Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 325: Rapid development, crisis coming

To the southwest, Qishan!

It was far south, close to the dangerous depths of the wilderness, just outside of where Li Su and the others were.

There are rugged rocks and steep mountains here.

It is similar to the land of Sichuan and Sichuan. The humidity is very high and there are high mountains and ridges everywhere. In the most places, there are more than 50 mountains in one kilometer in diameter.

These mountains are very strange. They are tall but not big, densely packed, and very strange in shape.

Even the midday sun can hardly illuminate this place, and half of it is in shadow.

Here, water sources are abundant and underground rivers are spread throughout, forming a huge network that runs through almost everything.

Because of its special environment, the humidity here is very high, and it is shrouded in heavy fog all year round. And because of the special geographical environment, there are shrubs, moss, vines and other creatures growing all over the mountains and plains, giving a sense of difficulty. The mystery of words.

Although the dangerous terrain prevents large beasts from surviving here, creatures such as snakes, insects, rats, and ants are everywhere.

Although the above creatures are not as dangerous as large beasts, they are still very scary because most of them are poisonous. So in terms of environment, it is not suitable for human survival.

Of course, this was before, not now.

As Li Su's power of fire spreads among the human race, the increasingly powerful human race has the ability to live in this place.

Four days and nights ago, the leader personally led his team here to develop Qishan.

There is no way, there are too many people.

As Li Su's plan was implemented step by step, the population quickly exceeded one million, and we had to find a way to resettle it. We couldn't keep people scattered.

The Celestial Tribe's pursuit of them has not stopped, they are always looking for them.

And keeping the population dispersed like this is not conducive to the cohesion of the tribe and its subsequent development.

Of course, there is another fundamental reason for bringing together a large number of people, and that is that the knowledge of farming and animal husbandry was passed on by Li Su.

As the population increases, food problems plague almost all local tribes.

While the leaders had no clue about this issue, they not only sent a message to Li Su to inquire.

It was just a subconscious question at first, without much expectation. After all, Emperor Sui was not a god. What he could do was beyond imagination. The food problem would probably be difficult to solve in a while.

But who is Li Su? Traveler, when it comes to accumulating knowledge, there is no one in this world who can surpass him.

That night Li Su conveyed a large amount of knowledge.

To put it simply, it is farming and animal husbandry, and it also comes with the plants that Li Su discovered that grow quickly and contain a lot of starch, and the fertile beasts. By the way, he also gave a set of words to spread the words. , and it is also equipped with a certain level of education system and cultural system.

This knowledge, in primitive society, was undoubtedly the beacon that illuminated everything, and the next development direction was suddenly determined.

As if the leader had found a treasure, he led a large army directly to Qishan to develop without hesitation.

Today, eight days and nights later, the extremely dangerous Qishan Mountain has become one of the bases of the human race. Its population alone has reached an astonishing number of millions, accounting for one-tenth of the current total population.

Not only that, the unique geographical environment here has become the granary of the human race. The food containing a lot of starch discovered by Li Su is not only a high-yielding plant, but also a type of vine. The environment here can be said to be Its paradise, with the help of humans to clean up the moss and other plants, almost covers the entire Qishan Mountain. In one day, it can harvest enough starch for millions of people to eat for three days.

In addition to the abundant water source, there is also a fast-growing grass carp here. From eggs to maturity, it only takes one day. An adult individual weighs about fifty pounds, and a female can lay tens of thousands of eggs at a time. situation.

It can be said that just such a place basically solves all the current food requirements of the human race. One-third is stored every day. The plan is also provided by Li Su. There will be no problems for at least a hundred years.

Therefore, at this stage, the human race, except for those who are still outside and are frantically digging for the roots of the Seven Heavenly God Tribe, are doing two things.

Practice, give birth.

It is a pity that the number of tribal women is too small. There are tens of millions of tribes and there are less than two million women. Therefore, there are at most more than one million newborns every day.

The Celestial Tribe obviously also understands that women are the key to production. If they want to obtain a large amount of labor, women must manage this well. Therefore, although there are many escaped slaves, there are very few women.

For this reason, the tribe made two attempts to rob women. They sacrificed a lot and brought back more than 100,000 women.

Unfortunately, the Celestial Tribe then strengthened its defenses in this regard, and the Divine Attendant personally took charge, completely losing the chance.

Faced with this situation, we can only continue to have children and increase the number of children. If there is a girl, we should protect it and cultivate it with all our strength.

So far, more than five million people have been added to the tribe, including about three million girls.

The next population explosion should be five days and nights later.

The leader and others gathered together and made calculations.

An old man said: "The oldest one is nine years old, and there are about 60,000 women among them."

This is the earliest batch, the first year.

"In the second year of Emperor Sui, 180,000."

"Sui Huang's three years, three hundred and fifty thousand."

"Sui Huang's four years, six hundred and seventy thousand."

"The current number of tribal girls, ranging from nine to six years old, is almost 1.26 million."

