Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 321 News from the other side

Faced with such a ferocious situation, almost impossible to defeat the alien beasts, Li Su did not hesitate to find the border of these guys' territories with his eyesight, and then settled down directly.

Yang was undoubtedly a little scared, because she understood Li Su's thoughts and planned to use them as targets.

She also didn't understand. It was obvious that Li Su couldn't defeat these strange beasts, so why did he stay here? If you can't kill the alien beasts, you won't get their animal bones, and you won't be able to enhance your own strength.

Li Su wanted to look for strange beasts, and in the eyes of Zhang and others, the purpose should be to obtain animal bones.

The idea is correct, but it can only be said that it is not entirely correct.

The reason why he needs animal bones is because the animal bones are engraved with innate graphics. If he can obtain more innate power, he will undoubtedly be able to quickly improve his strength.

However, Li Su did not need animal bones first, but a target for observation.

Let's put it this way, if the god dares to stand motionless in front of him and open his innate pictures and texts, and he analyzes it through his Tao eyes, Li Su will sooner or later be able to capture the core of the other party and reflect it on himself.

Don't underestimate his talent. In terms of learning ability in this area, there is no individual in this world who can surpass him.

Therefore, for Li Su, there are two ways to obtain innate pictures and texts.

One is direct deprivation, just like the original mutation of his throat bones and nasal bones, obtained from the Night Demon.

Then another way is to look directly at the innate graphics and texts themselves to observe, learn, capture, and finally consume their own energy to reproduce them.

And this does not require depriving others of the pictures and texts held by others. Although it is also an innate voice, it is Li Su's own innate voice, not the first voice in this world, which has been dispersed a long time ago. , if Li Su wants to fully recover, he has to kill all the strange beasts with the power of sound.

This way of becoming stronger was not what he wanted, and it was also very slow.

This was also the reason why he was so heartbroken when the blood mosquito ran away. If he was given enough time to observe and reach the point where he could fight the blood mosquito, he would almost certainly have the innate space power.

As a result, the other party ran away so fast that he disappeared without a trace.

He took Yang to live here and found a good place on the edge of the mountain and river. Li Su built a villa and took the girl to live in it.

Then he began to practice with great concentration.

He collects sounds erratically every day, and now Li Sun can collect sounds in a very large range, with his central radius reaching two hundred kilometers.

And it was obvious that he was right in the center of the territory of four terrifying alien beasts, and the sounds they made were undoubtedly Li Su's best food.

Although these strange beasts do not make powerful sounds when they are not fighting, even if they calm down, their sound of life is still astonishing, one of them is equivalent to tens of thousands of people.

Especially on the first day, although he was chased in a very embarrassing way, the harvest was huge. Even if eight floors were used to escape, the remaining two floors were enough for Li Su to drink a pot and eat to his full capacity.

Faced with this result, Li Su was very happy and overjoyed.

Apart from the battle with the Five Divine Attendants, this was the first time that he was completely full, and there was still a lot left.

He was not in a hurry to observe and tease the strange beasts, but kept practicing for three consecutive days.

A large amount of extraordinary energy is pouring into the body, and his cells are gradually changing. In the past, it still needed the blessing of the soul to form a body that could be quickly restored by flesh and blood. Now, the cells not only grow but also contain amazing vitality. In addition to amputating limbs, the heart and brain are also In addition to the critical parts being destroyed beyond repair, ordinary wounds can basically be recovered quickly.

Faced with this result, while Li Su was very satisfied, she also did not forget to complain.

His recovery ability is actually not as good as that of Xiao Jianjian. In a sense, although his physical strength is not strong, his recovery ability is almost as high as that of Li Su's flesh and blood, but it is a bit slower...

The body continues to transform, and Li Su has a good grasp of his own direction and does not continue to grow bigger.

In his eyes, the god was undoubtedly deformed and his body was too big.

If you have high strength, your body must be big? Facts have proven that this is unreasonable and unscientific behavior.

It’s not their fault. After all, they don’t know how to practice. Faced with huge power, the cells can only continue to proliferate, making the body bigger and bigger.

In fact, this is unnecessary and will cause huge waste.

Hundreds of thousands of years have obviously passed. Compared with the gods, they are just getting further and further away. They can no longer catch up. If Li Su is given so much time, he can hammer the shit out of the gods.

