The heart seems to have become a source.

Every time it arches, there are a lot of sounds spilling out. These sounds are not just simple sounds. There are mysterious substances contained in them. It is just like the effect of the heart on people, improving his body and strengthening the cells. .

Just as he absorbs oxygen from heaven and earth every time he breathes, every time his heart beats, he also absorbs a large amount of heaven and earth matter, which is absorbed by his heartbeat and transformed into energy beneficial to the human body.

With the inflow of this power, the first two places that reacted were Li Su's throat and nasal cavity.

There are the innate pictures and texts that Li Su took from the Night Demon. They vibrated first and absorbed a large amount of nutrients. The whole pictures and texts began to glow. With the infusion of energy, they woke up and regained their activity.

Just like the power of order in Li Su's body, although they are more complete, they are actually broken, and they cannot fully exert their true power in the body of Night Demon.

Li Su was surprised. He obviously did not expect that after the heart mapping was completed and his innate voice was formed, such a change would occur. The throat bones and nasal cavity were shaken, and they began to revive, and quickly integrated with Li Su's body. .

That's right, it's not that it's been replenished and its original strength has been restored.

But it is recovering!

The innate voice was broken a long time ago.

It turned into countless fragments, merged into the bodies of some beasts, and became their superpowers, which could no longer be reassembled.

Lack of strength, annihilation of will.

But now, as Li Suming understood the innate pictures and texts, he used his own heart to form the source, and once again produced the energy needed for the innate voice. Like the power of order, the inspired spirituality began to revive, and he wanted to restore his original appearance.

Of course, there are some differences.

After all, the innate voice has long since disappeared, and the will no longer exists. What is revived at this moment is only its own structure. If no one takes the lead, if it continues like this, one day new wisdom will be born and become an innate spirit.

This time is different. The heart sound originates from Li Su, and it is different from the innate voice. It is not the first sound of heaven and earth, but the sound of the beating life. Therefore, although the innate voice is revived, it is immediately destroyed. Stained with the color of Li Su.

Originally, it wouldn't be that easy, that simple.

After all, one is an innate force and the other is an acquired soul. Logically speaking, it takes a period of time to adapt, and they need to slowly merge and eventually become one, regardless of each other.

But Li Su is different. He is essentially an innate creature with an innate soul.

Although he is not innate in this world, he is still innate.

So in an instant, Li Su's soul took action. With the heart sound as the core, his soul was vibrating, activating the supreme method of flesh and blood, growing a heart in the originally empty soul, and then began to beat, forming soul sound.

The sound of the soul, the sound of life.

Under this double impact, the innate voice on Li Su's throat bones and nasal bones not only revived, but was also directly controlled by Li Su.

As mentioned before, Li Su was transformed from acquired into innate. The biggest difference from innate creatures is that he does not hold rules himself and is not the leader of some force in the world.

In other words, one possesses the status of a god but lacks the godhead.

Although the innate voice is just a voice, there is no doubt that in a certain sense, this thing is the godhead!

On the throat bones and nose bones, the intertwined pictures and texts began to melt, were extracted, flew into Li Su's soul, and turned into a character, a character that meant sound, and it rushed directly into Li Su's soul. The soul heart, which is formed of flesh and blood, sat down on the soul.


Li Su was shocked, his eyes were shining, and there was power flowing in them.

Body and soul, one virtual and one real!

Heart sound and soul sound, one yin and one yang!

He once mastered the thunder method and practiced the two thunders of yin and yang in the Supreme Chapter of Taiqing Saint, which touched the fundamentals.

Undoubtedly, among the seven supreme saints, only Taiqing Saint Li Su did not fully learn the essence. After all, he only learned the thunder method. Although it was only a corner of the supreme chapter, the power of the saint was so great and magnificent, even if his talent was said to be It’s astonishing, extremely terrifying, and it’s impossible to perform the Aether Clear Chapter on the basis of Lei Fa.

