Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 326 The strange style returns again

The vibration was so huge that it could be felt even in the depths of the extreme south. Many places cracked on the spot, not to mention landslides. The power of the vibration rippled out one after another, and people were shocked away. Birds all over the place.


He screamed in surprise, his face turned pale, and he looked at the mountain that was shaken to the ground with a rumble.

Yes, that was the place where Li Su practiced. He was almost thirty meters tall and very slender.

Under normal circumstances, there is no big problem, but as this huge vibration came, it had already weathered the wind and rain for a long time. Naturally, it couldn't bear the loss. It was cut off on the spot and fell directly from the top of the mountain. It happened to hit Li. At the entrance of the cave where Su's practice was, people were buried directly inside, and it was so deep that they couldn't be dug out for a while.

With a roar, the sky was filled with dust.

Is something wrong with Li Su?

Of course he's fine! After all, the realm is there, let alone one mountain, even ten of them can't crush him.

In fact, he was very happy at the moment, smiling from ear to ear and almost dancing.

That weird bug had undoubtedly the power he wanted in its body. It was born from the first life to appear in the world and was one of the oldest innate creatures.

Li Su, who was unceremonious, directly opened the Dao Eye with all his strength, recorded the innate pictures and texts in the opponent's body, and wanted to reflect them and imprint them on his own flesh and blood.

Although this innate picture and text are old enough, and the imprints inside are extremely complex and huge, and are also hidden in the cells of the bug in his hand, making it difficult to observe, it is still not difficult for Li Su, who has more than 200 talents, to be attracted by him. Quickly analyzed and recorded it.

Undoubtedly, it is worthy of the ancient power. It is related to flesh and blood, and the consumption is high.

Judging from Li Su's current strength, it is impossible to achieve it overnight, take shape immediately and spread all over the body.

It took him half a day to get it done and successfully copied it on his body.

With the success of innate flesh-flesh mapping, Li Su's cells immediately underwent astonishing changes. Affected by his soul, the deepest parts were undergoing transformation. Blood, muscles, skin, and even bones were all making sounds, and small mouths were opening. He opened his hands and stretched out his hands. They formed a waist neatly and gained consciousness from their long sleep.


Feeling the indescribable sourness passing through his whole body, Li Su couldn't help but shudder, and his whole body was ringing.

An unprecedented hunger is erupting, and every cell is transmitting an extremely strong desire to eat.

In an instant, Li Su swallowed up all the extraordinary energy that had been stored for ten years, and his hunger level did not decrease at all.

It’s different, completely different.

The horror style it once had is back, and it has once again become Li Su's power. Every cell is filled with Li Su's will. As long as he is willing, he can grow six billion mouths in his body in an instant and make sounds at the same time. , Needless to say, that feeling would be frightening to death in a movie theater.

Looking at the sharp bone knife that the spine he pinched in his hand turned into, Li Su took a breath and rubbed it back.

No, as a normal person, this style of painting is really as bad as it is, and I can't get used to it. If someone sees this, it's hard to tell who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

Li Su took a breath and held it hard for a while. After the flesh and blood cracked, revealing the dense white bones and veins inside, he couldn't help but feel a toothache.

The sage’s technique, it’s castrated….

What he can show is only the simplest level. His own flesh and blood has a will, has strong immortality, and can be reborn even if he sheds blood.

But there is no self-created fire, or the creation of living beings, and it cannot be done.

It's not that the exercises are not good, it's that the innate pictures and texts don't have this function...

After being silent for a while, Li Su appointed and sighed, forget it, at least there is a Holy Power, the style of painting and so on, as long as he doesn't make it too scary, such as fissioning into millions, tens of millions, tens of millions. It shouldn't be a big problem if hundreds of millions of zombies come out, or if they take out their own bones and fight in front of everyone.

By the way, Li Su blinked his eyes and thought of something.

With a thought, he made his whole body, skin, muscles, tendons, blood, and even bones grow a big mouth, and then made a sound at the same time.

At the same time, his innate voice began to exert its full force, suppressing these six billion voices.

After going on for a while, Li Sucai stopped dejectedly. Sure enough, it didn't work...

