Her eyes were bright, and she looked at Li Su with expectation.

No way, this has a lot to do with her breasts. They are too big, a full 36d, and they are of the majestic and surging type. They can be seen as ridges and peaks on the side, with different heights from near and far.

Looking at the other party's reaction, Li Su couldn't help but take a deep breath and complained. This matter itself gave him a headache.

As expected of a god, he can see through people's desires.

The thoughts of the Youchao clan were clearly seen by her.

He didn't need to open his mouth. He could hear the excitement of the person who delivered the message in the sounds of the flying birds. He couldn't restrain himself with excitement. He felt that a great moment was coming. He felt that his whole body was lit up, and with it The same is most likely true for people in local tribes.

Of course, this matter should not have happened so quickly.

I'm afraid the god himself didn't expect that under normal circumstances, it would be more than ten or twenty days and nights later.

As for the reason, it has to do with him.

It’s firewood….

In less than two months, there were nearly 800 junior warriors, 300 intermediate warriors, and more than ten senior warriors.

This kind of fighting power is undoubtedly something that the descendants of Youchao have never experienced before.

You must know that high-level warriors can fight against the God's Chosen and win.

Based on this calculation, in a year's time there should be a godly servant level in the tribe. By then, there will undoubtedly be a large number of godchosen, thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

Without the gods, a year later the descendants of the Nest could almost crush the tribe of the Seven Heavenly Gods.

You say, can it not expand?

No, I have to pour cold water on it. Where is this? Li Su rubbed his eyebrows.

"Yang, I said, pass it on!"

"Huh? Oh, okay!" Yang nodded, called the messenger bird, and waited for Li Su to speak.

Li Su said slowly: "I didn't expect that everyone would be so enthusiastic. They were already planning to establish a tribe before they were even sixty marks. Well, that's great. You are so confident, so those who plan to establish a tribe would trouble you. Get out of the fire inheritance and build your tribe."

Yang Chuan paused mid-sentence. She widened her eyes and looked at Li Su in disbelief.

"Don't look at me, just say that."


"Also, although I have no intention of becoming an emperor, you must understand that I started the Legend of the Fire. The simpler the oath, the easier it will be to cancel it. I don't ask for anything from you, which means I can do it at any time." Cut off your connection with Xinhuo, so please don’t have bad thoughts or resentment because of my above words. Because the emotions will be conveyed, and I will kick you out of Xinhuo without hesitation. Fire inheritance.”

Li Su paused for a moment: "After all, there's no reason why I should be resented by you after I helped you become stronger, right?"

Yang was completely stunned. She became anxious and knelt down directly and said: "Huang, why? Why are you angry? Isn't this a good thing? Is there anything wrong with everyone's proposal? If so, tell me and I will give it to you right away. they said."

Hearing this, Li Su raised his hand and waved a gust of wind to lift the other person up. He smiled and said: "Angry? How could I be angry? I'm not angry at all. I'm happy. I guess it doesn't even take a hundred days and nights for them to be angry. If you can take the initiative to find the gods, you will be killed inside before they come out."

"It's so powerful that I can't help but be afraid. Why do I need the power of fire? Well, tell me, should I be more careful? If I cut off their fire, will they come to kill me? ..?"

Zhang couldn't help but widen his eyes, a look of extreme horror appeared on his face, and he burst into tears on the spot.

Although Li Su said he was not the emperor? But that’s not it?

of course not!

At least in the eyes of hundreds of people in the tribe at that time, he was the well-deserved emperor.

There is no doubt that the emperor means absolute supremacy in the tribe.


Li Su stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on the other person's face, feeling a little distressed. After all, he has a very good temper towards women, especially this is still his woman. There is no way, this is necessary. If you don't pour cold water on this group of people, This guy can probably fly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little pain in his liver. What's going on with the leader?

He was so shrewd when dealing with him, how could he become stupid now that he was on his side? Has your IQ been suppressed by dimensionality reduction?

"I'm not angry, Zi. I'm just disappointed. Let's do this. Send a message to them. If anyone can destroy a tribe of Seven Heavenly Gods, then establish one. Otherwise, just hide it and develop with peace of mind."

After saying that, Li Su closed his eyes and did not intend to discuss this matter.

Her tears didn't stop, and she quickly ran out and stood outside, wiping her tears while taking out the messenger bird that was only used to communicate with the leader. She shouted and passed Li Su's words.

Looking at the flying birds disappearing from the sky in the blink of an eye, Zang waited anxiously. Now she finally understood what Li Su meant, and she felt extremely angry at the news of establishing a tribe.

Break away from the past? What's the difference between that and being expelled from the Sui clan?

