Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 323 The inheritance of Emperor Xi

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Li Su began to concentrate on training. The second step of the plan still lacked something, first of all, energy.

It has actually been gestating since Li Su took out Sui Huang Xinhuo. After all, they have been together from the beginning.

The second emperor of the Three Emperors, the inheritance of Emperor Xi!

Gossip and words.

The former opened the source of Chinese culture, and it can be said that the beginning of everything is inseparable from it.

The latter ended the straw rope chronicle and wrote about what happened in ancient times in words, allowing history to be recorded and expressed from that moment on.

This achievement is undoubtedly great, beyond imagination.

Just as the Chao Emperor opened civilization and changed the difference between humans and beasts, the Sui Emperor lit the fire and illuminated the dark night, and the Xi Emperor signified the origin of culture and the accumulation of civilization.

The nature of the power it possesses is also extremely powerful and unusual.

This power is related to time, and involves the most mysterious and unfathomable part of the avenue. Although it is only a corner of the big screen, it only possesses part of the great deeds, and it is still extremely terrifying.

It can excerpt the trajectory of history, touch unknown places, dig out the truth that should have been buried, extract it from the dimension of past time, and reflect it on the present time.

This power is undoubtedly very ineffective in combat, but its power is unquestionable.

After all, it involves time, and time is obviously the connection between all causal relationships. Once involved, it is likely to cause causal changes and have a huge impact on the entire world.

Li Su's second step plan, the strategy of encircling the city from the countryside, was also thought of after realizing the power of Emperor Xi.

I have to mention here that the power of the Three Emperors is awesome.

Sui Huang is the will of strength.

Xihuang is the core of thought.

As for the final power of the Farmer King, it is very simple. It can obtain the vitality of vegetation through ordinary herbs, which can cure diseases and prolong life.

In short, good health.

Is this awesome? Naturally awesome. In this ancient era with a harsh environment, possessing the power of the Three Emperors undoubtedly means a thousand-year inheritance and sustainability.

As expected of our ancestors, the entire era was started by his own hands. It is completely different from the group of gods in the West who dropped the ball and humans just appeared by chance.

Why are Eastern and Western ideas different?

Because everything we have was created by our great ancestors, and everything they have was given by God. This is a fundamental difference.

I have inherited the great blood of my ancestors. How great is China’s civilization? How great is my blood?

Aren’t Chinese people proud? Of course proud! Unlike the arrogance of the guys in the west, our pride is in our bones and cannot be seen normally.

People often say that the West is better. Oriental people are too hypocritical and like to hide everything. Bah, you know a fool. I am being reserved. That is because I still cannot take advantage of the great achievements created by my ancestors.

Uh, I digress.

Back to topic.

Li Su raised his head, and there was light shining on his palms.

This light is very special and colorful.

It does not fluctuate much, but its core is extremely mysterious. It breeds the power of time, but the power is not enough. It is accompanied by seven-color light flashes, and there is will flowing inside, and a great will is taking shape.

Soon, soon!

Although everyone in Li Su's Xinhuo Power only received a little more than 1%, when the number of people reaches a certain level, this 1% will undoubtedly be very terrifying.

Nowadays, the salary passed down from various places is close to 280,000, which means that he holds the equivalent of 2,800 people who are constantly cultivating the power. There are different levels of power. If calculated based on junior warriors, it should be more than 3,000. number.

Two-thirds of it is used to maintain and strengthen the fire itself.

The remaining third is poured into it.

Of course, this is not actually the point. The point is the will flowing inside.

This was collected by Li Su. If there is no more person to pass on the fire, his will will also be collected by him.

It is easy to defeat a person, but difficult to defeat a civilization.


Because humans are tangible, once the physical body is destroyed, everything they possess will also disappear.

Civilization is different. It is composed of countless common wills and is the inner recognition of countless people. Therefore, civilization is difficult to eliminate. Even after experiencing fragmentation, it will still quickly rekindle and light up again.

This is what Li Su does now.

This is the core of an idea, inherited by the power of the Three Emperors, to establish an indestructible belief that humans in this world and this era recognize and are willing to pay everything for.

The great leader once said that unity is strength. In front of the vast ocean of people, all imperialism is a paper tiger.

Today's God is the biggest paper tiger in front of Li Su.

If you want to defeat the Ks, then fundamentally destroy their source.

"What's this?"

x was startled for a moment. When she walked in, she looked at the seven-colored ball of light in Li Su's hand. She couldn't help but shake. She subconsciously approached the ball of light and felt something. Her soul resonated and recognized it. .

"This is the belief of the human race!" Li Su said with a smile.

"Our faith?"

"Yeah." Li Su stretched out his hand in front of the other party and said, "Come on, feel it!"

x nodded blankly, she slowly stretched out her hand and touched the ball of light on Li Su's hand.

In an instant, her whole body fell into it, covered and enveloped by the will inside the ball of light, and her soul couldn't help but sink into it.

Picture after picture kept appearing in her mind.

Some people are hunting wild beasts, trying desperately to bring back the prey and feed their own people.

Some people were fighting against the enemy. Facing the extremely terrifying existence, they did not look back. They took extremely firm steps and rushed towards the behemoth with the simplest weapons. At the same time, they shouted, run, run, run quickly. .

Some people were in a snowstorm. They formed a circle, tightly surrounding their tribesmen in the middle, and used their bodies to block the cold storm from outside. They were bit by bit frozen, their faces But he showed an incomparable smile, looking at the relatives and children who were protected by him, until the smile was completely frozen.

Countless scenes, countless sacrifices, just for one thing, to let our compatriots live!


x retracted her hand, she couldn't help but screamed, one after another, again and again, because she saw her mother in it, her great mother, who was hunted down because of exposure, and she was injured , can’t run anymore.

She also entrusted herself to others, picked up the weapon, stopped, and rushed towards the enemy.

He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face, and cried profusely.

"Emperor, what is this? What is this? It hurts, my heart hurts so much."

The corner of Li Su's mouth twitched. It was indeed very powerful and extremely effective. It could make people cry and feel the same.

When there were not so many scenes, he was young and thought that this was his own power, so he felt it. Good guy, he almost picked up the weapon and planned to fight with the gods, intending to die together.

After running out for several steps, I regained consciousness. I broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't help but shiver.

Therefore, although the pregnancy continued after that, he did not dare to touch it anymore and became cautious, not wanting to be affected by it.

Although it was said that this thing was caused by Li Su, he was still quite scared. This thing is undoubtedly the core of the common master, and what is gathered inside is one of the greatest spiritual wills of the human race, sacrifice!

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