The God's Day is after two days and nights. Logically speaking, it is still very long, but it is not long.

Because for the gods, this day is just one day. You can't wait until the time is up before going. You have to arrive there in advance to make preparations. You can't go there when the gods have already set off and you haven't left yet? This is disrespectful.

What's more, God is very fast. When He sets off and you are walking, God must be the one who gets there first. You can't let God wait for you?

When you arrive at the venue, you need to perform sacrifices and thank the gods for their protection. The venue must also be decorated and the resting place of the gods must be tidied up.

The god's body is huge, basically like a mountain. His resting place is several miles long, and just sorting it out takes a lot of time.

Soon, the team set off.

This time the teams are Team 1, Team 6, Team 7, and Team 8.

Because all members of the second team died, the third, fourth, and fifth teams stayed behind.

The direction is east, walking straight toward the sun.

Not only the hunting team, but also other personnel, a team of more than a hundred people, including ten women and ten young men besides Li Su.

The young man was led by an adult. His speed was pretty good, and neither man nor woman were weak. He could walk almost thirty miles in a day. He could have walked more, but due to food problems, he had to stop and hunt, and he also had to cross mountains and ridges, which was very taxing on his physical strength. Bigger, otherwise you can go further.

The road is not difficult. The hunting team itself is strong, especially the first team, which is much stronger than the second team. Ordinary beasts are basically no match for them.

As for the strange beasts, the east is the territory of the gods. There are very few strange beasts and they will be hunted by the gods.

The flesh and blood of alien beasts contains a large amount of essence. An alien beast is almost dozens of times larger than an ordinary beast of the same size. If it appears in front of the gods, it will basically have no chance of running away.

After setting off, we covered nearly seventy-two notches, which was two and a half months, almost two thousand miles.

The entire team was very tired, even the hunting team members, after all, they were constantly on the road.

When we got here, we could already see a huge mountain range in the distance. It stretched endlessly with almost no end in sight, as if a natural wall divided the world they were in.

Seeing that mountain range, the hunting captain couldn't help but let out a breath and said with a smile on his face: "We're almost there. That's the God Mountain. It's said that it was made by the gods themselves. It doesn't look very good here, but you'll find it when you get closer. The mountain range is extremely high and can cover everything, and as long as you pass that mountain range, you will be the sacrifice site for the God of Heaven!"

As if to confirm his words, Li Su's eyes flashed, and his hearing and smell were vibrating. There was movement in the distance. It was people like them. They were far away, more than ten miles away, and they were also heading towards the mountains. Go.

After walking for about seven more days, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath. Not to mention the huge mountains, he actually saw the town. It was very big, very big, more than ten times larger than the Gu clan. The houses were Thousands, the population definitely exceeds 30,000.

Such a large population undoubtedly belongs to a large tribe, and it is also a top large tribe.

"That's Xi. It's the strongest tribe under the command of the God we believe in. There are more than two thousand warriors alone."

The eyes of a hunting captain were shocked. He looked at the tribe with burning eyes. He couldn't help but take a breath and spoke with a hint of envy.

"It is very powerful. It is said that there have been three warrior-level warriors in this tribe. They were able to meet the gods and became the attendants of the gods. They lived in the sacrifice site and guarded the throne of the gods."

The corners of Li Su's eyes twitched, and he couldn't help but said: "Does the warrior want to serve the gods?"

Not to mention the height of the gods, there is such a big question: how to serve? Li Su has no interest in being a slave to others, and what he wants to do most now is how to find the person who almost killed him, find a way to learn the other person's abilities, become a practitioner, and then live peacefully until the end of his life. Or maybe the big boss Suiren succeeded in drilling wood to make fire, and the story ended.

Serve the gods? forget it!

"Of course not!" The captain of the first team shook his head and said with a smile: "Even if you are a warrior, you must be strong enough. Usually only a fully adult warrior who performs extremely well on the God's Day can be defeated. The god chooses you to become a servant, and of course it is possible to sleep with you. Although your strength is still a little weak at present, your talent is extremely high, and you will have a chance in the future. Next time, or the next time, you will have a great chance."

"It would be great if you could become an attendant of the gods. Not only would the tribe be favored by the gods and obtain a land rich in food, but the attendants of the gods could also receive gifts from the gods, possess the power of gods, and have a long life.

There is a permanent attendant of the god in Xi, who rotates every ten days and nights and comes to the place to protect his people. The eldest of them has lived for two hundred days and nights, but his face is still young and his strength is extremely powerful. "


Li Su's eyes couldn't help but flash, two hundred days and nights? That is four hundred years? Can you live this long? Basically equivalent to a monk, right?

