Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 309 You will become a saint

"If you want to destroy the totem, you can only resist together with the humans of the tribe that signed the oath with the god."

Li Su looked at the hateful person in front of him and said, "Are you deceiving me?"


Zhu was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of the word, but he said directly: "Totems cannot be destroyed under normal circumstances, because they are protected by the divine power of the gods. Unless they are people of the same lineage who have signed a contract with the gods, If you deny everything from the bottom of your heart, you will never be able to destroy the totem.”

If he dares to say this, it is naturally not nonsense, because he cannot deceive people, and this is not the result he wants.

"But..., there is a time when it can be destroyed."

Zhu took a deep breath, looked at Li Su, and memories from long ago flashed through his eyes. Originally, he would keep this secret forever in his heart, and he didn't intend to tell anyone.

"Oh? When!"

"When the gods revise their contracts with humans!"

"Amend the contract?"

Li Su was stunned and was shocked by what the other party said. Can this contract be modified?

Zhu was not surprised by Li Su's surprise. In fact, he couldn't believe it when he saw it at first. He couldn't imagine that the oath could be modified?

"Although the protection of gods can give humans strength, humans will not give everything to others just for a little protection, right?"

A bitter smile appeared on Zhu's face and he said: "Although it is difficult for human beings to survive, they are not completely unbearable. The most terrifying enemies for us are probably alien beasts. Before we have the means to fight against them, it will be very miserable. Once they are killed on the ground , even a tribe of thousands of people may be eaten up by the opponent, but in fact, as long as the human tribe is larger, they actually have bone weapons, which can fight against alien beasts, and are not that dangerous, and those who are stronger than alien beasts The beast gods are too small compared to the size of the human race, and are simply not among their hunting targets. Therefore, to the human race, it does not matter whether they have the protection of the gods or not."

"But in fact, now the protection between the human race and the gods has become closer and closer, and almost everything has been dedicated to the gods. What I have received is only a little bit of power protection. Compared with what the gods took away from us, it is not at all Not worth mentioning."

"The human race is not stupid. Even if they are afraid of death, considering the tribe and future generations, it is impossible to sign such an oath."

"The original oath between gods and humans was just that the humans worshiped the gods, and the gods gave the humans power. The two parties were actually equal, not what they are now."

"The following content is that the gods can easily control the life and death of human beings, and even the will is controlled by the gods. It is only after continuous additions that it becomes what it is now..."

Listening to the other party's story, Li Su was quite shocked. Although the gods were of different races, he had to say that the other party's methods were very thoughtful.

The most awesome thing is the behavior itself. It was not modified by the God himself, but added by the co-master of the human race himself.

Since ancient times, the human race has been betrayed by the common master time and time again, becoming the slaves of the gods, and dedicating everything to them.

On the day of the gods, what kind of human performance is there, for the gods to watch for fun?

Different classes of life are different. Ant fighting may be interesting at first, but after millions of days and nights, what if it becomes exciting and intense?

The so-called God's Day is actually the time when the contract is written and the content is reinforced.

As for the reason, it’s very simple!

The lifespan of the human race is too short. The co-leader of the tribe will die, and once he dies, the contract signed with him as the leader will lose its validity.

As for why he didn't give a long life to the other party and keep the vow like this, Zhu didn't say, and he didn't know.

But it didn't stop Li Su from guessing.

The stronger the individual life is, the more things it will experience and the higher its wisdom will be.

The human race itself is a highly intelligent life entity, and those who can become the co-owner of the human race will not be too stupid. It is not necessarily difficult to manage dozens or hundreds of people, but when the number of people becomes thousands or tens of thousands, Even if it's hundreds of thousands, that's a lot to ask for.

And by signing a contract with oneself as the core, the co-owner will become the communication point between humans and gods.

If he hadn't mastered the extraordinary power of this world, Li Su wouldn't be able to understand it, but it would be different after mastering it.

If this world wants to unlock the extraordinary, thought is the key. The gods are as powerful as they are today because they plundered a large number of human thoughts and enslaved their wills for their own use. This can be known as long as you have seen the pictures and texts throughout the sky. .

In this way, how could those guys be confident that a co-owner of the human race could exist for a long time? If the other party discovers the secret here and finds out how to master extraordinary power, will the human race still treat it as respectfully as a slave?


Being so cruel to their own compatriots, even willing to betray the entire human race for status, if all the co-lords had the opportunity to pull God off the throne and sit on it themselves, would they hesitate? Absolutely not!

Therefore, the real purpose of holding a God's Day every ten days and nights may not only be to consolidate the contract, but more importantly, to replace the co-owner.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but blinked his eyes. If this was the case, when the contract began to be consolidated, the protective power on the totem would weaken and enter a vacuum period.

