Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 292 The extremely domineering Xi

After wandering around for a while, i stopped and took Li Su back directly.

"Although this place is big, it is very annoying. It is completely different from what uncle said."

I opened my mouth and I didn’t like it very much.

Along the way, he was asked many times if he was willing to sell himself to himself? The amount of grain varies from five thousand, seven thousand, and eight thousand.

It’s not just children who ask about the price, adults also ask.

After hearing the words "i", the child smiled and left, while the adult said loudly.

I was very unhappy because I was very talented and was educated since I was a child. The ultimate goal is to become a follower of the gods and the strongest warrior.

Although Li Su agreed with the idea of ​​becoming a servant of the gods, after all, in such a society, it was okay to have this as a dream.

It's just that the behavior of Xi's tribe made Li Su feel a little strange and confused.

There were certain standards for a primitive society to enter a slave society, but it is obvious that they should not be met now.

To put it simply, Li Su did not discover the development of farming and animal husbandry. Basically, food relied on hunting, picking wild fruits and other activities, and there was no condition for entering a slave society.

It's okay for you to have slaves for picking wild fruits, but you can't use slaves in a hunting team, right? What if you rebel against the Lord you suppress?

What's more, the members of the hunting team themselves have very high requirements for food and need to have strong bodies.

i Although I didn’t take him very far with me, how terrible is Li Su’s hearing? There are many people who are treated like horses. This is obviously a waste of productivity and should not be like this.

This made Li Su feel weird.

Farming and animal husbandry are the most basic conditions for primitive society to enter slave society. They allow people to work in a non-dangerous environment. Through a few separate, repetitive and uncomplicated methods, a large area of ​​land can obtain abundant crops. food. Only when such production conditions are met and productivity is lacking, a small number of leaders hope to increase productivity. At the same time, the purpose of military force can be changed from hunting to an army to protect the village and their own safety. Through continuous accumulation of this bit by bit, eventually, Gradually change the original model of everyone working and being equally distributed, and entering a slave society in which a small number of people do not work and own a large amount of materials, while the majority of people continue to produce but barely have enough to eat.

This process will be very long and should be a gradual change.

But here in Xi, it progressed too fast. Not only did it enter the slave society all of a sudden, even the children actually formed the idea of ​​​​purchasing others to become servants. This is not a day or two, but it takes a few years. This has been the case for more than ten years.

Moreover, I who left also said that it was different from what his uncle said, that is to say, Xi was not like this ten days and nights ago.

Li Su couldn't help but frown. Even if one day and night is equal to two years, ten days and nights would have passed for twenty years. Why is there such a big change?

What Li Su couldn't understand the most was how the other party was going to solve the production capacity problem? Without farming and animal husbandry?

Not long after, the captain of the first team came back.

His face was not pretty, and his expression was very cold. The person with him was Xun, who also had a gloomy expression.

It seems that this time the meeting ended on bad terms.

The two looked at each other and quickly separated.

The captain of the first team took a breath and directly called the captain of the sixth hunting team. After giving a few instructions to the other party, the captain of the sixth team directly took a few people and went out towards the sunset outside the Xi tribe.

Return to your tribe.

Not only here, but also on the other side of Xun, some people left. No, it should be said that all the people who came to the Xi tribe went out and headed towards their own tribe.


In his room, Li Su had a headache.

Although the captain of the first team did not tell him what was going to happen, how sensitive is Li Su's ear? Not to mention being a room or two away, he could hear it even from my side.

Xi's meeting this time did not discuss the issue of the God's Day, but directly asked all other tribes to join them to form a tribe, and within five God's Day, they continued to expand the population to form a super-scale Tribe (more than 100,000 people).

This is obviously not a small problem. Although under the current situation, most tribes are still ignorant about power. If one tribe can all migrate over and join another tribe, you can imagine the level of trouble inside. .