He keeps compressing, not allowing his cells to proliferate, but constantly expanding its capacity from the inside.

Undoubtedly, this is wasteful.

Especially in the development stage, a large amount of energy was wasted by Li Su on his more than six billion cells. The improvement was not obvious, and it was far inferior to direct proliferation.

On the side, this is the case.

She is already very tall, almost two meters tall, which is just a fraction taller than Li Su. She has been practicing very fast, and her bones have completed half of their transformation, and energy has begun to overflow.

Facing this scene, Li Su quickly stopped him, not to the person of course, but to add fuel to the fire.

He didn't want to explain to these idiots, it was too annoying and tiring.

No, there is a Hanhan in the group, who is Li Su's father-in-law and Zhang's father.

This guy went to the Northland. He moved very quickly. In just a few days, he inherited all the tribesmen in the Northland and the newly absorbed people, igniting the fire.

There is no doubt that this is very awesome. Just by himself, he has spread it to more than a thousand people.

Perverted, really perverted.

Passing on the fire from generation to generation is tiring and requires energy.

The blood can only pass one mark per day, one for the muscles, and one for the bones.

He is already a bone, and after three passes he needs to rest and eat to regain his strength.

As for him, he had three blood a day, six muscles a day, and nine bones a day. His bones were less than half strengthened by Li Su's side.

In other words, in addition to passing on the fire, this guy is either eating or sleeping, and does nothing else.

And as his bones filled up, he gained a lot of energy, and he no longer strengthened himself. He passed on crazily every day, dozens of them in a day, and all the energy was used.

No, there are more than a thousand people in one month.

Today, even if he is not practicing, he is almost as good as eleven people practicing.

He is still not satisfied and is still starting the inheritance of fire.

This style of painting is good, which makes Li Su very happy. Suddenly there are more than 20,000 voices. After deducting the general number, there are 10,000. The number is huge, which is equivalent to adding one to him and the equivalent of a strange beast not far away. The presence.

Then, the other party's style of painting became a little crooked.

When Li Su came back to his senses and paid attention, he had grown a lot and was five meters tall, which made Li Su jump a lot.

It has to be mentioned that the extraordinary factor is better than any other hormone in promoting high levels.

Of course, it was not just his father-in-law. In fact, by the time Li Su realized it, the human race, at least the tribe he belonged to, had now changed to the Sui clan. The entire height line was over four meters.

What resulted?

Not long ago, a woman who was pregnant for ten months had her stomach flattened out. She didn't even notice when the baby fell out. Fortunately, the baby had the inheritance of fire as soon as she was born, and her vitality was also nourished in the mother's body. The vitality was so strong that it fell on her legs. He screamed and was discovered.

Otherwise it would be tragic.

For this reason, the women who have been passed on have become cautious, fearing that they will also appear to be walking around with their dolls hanging.

Facing this scene, Li Su reacted quickly and took action to stop the entire tribe from continuing to proliferate.

However, facing tens of thousands of five-meter-tall men, Li Su had a headache.

In a sense, this is a different race, right?

It doesn’t matter if the gods are still there, but if the gods are gone, the five-meter-tall and normal heights may have to fight if they turn back, and then they will become the difference between giants and small humans.

Faced with this result, Li Su couldn't help but hit his head every day when he got several notches in succession.

Indeed, as individuals become larger, their voices will naturally become louder.

But the obvious reality is that even if the individual is small, the body is very powerful, and the voice is also powerful and easy to attack?

Of course, there will be a certain gap. After all, the big one consumes more and produces more sound than the small one, about two levels.

But the current situation does not allow this kind of change in the human race. With a height of more than one meter and less than two meters, if a cat can find a stone and put it in, it can't see it. A height of five meters? You can also see a bobcat if you go in there.

The seven major tribes of the gods have not stopped, they are looking for Li Su, and even more so the remnants of them.

Because of his unimaginable height, he was almost exposed.

Li Su couldn't help but rub the center of his eyebrows when he saw the message sent by the tribe to Yan through the flying birds.

With Xinhuo as a link, he could only feel strong and certain emotions, but could not know the other person's specific situation. If it weren't for the fact that Yang was growing taller at a speed visible to the naked eye and quickly surpassed him, he probably wouldn't have even realized it.

Five meters is okay, but if it jumps to ten meters high, it will be too conspicuous and the problem will be huge.