The consumption and absorption are basically the same. No, the consumption is obviously more. The absorption is only about nine-eighth level, which means that it is a waste of 0.2 level.

Sure enough, even if such unscientific things as extraordinary appear, the energy is still conserved.

After the actions just now, Li Su found that he was even hungrier, and his eyes were almost turning green. Six billion cells collectively shouted to you that they were hungry, crying for food. It was really not something that ordinary willpower could bear.

He let out a breath and planned to go out to get something to eat.


Suddenly, Li Su's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at the flesh bug on his hand. This thing can be regarded as a manifestation of the supremacy of flesh and blood. Does the near-immortal body mean that it can continue to regenerate? ? If it could be eaten all the time, it would almost be considered a perpetual motion machine, right? Can provide unlimited energy.

Thinking about it, he directly cut off a corner of the opponent's body.

Sure enough, they turned into two flesh bugs.

However, you can feel that the core is still the one on your left hand, and there is not much energy in your right hand.

Li Su couldn't help but opened his mouth and bit off most of the one on his right hand. Well... how should I put it? The taste is hard to describe. The most important thing is that it keeps twisting in your mouth. The more you chew, the more you chew, and your mouth can hardly hold it.

It keeps regenerating.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely a very scary painting style. Can you imagine eating a mouthful of food, and every time you chew it, there will be another one? What does that feel like?

As Li Su swallowed it in one gulp, the squeaking meat insect on his left hand moved. It opened its mouthparts, and for the first time it no longer just let out a deafening scream, but let out a And its special rhythm, which contains strange power.

All of a sudden, Li Su felt that his stomach was inflated, and the part he had eaten was swelling and splitting again and again.

In fact, this is the way this meat insect hunts. It will let the opponent eat it. Once eaten, it will split infinitely and increase in value until the opponent's body is swollen and exploded, killing the opponent in turn. Eat it.

After seeing Li Suzhen taking a bite, chewing and swallowing, the meatworm in her left hand moved, and excitement overflowed.

What it fears most is the kind of creature that ignores it and cannot prey on it.

At this moment, it was very excited. Li Su's body gave it an extremely strong feeling, and it had an unprecedented appetite for food. It instinctively told it to eat the other person to make great progress.

Unfortunately, it was destined to meet its opponent today, a terrifying opponent.

As it began to exert force, flesh worms continued to grow out of the broken parts in Li Su's mouth and stomach, trying to rupture Li Su's mouth, throat, and stomach.

The next moment, I saw mouths growing out of Li Su's mouth, throat, and stomach. Before the meat worms could grow in size, they were eaten by countless pairs of mouths.

And there are more and more mouths, and there are mouths inside the mouths. Its small body, which can swell up a creature weighing dozens of tons to death, was directly stripped layer by layer by Li Su until only the cells were left. , and finally bit it on its core.

After a moment of joy, Li Su's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth curved up unconsciously, showing an unprecedented look of happiness.

What's this? What's this?

The highest quality beef and the best brandy..., no, there is no way to describe Western cuisine. It should be said that it is like Buddha jumping over the wall. It takes several days to stew with dozens of precious ingredients, supplemented by hundreds of secret ingredients. To add fragrance.

The taste of this bite is undoubtedly happiness! ! !

Hundreds of thousands of cells let out a sigh of contentment at the same time. With one mouthful, he almost harvested the energy that took half a day to collect.

Lowering his head, Li Su's eyes became extremely hot. It was just an idea at first, but he didn't expect that this insect, which was less than the size of a palm, actually had such terrifying power.

At this moment, the body of the flesh insect froze, and the entire insect was numb.

Although its thinking ability is not strong, its instinctive awareness is not low. From the situation of its swallowed clone, it can feel that the existence in front of it is more terrifying than it. The operation of having a mouth in its mouth is simply subversive. its worldview.

This is a great terror, an unpredictable existence.

The fear of death that disappeared a long time ago reappeared. In an instant, it went crazy, struggling extremely fiercely, and its body instantly became huge. Obviously, it was not that it could not control the increase in flesh and blood, but that it only consumed very little food with its weak body. It's not easy to attract attention.