The most important thing is that the Xi tribe is not discussing with them, but giving orders and giving them time to respond before the God's Day. Otherwise, they will be regarded as hostile and they will not be allowed to hang the totem of the God.

And this is very serious.

Because Li Su and the others were exposed to the crime, they were able to return to the Gu clan, and they regained the ability to dress, speak smoothly, and think more smoothly. The protection of the gods has little impact on Li Su, but it is absolute for the clan and tribe. The importance is self-evident.

Now Xi actually said that if they don't join them, they will withdraw their qualifications to sacrifice to the gods and obtain the protection of the gods. This is undoubtedly unacceptable to any tribe.

Xi is so awesome? Are you planning to start a war with all other tribes?

It is true that Xi is very large, and the hunting team definitely exceeds 2,000 people, but the six tribes, even if each tribe only has 200 people, this number is definitely a lot.

A very practical problem is that if you kill a thousand enemies, you will suffer eight hundred losses.

After the fight, what do you have left?

Damn it, couldn't you just let him finish this God's Day simply and easily? What will you do after that? Do you have to do something like this at this juncture?

Li Su was very depressed. He didn't think other tribes would just nod their heads and say yes, yes, let's integrate.

It doesn't matter to the people at the bottom, but what about the elders of the tribe? Although their sense of rights is still ignorant, once they are integrated, can they still enjoy the superiority in the tribe?

Unfortunately, no!

The old man in the tribe is more experienced than good at fighting.

It's okay for a village to accept a few old people with considerable experience as leaders, and they can afford to support them, but when it comes to Xi, old people? Is there a shortage of experienced elderly people here?

There was no shortage, so when Li Su entered the tribe, there were no less than ten old people in the mansion on the land in the middle of them.

And compared to the elders of the tribe of thousands of people, they are undoubtedly more experienced and know how to organize a tribe of ten thousand people.

Therefore, the leaders of the other six tribes who have any discernment will not agree.

Of course, there is also an issue that must be considered here.

That's why the other party dared to say that!

If you take away the totems of other tribes, they are dedicated to the gods and there are sacrifices. Although the gods do not come to eat them, can you take them away without the permission of the gods?

If the Xi tribe has this confidence, has it already obtained permission from the gods?

After all, they are the strongest among the seven tribes including the Gu clan, with the largest number of people, and they have believed in the gods for the longest time. Not to mention, there were once three warriors who became servants of the gods. Only these, the status is different from theirs. How long it took to establish a tribe of several thousand people was completely different in front of the gods.

So annoying!

Li Su shook his head. It was better not to think about it. As soon as he thought about it, a bunch of questions popped up in his mind.

After all, there are many questions and mysteries that cannot be solved.

Under the current situation, we can only observe, or at least find out how Xi and the others solve the food problem. If the production capacity has not been improved, there is no point in gathering so much productivity. It will only make the local natural production capacity insufficient. , but triggered a food crisis.

After all, the number of wild animals and wild fruits in a place is limited.

Time passes little by little, and the sun rises higher and higher.

The Xi tribe is as calm as ever, and they send food to the people of the six major tribes every day. Other than that, they don't care.

The six major tribes waited secretly. Originally, they were all warriors who came for the God's Day. If such a problem arises, they can only wait. After the news is passed back, the people who can make the decision will be decided.

This takes a lot of time, it took them two and a half months to get here, and it may not be five months, but close to half a year.

It is estimated that no one from the tribe will come over until the sun is setting.

After more than ten days in a row, Li Su obtained some information through his ears.

First of all, in terms of population, the population of the Xi tribe is larger than imagined, far more than 20,000 people. The correct number is estimated to be double.

However, half of the people are basically no longer here, and the reason why they can learn this news is mainly because hunters returned to the tribe to rest and talk. Nowadays, people living in the village are basically related to the hunting team. Even the child running around naked, his father is also a member of the hunting team. In other words, there is no one in this tribe who has nothing to do with the hunting team. .

