"The blood curse is activated, but it has almost no effect on you?"

The leader was a little surprised. He obviously did not expect this result. There are still people who can do nothing after the blood curse is activated. The blood curse is not only activated by himself, but also the power of the false god will flow over and interact with the false god in the owner's body. The power resonates, thus triggering a power several times greater than itself. Not even a warrior can resist it.

"You want to ask about the blood curse? Can you perform other actions? Directly kill you with the blood curse, or locate your location?"

"If it is activated and you are close enough, the person who activated it can feel the blood fluctuations and detect you. As for the curse killing, I can only say that I don't know, because since ancient times, anyone who has been activated by the blood curse , they are all directly controlled without any doubt, life or death is not up to them, and there is no need to curse them."

"As for the blood sacrifice, the person who performed it should be the attendant of the false god. This time he made a major mistake. Not only did the tribal blood shatter the totem, but he also called the false god, causing them all to be severely injured and killed by the beast god. Ambush.

If he doesn't perform well, I'm afraid he will have to fight bloody battles on the next God's Day and use the last aura of his life to please the false gods. "

When the leader said this, he couldn't help but glance at Li Su.

He didn't speak, but the meaning in his eyes was very clear. You are just a human being. In the eyes of the false gods, you are just like a paramecium. The behavior of cursing is usually only established in a reciprocal situation, because If you cannot kill the opponent, you will feel uneasy unless the opponent dies.

In short, in a word, Li Su, although you are a unique cabbage, you are just a cabbage, not to the point where the false god personally curses you to death.

The false gods will appear on the Gu clan's side, and I'm afraid the main thing is to bring the totem back.

His qualifications are too young, his years are not far away, his talent is only ten thousand days, and he will only be able to become the false god of the human race in about a thousand days.

So far, the population of Southland has not exceeded 100,000. Compared with the other six false gods, not to mention the three most powerful ones that existed in ancient times, even those developed later are far behind. They are all still sleeping in the wilderness. Like a wild man.

False gods are different from humans in that their lifespan is too long and their spiritual growth is very slow.

In a word, he is still a fool.

Otherwise, if it were another false god, the leader would not ambush him at all. The first thing is that the other party would not come. To put it bluntly, the servants of false gods are just pets that are better than slaves. If you find something good, you have to find a way to bring it back. Calling yourself over for something like this? In any other god, that attendant would have been gone long ago.

Li Su was stunned for a moment, feeling that he had been humiliated. His eyes were a little unkind. Who did this bastard look down on?

He took a breath, not intending to care, and asked another question that he was extremely worried about.

"Then my mother..."

The leader glanced at Li Su and sighed, "The range of the blood sacrifice is determined by distance. Now you are in the extreme south, and the other party has returned to the south. He wants to find you through the blood sacrifice. Control, Bringing you back will undoubtedly require a lot of blood from blood relatives to do it..., and the blood sacrifice will inevitably be launched with blood relatives as the core."

A lot of blood, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath when he heard the words, and completely understood.

In other words, once the blood sacrifice begins, my mother will definitely die, that's what it means.

"Then how long do I have until the blood sacrifice begins?"

The leader paused for a moment, "It depends on how many blood relatives there are in the clan. If you are here, it should take some time. After all, your grandfather was expelled and died, and his bloodline has been severed. There is a direct layer between you and others." , even if it can be used as a substitute, there are too few main blood relatives, so it cannot be activated in a short time, so we need to get enough blood from your mother first."

In an instant, Li Su couldn't help but clenched his fists, his eyes were a little red, and there was murderous intent inside.

Do you need a large amount of blood for a long time? How is that different from torture?

Recalling the image of his mother that floated in his heart when the blood curse was activated, Li Su's eyes were very cold, with almost no emotion at all.

"Is that so? I understand."

He picked up the water bag, turned around and left: "I'm sorry for saving me and causing you trouble. You were worried about it before. Please don't worry. If I lose, I won't give the false gods a chance to catch me."

He jumped up and headed north, intending to return to the south.

The leader said slowly: "Even if you go, you will only die. Your mother will definitely be taken back to the clan by the Xi clan. The false god's attendants will personally take care of her and will be heavily guarded. You will have no chance at all."