Thinking back to the person who almost beat him to death, could he be the so-called attendant of the gods? Does the power like that of a cultivator actually come from gods?

He frowned slightly, did his power come from someone else? Even though he is a god, Li Su still doesn't care.

After all, this power can't be considered his good weapon at all?

The other person likes you and gives you strength. Once he doesn't like you, you are nothing.

There is no doubt that he hates this feeling and would rather not have it.

Before he could say anything, someone approached and walked directly towards their team. Under the vigilant eyes of everyone in the Gu family, he walked out and looked at the captain of the team.

"hold head high!"

This is the name of the team leader. He was born in Chao Mai and is the only Chao Mai hunting team leader among the hunting teams one to five.

"Xunxun, are you also leading the team?"

Ang's face showed joy, and he was a little happy to see the visitor. He walked over directly and hugged the other person who also came out.

The other party was also very happy. He reached out and patted the captain of the first team on the back and said with a smile: "The last time we parted, it was nine days and nights ago."

"Well, we separated after the Tianjin Day. I didn't expect that ten days and nights later, we would meet again this time as team leaders, not as team members."

They had met before and lived together for a long time. Although their tribes were different, they had established quite a friendship during this God Day.

"Sleep, let me introduce you. This is Xun. He comes from the E tribe. A hundred days and nights ago, our two tribes came from the same lineage and were brothers. Although we went out to establish tribes separately, we were together almost every day of the gods."

Ang directly called Li Su the weird name he was given and asked him to come over.


Xunxun was surprised. He didn't understand it well last time, but he almost understood it this time. When the leaders of two tribes met each other, they would basically bring a new person out to get to know each other's new people. The purpose was also very clear. Simple, keep the friendship going.

Last time it was the two of them, and now they have become the team leader. Naturally, the person they met this time will not be a casual recommendation, but someone who is talented and will basically be the team leader next time unless something unexpected happens.

Li Su, who was recommended by the other party, was obviously under twenty. He was very young. To be recommended at this age, there was no doubt that he was talented.

He smiled and said: "It seems that this time your tribe has a genius."

It is quite remarkable that someone under twenty can be recommended.

Although this world is dangerous, the human race's lifespan is not short. People are considered young before the age of thirty. They enter their prime age at the age of forty. They start to age after they are sixty years old. The golden age is from twenty to sixty years old. During these forty years.

Usually after leading a team once, the leader will basically have to be replaced next time.

Li Su is under twenty, which means he is very likely to be able to lead the team twice. This is undoubtedly a great advantage. He can participate twice in his prime. The experience is not comparable to that of someone who has only participated once. The gap is huge.

People over sixty years old are usually not suitable to participate in the God Day. The reason is very simple. Although their strength can still maintain its peak for a period of time, their physical fitness has declined significantly and they cannot persist in completing the God Day activities. Not only that, compared with their twilight years, the God Undoubtedly prefer youth and prime age.

"You guys?" Ang was startled for a moment and couldn't help but said, "Is this the case with you too?"

Xun Xun smiled, raised his face slightly, maybe he didn't know the word pride, but he undoubtedly showed a proud posture and said: "Yes, this time our family has a genius and a warrior. This time The victory will definitely belong to us."

When the captain of the first team heard this, he immediately held his breath and said in dissatisfaction: "Oh, I'm sorry, our clan also has a genius this time, and he is also a warrior. Victory should be ours."


Xun sneered and said directly: "Xun, come here! Let this guy Ang take a good look."

Listening to the other party's words, Li Su's eyes flashed, well, this is the radical part of walking...


There was a buzzing sound, but I saw a big man about eight feet tall walking out. He was very tall and wide. From a distance, he looked like a bear. When he walked in, he saw a big black bear with black fur on his face, that is, The nose is not big enough to spit out, otherwise it is hard to tell whether it is a human or a bear.

He has a big body and is full of pressure.

Even the captain of the first team couldn't help but shrink his pupils. He is undoubtedly the same type as Li Su. You can tell at a glance that this guy is very scary. His body is really no joke. He weighs more than 200 kilograms by visual inspection. When he gets closer, It's two heads taller than me, like a mountain

Comparing Li Su, the gap is undoubtedly huge, as if a Chihuahua is standing next to Caucasus, completely out of proportion.

As soon as the guy came over, he first took a look at Li Su's height, then looked at his belly which was slightly higher, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Without saying a word, the look in his eyes at that moment was really like a taunt from a warrior in the game, which made Li Su unable to help but have the urge to kick the opponent to death.

Is he short?

