Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 305 Returning to the Village

For blood curses, one must have a blood relationship, and the closer the bloodline is, the better.

If it is father and son and mother and son, the effect will be greatest.

Through the blood of close relatives, the false god can directly track and lock the opponent, thus being able to cast a curse regardless of distance.

Li Su frowned slightly, "Just cast a curse?"

"Yes!" Yang nodded.

"Can the cursed person do it regardless of whether he has the other party's power in his body? Or does the cursed person have to have a certain amount of his power?"

"Ah...?" She was stunned when she was asked. After a moment, she shook her head. She didn't know much about the blood curse. She only had a rough idea. She knew it but didn't know why.

"I'm afraid I have to ask the leader about this."

Li Su glanced at the water bag that the other party had thrown aside before, "When you came to find me, you asked me to prepare for the second method, but when the blood curse appeared on my body, you planned to kill me, right? "

"Yes!" The girl nodded generously, yes.

The corner of Li Su's mouth twitched. At this moment, he felt that you, girl, could be a little more uneasy. It would be better if you could show a sense of regret, reluctance, and difficulty, but the other party nodded directly.

I really don't hesitate at all when it comes to killing with love. You know, not long ago I almost had a fight and killed each other on the bed. Sure enough, the feelings are not in place yet? Physical attraction is always just superficial, you have to go deep inside and get to the core, right?

He exhaled, OK, isn't it just about going deep?

You wait!

"In other words, if I use the second method, it goes without saying that it fails. If it succeeds, you don't have to kill me?"


In this way, the activation of the blood curse is still based on the power of the false god. Even if it is a blood relative, I need his power to activate it.

Li Su's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but let out a breath in his heart. This was okay, but he was afraid that the other party could directly curse him through blood relatives, which would be very troublesome.

Although he broke through the extraordinary restrictions and began to master the power, the size gap between him and the gods was obviously huge. If the other party wanted to kill him desperately, he would have no way to resist at present.

"By the way, that person just now said that he was just trying. The false god took my mother back to prepare a blood sacrifice. Do you know anything about this?"

Yang was startled for a moment, and then she shook her head. This was undoubtedly the first time she heard the word blood sacrifice. In fact, the blood curse was not very clear, but she only had a general understanding of it.

A girl who doesn’t know anything about anything!

Li Su sighed, forget it, for the sake of her beauty, I forgive her.

"Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Go back and find your leader to ask some questions. By the way, is there anything to eat?" Li Su touched his belly. He had been out for too long and was hungry.

"Oh Nope."

Li Su's eyes moved and he couldn't help but glance at the water bag.

Yang immediately shook his head and said, "No, the false god is extremely poisonous to you, and you will die if you eat it."

"For us?

"Your lineage has not yet come into contact with the false god's contract. Drinking the false god's blood is disrespectful unless it nods in agreement. The blood will connect with the false god's power in your body and turn into a poison, thus killing you. "

Is that so?

Li Su walked over directly, opened the water bag, took a small sip, and gave it a try.

Indeed, after the entrance, there was energy fluctuating in the blood. It should be connected with the power of the pseudo-god in his body, turning it into poison and poisoning himself.

It's a pity that now there is not even a tenth of the pseudo-god power left in Li Su's body, and all of them are blocking his power of order, which cannot be touched at all.


As the blood poured down his stomach, Li Su's eyes lit up.

It is so rich in energy and full of various nutrients. The feeling produced by such a small bite is actually equivalent to eating about twenty kilograms of strange beasts.

He directly picked up the water bag and drank heavily. He drank more than ten gulps in a row, which was more than five kilograms.

As a large amount of blood entered his stomach, a warm current burst out from his chest and flowed in all directions of his body.

Not only is it rich in nutrients, he also feels that the false god's blood contains heterogeneous energy, which is directly related to the extraordinary, has special effects, and can help him practice. At this moment, he previously developed magical powers and wanted to imprint on his heart. The fatigue caused by the innate scars suddenly recovered, and every cell was so full of energy.

This is a natural treasure!

Not only that, there was light flickering in Li Su's eyes. The digested blood in his body had a little aura on it, which was the innate pictures and texts of the false god.

There are very few, just a few here and there, but the copywriting is extremely complex, spinning and surrounding in all kinds of ways.

This is a very large structure. It is similar to exercises and is very similar in nature to the Supreme Chapter, but in a different way.

It's a pity that a corner is too small, but it is only one millionth of the whole picture. Several large mouthfuls of blood cannot be combined and related. It is as if the endless night sky above the head only has a star point the size of a grain of rice, and its true appearance cannot be known. .

Li Su's eyes kept flickering, and his determination to kill the false god became stronger.

