Standing on the treetops, I listened for a long time, but there was no information that Li Su wanted.

Although they talked a lot about the Six Tribes, for example, the remnants of the Six Tribes did not know how to appreciate others, and the people of a certain Xi Tribe were unlucky because they let the Six Tribes escape and died themselves, which in turn affected their families.

In fact, it was mainly about this aspect, and some people in Xibu were knocked out of the world.

For example, the captain who was tracking them was very unlucky. Although he died, he still shouldered a lot of responsibility.

First of all, he is dead, and dead people cannot speak, so most of the blame is naturally placed on him.

The people of the Shiobe who have transformed into a slave society can treat other people in the six tribes as slaves. Naturally, they can also treat their own people as slaves. No one will be polite.

No, all the other party's sons were sent away, expelled from Xi'an and became slaves, and their women were also taken away by others. The person who took them away was none other than Chang Ping and the captain who didn't know each other. The colleague who liked him spent a lot of money to buy the other person's woman and daughter as his slave.

It's a pity that that comrade was beaten to death by Li Su. Otherwise, if he saw this scene, I don't know what he would think.

Not only the captain, but also someone among the elders was punished.

One was killed, and the other was directly questioned by the attendants of the false god and deprived of his identity.

After all, the incident was so big that the false god was injured. Faced with this result, the false god's attendant was furious.

Fortunately, he recovered a little in the end, begged the false gods for help, lurked at the border near the extreme south, and finally found the Gu clan. This time, it can be said that he took action personally. Not only did he capture all the Gu clan, he also recovered the totem and prevented greater losses.

It's a pity that although they found the Gu clan, they couldn't find the person with amazing talent, well, that was Li Su, and the blood evildoer who had appeared in front of him.

Although he was somewhat restored, his anger was not extinguished. Instead, it was like a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his heart, unable to swallow it or spit it out.

After returning, naturally someone suffered.

So someone was unlucky. A high-ranking elder was raped to the end and became a sinner. Although it only targeted one person, it undoubtedly made all the people in power in the Xibu couldn't help but feel frightened. After all, if you want to know the one who was raped, But the descendants of the attendants are direct bloodlines. For a time, everyone was in danger, fearing that they would be targeted, beaten to the bottom, and lose everything.

It doesn't matter if you haven't enjoyed this kind of lifestyle. Once you have enjoyed it, even for just one day, you can't give it up.

After listening for a while, but still not getting what he wanted, Li Su became a little impatient.

It's not that Li Su is impatient, but after hearing the behavior of the bird attendant, it becomes increasingly difficult to settle down. After all, Amu and the others have fallen into the hands of that bastard, and every second longer makes people anxious.

The only good thing is that the God's Day is about to start. In the general direction, the opponent still has to focus on this side. In fact, the entire Xibu has begun to operate around this aspect. At the moment when the six tribes are being devoured by them, this time On the day of the gods, they were the only ones in the Southland.

Even so, Li Su still had to speed up.

Blood sacrifice requires a large amount of blood from blood relatives. Even if the other party does not take action now, it will definitely not make things easier for his bloodline members. It is very likely that he has begun to accumulate blood through various methods. Every time it takes a little longer, the torture that Amu and the others will endure Just a little more.

Taking advantage of the darkness, after making sure that most of the people in Xibu had gone to rest, Li Su quietly entered.

Control the sound to not make any movement, and at the same time send the sound of special frequency directly into the ears of the guards guarding the tribe, penetrate into their brains, and erase their traces.

He was not invisible. Visually, he was seen by many people in Xibu, but in their brains, they could not receive Li Su's signal and could not identify it.

The difference between being extraordinary and not being extraordinary can be seen at a glance.

Before he can master the heart sounds, he may have to be extremely careful when entering here to avoid exposing traces.

Now, even though he has hidden his whereabouts, he doesn't need to be so cautious.

He went directly into the room of the guy who seemed to have the highest status. He was living a good life. He had a baboon-level woman in his arms, and they were so entangled that they could not tell each other apart. Under the cover of the night, he didn't touch anyone. I can't even see it with my eyesight.