Li Su smiled, and he looked back at the other party slightly: "So?"

Because he couldn't beat him, he hid in the corner and watched his mother die in pain? There are some things you can give in to, but there are some things you still have to do even if you know you will die.

He doesn't care about many things, but he will never forget his kindness.

Without stopping, he turned around and left with a sudden burst of speed. The main reason why he came back with Zhang was to ask people who knew the blood curse clearly, to know the situation of the blood sacrifice, and to find out how much time he had left.

From this point of view, he still has a lot of time. If he needs to do it in huge quantities, there should be no problem in a short time.

What he lacks most at the moment is undoubtedly time.

In the forest, Li Su kept running and drinking blood, swallowing the false god's blood one mouthful after another.

If you want to save people, let alone the false god himself, Xibu is the hurdle to overcome, especially the false god's attendants, whose strength is definitely not weak.

They are warriors themselves, and they have been blessed by pseudo-gods with supernatural powers. They are not comparable to the followers of pseudo-gods or the warriors chosen by gods.

She once looked at him from afar. Even though he was only relying on a human head, Li Su could still feel how powerful the other party was, and his mental power was a bit unbelievable. It's not that it was magical that he landed on a head, but it started from the moment he landed. He began to bear the pain of beheading, and you could see the veins popping up on his face, but he didn't care at all and was completely unaffected.

In terms of one round of willpower, that guy is quite scary.

Therefore, before saving people, he must improve his strength. At least he must complete the extraordinary in his heart, reflect it, and complete the first level of transformation.

Otherwise, it is really not about saving people, but about giving them away.

Li Su still cares about his own life, not to mention saving people. If he can't save people, is it still called saving people?


After running for a while, Li Su couldn't help but stop. There was a sound behind him. Someone was chasing him, and he was shouting while running. Unfortunately, he ran a little slowly, and the chase got farther and farther, and the sound was almost inaudible.

After a long pause, the other party caught up.

Yes, she was out of breath at the moment. Fortunately, the leader gave the order quickly, otherwise there would be no way to pursue her.

The opponent is really too fast, and the gap is a bit big.

"What's the matter?"

"The leader asked me to join you."

"With me? Why?"

Li Su frowned. He could feel the fear of this clan. In any case, the false gods were too huge for humans. Without the ability to practice effectively, they had almost no power to resist. Even so, there was still no despair. , on the other hand, it is already remarkable that they can carry out such a level of confrontation by uniting with the Beast God.

Therefore, he never thought about getting help from the other party from the beginning, because in the other party's view, his behavior was undoubtedly no different than sending him to death.

If the Gu clan is safe and the shackles of the false gods are cut off directly, he will stay in the village and continue to study and explore the world's power system while improving himself and teaching it to them.

He didn't know when the Suiren would make fire, but he was sure that it would be difficult as long as the false god was still around.

Therefore, mobilizing the power of the masses, improving the level of the human race as a whole, and allowing the human race to gain extraordinary power is undoubtedly his only way to conquer the world.

Although World Fragment, as long as you enter it and survive until the end of the story, or die, you can get benefits.

But that benefit is minimal.

Now he is seeking a breakthrough in the outside world, and if he wants to achieve the realm of magical powers, then this mission must be perfect, maximize participation, have a huge influence, and receive high evaluations.

He is in the fundamental magic realm of the Seven Saints. How can he still be ordinary now that things have happened?

Of course, the most important point is that the demon clan has targeted him. The guy named Dong is shameless. The dignified pseudo-sage actually attacked him personally, and also mastered the most precious Chaos Bell, which made Li Su feel very insecure. Okay? Even though he already possesses three treasures including Pangu Banner, Qingping Sword, and Six Paths of Reincarnation, is he still full of crisis?

Others lived for tens of thousands of years, and then died when they died.

He, Li Su, doesn't count the time in World Fragments. Outside, he is less than twenty years old, and he is still a cute young man.

If he really died before he left the battlefield, Li Su would not die aggrievedly. He knew the plot clearly, but he was still not invincible? There is no fixed world. How uncomfortable would it be if the soul returns to heaven and meets the predecessors who have traveled through time?

