
Thunder rent the sky.

The collision of extreme power will naturally produce extreme destruction.

The meteors of heavenly fire falling from the sky, and the knife slashing diagonally to split the heaven and earth, instantly intertwined with huge sparks spanning thousands of miles.

The world couldn't bear it, and the sky began to crack, shattered by the collision between the two.


The Seventh Heaven God let out a roar. Not only was the attack interrupted, but the most important thing was that he had found the being who dared to provoke him and make him lose face in front of other gods.

His body moved and stood directly on the void. It was unbelievable how his huge body could ignore the gravity of the world. With a backhand move, he picked up the huge bone ax and shouted towards the blood in front of him. The giant slashed through.

Divine power is exploding, and boundless gravity is gathering. The white bone axes have turned black, and black rings have formed on them. The space has become distorted. The bone axes chopped down are not just axes. , hundreds of millions of cubic meters of air were suppressed on it, forming a super impact. Just by waving it, a huge flame burned, and the attack was like a meteor falling from the sky, destroying everything.

Facing the Seventh God's attack, Li Su took a deep breath, and all six billion cells opened their mouths and let out a huge scream. The innate voice jumped out from his heart at this moment. , came to the top of his head and began to vibrate violently.

The battle between the two should have been extremely loud, shocking the world, shaking the world, and turning the world upside down.

But as long as any force is away from a certain distance, it will attenuate beyond imagination, and the sound will be extracted and transformed.

This power was restrained even by the Seventh Heavenly God's attack, and the sound it made from Mocha was also restrained by Li Su's innate voice.

The huge sound source was gathering, refined by Li Su, and converged towards his palm, blending into the bone knife turned into his spine.

The bone knife was vibrating and beating wildly.

The amount of sounds gathered above is beyond imagination. It is the ultimate compression of tens of billions or trillions of sounds.

The space is unbearable.

The air couldn't help but beat.

However, there was still no sound.

Even if the void was torn apart by Li Su's power, all the power was still restrained.

He raised his hand and slashed at the seventh god.


The swords and axes clashed, the sky trembled, black lightning exploded between the two, and a terrible storm rushed out of the lightning. Everything for hundreds of miles was twisted, and the earth was torn apart by them. The soil was swept up into the sky, and the mountains and rivers were torn into pieces and turned into ashes by the power of the two.

But what's extremely weird is that, except for the sound of the initial collision, there is no sound at all, as if a natural disaster is right in front of you, but the mute button has been pressed.

This is bizarre and unimaginable.

boom! boom! boom!

The two sky-high giants fought. The bone axes and bone knives collided crazily at this moment. It was unbelievable and unbelievable.

Two incomparably huge beings, their speed was very fast. With just one breath, they collided dozens of times. It was impossible to suffocate such a huge body at such a terrifying speed.

A shattered sword flew out, covering a distance of thousands of miles. When it hit the ground, everything turned into dust and flew directly into the wind.

A cracked ax fell and hit the ground heavily. In an instant, the land disappeared and was compressed. The hundred-meter mountain suddenly became less than ten meters, and its hardness was even less than ten meters. More than metal.

This is an earth-shattering battle, this is the collision of the ultimate life, so terrible that it can make all life feel boundless fear from the source.

However, when they raised their heads, at this moment, millions of people raised their heads high and looked at them without blinking, with incomparable fanaticism in their eyes, and something was steaming and erupting in their hearts.

Qishan was also affected, but it just passed by. Most of the attacks flew out and fell farther away.

They felt that the red giant had opened up all the attacks of the Seventh God. Although he was fighting to the death with the God, he protected them under him, like an immortal fire, the guardian them.

ah! ah! ah!

Unable to bear it, everyone howled inwardly, meaningless shouting and endless catharsis.

Sui Huang, Sui Huang, Sui Huang! ! !

Throughout the ages, there is only Sui Huang!

The flames are steaming and burning, emotions are spreading and erupting in the fire, and the scenes of the extreme south are being vented by them from within the net of fire.

In an instant, all the humans felt it and saw it.

That huge battle, that terrifying battle, the earth-shattering battle between the Emperor Sui he believed in and the God of Heaven.

The feeling of being protected in Emperor Sui's arms spread in the bottom of everyone's heart. Countless people couldn't help but burst into tears, wailing and hitting the ground with their heads, hating, hating, that they couldn't help themselves. Sui Huang could only watch helplessly.


Finally, the world could no longer bear it, and the world cracked open. The two giants broke through the void and entered the infinite place, the outside of reality, the infinite void.

After a slight pause, the two of them didn't care and collided wildly.