But now, with the integration of this innate voice, Li Su's Taoist eyes are constantly vibrating, and the Taoist golden ball is constantly analyzing.

Everything has yin and yang.

Yin and yang of heaven and earth, yin and yang of water and fire, yin and yang of man and woman...

If the lone yin does not grow, the lone yang will not grow.

One yin and one yang are called ‘Tao’!

There is a chapter appearing, and there is a supreme being shining. Although I have not been able to see the Taiqing chapter with my own eyes, the thunder method essentially comes from the Taiqing chapter. Although it mainly writes about the two thunders of Yin and Yang, it is based on the work of the Taiqing saint. The Tao of Tai Chi is the core, but it cannot reach the realm of a saint, and cannot comprehend the yin and yang of all things, feel the power of yin and yang, and thus master the yin and yang of the world.

Now that he has harvested the two tones of yin and yang, coupled with the original two thunders of yin and yang, and with the blessing of both, Li Su got a chance to glimpse a glimpse of the great power of Taiqing Saint. With the help of Dao Jie, he rarely touched The core was revealed, and the mighty power of Yin and Yang was reflected in the pupils.

Although it was just a glimpse, everything was different at this moment, which allowed Li Su to transform from mastering the two thunders and sounds of yin and yang to understanding the two powers of yin and yang.

Unfortunately, the way of this world is different. This flash of spiritual light immediately faded away and soon submerged and stopped shaking.

Exhaling frequently, Li Su also woke up from the huge transformation of himself at this moment. There was a strange color on his face and a little regret in his eyes. He could not fully attack in one fell swoop and fully understand the chapter of Taiqing Sage. , transforming the power of the two thunders of Yin and Yang into the two powers of Yin and Yang.

Soon, Li Su cheered up. Although he could not fully grasp it, the changes had already occurred, and the shadow had already fallen on the foundation. After he came out of the world fragment, he could always make up for it.

"What's that look in your face?"

When Li Su came back to his senses from practice, he found a pretty face with extremely shocked eyes, looking at him strangely, standing far away, and took out the golden bone that had been used against Li Su once before. , it seems that as long as something goes wrong, she will take action and then run away immediately.

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Yang was a little nervous, really nervous.

It didn't even take a moment to make a mark. Li Su had changed so much that he was completely unrecognizable.

Even the breath has changed.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no blood curse on him, the changed aura would be different from that of any false god. She would have thought that the other person was controlled by the false god.

When Li Su heard this, he rolled his eyes on the spot. Can this girl speak? Forget it, I won’t argue with you, I’m in a good mood now.

He never thought that this breakthrough would have so many benefits.

In addition to embarking on the path of spiritual practice in this world, he did not expect that mastering the relationship between Yin and Yang would actually allow his Thunder Method in the real world to be improved, begin to transform, and obtain the key to another fundamental path. , opened the supreme chapter of Taiqing Saint.

There is no doubt about this progress!

To describe it, it's like his status changed from a disciple of Taiqing Saint to a direct disciple. Facing the Archmage again, he could really call him Senior Brother without any scruples. It was true that he was also his Junior Brother.

Sanqing Zhenzhuan, hey, if he were to go to the prehistoric era, he, Li Su, would stand on his head like a heifer, shaking the world with his heels.

Jumping up, Li Su picked up the water bag in his hand, just as the false god's blood was drunk. Now that he had the heart sound, he didn't have to worry too much about the loss of energy, he had already found a channel to recover.

Unfortunately, although Li Su made great progress, after the heart sound appeared, the pseudo-god power hidden deep in his body and sealing the power of order was once again felt by him. This time, the other party was completely autistic and formed himself It forms a perfect closed loop, unable to sense the outside world and not be affected by the outside world.

If you want to kill it, you will have no choice but to find the tribal Tengtu and destroy it.

Of course, there was progress. At least Li Su didn't have to be too afraid in case the false god personally attacked him.