And obviously, it is impossible for all the tribes with tens of thousands of people to be related to the hunting team.

So the reason why the other side dared to do this should be that the other side invented farming? He didn't want to, there was no need to go so far. He listened to the voices of the people leaving for the hunting team and walked far away, beyond his hearing range. He only knew that it was to the west.

Of course, this is nothing. What really makes Li Su stand out is their fearless performance. Although there is no shortage of food, people are not animals after all, and they still have to go out for activities.

When I got outside, I was often looked at by Xi's people, and there was almost no communication. However, their attitude was very arrogant. I was just a more distinctive one. The ordinary hunting team members hardly looked at them, and their looks were full of inexplicable meaning. The look in his eyes is probably the same as when someone is choosing a cow, pig, or sheep.

I have to mention that the hunting team from the other side is very strong and generally on the front line. In Li Su's tribe, they are probably the same as the first five teams.

Is the overall strength so high? A bit unscientific.

Before coming here, the elders of the Four Meridians said that the major tribes in the middle and lower classes are similar, but the upper class alone has a little bit of food.

Now looking at the situation of Xi's hunting team members, several hundred of them are not bad in strength, but they are a bit too strong.


“Hand the people over!

! "

There was a loud noise outside, very angry and very loud.

Li Su frowned, the voice was not unfamiliar, it was i.

He is very popular here, and many people have asked him if he is willing to become a servant and are willing to give him high standards of treatment.

The captain of the first team's eyes flashed. The relationship between their two tribes was very good. They were brothers a hundred years ago and were related by blood. They exchanged boys and girls every God's Day and brought them back to their tribes. Therefore, despite the distance, A hundred days and a hundred nights, but the relationship between relatives cannot be said to be broken.

"Go out and have a look!"

Soon, led by a team captain, they walked out.

Not far away, the huge i was immediately spotted. He was standing in front of a certain room, his face full of anger, and his twin children breathing fire.

In front of him, he was blocked by several Xi's hunting team members. Because they were told not to do anything, they could not enter the room.

i was yelling at him, and Xun soon heard the sound and rushed over. When he saw i and Xi arguing, he immediately shouted: "i, what are you doing? You haven't come back yet!"

"Uncle, Tohru was captured by them and brought into this house." I said anxiously.

Xun Xun's face suddenly changed. He had no doubts about I. I was extremely talented and had abnormal abilities. His nose and breathing were extremely sensitive. If he smelled it, he would find me no matter how far he ran.

"Xi, what do you mean?" Not only did the good Tianshenri get into chaos by the other party, but they also arrested their people? Do you really think they are easy to bully? There is no shortage of blood, even if it is on the opponent's territory.

Besides, it wasn't that one tribe was uncomfortable now, but that all the tribes except Xi were in a bad mood. Many pairs of eyes looked at them at once.

"What's going on? Why are they gathered here?"

Someone from Youxi came over. He was decorated a lot, had a good status, and had teeth of many different beasts hanging on his chest. He was undoubtedly a member of the hunting team.

"Why are you arresting our people?" Xun said directly and angrily.

The man was startled for a moment, then turned to look at the few people in front of me. He was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, and then said: "Tapir?"

"Ah? Uncle!" A voice came to mind, and soon a young man came out. His leather jacket spread out, exposing his chest.

"What's going on?" the man said.

"Well, it's nothing. I saw a nice servant, so I caught him and enjoyed him."

"You fart, Toru is one of our tribesmen, not your Xi's servant. Where is Toru?" I was very angry. His eyes were red and his voice was loud. If the patrol hadn't realized something was wrong and held him down, I'm afraid it has already rushed forward.

The young man was stunned for a moment. He lowered his head and glanced at i. The smile on his face faded slightly, looking a little cold and unhappy.

The man frowned. Although he said he didn't care much, it was still the key point. Although they had received permission to unify the tribe to which their gods belonged, they had made too much trouble and had problems, and they would be the ones in trouble.