In the tribe, this is more serious than death, and it will not occur unless it is a serious crime!

To be able to make such a request, one can imagine how angry Li Su was?

Quick, quick!

Standing outside, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, extremely anxious.


The flying bird is extremely fast. As a special messenger, it left the extreme south in less than half a notch. It still avoided the place where the terrifying alien beasts live. After entering the south, it began to fly in a straight line, at an extremely terrifying speed. Fly with all your strength, heading straight to the far east, even if you are thousands of miles apart, you can still lock the direction.

In the far east, hurrying and hurrying, the leader and his party finally arrived.

Not only was the journey the longest, it also had to avoid the territory of the First God and take a detour, which took a lot of effort.

Upon arrival, I was naturally given a warm welcome.

The matter of the inheritance of fire has been spread among the clan, and Jidong was undoubtedly the last to know about it. The people here have already been waiting impatiently.

As soon as we arrived, we immediately started carrying out the inheritance.

After a few notches, hundreds of people successfully obtained the inheritance.

Feeling the increase in power, the entire tribe in the Far East became excited and extremely happy.

Hidden in this far east, it is undoubtedly very suppressed. People from other local tribes have come to support it for a long time, and the population still does not exceed a thousand.

But because of this, the Celestial God Tribe in the Far East is undoubtedly the largest, with a population of nearly ten million.

After problems occurred in the contract between humans and gods, millions of slaves escaped. They recovered all the way until the food supply was exhausted. After counting, they found that the number of people harvesting directly exceeded 100,000.

This is undoubtedly the most harvested among all local tribes.

Therefore, they are under great pressure. The slaves are basically very thin and do not have the ability to hunt. If it were not for the endless river in the far east, they would not be able to feed them.

You must know that there are many slaves scattered in the mountains and forests. Many of them starve to death during these times, and many are directly hunted by wild beasts. Seeing this result, the people in the area can only imagine how distressed they are.

These are the population that will increase the tribe's combat effectiveness in the future.

Until the leader and the others arrived, they finally relaxed. As everyone quickly became stronger, breaking through the boundaries of mortals and becoming junior warriors, everything was different.

The stopped gathering continued, no, there was another fifty thousand.

It can be said that the entire tribe is as excited as if it were a festival every time they make a mark.

Not only is the population increasing, but their tyrannical strength also gives them the confidence to fight against the Celestial Tribe.

Not long ago, a team looking for slaves met the chosen warriors of the Celestial Tribe. The team was led by people brought by the leader. Under normal circumstances, they would definitely die, but this time it was different. They successfully retreated and were able to confront the God's Chosen Warriors.



After a tiring day, the leader took a long breath and stopped.

Although he is far less exaggerated than Yang's father, he does a lot every day. After more than ten days, he has passed down the fire to almost 200 people.

Get ready to take a break. The Fire Inheritance not only consumes physical energy, but also energy.


The leader suddenly froze for a moment. Something was approaching rapidly in the distance. His gaze was already superhuman. He was already extremely talented. With the power of the fire, he had undoubtedly evolved more completely, possessing superhuman vision.

In an instant, he caught what was flying towards him.

Messenger bird?

And it's the kind that's only used for emergency communications.

Did this pattern come from Yang? What happened?

The messenger bird flew directly over. It captured the leader's position at high altitude, quickly landed on the opponent's outstretched hand.

The leader quickly brought water and food to replenish it.

After eating and drinking enough, the messenger bird began to call. The sound was extremely rapid, rising and falling continuously.

This bird is very special. It can completely record the sound and repeat it. The sound is not a normal speaking sound, but a special tone, similar to a code. Only a few people in the tribe can understand the meaning it conveys.

As he listened, the leader's expression changed.

He widened his eyes and looked at the message conveyed by the bird in disbelief.

Start a tribe?

Asuka on my side actually made such a request?

In an instant, the leader's face fell, and he almost ran away.

He had heard this kind of voice in the past few days, but he didn't pay attention to it. His main focus was still on the inheritance of fire.

After listening to Yang's words, he could completely imagine Li Su's mood at this moment, because he was about to burst.

The main reason is that the experience is different. He has truly seen the memories from the longest time ago, which describe the power of the gods and the terror of their armies.

When the Nest King was destroyed, the human race that took refuge with the other side had ten divine attendants and more than one hundred thousand divine chosen ones.

And this military strength was just one of the tribes that surrendered to the gods. There were three in total at that time.

In other words, there are as many as thirty divine attendants? More than 300,000 chosen by God?

It's a pity that we haven't drunk yet, otherwise the leader might have to ask how much these guys drank to get so drunk?