His heart sound is also an innate power. Although it is not as good as the opponent in quantity, the quality is not much different. It can fight against him. Unless he is crushed by the opponent face to face, it will undoubtedly be very troublesome to kill him through the power of blood curse. It needs Pay a huge price.

"Have you rested?"

Li Su looked at Yang, his practice was finally over, and it was time to go find his mother and rescue her.

Now this is the only thing he cares about. As long as he brings his mother out, he can find a place to hide and gradually become stronger. When he is strong enough, he can attack the so-called gods.

Yang was stunned for a moment, her nervousness immediately dissipated a lot, and her tone was undoubtedly that of the person she knew.

She put away the golden bones, nodded, and wanted to say something.

Li Su didn't wait, stepped forward and picked up the person. With his figure like the wind, he took the person directly towards Nandi.

This time, it's different, completely different.

Before, although Li Su was powerful, he did not break away from the human category.

Now it's completely different. He can no longer be regarded as a human being. He has mastered great power, obtained godhood, and has an innate soul. Although he is weak, there is no doubt that he is already a god in nature. And unlike the false gods, he is the real one. The god of rules, while the other party can only be regarded as the spirit of rules.

We cannot say which one is stronger or weaker between the two sides, we can only say that they are different in nature.

Sound is power.

Sound is energy.

He is running, no, Li Su has become flying, and all sounds have become his property. Although the range he can currently control is still small, less than one kilometer, all sounds within this range can Being used by him can also be turned into his power.

Wherever he passed, all the sounds disappeared, and the vibrating power in the sound was concentrated on Li Su. Under his control, it turned into a driving force, taking him away from the shackles of this world.

Li Su couldn't help but laughed. The story finally got into his rhythm. What kind of false gods were not worth mentioning at all. Sooner or later, they would all be killed and he would become the king of this world.

In the embrace, Yang's little hands tightly grasped the animal skin on Li Su's chest. She was extremely nervous and shocked.

Because they are flying! ! !

How is this possible, how is this possible!

The little girl's eyes, which were not rich in knowledge, turned into mosquito-repellent eyes, and she was completely unable to think. After a few scratches, her outlook on life was completely destroyed by Li Su.


On the road again, the speed is very fast, and because he has mastered the innate voice, Li Su has gained amazing abilities.

Sound can be used in so many directions.

Especially at his height, whether it is attack, defense, fight or escape, it has a huge effect.

This time they moved forward very quickly. In just a few notches, Li Su crossed an extremely long distance without stopping, and came to the place where he and the leader of the Gu clan had fought side by side, killing two people from the Xi clan. A place for a brigade.

Standing there, Li Su hugged the girl who had been in a daze for several days and couldn't come back to her senses. After drawing a circle and getting in, Li Su couldn't get out, his eyes flickered.

Team leader, dead...!

When the Gu clan was found by the false gods, as a hunting team member with great power, he was directly killed by the God-chosen warriors, nailed to the ground with a stone spear, and his internal organs fell out, and he died with his eyes open.

Although there was no emotion, after all, they had fought side by side together, and Li Su was still a little unhappy to be killed like this.

Uncle Ah Shan is still alive because his bloodline is similar to his own. He is related to his mother by blood. He is born from the same mother and is considered the posthumous son of Grandpa Li Su.

The second master is not here either.

Only one person died, the falcon!

That is, Li Su's grandfather, whose broken arm was held by the followers of the false god, and his body was shattered.

It's a pity that I was so angry at the time that I forgot to ask the name of the false god believer. Otherwise, I could find an opportunity to beat everyone in his lineage to death and avenge my grandfather.

Putting down the rice bowl, Li Su took a breath. He was not far away from Xi. When there was only half a notch, this distance was nothing to Li Suzhen. It was only a matter of dozens of minutes.

In fact, if he concentrated his power, he could catch the vibrations coming from the atmosphere and the voice from Shiobe's side.



"You said you would also go for observation on the God's Day, right?"


"So that means you have someone here?"