"Since the fifth year of Emperor Sui, the number of new female babies has been close to 700,000 every year. Especially in the tenth year of Emperor Sui, this year, the number has exceeded one million. In eight days and nights, the adult female population of our Sui tribe will exceed one million. million, reaching one-third that of men.”

"It's still too slow!"

An old man frowned. Judging from the current number of tribal men, the population should have increased by tens of millions every year.

Although the annual food produced in Qishan can only feed about 80 million people, the human race has never had one base. They also found islands deep in the river in the far east, and the resources on them are enough to feed tens of millions of people. The same is true for Northland and Westland.

In fact, the human race has overcapacity. The knowledge transmitted by Sui Emperor is too terrifying. It is impossible to imagine that one day ago they would go out hunting and encounter danger. After one day, they can easily produce and harvest without having to worry about food. .

Therefore, what limits the development of the human race is nothing else but the shortage of women, a serious shortage.

If it is enough, tens of millions can be produced in one day, and in five days it can reach the largest unit in the number given by Sui Huang, breaking 100 million.

The old man couldn't help but said: "Why does Emperor Sui stipulate that women must be sixteen years old before they can engage in human affairs? They are obviously twelve years old..."


"Be bold!"

In an instant, not far from him, an old man said angrily: "How dare you question Sui Huang's decision???"

Not just him, many people had angry faces, especially the middle-aged and young people, their eyes were red, especially the women frowned directly and looked at the person who spoke with unkind eyes.

In ten years, even if Li Su had not shown his face even once, all orders were issued through the leaders. The younger generation did not even know what he looked like. Although the leaders had promised to keep Li Su's portrait or something, Li Su refused, and then sent a flame pattern over and told them to take this as their faith.

It is not a person who believes, but a fire.

In fact, Li Su was preparing to make a dragon pattern. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. In this world, spiritual will can affect reality, so it cannot be wasted.

Originally, Li Su meant to do this to eliminate his personal influence, continue to maintain his mystery, and become a background. However, it seemed that he did not go in the direction Li Su wanted at all, and the entire tribe worshiped him more and more.

What he said, like an imperial edict, was almost sacrosanct in the tribe.

"The third elder just wants to increase the population. After all, we are racing against time."

The leader spoke, and he said softly: "The people who can sit here are undoubtedly followers of Emperor Sui. For Emperor Sui and for the human race, we can sacrifice everything, including our lives and souls."

Looking around, there were more than three hundred people.

This is the team of the Sui clan. The lowest strength is also the peak of the God's Chosen. No, that is no longer the case.

The third level of warrior, the ninth level of fire.

The lowest person who can sit here is the third level of fire, and the strongest one has reached the eighth level of fire.

The lowest one surpasses the God's Chosen Warrior, and the strongest one can fight as a divine servant.

"Regarding this issue, in fact Suihuang once specifically said that I didn't think much about it at the time. Now that someone has asked, I will tell you."

"Originally, Emperor Sui thought that women should not consider fertility issues until they are eighteen years old, but considering the current situation of the human race, it was reduced to sixteen years old. After our human race wins and defeats the gods, this age will be Change it back to twenty years old. Emperor Sui gave several reasons, the most important of which is that girls' bodies are not fully developed before the age of sixteen, and childbirth at this time will have an impact on their bodies, including life span."

"I also collected relevant data afterwards. The life span of a girl who undergoes the remaining pregnancy at the age of twelve will indeed be reduced, and the children born will also have congenital deficiencies, and then they will easily have accidents and die in childbirth. This probability is very high."

"Not only that, because of the power of fire, the human body has become stronger and matured faster. Nowadays, a twelve-year-old woman is almost no different from an adult. There should be no threat to her life, and there will be no impact on her lifespan. So I proposed to Emperor Sui again, but Emperor Sui rejected it."

"Suihuang said, we are moving forward for a great belief. In this process, everyone is a participant, a creator of the times, and everyone is. Indeed, allowing women to have children earlier can increase the population and allow The tribe is growing rapidly. But remember, they are also members of this great era, one of the founders, not so-called reproductive tools.

Boys have a future, and so do girls! When they give birth after the age of sixteen, their bodies will be stronger, healthier, better able to adapt to pregnancy, and have the energy to do other things instead of just giving birth.

We must remember that the struggle of our ancestors is so that we can live and live better. Similarly, we resist God for freedom, rather than giving up everything to resist God. "

"So, giving birth to a child at the age of sixteen does not need to be discussed anymore!"

There were quite a few women present, a full third.

As the leader finished speaking, the women couldn't help but take a breath, clenched their fists, and their eyes became even more fanatical.

Not just women, but men too, everyone's eyes are extremely fiery.

Why worship Emperor Sui?

Because Emperor Sui not only gave them strength and taught them knowledge, but he did not stand above them, but regarded them as compatriots.