He jumped up as if his butt was on fire, and asked someone to collect all the recent communications, not only those sent to Li Su, but also those sent to him.

Li Su did not claim the title of emperor. He was still handling the arrangements for most things. After reading all the communications, he couldn't help but take a breath.

As the situation got better and better, especially after the gods had to be imprisoned for a hundred days and nights before they could come out, calls to establish tribes and recreate the glory of Youchao began to appear.

Especially after more than ten days, it has become more and more intense.

Because he arrived last, he was concentrating on the fire inheritance during this period and failed to take it into consideration.

"What's the matter, Chief?"

An old man walked in with a smile on his old face. During these sixty notches, he smiled more and more every day. The expressions that he had never been able to smile in his life were all laughed out during these hours.

Expectation is right in front of you!

"What's wrong?"

The leader looked at the other party's reaction, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly. At this moment, he suddenly understood Li Su's mood. If it had been him, he might have been able to cut off the fire inheritance on the spot and cool down the entire group.

He didn't say anything, raised his head and pointed a finger between the old man's eyebrows, and activated the power of order. It was originally only open to tribal leaders, fearing that the memory of the tribe's despair was directly passed on to the other party.

It took a while before the old man came back to his senses. He was in disbelief, and his voice was full of horror.

Divine attendants, thirty people?

God's choice, three hundred thousand?

What a joke!


The leader said indifferently: "Are you still establishing a tribe?"

The old man couldn't help shouting: "No, absolutely not. If you set up a tribe like this, everyone will be killed!"

"Yes, so Emperor Sui is very angry. If she hadn't cried and begged, I would have cut off the legacy of all of us at this moment."


The old man yelled and couldn't help but sit down on the ground, sweat dripping from his eyes.

"No, we can't. It's us who are stupid. We are all old guys. We are obsessed with building another glorious nest. We want to be punished. Please punish us. Chief, please tell Emperor Sui not to give up on the human race."

The leader took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and said: "Now is the time to talk about this? If you don't immediately send the message to me and tell everyone, find a place to hide for me. Who dares?" If you have extra thoughts, expel the clan and cut off the fire!

! "

"Then remember it, remember it all for me!"

"We are no longer in the past. We already have a new emperor. The purpose of spreading out now is to pass on the fire. This is the task that Sui Emperor has given us. Before the next task is issued, I no longer expect to see anyone making their own decisions. Make any offer!

! "


It took three days before any birds flew back.

Zhan, who had been waiting at the door, waiting for the birds to arrive, couldn't help but let out a big breath after hearing the news, and she couldn't help but feel relaxed.

The leader angrily rebuked everyone who planned to establish a tribe, and also set a rule. Unless Emperor Sui gave an order, everyone would concentrate on passing on the inheritance and hide themselves, and they would never be exposed to the Seven Heavenly God Tribe.

Not only that, this time the information also contains the military situation of the Celestial Tribe millions of years ago.

When they were still three gods, the number of divine attendants was at least thirty, and the number of divinely chosen warriors was probably an incomparable number of three hundred thousand.

Looking at the contents of the message, Zhang was shocked into a cold sweat, with a look of fear on her face. This was undoubtedly completely different from the number she had expected.

I thought that the total force that the other side could bring out was at most ten times, or even a hundred times, what they observed. But now it seems that the Celestial Tribe's pursuit of them is just a joke, just an entertainment.

They have never been regarded as opponents by the gods...

This is cruel, but extremely realistic.

Listening to the news brought by Zhang, Li Su nodded calmly. Watching Zhang retreat to deliver the message, he couldn't help but take a breath. Fortunately, the leader was not insane and knew some unknown contents. So The entire ethnic group should be able to calm down, otherwise this time it will really lead to a crisis.

This is no joke, really.

Emotions have arisen, especially since this is something they are thinking about. Although Li Su decided to pour cold water on it, even if he can suppress it for a while, the rising desire will not disappear, but will become more and more intense because of the suppression. As the strength of the tribe continues to increase, if the gods show weakness, they will eventually become dissatisfied with him.

People are blind. As long as they can't see it, it's the same as nothing.

In short, the cold water plan was considered a success.

Li Su took a breath, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. Since the other party had taken action, he naturally couldn't just sit back and wait.

I'm afraid the leader had no choice but to reveal the number of troops that the gods had held millions of years ago. You can tell by the look on his face that although the situation was broken, his confidence was also damaged.

After all, there were 300,000 chosen gods for millions of years, so how many are there now?

As long as you see this content, you can't help but think of this deep in your heart, right?

You have a good plan, I have a wall!

I wonder if you have ever tried this grand strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside...!

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