couldn't help but take a deep breath, and showed a smile on his face.

It's a god...!

He didn't run towards the cliff, because even if he jumped, with the reach of a four-legged person, unless it was that kind of cliff, it wouldn't be a big problem for them to climb down.

And jumping off a cliff, what's the difference between that and courting death?

Although there are many stories where the protagonist survives jumping off a cliff and obtains top-notch secrets, and vermilion fruits and ginseng are grown everywhere like Chinese cabbage, but in fact, there is such a thing as a cliff, and a hundred people can jump off it. , ninety-nine people will die, and he pinned his fate on luck. Li Su doesn't have that much enthusiasm for gambling, not to mention that he doesn't have good luck in gambling. Normal playing cards are the kind where he will lose every time he gambles. There is no major general during the holidays. Give monthly living expenses to relatives.

As for jumping into a river, it's not the kind of river where people are swept away and killed. Do you think all four-legged people are landlubbers? What's more, there are ancestral spirits following him, one of which is as long as a snake and is obviously amphibious, which almost eliminates his idea of ​​​​finding a river to escape.

Therefore, there are not many ways for him to escape and ascend to heaven. In fact, there is only one way, and that is to find the god.

Li Su didn't know what other gods were like, but the god he had seen before was undoubtedly very mysterious and possessed terrible power, but the creatures were right, and creatures naturally have habitats, and they followed the other person's taste. He ran over.

The result was very good. Four Legs didn't chase them in. They didn't dare.

In fact, not to mention the four-legged people who believe in the beast god, even the Gu clan who believe in the god of heaven would definitely not dare to approach if they knew that the god of heaven was here.

Completely different from the atheist Li Su. In this era, God is everything, great and supreme. He can only worship from a distance, but cannot get close, let alone someone like Li Su who fell asleep two notches next to the opponent's calf. It's time.

This is disrespectful. If he is discovered, he can be burned on the spot.

Well, fortunately, the god's sleeping posture was good, and he didn't have the habit of kicking the quilt. After falling asleep, except for the vibration of his body when breathing, he was basically motionless, as if he was dead.

Otherwise, there might not even be a need to attack on all fours. God, if he turns over, he might be dead.

Li Su took a gentle breath and opened his nasal cavity to capture the smell in the air.

Soon, he frowned and his eyes became cold.

Didn't you leave?

Although the four legs did not come close, they did not come immediately. In the distance, their scent was carried by the wind.

The other party was a thief and was standing not far away, which gave Li Su quite a headache.

At this moment, he was just between the gods' legs. He was seriously lacking in physical strength and could not climb away. The other party was standing outside, blocking him to death.

As a result, it would be difficult for Li Su to stay away from the gods and go outside to obtain meat and water.

After all, wild beasts would never dare to approach this place where gods sleep. The aura is too strong, and just being close can scare you into convulsions all over your body and make you unable to control yourself.

Li Su didn't do that because his vitality was on the verge of death and his cells no longer had the strength to respond. It's not like he had never seen someone more ruthless, such as his brother-in-law Yang Jian... who hadn't survived the tribulation yet. At that time, he met a golden immortal, a kind of golden immortal who was close to the Great Luo level. The feeling was much more terrifying than facing the gods directly. If it weren't for the Qingping Sword to suppress the divine soul, his soul would be shaken and he would not be able to say a word.

This kind of oppression from the pinnacle of life is really no joke.

After greeting the four-legged guys outside fiercely in his heart, he dug your ancestral graves and wanted to hunt him down like this. He bent down directly and lay on the ground to explore the smell of the ground with his nose.

Have you watched Wilderness Survival?

It is true that animals do not dare to approach because of suppressed life instincts, but that does not mean that insects do too.

A god as big as a mountain, how big is the area beneath him? There are many trees and grass.

Soon, Li Su found his first target, which was a plant with a high water content. The leaves were thick and large, and there was plenty of water inside.

He pulled off two pieces, which were bigger than his head, and quickly put them into his mouth to chew.

It was so bitter that it numbed my tongue, and it obviously contained trace amounts of toxins.

Li Su didn't care. Although his body was very weak, his resistance was still there. To him, this toxin was no different from energy.

With two leaves on his belly, his complexion softened a lot, and his dehydration symptoms were alleviated.

Finally having some strength, Li Su started to dig the hole. It was undoubtedly a physical job. He didn't dig quickly, and it took a lot of effort to expose a stone that had sunk into the ground, and he gently pushed the stone away. , exposed below.

Bugs, lots of them.

He had been eating raw blood and raw meat for several years. Now, in order to survive, he did not hesitate. He sniffed lightly with his nose to make sure it was only mildly poisonous or non-toxic bugs, picked them up and threw them into his mouth.

The taste was very strange and unbelievable, but it was not unacceptable. After all, he turned off his sense of taste and smell when eating it...

Well, they are all high in protein and incredibly rich in energy.

I remember that after watching Wilderness Survival, I went to browse the Internet out of curiosity. What do you think Li Su found?

Hoho, good guy.

The protein content of bee dry matter is as high as 81%, that of flies is 79%, that of crickets is 76%, that of butterflies is 71%, and that of termites, 80% of dry matter is protein and fat, and its nutritional value is twice as high as that of beef. Good guy, really good guy. In fact, I personally think that if you want to lose weight or something, you should eat beef. Just eat bugs.