How could Li Su let the other party escape? The one on his right hand split into a large number of mouths directly on the palm of his hand, which he swallowed in one gulp without waiting for Qi to expand. As for his left hand, it was obviously the main body. Li Su had no intention of swallowing it immediately. He probably couldn't hold it in and would be eaten by the other party. It's not good to struggle out.

Countless mouths sprouted densely on the palms, and they began to bite the opponent's flesh and blood in small bites, swallowing bit by bit.

As the opponent's body grew larger, his body split open, and countless mouths sprouted, eating like crazy.

Too much, too much, too much.

Li Su had a feeling that he would eat this insect completely, which would be equivalent to at least ten thousand days and nights of non-stop practice, well, ten thousand days and nights in this world.


Suddenly, just when Li Su was extremely excited, dancing and happy like a child, a huge shock came, the cave was attacked, and it was crushed instantly, and a huge stone hit his body directly.

In shock, Li Su loosened his grip and was hammered into the mountain. Not only that, he was also caught in the middle.

Before he had time to recover, countless amounts of soil were poured directly into his mouth, and the six billion long mouths ate a lot at the same time.

Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!

One after another, he vomited more than three thousand kilograms, and his taste system was so numb.

There's an earthy taste on my tongue that I can't even spit out.

Damn..., what's going on? ? ?

Li Su was stunned and caught off guard by this sudden situation.


Suddenly, he remembered something.

Meatworm! ! !

His eyes widened in an instant, all five senses were fully opened, and the innate voice was wildly captured. At that moment, his body was released.

In an instant, Li Su sensed all the land within a mile around him.

Then his face turned a little green.

It’s not that there aren’t any, it’s that there are too many, too many.

Just for a moment, within a distance of less than 300 meters, millions of people split up and fled in all directions, and each energy was similar. It was completely unclear which one was the main body, and it doubled every second, but I blinked a few times. Eyes actually cost tens of millions.

Li Su took a breath and thrust his legs into a horse stance. Except for the bones, all the flesh and blood were instantly shaken away by him. He rushed out and turned into meat swords to break through the mountain and chase after the meat insects.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour before he slowly pulled back and gathered all the flesh and blood that had flown out.

The flesh and blood rushed back, and after falling on Li Su, they quickly returned to their original appearance, turning into internal organs, organs, flesh and blood, and skin.

Ignoring the mountains squeezing him around, Li Su was so angry that he couldn't help but punch the mountain wall behind him.

There was a loud bang, and the entire mountain was cracked by his blow.

Oh shit!

The other party ran away.

At this moment, his body was shaking constantly, and from time to time there were bulges, which were in the shape of flesh worms, struggling violently. There were many of them, all over his body, even in his eyeballs.

It's not that he doesn't chase anymore, it's that he has eaten too much and needs to digest it. The prey's flesh and blood has already appeared. As soon as he swallowed one, another one struggled to jump out of his flesh and blood and turned towards the others. The golden statue running in the direction, continue to eat like this, otherwise something tragic will happen.

Damn, what's going on outside? Why was there a sudden earthquake?

And the attack just now? Did the four guys find out? Called?

wrong? Li Su released his sound source with all his strength and began to capture.

The sound came from the Southland, and the movement was very loud. Even though it was more than 800 kilometers away from the Southland, the earthquake was still extremely strong.

Something happened over there?

Squinting his eyes, ignoring the bulging eyelids, Li Su opened the fire and wanted to ask.


Is the fire inheritance of the Southland almost completely wiped out? Were you killed because of the shock just now?

Um? There is one alive!

After a brief feeling, Li Su immediately discovered an extremely weak fire. With a thought, he used the power of the Farmer King, and a large number of upgraded plants and trees rushed towards the opponent.

After a while, Xinhuo regained its activity.

"What happened?"


"Well, what happened in Southland?"

"..., I don't know, Emperor! Just now, I suddenly felt like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and I didn't know anything anymore."

"Has your vision recovered? Take a look at what's going on around you."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" A tragic cry came, with incomparable anger and pain, "The Emperor is the seventh false god, He, He appeared, launched an attack, and the Southland was gone."