But will it be that simple? Can you easily access the place where the totem is placed? Destroy the totem?

Well..., maybe it's not that difficult after all.

Li Su's eyes flashed. On God's Day, not only the Gods returned, but the place where the totems were placed must also be heavily guarded. All the pseudo-gods and divine attendants must be there. Adding the believers and God's Chosen, the total number may not be in the thousands. people.

With such a lineup, unless the seven major tribes to which the gods belong are planning to resist, who can enter where?

The protection is many times safer than the co-owner himself.

As for Zhang and the others, they were all driven to the extreme south. One can imagine how big the threat is.

Zhu can know this because of his different status. Before, he was the highest-ranking elder. The source of his lineage was related to the Divine Attendant, and he was equivalent to a member of the direct lineage. Therefore, he got the opportunity to witness all this with his own eyes.

So as long as you understand the situation inside, it is not difficult for Li Su to sneak in.

"I know that although there is a chance, it is not easy to sneak into it, but as long as you are willing to agree, I can provide you with a direct path to the inside without guards, and directly to the core. The only trouble is that you want to There will be someone holding the door before entering the room where the totem is located, but only there requires a bloody battle.

That passage was a long time ago and was built in ancient times. It was originally built by the enemies of the gods, but it was not used in the end. I only discovered it because of an accident. "

The construction of the divine enemy of the gods? Is this talking about the Chao family?

Zhu took a deep breath and said everything that needed to be said. At this moment, he looked at Li Su and said seriously: "Of course, I know that my words are not very convincing, and you may not believe it, but I am willing to talk to you. We signed a blood oath. If I conceal or deceive anything, the blood oath will kill me."

Having said this, his face showed great resentment, his eyes widened, and he said firmly: "And my only request is that I live to watch the belief in God collapse."

"It's okay, I believe you!"

Hearing this, Li Su laughed and said: "The hatred in your heart is true. You hate us for making you lose your status. At the same time, you also hate the person who sent you to this hell."

Zhu was stunned for a moment, what he wanted to say.

"Don't explain. Explanation is just a cover-up, but it doesn't matter. Who wouldn't be angry if it's me? It's me, I hate it too!"

"So, please bear with me. I believe you really want to do something and take revenge. But just as a precaution, I will search your soul to find out your true intentions and plant mines there."

Under the shocked and puzzled eyes of the other party, Li Su raised his hand and pressed the other party's brain, using the heart sounds as a bridge, to directly target his soul and search for it!

In an instant, countless contents appeared directly in Li Su's mind, and all the other party's thoughts were clearly visible to him at this moment.

Li Su looked at the guy in front of him in surprise, and couldn't help but express admiration on his face. His eyes were full of appreciation and admiration.

"Hey, this plan is good!"

"The destruction of the totem is true, the tunnel passage is true, the hatred for the divine servant is also true, it is true that there are guards not far from the tunnel exit, and even the room is true, there is a totem inside and it can really destroy it, even to the point of losing blood. The oath is also true, and none of the above words lie or deceive."

"The only thing I missed is that the totem is surrounded by protection. Only the co-owner can touch it, otherwise it will immediately attract the gods and be surrounded. Of course, this is not a lie, but I didn't say..."

"You actually thought so much the moment you saw me?"

“Not only that, the most exciting part of your plan is not that you dug so many holes, but why you did it?

The reason why you are so troublesome and don't just find an opportunity to give it to your divine servant is because you know that even if you give it to yourself, you won't survive. Because you are this kind of person. You are stingy in rewarding your subordinates who can do things well, but you can't give them to others. You never let go of people you displease, well, they are really a family.

By sending us to the Seven Heavenly God's attendants to successfully show our face and achieve great achievements, it is equivalent to putting your ancestors on the grill, so it is not easy to attack you..., and because of this, you will become Xixia's next partner. Lord, holy shit, this plan is dead! "

Knowing all the thoughts in the other party's mind, Li Su couldn't help but applaud the other party's quick wit even though he didn't believe him from the beginning.

They are the ones who are coming. I am afraid they will be excited and crazy, especially after the blood oath is signed, they will have no doubts and die generously!

After all, it took a million days and nights to finally find a breakthrough. No one else would be able to resist it.

Zhu opened his eyes wide. He looked at Li Su in disbelief and despair. He opened his mouth wide, with pain on his face. The other party extracted his thoughts, and he felt it, which made him extremely painful.

But how could it be, how did the other party do it? ?

You must know that the moment he saw Li Su, he was undoubtedly excited. The broken road extended directly from the side, and he saw a brand new future. At that moment, his time almost stopped, his thinking reached an unprecedented level, countless pictures were generated by him, and he finally extracted a plan with a success rate of nearly 100%.