Zhang said directly: "Yes, when the God's Day starts, we will also go to observe the situation. The leader feels that your body is exhausted and your body is improving rapidly. Although I don't know why, I am sure that your strength is already there. If you have surpassed the warriors, I am afraid that something huge has changed within you. The leader believes that you will consume a lot during this period. Although it is difficult to save people, I can provide you with some help so that you can concentrate on saving people."

Is that so?

Li Su blinked his eyes, thought for a while, and nodded: "Okay."

Going to the Southland will not be safe. There is a high probability that a huge incident will happen, and he may be targeted by the false gods. After all, in addition to meeting his mother, Li Su also has another idea in his mind, and that is to see if there is a chance to find him. The false god totem severed the relationship between the Gu family and the other party, and completely resolved the shackles hidden deep in his body, allowing the power of order to emerge.

So he went on the road again, taking Yang with him.

Then, they ran together, and when they were almost twenty-fourths of a mile, Li Su stopped.

Although he has slowed down, he is still not able to keep up with the current opponent. After all, although the opponent is very unconventional, there is still a long way to go compared to the pervert Li Su.

This time the other party did not take the initiative to lead the way, and obviously did not intend to let him come into contact with the white mist again. After all, what he wanted to do was too dangerous, and there was a high probability that he would be trapped. He could not expose more of the information here.

Li Su took a sip of the false god's blood, and now a shallow layer of blood has appeared on his heart. It shouldn't be long before it is completely formed.

He looked up and saw that they hadn't left the extreme south yet. If they continued walking at this speed, it would take more than ten notches. And even if they reached the south, they would be further away from Xibu. It would have cost a lot to retreat in the first place. After a long time, the forty or fifty scratches that came and went were gone.

After thinking about it for a moment, Li Su threw the water bag in his hand to the other party. Zai Yan looked at the man who was struggling and needed a rest, and hugged the other party in his arms.

"You!" Undoubtedly, apart from being a child, this was the first time that someone had hugged her like this, and the girl couldn't help being surprised.

"Don't move, I'll take you away."

Li Su jumped up, and his speed suddenly increased. Although it was a forest, it was still like lightning and flint, and he quickly headed towards the north and south.

Looking at the rapidly retreating scenery and the sound of wind whistling in his ears, he couldn't help but tense up.

Although she knew that she had delayed his speed, she did not expect that the delay would be so big. She could walk more than twice as fast as before while holding herself in her arms.

"Hand me the water bag."

After running for a while, Li Su spoke directly. The heart reflection consumes too much, but he has already felt a difference. It is growing and changing rapidly. Once it takes shape, he will undoubtedly get the first one that he cultivates on his own, not from. Abilities gained elsewhere.

This is definitely a huge difference, Li Su has a feeling.

Not only will he himself benefit from this and undergo an unprecedented transformation, but also this behavior, because there is no cultivation system in this world. Even the situation of false gods is not cultivation, at least not the cultivation method of flesh and blood.

The Youchao clan built houses, ignited civilization, and created the power of order.

So by observing the innate pictures and texts, reflecting them on himself, practicing one time, and triggering his own transformation, he has undoubtedly established an upward path for the flesh and blood body. Will this cause changes?

So, while Li Su was on his way, he drank the false god's blood from the beauty in his arms and felt the extremely elastic body on his palms and arms. He ran very fast and quickly left the extreme south. , the place where the beast god lives.

After running for three days, Li Su stopped.

He was also a little tired. After all, although his physical strength was strong and could be replenished with the blood of the pseudo-god, his mental strength was not unlimited. His innate soul had already felt tired and needed to recover.

But when I raised my head, I had already arrived at the door of the extreme south. In the past, it was the south. Although the place was very big and the false god was not there, it was better to be careful when entering the opponent's territory. After the physical strength was restored, the innate map of the heart Wen Yingzhao, the best have been completed in the past.

Putting down the rice bowl, Li Su said: "Rest for a while first, and then set off after a while."

Zhang nodded. At this moment, her body bones were a little numb, and her pretty face under the animal skin was also very red. It was the first time that a man had such close contact, and for such a long time, for three days.