The seventh god?

Following the other party's words, Li Su was stunned. Although he knew that the so-called one hundred days and nights might not be true, there was a high probability that it would really take that long. It had only been five days and nights now, and the seventh day god had appeared. This was also too fast.

Just it? Or is it all out? It shouldn't be. How could the other party be so fast? Even if the Seventh Heaven God does not possess much human consciousness, it must have numbered in the millions over tens of thousands of years. It would take at least thirty days to be able to stabilize it. Suppressing the will does not mean that the less you have, the faster it is. The stronger the strength, the faster.

What is very embarrassing is that the seventh god is the weakest among the seven gods, and is a weakling.

Give Li Su a hundred days and nights, even if he has all his strength, he will still be beaten.

Li Su couldn't help but clenched his fists. At this moment, he was very angry, really angry, so angry that he wanted to go out and fight the opponent bloodyly and kill him.

Energy comparable to ten thousand days and nights ran away just because of Him.

It has only been less than a hundred days and nights now. How many billions have been lost?

Regardless of absorbing it, Li Su jumped up, rushed out of the mountain, and flew high into the sky. He wanted to see what was going on?

How could the other party act so quickly?

Um? ? ?

With his eyes locked, Li Su couldn't help but be startled.

Weak! ! !

The innate pictures and texts shrank several times and fell directly, from the high clouds to the bottom of the valley.

It is not that the suppression is completed, but the will is actively dispersed, and part of it is retained for suppression. Since the body size is greatly reduced, it naturally does not need to last that long.

Based on his current situation, if he were to meet the Beast God who had appeared once before, he would probably be unable to defeat him because his strength had dropped too much.

The beast god should have also paid attention to that side, but he didn't move. He felt the breath, but retreated, choosing to stay away.

That's right, the other party should not be able to see the innate pictures and texts. If you just observe the appearance, you can obviously not find anything. Now the God of Heaven has an extremely strong murderous intention, and his will is manifested like smoke, and it is clearly visible even from thousands of miles away.

There is no doubt that this person is in a rage, and the encounter will definitely lead to a bloody battle. For a beast, severely injuring itself in order to hunt prey must be avoided.

Really..., very smart, and he also knows how to bluff! !

Of course, these are not the focus. The focus is the direction the other party is heading in now...

Although Qishan is still some distance away, if the other party triggers the movement just now in Nandi again, Qishan will not be spared and will be completely destroyed.

Although Li Su has never appeared in the scene and has always been here, he probably still knows the situation on the human race.

Qishan, although the environment is terrible, is undoubtedly a top-quality food production place. It has not yet reached its maximum limit. After all, people cannot discover the situation inside. It only uses about half of the land. Even so, it can still produce Enough food for tens of millions of humans.

Not only that, there are also a large number of humans there, more than one million, which is one-tenth of the number of the Sui tribe.

And there are a lot of children there. Because they are far away from the Seven Heavenly God tribe and extremely secretive, making it easy to hide people, 70% of them are the new generation.

If the Seventh Heaven God destroyed that place, it would have a huge impact on the human race.

Taking a deep breath, the flesh and blood all over Li Su's body vibrated, accelerating the absorption of the flesh and blood of the weird bug he had just swallowed. At the same time, he gestured with his eyes for a while, and then rushed over.

"Yang, inform the people over at Qishan not to move for the time being!!!"

It must be too late to run away. If a large number of people escape and scatter, God's eyesight is not bad. Once discovered, it will be devastating.

Therefore, there is only one thing that can be done now, and that is to fight!

Li Su galloped all the way, his speed was extremely fast, and with his rapid movement, his body also changed and became extremely huge.

If the other party was in full condition, he really wouldn't dare to go. Now, Li Su couldn't help but glance at the innate pictures and texts of the other six gods. They were very good and not weakened, huh...? In fact, it would be great if they took the initiative to weaken them.


"The seventh false god destroyed the entire Southland?"

At this moment, everyone in Qishan, including the leader, turned extremely pale and in disbelief.