He's less than eight and a half years old, and he's 1.7 meters tall. He's already considered the Mount Everest of normal human heights?

"Let me introduce you, Dun, eight days and nights."


Ang couldn't help but take a breath. Li Su already felt very tall. He was considered outstanding among the tribe. He was almost the size of an adult in four and a half days and nights.

As a result, the good guy in front of me was two heads taller than him eight days and nights ago. You must know that Ang is not the average height in the tribe. He is the top one, over two meters and three meters, and the opponent is two feet taller than him. The height is close to three meters, and it is not yet an adult. If it continues to grow, it may not be more than three meters as an adult.

Did apes evolve from this? No, this is what gorillas evolved, right?

Li Su couldn't help but be shocked. Although due to the influence of his soul, his body grew very quickly and he was already 1.7 meters before he reached the age of eight. But in fact, Li Su knew that his height would not continue to skyrocket. He should be close to his original height. I haven't moved for a long time. Even if I continue to grow, it will only be in terms of my five senses and strength.

Dun looked at Li Su, he patted his chest and said, "I have already heard from my uncle that I will take care of you in the future. Don't worry, I'll be fine with you."

He is undoubtedly very confident in himself, and this is true in fact. He is only sixteen years old. Not only is he the weightiest in the clan, he is heavier than two adults. He is also extremely strong and can break through the stones placed in the clan. The maximum upper limit of the weight was over 1,200 kilograms. He lifted it over his head, it wasn't heavy at all and he still had some strength left.

Li Su smiled when he heard this and said nothing. Although the condition of his thigh was not clear, it should not be too weak. He could hold it in front to make himself less attractive.

After all, after listening to the words of the captain of the first team just now, Li Suna had no idea of ​​becoming a servant of the gods.

After chatting for a while, we started to move on.

The destination is always the same, and there are more and more people.

There were six of them in total, all walking towards Xi and belonging to the same god.

Including Xi, the number of participants belonging to the god they believe in alone exceeds 1,200. You must know that the god they believe in is still very young, and his territory is the smallest among the seven gods on the totem, and the second to last. The territory of the gods is more than twice his, and the human race is three times more.

As for the first one, it is the most terrifying and extremely ancient, almost throughout the history of the human race.

At least among the Gu clan, according to Grandpa’s account, the existence of the first god was almost as long as the sun. He has existed since the beginning of the human race, and has protected the human race under his command for countless days and nights. It is too long. It cannot be recorded and can be traced back to ancient times.

Faced with this result, Li Su was basically certain that this story was most likely not a continuation of prehistoric times, but a new story.

They arrived at the Xi tribe in unison, and there were already people waiting there. Seeing their arrival, they directly welcomed the people in and arranged for them to stay in the prepared rooms.

"Sleep, you stay here with everyone first. Let's go to pay homage to the attendants of the gods first. Everyone has a good rest. The temple of the gods will be opened on the tenth day at the latest, so that everyone can refresh themselves. The day of the gods is not just for the gods. If you know how to choose your attendants, the gods’ attendants will also choose your servants. If you can be valued, you will not only have a comfortable life, but it will also be of great benefit to our clan, do you understand?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nodded.

No wonder they bring children here, and the attendants actually have to choose servants? Although he had heard of the fourth-rank official in front of the prime minister, this was definitely the first time he had seen him.

Unexpectedly, this rule has existed since primitive society.

Forget it, spend the God Day quietly, and then retreat quickly. Whoever wants to be a servant can do it. Anyway, Li Su has no interest in it and will not come again after twenty years. Although I feel sorry for my mother. , but capturing the river bank on the other side of the Four Legs can be regarded as a successful completion of the mission. After gaining enough strength, I will directly travel around the world to find out if there are any practitioners in this world.

If it doesn't work, the worst thing is to just find a place to lie down and wait to die!

"Sleep? Where are you?"

Just when Li Su was secretly deciding on his future direction, an excited voice sounded. It was the voice of the guy who looked like a bear. He was here.

The other party rushed in. The moment he saw Li Su, his eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Uncle asked me to come with you. Let's go. This is the first time I have left the tribe in my life."

Without waiting for Li Su to speak, he reached out and slipped Li Suti up and walked out.

Li Su's face was a little dark, and she wanted to lift this guy's chin to pieces with one kick. Didn't he have legs? Want you to mention it? And did I agree? Take me directly out!

This guy moves very fast, not as cumbersome and slow as a big bear, and it seems that a bear is not slow either. He runs very fast and walks as fast as flying. Because of his huge weight, he has a strong sense of sight when he runs, as if a bear is haunted.