If you can kill one, you might be able to get a glimpse of the extraordinary whole picture, and gain the core key to the extraordinary power of this world. Combined with the supreme method you master, you can completely transform yourself.

Thinking about it, he took another sip.

Well, I’m full!

Undoubtedly, this is the first time in this world that I can eat so easily.

And the blood of the false god, how should I put it, is sweet and delicious, with endless aftertaste, like fine wine, like juice, flowing down from the throat with extremely silky smoothness, like frozen milk tea in the dog days, Erguotou in the cold winter, if you want to describe it, then It's just wonderful.

Taking a breath, Li Su's eyes flashed, and he began to concentrate his will. The innate pictures and texts that recorded the bottom of his heart appeared in his mind, directly reflecting his heart.

Well, it consumes a lot of money.

Just thinking about it, both his mental and physical strength were drained. At this level, with Li Su's physical fitness, there was a high probability that he wouldn't be able to hold on for five seconds and would be sucked into him.

He blinked and felt hungry again. He picked up the water bag and emptied it into his belly.

As a large amount of energy spread out in his stomach and quickly rushed towards his heart, Li Su couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and turned into a crescent moon.

The feeling of spiritual practice is back!

That's it, that's it.

Fight monsters, get treasures, and upgrade.

This is the rhythm of cultivating immortals, which can be continuously improved. As long as Li Su's talent can be improved level by level, he will conquer the sky sooner or later.


I didn't go to the village. Although it was still far away, there was no sound in the village except for the one who just ran over and was beaten to death by Li Su. A large amount of blood would soon attract wild beasts, even strange beasts, and be handed over. If you get entangled, it will be troublesome.

He wanted to quickly figure out the problem of the blood curse and solve the hidden dangers. If possible, it would be best to rescue his mother as well.

Walking back all the way, Yang kept looking at Li Su, looking again and again.

The water bag she was carrying was huge and could hold fifty kilograms.

She also drank the pseudo-god's blood. One gulp was enough to consume it in one notch.

Although there are no kilograms and kilograms in this world, the amount of one bite is only about 25 grams at most. One bag is almost 25,000 grams. It can be eaten a thousand times. That is, when one thousand notches are made, it is almost two days for one person. Food for a dark night.

But along the way, Li Su kept eating, eating very fast, taking several big mouthfuls at a time, and several big mouthfuls at a time.

After walking less than half a mile, the water bag had shrunk by almost a third visibly to the naked eye, and she could only eat as much as she could for a day.

Good to eat? Is this the reason why he is so powerful?

She couldn't help but touched her belly and glanced at Li Su's lower body. If she could have a child, she would be very strong. Like Niu Xiaozi, she would be able to increase the fighting power of the human race.

Jumping back and forth on the treetops, Li Su was so excited that he almost fell down. The other party's eyes were too direct and burning.

Well... ancient times are really good!

What I am thinking about now are offspring issues, not emotional issues. As long as I am strong enough, I can open a harem openly like a lion...

The only problem is that the girl's face is covered with animal skin, which makes her a little uncomfortable.

After running for twenty miles, Zhang took him to the foot of a mountain. There was a cave there, and he took him directly into it.

The cave is directly connected to the underground. There is white mist there. If I feel right, it should be miasma.

The air is very sweet, with a hint of toxins, but it's not serious. If your physical fitness reaches a certain level, you can basically be immune. However, the white mist itself has a heavy feeling, blocking sight and making it difficult for sound to be transmitted.

Yang stretched out his hand to grab Li Su and led him away directly.

"Don't let go. Once you get lost, you don't know where you will appear."

Li Su was startled for a moment. His hearing was not bad, and his senses were also very strong. The place shrouded in white mist should not be big.

After thinking about it, he nodded and said: "Okay!"

However, having entered the fog, Li Su couldn't help but be startled. He was lost. If it weren't for the little hand of the former beauty, he couldn't be sure where he was?

Except for the feeling still coming from the ground beneath his feet, Shino could not see anything at all.

What's going on with this white mist...?

After a while, the fog in front finally dispersed, and they appeared in an underground cave again. When they came out of the cave, there was a similar cave outside.

When he walked out of it, Li Su couldn't help but be startled.

The place was unfamiliar, not where they had gone before, and the stars were at the wrong angle.

And time passed very long, at least half an hour later, and the moon above the head moved slightly.

Space teleportation?

Li Su was shocked by this magical scene. He didn't have space abilities. The fundamental method of the Yuqing Chapter pointed directly at the avenue of space. Pangu's Dissolving Slash could directly create a world.

But this white mist..., how should I put it?

He didn't feel the spatial fluctuations, but in fact it created a teleportation effect?

Li Su couldn't help but glanced at the girl leading the way. Unfortunately, the other girl had no intention of explaining and just kept running with Li Su.