How big is the entire Southland? Even if they now have the power to break mountains and split seas, they are still far behind the gods compared to the same period and cannot be calculated at all.

Not only that, the God's Gundam body is not difficult to find.

His movements were quickly locked. Although he was not heading towards Qishan, the direction he was walking was not far away, between Qishan and the extreme south.

Recalling the other party's behavior in the Southland, a terrible thought emerged in everyone's mind.

The other party plans to completely destroy the vast area of ​​​​Ultra South and Qishan Mountain, just like the Southland!

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but have a look of despair on their faces.

how come?

Didn't it say that it would take a hundred days and nights before we could take action? Why so fast?

And, is this a god? The huge southern land was actually destroyed by the opponent in an instant.

Do humans really have any hope of resisting them?

God of the seventh day, this is it.

As we all know, the weakest among the gods is the seventh, and the higher they go, the stronger they become.

The leader couldn't help but have a bitter look on his face. When Qishan was selected, Emperor Sui agreed to use it as a base for food production, but he also said that it was not far from the Seven Heavenly God Tribe and was still within the scope of the God. It might be Spread, it is best not to have too many people.

Although they listened to the opinions and did not gather most of the people, they still reached a point where a full tenth of the people were gathered. They were young and there were many women. For the human race, this place was extremely important.

Once it is destroyed, it can be imagined that the impact on the clan's momentum will be severe.

"What to do? Chief!" Everyone's face was filled with panic and extreme fear. All their confidence was dissipated with the destruction of the Southland.

The leader shook his head weakly, "Don't move!"

Although they are not exposed, there is actually no difference between them and being exposed.

Do you think the gods have poor eyesight when they flee in large numbers?

If you want to escape, you must escape before the gods fall. Once you escape, the gods who are superior to the sky will undoubtedly be able to clearly capture them and come to them immediately.

He didn’t escape, and he didn’t notify Emperor Sui!

If they die, they will die. Nothing will happen to Emperor Sui!

Suihuang is not strong enough now and still needs time.


At this moment, a sound like thunder exploded from a distance, and the direction was exactly where the Seventh Heavenly God was.

Everyone who had come out of the conference room and stood on Qishan couldn't help but turn their heads.

The next moment, their eyes couldn't help but shrink, and they saw a body rising into the sky in the distance, flying quickly towards the sky.

Although they are hundreds of miles apart, they are still so clearly visible and huge.

In an instant, a picture flashed through the leader's consciousness, a moment that his ancestors had remembered with their lives.

A huge fireman descended from the sky and destroyed the earth, turning everything into scorched earth. It turns out that this is how the Southland was destroyed?

The leader's eyes were full of despair and hatred.

He shouted, hoarse at the top of his lungs: "God, God!!!"

"Everyone, please pass the Emperor Sui's order to stay in Qishan and not move!"

Very suddenly, a cold voice sounded. It was Zhang. She was transmitting a message to all the people in Qishan through Xinhuo.

The panic-stricken people were stunned for a moment, and they all widened their eyes, Sui Huang's order?

Undoubtedly, this is the first time since the establishment of the Sui clan! ! !

Can't move?

The old people were startled for a moment, and then showed extremely bitter expressions on their faces. They actually had no intention of escaping...

They couldn't help but look at each other. Everyone's face turned pale and their whole bodies were trembling, but they bit their lips tightly. They took a deep breath to welcome the coming death!

Along with the ear-piercing roar, a huge meteor appeared in the sky. It flew out and fell, carrying blazing fire and the power to destroy everything.

However, right here in the south, deep in the extreme south, there were fires rising into the sky and giants appearing.

Holding an extremely huge bone knife, he came over the mountains and across the sea, approaching the huge meteor quickly.

Suddenly, there was a thunder on the ground, and the giant shouted loudly. He jumped up high and rushed directly towards the huge falling meteor.


With one slash, the world was created.

"Emperor Sui has arrived, God of War, everyone, open your eyes wide!!! Emperor, he is here!"

The cold voice resounded through the soul, and the giant shadows in the sky collided with each other.


There was a shocking sound, and the sky cracked! ! !


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