The Xi clan is really different from the Gu clan. If we talk about nothing else, just talking about the house itself, the Gu clan is still a thatched house, made of dried grass. Xi has a wood chip structure and is no longer based on trees. Built directly on the ground.

The houses are either big or small, getting bigger toward the middle. You can already see some artistic touches. If you give them some time and make bricks, you will have entered the era of tile-roofed houses.

But..., what happened?

The people of Xi's tribe basically still wear coats made of animal skins. There are children running around and eating snacks, but if you look closely, you can see that they are still raw meat.

Only this house has a sense of being out of date.

We’ve already built wooden houses, but we haven’t entered the bonfire society yet?

I remember that I didn’t see any farming when I came here, which meant that planting and animal husbandry had not yet appeared.

Li Su was a little surprised. Is this because the Suiren clan hasn't appeared yet? So the human tribe has not yet received the protection of the God of Fire? It's a bit deformed.

"Drive~! Drive~! Drive~!"

There were several children wearing big insect furs, riding several people respectively, shouting loudly.

They wear very good clothes, and they still cherish the big insect skin. Its fur is very strong, and it has good defense power. Although it is an ordinary beast, it is also the top one. It is still a huge threat to the human race. I think To hunt, you need to pay a certain price. Usually when tribes encounter them, they mainly drive them away and will not deliberately hunt them.

Li Su is an abnormal situation. His five senses are too sharp and he is not afraid of sneak attacks.

Under normal circumstances, even a team would rarely go back to hunt such large beasts, focusing more on herbivores to avoid unnecessary injuries.

The Xi tribe actually uses large insect skins to make clothes for their children. It has to be said that the tribe is different...


Li Su felt the situation around him. In fact, most of the children in the Xi tribe had no clothes at all. They were running around naked. Only a few of them had it on their bodies, and some were similar to deer skin, some were wolf skin, Only a small part is tiger skin, that is, big insect.

And the one wearing tiger skin is not only tall and big, but also has a rosy face, obviously not lacking in oil and water.

The wolf-skin one is a bit worse, but its physique is not bad either.

Deerskin is even worse.

As for the naked little guys, it goes without saying that they are very thin and can barely maintain food and clothing.

Not a big pot meal? But is it starting to move towards the prototype of a slave society?

Moreover, take a closer look at the people who were being ridden by naughty children. They were not adults playing with children, but they seemed to be real animals. The child in one of them got tired of it, so he ran down, and that person The person being ridden did not get up or say anything, but was led directly to the corner and put on the pole.

Li Su couldn't help but frown, feeling a little bored. Want to ride a horse? Just go and catch both ends and come back, why waste people?

And looking at that person, his eyes were dull and he had no feeling. There were calluses on his palms and knees. It was obvious that he had been treated like this for a long time and was used to being numb.

Inexplicably, Li Su was a little unhappy. Although it was inevitable for a primitive society to enter a slave society, this method was too much, and it simply did not treat people as human beings.

On the side, the footsteps of Li Su also slowed down. Today’s tribes are basically like relatives. I have never seen this kind of thing. Although I don’t know why, I don’t like it from the bottom of my heart. He is holding Li Su and is about to leave. .

"Hi, big guy!"

Suddenly, a child saw them. His eyes lit up as he was a little bored. He swung the whip in his hand and hit the person below him. The person yelled and quickly moved towards Li Su and Li Su. Ran over.

"You're so tall!"

When he got closer, the child couldn't help but raise his head, a little shocked. The height was close to three meters. In front of the child who was less than half a meter, it was really no different from a mountain.

Xun smiled. He was very proud of his height: "I am the tallest person in the tribe."

"Big man, do you want to be my servant?" The little boy was very excited. "I can provide you with 10,000 catties of meat. If you are willing to become my servant, I will ask my father to give your tribe 10,000 catties of meat." "

At such a young age, do you already know how to trade slaves?

Li Su was stunned. He was quite surprised. He was shocked by the child's words. What kind of family upbringing?

"Be your servant?" Hearing this, Xun's eyes widened, and then he shook his head and said: "No, I will become an attendant of the gods in the future, and I will not be your servant."

"Attendant of the gods?" The little boy was stunned, and then he burst into laughter and said, "Is it just you? Haha, forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, anyway..." At this point, he said He didn't continue talking. He just smiled mysteriously, patted the person underneath him and said, "Let's go back. I have to go find my father. I have taken a fancy to this, and I can't let others snatch it away."

It was obvious that Xun didn't understand what the other party meant, and he was a bit confused.

Li Su's eyes flashed, a little confused, and the corners of his eyes twitched, feeling that something might go wrong on this God's Day...

Probably not? ? ?


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