If she hadn't taken into account the other person's age and condition, and the most important thing was that something happened to her mother and was captured by Shiobe, and she was also troubled by a blood curse, which was not suitable for subsequent development, she could really have suppressed the person directly. .

A powerful male, in this primitive era, is no different from a tall, rich and handsome man in modern times.

And obviously both men and women are lustful! After all, food and sex are also good~!

After taking a few steps away, Zhang took a deep breath and couldn't help but recall that a long time ago, meows kept coming from outside the village, which made her upset. She couldn't help but ask her mother what was going on. The mother smiled and said that the big insect was in estrus and wanted to give birth to offspring. It was looking for a male. You will know when you get bigger.

Has it finally reached that time for you?

On the side, Li Su, who was practicing and looking towards the south, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. His nose was so good that it was sharper than a dog. How could he not smell the strong 'smell' in the air?

I can be considered a person who has experienced many battles, and I have many wives. Count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? Damn, that’s a lot.

And all of them are top-notch, and if they are released, they will definitely be able to be on TV and become famous in the sky.

As a result, there were always women driving in front of him every day, and they drove so openly that they almost didn't get in his face.

After a while, Li Sugan sat down in pain, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

Although my heart wanted to kill the other person directly, my body didn't want to. It was still developing and protested that it was still young.

Just practice, sink into practice, and forget everything.

Woman, currently it only slows down the speed at which I draw the knife….

Suppressing his restless heart, Li Suhe kept drinking blood, and his heart was constantly reflected. The position of his heart became brighter and began to shine, with pictures and texts shining, causing resonance.



As time continued to pass, his heartbeat began to get louder and make strange noises that could be heard even outside. It kept spreading, and the air was shaken. It kept making noises, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were also trembling. Li Su's heartbeat is affected.

The innate pictures and texts were embedded in his heart. As the heart kept beating, the acquired sounds became compatible with it and formed one body. Astonishing changes began to occur.

In an instant, I seemed to feel something. There was a slight change between the heaven and the earth. The vibration was inexplicable. There was a thunderous sound, just like a heartbeat. It stirred up the heaven and earth, spread continuously, and gradually formed sounds in the sky, forming a pattern. , the innate text is the core, and the acquired sound turns into a heart shape, which is completely different and completely different from other powers.

This is a drastic change, with great symbolism and a completely new meaning.

Heaven and earth have feelings, Tao has feelings, and they have discovered this sharpness and difference. They have curious eyes and feel the possibilities.

A burst of energy overflows and actively enters the heart, helping it to take shape and become an entity.

Immediately, the heart vibrated. It quickly took shape, its structure changed dramatically, and it was recognized. It made a sound far greater than before. It surged out like thunder. After the sound, the next moment it began to shrink rapidly and disappeared. .

As for the real master, Li Su, at this moment, his eyes were glowing, his breathing was getting longer and longer, his heartbeat kept vibrating, and it completely lit up. The heart that disappeared in the sky appeared directly on his atrium, becoming one with his heart.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With one beat, there was power, vibrating his cells. The heart sound contained some kind of energy, drawn directly from the heaven and earth by the core innate graphics, and began to nourish his body.

With a snapping sound, his body suddenly grew taller again, becoming mature again...

The extraordinary, no, I should say the path of spiritual practice, was grasped by him.

Li Su couldn't help but open his eyes, his pupils were hot and excited. Unlike before, at this moment, he was truly on the road.


And when Li Su was extremely happy, the sound of thunder in his heart was still rippling in all directions.

To the east, west, south, and north, in all directions, the false gods felt this and raised their heads one after another to look into the endless void.

Is this... a change? ? ?

Something has changed!

They, who have become the gods of this world, who dominate everything, their expressions changed slightly.

Millions of days and nights ago, they grasped the changes layer by layer, reached the pinnacle of this world, and became the gods of all living beings. At that moment, they rejoiced in that change and gave them a chance to stand up.

Now, millions of days and nights later, when changes come again, some people are no longer happy, but full of displeasure and anger.

They don't allow change~!

This world should be like this, continue to be like this, and continue to be like this forever...


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