Not to mention it is rich in nutrients, but its weird taste can also greatly hinder your appetite, which is very effective.

Especially the squirming feeling when he threw it into his mouth. Whenever he thought about it, Li Su couldn't help but retching.

After eating almost two large handfuls of various bugs, there was something in his stomach, and after bursts of warmth arose, Li Su raised his head and looked outside, his eyes fierce and full of cruelty.

He is not big-minded, a petty thief, and he still holds a grudge!

Even though he almost killed him, Li Su could wipe out his opponent's clan without any hesitation.

Now being forced to eat leaves and bugs, this hatred has grown and will never end. Unfortunately, the other party is not a demon clan. Li Su cannot open the Buddhist Kingdom and the Six Paths of Reincarnation here, otherwise the true spirit will have to be given to the other party. After practicing, it becomes a decoration inside the Six Paths.

He continued to move the bricks carefully. Although the gods would not be awakened by such a sound, and even if they woke up, they would not care about such an idiot like him, but who is Li Su? How could it be possible to leave one's own destiny entirely to someone else, whether or not they wanted to kill him?

He was very careful and kept eating leaves and insects. In order to survive, he did not care.

The energy is really high. Survival in the wilderness is not in vain. The effect is amazing. Of course, I don’t recommend that you imitate it. Unless you are really about to die, don’t do it. After all, his nose is too sensitive and he can smell thousands of species. The smell can be detected by your nose if it is poisonous or not.

After eating almost a tenth of the mark, which was 1.2 hours, he had lifted up more than a hundred square meters of stones and ten pounds of leaves. Li Sucai returned to the god's calf with satisfaction, curling up his own Body, close your eyes and fall asleep.

Quadrud, just wait for me. I’ll beat you out when your brain is restored.


Right now, outside.

The four legs barely controlled the ancestral spirit and waited quietly at the extreme position closer to the gods. They ate flesh and blood and waited quietly. The leader was undoubtedly the bone-spurred man who had turned into a one-eyed dragon.

His eyes were fierce and full of anger, and he really wanted to rush in and kill Li Su.

One eye was knocked out, which made him very angry. The left side of his vision was dark. Although he could make up for it through his senses, it obviously didn't have the same effect as having eyes.

It's a pity that the fear of the gods from his soul prevents him from taking action. Unlike Li Su, he is protected by the gods, and his energy is close to the opponent. He will not react too much when he is close to the gods.

But the beast god's followers are different. If they get too close, they will definitely wake up.

Not only that, this is a very serious provocation that will make him angry and furious.

In terms of their strength, there is no chance of escape and they will be beaten to death directly.

"When will people arrive?"

He turned around and spoke. The language was different from that of the Gu clan, but the language was correct.

"The message has been sent, and the other party has also given a response. We have to wait a little longer." A four-legged man replied. Naturally, they were not waiting outside. They would kill Li Su if they wanted to.

Even if there are warriors among the tribes, they will find ways to kill them, let alone the hostile four-legged ones?

From the recent pursuit, they had a deep understanding of its terror. If it continued to grow, it would be an extremely terrible disaster for the four legs.

It's really hard to believe that people can be so powerful, and can run so far away from their pursuit without bone weapons, poisoning, and trauma.

After exiting the range of the God's aura, they immediately notified and asked the 'people' from the Gu clan to come over. They could not get close, but the same could not be said for the guys with the belief in the God.

"Go and notify him again. If he doesn't come, we will expose him and make him unable to have a place in the Gu family!"

We can't wait any longer. We are waiting for Li Su to recover. The one-eyed man with bone spurs spoke directly, his eyes filled with extreme anger. Li Su was not injured to death, and there is a possibility of recovery. Once he recovers, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to kill him. .

The ancestral spirits brought this time were not fast enough.

"Did you send a message to the clan? Ask the Wolf King to come over."

"It's passed, the Wolf King is already on the way."

"very good!"

The bone-spurred man's one eye glowed fiercely. He was very, very angry, but Li Su alone could not suppress the anger in his heart. He wanted more and more blood to sacrifice his left eye.

"And you called him Wolf King?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, which was the language of the gods.

The four-legged man was startled and couldn't help but turn his head, but he saw a figure coming on foot. He was obviously walking slowly, but his speed was very fast. He had just completed 100 meters, and he was already in front of him when he came to his senses.

His aura is extremely strong, full of wildness and rationality.

One eye was as red as an animal, but the other eye was extremely clear.

When the one-eyed man saw the other party, he immediately jumped up and said angrily: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, his head flew up high and moved away from his neck, and was broken by a blow from the attacker.

"Oh, I underestimated him. I already underestimated him very much. I didn't expect that he still underestimated him. He has improved so much in a short period of time and is stronger than I imagined. I'm afraid this is not a warrior..., but Someone like 'him'..."

The one-eyed man died. Although the unexpected four-legged man was frightened, he did not move. They trembled and bent over, burying their heads on the ground, not daring to look at each other.

"Retreat. People from the Gu clan are coming from behind. Kill all the people with marked auras. Then leave and take the Wolf King back. The Gu clan still needs to exist."

He waved his hand and looked at the God not far away with a faint look. His eyes kept flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

The four-legged kneeling man kowtowed twice, stood up, and quickly retreated with the ancestral spirit without looking back, and soon disappeared.

After a moment, the man took a step forward and walked directly in the direction of the God...


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