As a result, what greeted him was a cliff that was even more terrifying than the dead end, with no bottom.

A smile appeared on Li Su's face, and she asked out of curiosity: "By the way, I remember that your identity is quite unusual. You are the heir to whom everyone in Xibu has chosen this time. Do you think your ancestors have removed your qualifications? ?”

Instantly, Zhu trembled all over, as if he was looking at a devil. Cancel? Of course not, he and the Divine Attendant are of the same blood, otherwise how could he be qualified to know so many secrets?

He became frightened and couldn't help but want to scream, but unfortunately he couldn't move at all.

Li Su continued: "It seems that there is no more. That's great. I have decided. In view of your efforts, I will help you publicize it, saying that because you became a slave yourself, you felt the pain of slaves and the pain of your tribe. , for the great cause of the human race, in order to rekindle the horn of the human race, he would not hesitate to sacrifice himself, even if he was cursed by the seven gods, he would not look back and decided to change everything..."

Struggling desperately, shaking crazily, Zhu looked at Li Su like crazy, his eyes were like looking at a devil, tears fell from his eyes. All his life, he had stood in a high place and looked down indifferently, treating other people's lives as child's play and arbitrarily arranging them. Finally, he finally When it was my turn, I was arranged twice, each time worse than the last.

Li Su raised his index finger and said softly: "Shh, be quiet, don't be discovered. This is related to the future of the human race. Your reputation will last forever... You will be remembered forever by the human race and will never be forgotten until your death." "

Looking at the guy who fainted from fright, Li Su couldn't help but frown, because not only was the person fainted, but the stench was also spreading.

The heartbeat vibrated, and Li Su did not hesitate, vibrating out the other person's blood and collecting it.

He must do it to destroy the totem. Even if the power of the pseudo-god in Li Su's body is running low, it may disappear in tens of days or hundreds of days based on the heart sound. This day is equal to two years. What do you have to wait for? when.

Moreover, he is not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. This time he wants to sneak into the Tenjin Festival to save people. His mother is inside. He already knows it from Zhu's memory.

Something will inevitably happen and attract attention.

What if the gods pay attention? Attack him? Therefore, if the hidden danger can be eliminated directly, then it should be eliminated directly.

It would undoubtedly be better to do something by the way so that the gods don't have the energy to focus on themselves.

Then, since you said you want to sanctify this guy, you have to sanctify him.

Damn it, you’ve become a slave, and you still want to frame yourself up?

Li Su is not angry, he is just petty. If you want to use the totem as a trap to trap him, he will help you. You have to get the totem. Even if the blood has no effect, Li Su will deliberately leave some clues. You Don’t you want to become famous in one fell swoop?

OK, let me help you! Make sure that not only other false gods' attendants, but all false gods can remember you.

After pumping for almost a liter, Li Su stopped after confirming that if he pumped the opponent again, he would die. He stretched out his hand and flicked the opponent's head. The heartbeat vibrated directly and rippled back and forth in his brain, commonly known as concussion.

Immediately, Li Su hit the road and headed straight for the towering mountains.

By the way, look for him first before going, and also inform the other party that once he starts rescuing people, the Tenjin Festival will definitely become very tense and heavily guarded.

The opponent had saved his life at least, so he couldn't be too deceived.

But where is the other party?

Waiting for the other party to send a message? However, it seems that the other party didn't tell me how to send it before leaving... Forget it, I'll just come and find it.

Separate seats, the sound coming from, well, there it is!

Li Su's eyes lit up, and he immediately took action. After crossing several hills, he stood on the treetops, opened his mouth and said, "Hey!"

The voice was condensed into a line by him, and it traveled directly through space like a telephone, heading straight to the location of the voice of Zhang Xin.


On the other side, see.

She is also taking action and has found people from her tribe.

There are many tribesmen, and they are discussing, with solemn expressions, the plan of action for this God's Day...

Zang, who had been here for a long time, suddenly stood up and wanted to go out.

Someone asked: "Yang, where are you going?"

"I'm going to send a signal to inform the other party that his clan members should be taken to the Heavenly God Festival by the gods."

After arriving, she immediately started consulting, and after some inquiries, she got the news.



"Yang, you should know that the other party has not been accepted into our clan. He is just an outsider, not to mention he has a blood oath with the false god. I don't know why the leader didn't kill him, but I am not allowed to have any contact with him. If If you violate it, I will have to follow the clan rules!!"

Yang was startled for a moment and stopped in place. She frowned slightly and said slowly: "When I came here, the leader had an explanation..."

"The leader is not here, I am presiding here!" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man. He frowned and looked unhappy. This is the hinterland of the false god. It is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be doomed.

She was stunned for a moment, and she wanted to say something else, but a sound suddenly came to her ears.

Li Su's voice!

Um? ? ?


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