Immediately he said: "Okay, Tapir, return the people to the other party. They are still guests of my clan."

There was a hint of displeasure on the young man's face, and he walked down directly, saying calmly: "Let's go!"

"Where is Tohru?" I spoke again, his huge body pulling Xuan forward, his eyes fierce.

The young man paused for a moment, then turned back with cold eyes and a sinister look: "You are very good, very good. She is inside, and I hope you can 'protect' her like this in the future!"

He was sneering, with an indescribable cruelty in his voice, especially when he said the word "protect", his eyes were even more cruel.

i rushed in, and soon he walked out with a little girl in his arms. The girl was a little disheveled, and the fur on her body was torn. Fortunately, she had no other injuries. She just kept crying and held i tightly. Hold on.

Watching i take the person away, Xun didn't want to talk and left quickly to appease the tribe.

For a time, the faces of the people in the Sixth Division became a little heavy, and they all began to tell their tribesmen not to go out casually, and to be accompanied by hunting team members when they go out.

Ang, the leader of the Gu clan, also had a bad expression. The Xi clan was too overbearing and simply took the person away without saying a word. In the end, he left without saying anything.

This attitude completely ignores the other six tribes.

Li Su has a headache. Is this the attitude of tribal merger? This behavior is basically intended to directly annex. Except for a few people, most of them are probably just treated as slaves in their eyes.

Time passed little by little, and nothing else happened this time. Xi's side specifically explained that no young man was coming, and the people from the six tribes were not going out either, and they were full of vigilance towards the Xi clan.

As the sun turned westward little by little, people from all major tribes finally returned, accompanied by elders.

Li Su's side is Chao, the oldest man in the tribe.

This time, the Xi tribe ignored it, just introduced the people and ignored them.

The elders of the six major tribes immediately turned cold after hearing Xi Ji's domineering behavior. They were quite knowledgeable, and they were also angered by Xi's behavior. Soon the elders of the six major tribes directly sent people to contact the others to conduct discuss.

No one is willing to become someone else's property. Since you are like this, their reaction is very simple. Just unite and fight.


"How about it?"

"As expected, the alliance has begun!"

"Haha, a bunch of idiots, they really thought we were negotiating with them."

"Man, are you back?"

"Four tribesmen have returned. They are relatively close, and there are two more who should be here soon."

"Very good. Once everyone comes back and determines the location of their tribe, this group of people will no longer be important."

"what to do?"

"All members of the hunting team will be abolished. Except for a few special ones, no one will be left. All of them will be abolished. Don't the children say that the ones who can ride are too few, too well-behaved, and boring? These people will be very strong."

"Where's the one named i?"

"Abolish it, No matter how good the talent is, there is no need to keep a guy like this who can kill the Lord. Okay, let's make arrangements. Let the soldiers be energetic. From now on, they will be included in the meals. They add some spice.”


Is that really the case...?

Li Su let out a breath, and he knew that the other party's attitude was a bit strange. On the surface, he said that he wanted to merge, but after the person who informed him left, he didn't hide his face at all. Such feelings make people even more excited. The person who returns the tribe notification determines the tribe's location.

From the beginning, Xi had no intention of recruiting people, but wanted slaves.

No wonder he behaves so domineeringly, looking at people as if he were looking at animals. In a sense, recruiting me has elevated his status. After all, servants and slaves are two different concepts.

Thinking of this, Li Su's little face turned dark immediately. As for why?

Because no one was looking for him, his age was not exposed after all. He was about the same as a normal young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, and there was nothing particularly unusual about him. Therefore, naturally no one from the Xi tribe came to ask him if he wanted to become a servant, although he did. He will be remembered by Li Su, and he will definitely be beaten to death if there is a chance in the future, but he will not ask any questions, which means that he has been classified as a slave from the beginning...

You're riding a horse~!


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