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the sound instantly penetrated the two people's brains.

The woman froze for a moment and fainted.

The man shuddered and sat up.

"Besides here, where else can the people who were brought back be found?"

"Except for those who were seriously injured and disabled, the rest were taken to Nushan." The other party's eyes were dull, and his mind was controlled by Li Su.

Although voice was a power he had just mastered, the means of controlling people was not.

I won’t talk about the great method of cultivating demons in the heart. There are also witchcraft chapters that have related content in this regard. It is not difficult.

"Are people from Gu's family here?"


Li Su frowned, recalling the other person's mind through the voice, and controlled to say what he wanted. As a result, he asked twice, and answered the first time, but did not answer the second time.

In other words, the other party doesn't know where Gu's people are?

"When did the newly sent people from the Gu family arrive?"

"About five ticks ago."

"Is there anything else besides them?"


"Where are the people?"

"Taken away."



"Who took it away!"

"Master Divine Attendant!"

Li Su rubbed his eyebrows. He was not surprised to be taken away by the attendants of the false god. After all, the other party hated him so much, and there were still people who saved him. If there was even a trace of means to find them, they would not let him go.

"Where do divine servants usually live?"

"Tian Temple!"

Listening to the other party's answer, Li Su took a deep breath, frowned completely, couldn't help but raise his head, and looked at the towering mountains behind Xibe.

Was he taken directly to the Tenjin Festival?

Even though Li Su was an expert and bold man, he was undoubtedly still very afraid of the mountains.

There are a few false gods, but don’t worry too much now. They haven’t come yet and are not over there. The innate pictures and texts on the sky clearly show that none of the seven false gods have come.

What Li Su is afraid of is the divine attendants in the Tianshen Temple!

The attendants of the seven false gods are all over there. Even if Li Su is currently quite on his own, it is not a waste to face the divine attendant directly. He can beat the opponent to death, but it will be very troublesome when there are more people. You must know that the divine attendant himself can call the false gods. If it can't be solved quickly, they will issue an alarm, and the false gods will pay attention to it, it will be very troublesome.

"Does anyone know the situation best at the Temple of Heaven?"

"Yes, Zhu knows Tianshen Temple best."

"Where are they?"

"Nu Shan!"

"Where can I find him in Nushan? Where does he live? What is his identity?"

"He is in the slave camp. Because of the big mistake he made in the previous mission, he was deprived of his elder status by the divine servant."

Li Su was startled for a moment and then remembered that this was one of the news he heard before. There was a high-status guy who was demoted from his status by the god's attendant.

"Where is Nushan?"

"To the west, you can see it by going over the seven mountain ranges."

Li Su nodded and snapped his fingers to tell the other party to lie down and turn around to leave, heading directly towards Nu Shan's location.

He jumped up and snapped his fingers again. The sound was absorbed by him into propulsive power, pushing him straight to the west.

Seven hills, almost thirty miles.

Li Su quickly saw the location of the so-called slave mountain. He was actually a little curious. After all, in this era without farming and animal husbandry, what did Xiube do with so many slaves? Is it useful?

Besides, with so many slaves, how could they keep up with food?

After climbing the seventh hill, his eyes flashed, and his curiosity was explained.

The function of slaves is to mine, and they can be fed and have enough food.

At this moment, throughout Nushan, even during the break, the tinkling sound is still ringing. From the texture of the sound and the smell in the air, it is gold mines, open-pit gold mines, huge quantities, and silver.

In front of Nu Mountain, there are a large number of trees planted. These trees are very strange. The leaves smell like wheat and are edible. Each piece is very big. Some people are picking it. In terms of size, Even for an adult, two slices at most are enough.

Facing this scene, Li Su became more and more confused.

Wheat forest? It’s good that the food problem has been solved, but what is mining for?

Sui people have not yet made fire, so metal is not used at all, right?

Nu Shan did not see the torch, he was smearing the work, and he obviously had not yet mastered the use of flames.