The relationship is still not in place, the trust level is not enough, and a deep integration is needed. After settling my own affairs and bringing my mother back, I will start making preparations.

Before long, the village was in sight.

Then..., there was someone at the entrance of the village. He was a middle-aged man in his thirties.

Yang was startled for a moment, then she let go of Li Su's hand, ran up and said, "Father, why are you out?"

This is her father. He looks like an orangutan, with black fur all over his body. Fortunately, his daughter has not inherited anything from him.

He said nothing until his daughter walked in. He stretched out his hand and took her directly into the village.

"Do it!"

There was a loud shout on the spot, and the man shouted directly to the surroundings.

Yang was startled, and Li Su was also startled.

The next moment, there was another sound, and the stone spear broke through the air and shot directly towards him, head, chest, hands, and feet.

It wasn't a warning or a threat, it was a naked attempt to kill him.

Li Su's eyes turned cold and he was a little unhappy. He couldn't deal with anyone who wanted to kill him, not even his father-in-law. He slightly changed his body direction and avoided grabbing the stone spear directly.

He turned around and looked at the middle-aged man, narrowing his eyes slightly but making no move.

After all, people in this village had saved him, and the other person had a beautiful daughter, so he forgave him the first time.

Next time, my father-in-law will do the same!

She was anxious, but she knew how strong Li Su was, so she immediately said: "Father, no!"


The middle-aged man's face was extremely angry. He looked at his daughter with fierce eyes and roared: "The leader sent you out to kill him, not to bring him back. He also came back from the passage. Do you know? What did you do? Do you want to kill our family?"

"Kill him quickly. Before the blood curse occurs, the false god must not discover the existence of the passage."

The middle-aged man shouted loudly, and more than a dozen figures rushed out, each holding a sharp weapon and heading towards Li Su with murderous intent on their faces.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There is no doubt that Li Su was hammered when he went up.

Among the more than ten young men who rushed towards him, the leader was given special attention by Li Su. He was punched twice on the waist, and he knelt on the ground and started thrashing, unable to breathe.

Three were kicked by Li Su and hung on the tree, five were whipped into the grass by him with their butts exposed, and one was punched and flew out, hitting the stone wall and hanging for a long time before falling down. Come on, as for the other two, he pressed them directly into the soil.

After finishing everything, Li Su turned his eyes and looked at his father-in-law rather unkindly.

The middle-aged man hissed, his face looked like dirt, and he was stunned.

The whole process took less than three seconds and only took two blinks. The strongest young man in the clan was actually wiped out?

They are not weak, and they are also good at combined attacks. Even if the five divinely chosen warriors are surrounded by them, they will not be able to escape the fate of being surrounded and suppressed.

The middle-aged man who received his daughter's return from the special passage with Li Su did not send people randomly, but clearly calculated Li Su's strength. Although his body had not fully recovered, he also carried out a certain degree of strength. After overestimation, specially arranged manpower.

"What are you doing???"

The middle-aged man couldn't help shouting that they were not ordinary warriors, but people with "power". They could fight against the chosen warriors alone, and their final defeat was only a matter of physical strength, not strength.

There is no doubt that the middle-aged man's calculations are very powerful and highly targeted. It would be a dead end for someone else.

Unfortunately, he met Li Su.

This guy has too many problems. He came to the village, went out, and came back. He broke through three times in succession. Once he broke the shackles of the false god, once he understood the extraordinary rules, and once he practiced extraordinary practice.

It would take others decades, or even a lifetime, to accomplish one of these things, or even something that was impossible to do at all. Li Su did it in less than two notches.

Therefore, since he was almost killed by the false god, his strength has increased by about five to eight times, and he has almost reached a height where he can beat the opponent's leader.

He blinked his eyes. He was a little angry at first, but this anger came and went quickly. After all, he was beaten to death.

At this moment, he couldn't help but have some thoughts. How about taking this opportunity to hammer the opponent's leader?

It just so happened that I had to live my life just because of the other party, so I felt a bit embarrassed to say it. Now my father-in-law is very good, so I gave him the excuse directly.

It's not a matter of killing people. He can probably understand the psychology of these people. When facing a powerful enemy like a false god, you can't be too careful.

Don't tell me, not far away, the leader of the other party appeared, obviously hearing the noise outside.

Many people around him came over quickly.

When he saw Li Su and Qing Zhuang lying around, he frowned and immediately realized something.

His eyes fell on Li Su. After a moment, the leader's face showed a strange look. He was a little surprised and said with a look of shock and disbelief: "Have you been cursed by the blood curse?"

Li Su was also surprised. The blood marks on his body were gone and his breath had returned to calm. But the other party found out?

"Can you see this?"


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