Her eyes flickered, but she did not answer. Even though as a female, she longed to mate with the male in front of her and give birth to powerful offspring, her stance was her stance. Li Su was not accepted by the clan and was not a member of the clan, so the information about the clan It can't be explained above.

Feeling the girl's emotions, Li Su smiled, understanding the other person's thoughts.

"You should have your own methods. You can't say that I won't ask. What I want to say is that Xibe is not far ahead. Naturally, I have to lurk in directly. What about you? What should I do?"

Yang was startled for a moment, and she looked at the huge mountains not far away, feeling a little dazed.

Just a few days, just a few days.

The distance that took a full month to cross was just broken.

She raised her head and couldn't help but said: "You, what exactly...? Forget it, I will go in, but my main goal here is the God Festival, which is over the mountain range. I will ask about your mother's situation. If my people find anything, I will leave a signal."


Li Su nodded, she was such a good girl, but it was a pity that the timing was not right, otherwise she really wanted to execute her on the spot.

Well, just to mention it, Li Su's body mutated again and entered the seventh stage of development, which is the legendary adolescence...

Not only does he have the will, he also has the ability.

"Then I'll leave first!"

"Okay!" Yang nodded, then she felt a little reluctant and wanted to say something else.

However, Li Su held him down with his hands.

"Don't say anything. I'll go find you when it's all over."

After speaking, Li Su jumped up. He couldn't help but made two noises in the air, shouted Tong Yan Wuji, and the strong wind blew him away. This is not a flag, it is definitely not a flag, and then disappeared.

There is no doubt that he has been harmed and left a shadow, and he has not recovered yet.

Yang stood there, his mind full of questions, and he obviously didn't understand what Li Su meant by his behavior.

Seeing the other party disappear, she felt a little sad, but then she immediately cheered up and quickly disappeared to find the people of her tribe.



Came here again with a completely different mood.

Li Su did not go in. After getting closer, he found a seat to hide his figure and began to capture the sound.

After a moment, Li Su raised his head, with a cold light in his eyes, indicating murderous intent.

The people of the Gu family are here!

Not many, more than ten.

They were all the hunting team members of the Gu clan, and they were considered to be a small number of people who survived. However, this kind of life might be better than just dying. Most of them were disabled, and not only that, they also had new injuries. The wounds were on their legs, which were severed from the knees, and their collarbones were also smashed. A noose made of hair was passed through the bones and tied to the railing. Like domestic animals.

I have seen this scene before, but the Gu family's treatment was special, very miserable, very miserable, with no trace of treatment at all, and their ability to survive depends entirely on their physical strength.

But it had only been a few days, and he was already tortured to the point of being reduced to a human shape, with blood all over his body.

The injuries were quite severe, and the fire of life was already erratic and could be extinguished at any time.

They didn't die, just because they were hanging and could feel the power of the false god at work. At the critical moment when they were about to die, they just didn't let them die or let them relax.

Li Su could feel that the power of the false gods in their bodies had emotions. They were not false gods, but followers of the false gods.

He was very angry, very angry, and his extremely strong will was filled with madness and hatred, which was extremely twisted.

It wasn't just him, there was also a voice coming from inside, and it was from the Xi clan.

They were laughing and had no sympathy for the plight of the Gu family. There were children carrying whips who had just rested and regained their energy and were ready to ride horses.

This time, everything was intense, challenging, and challenging.

Although preparations have been made, not to mention the group of false gods, the cruelty of the slave society goes without saying, and the malice of human nature has been demonstrated to the extreme in this society, which is notorious.

But when I really saw it, I still couldn't help it. Anger was growing, and the flames of murderous intent deep in my heart were constantly being stoked, threatening to explode.

He didn't move, still listening. Things have their own order and severity. Amu and the others are Li Su's first targets. Before he finds and rescues the people, he will not make any noise, alert Xibu, or provoke the false gods. look.

"Wait, wait, wait, after I rescue the people, I will send them to be buried with you..."

These people are hopeless.

Although Li Su became a practitioner and obtained godhood, his kind of god was not omnipotent.


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