A large number of stones containing gold and silver were knocked down by the slaves with stone knives. Each of them was carrying an extremely simple thing like a basket on his back. He kept loading it, and after it was full, he left along the avenue. , that direction..., is over the mountains.

Is this sent to the false gods?

Innate creatures, in fact, do not need blood food. Fighting with the beast god is because of innate tolerance. In the eyes of the gods, the beast god is just like a false god in their eyes. It is a usurper who has usurped the power of the innate god. It is a natural mortal enemy.

Of course, for the beast god himself, the god is undoubtedly the best food. It can not only be replenished, but also gain strength. It can be said that the two sides are naturally opposed, and there is almost no possibility of reconciliation.

Li Su took advantage of the sound and headed directly towards Nu Shan. He quickly locked his eyes on a fat-headed, big-eared guy with a mouth full of oil.

Come directly to him and control him with your voice.

"Where is Soo?"

The other party's eyes immediately became confused. He raised his overweight hand, reluctantly turned around and pointed at a mine not far away, and murmured: "Over there."

Li Su jumped up, and the sound continued to ripple from his body, reverberating around him, covering his figure so that the people of Nushan could not capture him.

Soon, he found the place the other party mentioned.

Li Su paused and frowned slightly.

This is..., God's Chosen Warrior?

There were many people in the mine. One of them was a little older, but he was quite strong. He had obviously just arrived at the mine. He was naked, but there were not many old injuries on his body. There were only whip marks. He did it no less than a hundred times. It was obvious that not long ago he was a pampered existence, completely different from other slaves.

Of course, that was only once.

Now that he has fallen into the mortal world, the other party undoubtedly looks very embarrassed, his hands are shaking, his skin is torn and bleeding.

His expression was extremely painful, with incomparable despair, and there was incomparable hatred in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, this guy should be Soo.

There were still several people standing beside him, and the most eye-catching ones were undoubtedly the three people with silent eyes. Although their appearance was completely different, their auras were very similar to the two divinely chosen warriors that Li Su had fought against.

They stood beside Su, their eyes were dull but they stared at him without saying a word.

Next to a few people stood a young man. He was not very old. He was holding a whip in one hand and eating raw meat in the other.

"Uncle Zhu, you have to work harder. I've been here for five days and I haven't completed the set tasks every day. You're making it very difficult for me. If I can't complete the task, I'll check it out from above. How should I explain it? ?”

As he said that, he hit Zhu's vest directly with the whip. The pain caused the other party to tremble and fall to the ground.

Looking at the fallen Zhu, the young man's eyes couldn't help but light up. He was very excited. This was countless times more pleasurable than beating a slave. The person in front of him was aloof a few days ago. He wanted to act based on the other person's face. Now, How could he not be excited when he hit rock bottom?

"Uncle Zhu, don't blame me. I can't help it. After all, it's a task assigned by above."

"By the way, your son is a bit naughty. I thought he was his former self. He was noisy every day, unwilling to work, and very fierce. I had no choice but to help you train him. Although I couldn't bear it, I cut his tongue myself. , I was given a beating every day. In the past two days, I have completely calmed down, and I am very well-behaved. Even when I saw him, I became scared. It’s not easy!”

Following the young man's words, Zhu's body couldn't help but tremble. He wanted to move, but unfortunately he didn't have the strength.

"And your daughter. You also know that I have always liked her. She has been with me every day these days. Unfortunately, she is too young to have children yet. But don't worry, I will take good care of her no matter what. Wait. When she becomes an adult, I will let her become my pet dog. When she gets older, I will use her as a toilet. I promise to keep her alive for thirty days and nights. This is my original promise to you, even though you rejected it at the beginning. , I still remember it.”

Zhu suddenly moved, his eyes were blood red, he jumped up, raised the stone tool in his hand, and rushed towards the young man.


There was a loud noise, and one of the divinely chosen warriors moved and kicked Su into the corner.


He spit out a mouthful of blood and his internal organs were injured.