Without hesitation, Li Su modified Xinhuo. After completing the three steps of strengthening, the excess energy will be sent into the cells to improve them and continue to be strong without increasing his height.

As for the height, after Li Su hesitated for a while, he still kept it. After completing the three steps, you can choose. Of course, the height is limited to five meters and will not go up. At least it is guaranteed that everyone is still the same. .

It's a pity that it was discovered earlier, later, or higher. This change in volume will undoubtedly touch the reproductive surface and create a gap. People over five meters tall and people under two meters tall cannot have children. Even if they give birth, they will not be able to have children. It must be alien.

After settling this aspect, Li Su concentrated on it and added three more levels for the Xinhuo upgrade.

A whole-cell evolution, blood like fire.

Two whole-cell evolutions, high muscle temperature.

The fist cells evolved three times, and golden and red light flowed on the bones.

The fire will have temperatures of one hundred, three hundred, and five hundred. It will undoubtedly be hit by the high temperature of Baidu. The vegetation will immediately wither, and the flesh and blood will show severe burn marks. Three hundred can basically directly ignite the vegetation, even if there is water, the flesh and blood will also be burned. It will burn, and when it reaches 500 degrees, the area hit will turn into black ash, including vegetation, flesh and blood.

And this is the difference from increasing height. If you just increase the height, the strength and speed will change qualitatively, and the body will become extremely frightening and strong, but there will be no fire-killing effect brought by the improvement of cell evolution.

Why did Li Su say that the other party's increase in size was due to the wrong path? The reason is here. Not only will it be troublesome if the body is huge, but the difference between quantity increase and qualitative change is also obvious.

In addition to the above information, Yang also sent him a very bad news.

The fire inheritance has started in various places. It is very fast and the effect is extremely high. Although the team from the far east has not arrived yet, the south, north and west have basically started. The south is the fastest, but there are not many people. , the few tribes that escaped left desperately because their minds had recovered, and they were troublesome to find.

The progress in the north and west was the fastest, beyond imagination. In less than sixty marks, it had grown to tens of thousands of people, surpassing the medium-sized tribe and forming the prototype of a large tribe.

With the improvement of strength and the elimination of the gods and divine attendants, they have reached the point where they can start a head-on war with the tribe of the sixth god.

Not only that, the gods fell completely silent after that day. According to the information they inquired about, because of the oath, the gods were in trouble and could not move. They were going all out to suppress them. In a short time, no, a hundred days and nights, it would be difficult for them to move. .

In addition, Li Su once had the merit of confronting the Five Divine Attendants alone. Although he did not win, he did not lose either.

This group of people, they have expanded!


The latest message was almost two notches away from the previous message. They began to ask Li Su if they could found a country and restore the glory of the human race during the Chao Emperor period.

How many kilograms of wine did you drink to get so drunk?

Is this the founding of the country?

The gods were trapped, but were they really unable to move at all?

Also, if you can’t move for a hundred days and nights, how did you get such precise time? Where did you find it?

In the past millions of days and nights, you couldn't even find the whereabouts of the totem. Now in two months, you even know how long the gods will be in retreat?

Li Su's eyes flashed, and a picture emerged in his mind. It was a huge house, and people were the owners. They worked extremely hard every day, carrying bamboo poles on their backs, and going up the mountain with sickles, cutting enough I carried a bamboo basket with about fifty or sixty kilograms of grass on my back, took a sip of water, and before I had time to rest, I chopped up the grass one by one, lit a fire, and boiled it for almost an hour. It was already noon, and I didn't have time. To eat, just carry two large buckets filled with cooked food and go straight to the room.

Pour the food into the stone trough and listen to the exciting sound of eating inside. A very satisfied and happy smile appears on the face of the man who is grunting with hunger. "Eat, eat, eat more, wait for the New Year..."

God, are you raising pigs?


He took a breath, um..., the next plan needs to be launched in advance.

He never thought that the gods would just let Li Su develop without moving, especially after meeting the first god once, the other party would definitely do something.

Now that the news has come, it is obvious that the other party has failed in the first step.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party actually told him openly and honestly, it's okay, you can develop with peace of mind, I will give you a hundred days and nights.

I was really underestimated. You actually blatantly told me to give you a hundred days and nights?

Who the hell are you looking down on?

If you have the guts, give me 10,000, fuck!

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