Otherwise, you are just sixteen when you say you are sixteen. King, why do you need to explain?

The old man who asked the question was filled with guilt at this moment. He stood up directly and slapped himself hard, saying, "I'm sorry, leader, I..."

The leader reached out and grabbed the other person's hand. He shook his head and said, "I remember one time when I was chatting with Sui Huang, Sui Huang told me, you are boring like this? I nodded at everything, but what about your will? You What about your thoughts? Discussion, discussion, you have to talk to each other to be called discussion. As far as I am concerned, it is to convey orders. Even if you have no opinion, then feel free to ask me, what is the use of doing this? What is the significance? What is the impact on the human race? What’s the benefit?”

"Although you have raised questions, you are right, because your starting point is the interests of the human race and the interests of development. You just don't know the reason, so there is no need to punish yourself."

Putting down the other person's hand, the leader clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone is fine. That's the end of this matter. Let's move on to the next topic."

Boom! ~

At this moment, very suddenly, an earth-shaking sound sounded, and a terrifying vibration erupted from a distance. The entire Qishan Mountain shook, and countless rocks cracked open. The earth could not sustain itself, and the cracks Shockingly huge gaps were opened.

"what happened?"

The room they were in also cracked, and half of the mountain collapsed. Many people took advantage of the force and jumped to this side.

At this moment, everyone's expressions couldn't help but change drastically. This kind of shock was too violent and terrifying.

Has the earth dragon turned over? ? ?

Feeling the rapidly fading earthquake, it was obvious that this was not the place where the earth dragon turned over, or where it turned over, it was extremely far away.


A guard rushed in and said with a hammer to his heart: "The Fire Network, the branches of the Southland, were all extinguished just now..."


Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at the person who gave the order in disbelief, Nandi? The seventh heavenly god of Shiobe is home to a small population of more than a thousand people. Others have moved away, and those who remain are mainly to monitor Shiobe.

The direction from which the vibration is now coming is obviously that way.

"Immediately send someone to organize a rescue and investigate what happened???"

What happened over there in Southland? Natural disaster? No, it's impossible. There are precursors to natural disasters, and the intensity of the shaking was so fast that there was no warning at all.

Thinking about it, many people felt cold and their faces became stiff.

This movement cannot be from the Seven Heavenly God Tribe...

If there is a natural disaster, what will it be? ? ?


Going back in time a little, about a quarter of an hour ago.

Boom, boom!

The earth was shaking, and an extremely huge figure suddenly appeared on the southern land. It was the seventh heavenly god. He who had been hiding since there was a problem with the human-god contract was able to move.

I don't know why, but his body has shrunk a lot and his breath has weakened.

At this moment, with a little bit of bright red on his hand, he walked from Xibe towards the center of Nandi.

After a while, he came to the center of the entire Southland, which was also the territory he protected. He took a deep breath, squatted down deeply, and began to accumulate strength.

The power is great, very powerful.

Just the vibration of muscles, with him as the center, there is an extremely strong earthquake with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers. The mountain is broken, the river is turbulent, and with its continuous accumulation, the gravity of the earth is abnormal, and stones, grass and trees are out of gravity. The restraint slowly flew up.

Finally, the energy was gathered by him to a peak.

He suddenly stared at the ground, jumped up, and the divine power supported his body upwards, breaking away from the shackles of gravity. The heavy and huge body went straight up, and soon broke through the clouds and rushed up. outside.

A long time, a long time.

It wasn't until his body turned into a small dot that he was almost invisible that he stopped. Then his body shook, and the divine power that allowed him to escape gravity directly changed the angle and began to face downward, carrying him with him. The body fell quickly.

With its huge body, terrifying height, and huge weight, it instantly turned into a huge fireball, like a meteorite, and fell straight towards the ground.


There was a loud noise, the sky and the earth turned pale, time stopped, and it was unprecedentedly motionless.


The sky and the earth shook, and the earth cracked. The ground with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles was instantly trampled and shattered by this force. The land rolled up with dozens of petals. From a distance, it seemed as if a huge flower had grown out. Flowers bloom from the beginning and then begin to close.

Hundreds of millions of cubic meters of soil rushed up into the sky under this terrible gravity, so high that it directly buried the sky.

Then a rain of rocks and earth began to fall from high in the sky, and the Southland with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers was completely covered.

He destroyed the Southland, and even Shiobe, who believed in Him, destroyed everything...

Standing up slowly, the Seventh Heavenly God looked toward the extreme south, with incomparable murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

He who had said at the beginning that he would take action directly was obviously not unwilling to take action, but was waiting..., deliberately giving them time to let them happily think that when they really had a chance, he would then inflict the most terrible divine punishment.

Opening his mouth, He made a buzzing sound. Although it was not words, there was a signal in it.

"Ants, are you happy? There are a lot of ants gathered together, right? You guys should be very excited and happy. You finally have a chance and the ability to fight against the gods. So don't despair too quickly... !”


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