"Oh, Uncle Zhu, this is wrong. You actually want to kill me. You and several elders discussed this at the beginning. If the slave dares to resist, all those involved will be beheaded, and their legs will be cut off with all their blood. Three generations of slaves will be killed. That’s right. These are the rules you made yourself, have you forgotten?”

Lying on the ground, Su trembled all over, with a miserable look on his face. It was obvious that he never dreamed that this scene would happen to him.

Anger, pain, hatred, all kinds of emotions surged into his heart at one moment, and he passed out the next moment.

"Uncle, it's a lively time, so you can't pretend to be dead!"

The young man walked up to the other party with a leather whip and whipped him hard several times. When he saw that the other party had no other reaction besides a slight trembling of his body, he let out a breath and felt a little disappointed.

Undoubtedly, this is very satisfying. The only pity is that the other party is too fragile and cannot enjoy it for long.

"You two stay here and watch, you can't let him die!"

Passing the whip to the guard behind him, the young man waved his hand and left with the three divinely chosen warriors.

The two guards looked at each other and said nothing. They just stood there quietly, not looking at this once extremely noble man.

Tsk! Tsk!

How miserable!

It wasn't until the young man left with the chosen warriors that Li Su appeared in the mine. After seeing Zhu, he knew that this guy was the one.

The one who guided the country with several other elders of Xibu, he was extremely famous at that time and his calculations were astonishing.

Send someone to the Sixth Department to find out where the Sixth Department is. The small amount of poison in the food was this guy's idea. If it hadn't been for Li Su, none of the Sixth Department would have been able to escape.

With a snap of his fingers, while controlling the two guards, the sound poured into the body of the man named Su, forcibly waking him up.

Without controlling the other party, Li Su smiled and said: "Elder Zhu, we should have met before."

Su, who was in severe pain all over his body, trembled. He couldn't help but raise his head. His voice was wrong. When he saw Li Su, his eyes widened instantly, and memories flashed in his mind.

That was when he was still Elder Xi, holding great power, and it was the first time that people from the six tribes came over, one of them from the Gu clan.

"It's you!!!"

Zhu's expression was shocked and in disbelief.

It's not just how the other party appears here, but the other party is the target of the God's Attendant, and he personally takes action to capture all his bloodline, and wants to find and capture him through the blood curse.

For a moment, he was a little excited, if...

The moment the thought came up, his face turned gray.

Inform the divine attendant to come? Catch the opponent and turn over?

Haha..., how is that possible?

Others don’t understand God’s Attendance, so doesn’t he understand it?

The reason why he didn't let himself die in this way was because the other party had anger in his heart and couldn't vent it out.

Once the blood sacrifice begins and the divine servant finds Li Su and kills that damn blood villain, his days are basically over.

He must die!

Because of the conversation that the Divine Attendant had with him before erasing his status, this may be due to blood inheritance. They are both very similar. For the guy who must die, he will specifically talk to him...

"You want to save your people?"

"That's right!"

"You must have had contact with the blood villain, right?"

Li Su frowned, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. What did this guy mean?

"For every god sacrifice, the totems of the oath between humans and gods will be collected and put together on this day."

Zhu raised his head, his eyes exhaled an extremely crazy breath, with the smell of destruction. There was no doubt that he would die, but how could he be willing to do so?

For Li Su and Gu, he treated them as his slaves. He believed that the other party should crawl at his feet. So after the plan failed, he was angry and resentful. Why should the other party resist? And kept cursing!

A person with such a heart was treated as a slave, pushed into the dirt, and scolded and humiliated at will.

How much pain and hatred had accumulated in his heart over the past few days? That was hatred that reached the extreme of madness.

He looked at Li Su crazily, with a ferocious smile on his face and said, "Do you want to destroy the totem?"


Looking at the other party's terrifying face, Li Su couldn't help but feel a little cold in his vest. Is this guy crazy? ? ?

Destroy the totem? You must know that he is not talking about one clan or one place, but all of them. The oaths of the seven false gods were destroyed together? How dare he think...?

You know, even Li Su wouldn't dare to think about this..., bah, let's see if I dare! ! !


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