Sound, gravity, two ultimate innate powers, are constantly being activated as the two fight.

On the sky, the innate pictures and texts representing the power of the two were oscillating violently, and they emitted dazzling light. They could not be seen originally, but they were observed at this moment, like lights, igniting the whole world. .

Clang, Clang, Clang!

It was obvious that the two were not in reality at all, fighting in that place of nothingness, in the cracks of space, in the boundless land, but the sound was still transmitted, more than one sound, spreading throughout the entire world.

Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times.

With its huge size and boundless energy, time has lost its meaning in front of this majestic existence, and the crazy collision is endless.

The sun is moving slowly, and every movement is equivalent to a day. It is a time that an ordinary person cannot even jog, let alone such an extreme battle?

But there was no fatigue, no weakness, just like two perpetual motion machines, they were fighting non-stop, again, again, and again.


The god on the seventh day became even more angry because he failed to win over the other party and the other party became entangled with him.

In the eyes of Him who is above us, this is undoubtedly unacceptable and a great insult.

He is the supreme being, a boundless existence. He is born high and is the most noble and boundless. All living beings should prostrate themselves under His feet, be trampled by Him, and look up to Him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He roared one after another, his emotions kept exploding, and his anger kept growing.

He waved his ax crazily and attacked Li Su crazily, wanting to kill and destroy the bloody giant in front of him. His divine power continued to gather and radiate, and his body turned black and became heavier and heavier. , the power became more and more powerful. Even in the crack in the void, the ax he waved had the power to cut it open again.

Faced with this terrible pressure, Li Su's bloody giant, although turbulent, still endured it, controlling and blocking all the opponent's attacks.

This is really, really boring...

Li Su's eyes were cold, full of ice, and at the same time very boring, extremely boring.



But, there is no difference between this guy and the kid holding a pistol.

God, it's really scary.

His body is too big, and his power is almost boundless. Even if he loses a lot of human will, which lowers his output limit, he still has to be said to be worthy of being an innate creature, a god-like existence.

Unfortunately, their advantages are too great, their power is too strong, and therefore, they are really weak.

Gravity is such a powerful and handsome force, but in this guy's case, it is only used to increase weight, and cannot be used in other aspects at all.

The use of this ability is simply ridiculous, comical, and childish to the extreme.

Has this thing really understood its own power? Have you ever learned how to use it? As long as there is any thought, this battle will not unfold in this way.

Two giants fighting each other?

It does seem earth-shattering, but in fact?

It was unbearable to look at, it was extremely ugly.

If Li Sufan has any idea, after two fights, he can suppress this thing and fight, and he can accumulate the power to kill the opponent with a thousand moves.

He is really too weak, and his use of power is worse than that of a child.

Go back to your mother's belly and create it again. This god's reputation will be wasted.

In terms of energy properties, sound is actually inferior to gravity. Although there are three thousand avenues, there are still differences, pros and cons.

Gravity can undoubtedly be said to be an ultimate force, a force at high latitudes.

Not to mention that the opponent's size was far above him, at least at the beginning of the battle, far beyond him.

The results of it?

The other party fought him to a draw.

This was a result that shouldn't have happened even with his eyes closed. When Li Su came, he even prepared the thought of being suppressed and beaten.

The result is this...

It's such a waste to put this ability on you.

After thinking about it, Li Su was still a ninja, holding on and fighting with the opponent like a child fighting.

Do you know how to hack?

As expected of the god who protected him, he only gave him stabbing and chopping blessings. This was not because the other party was stingy and unwilling to give more, but because this guy knew how to do this.

There was no plan and he chopped randomly. If the difference in size hadn't been too big, this was Li Su's first time contacting martial arts. He could have killed the opponent with a set of Arhat Fist.

I really want to beat this guy to death in one fell swoop, blinding him so much in vain.


Li Su cursed secretly in his heart, feeling quite depressed and aggrieved.

As for the reason, it's very simple.

There is sight, the gaze is here, watching.

Six gods!

Although they were unable to move, it did not mean that their thoughts were completely silent. In fact, the moment Li Su appeared, they all woke up, staring at themselves, observing and feeling.

Otherwise, how could Li Su let this kind of fight like that of primary school students last for so long?

He doesn't want to expose too much, doesn't want the other party to learn new things, and it's too late to weaken the other party. How can he give the other party a chance to become stronger again?

Especially the First God, this guy really doesn't know how to restrain himself at all.

Do you think I can’t feel it?

Your gaze, your gaze, seems to be licking, giving me goosebumps all over my body.

This so-called seventh heaven god is just a bait.

However..., it's almost time, reaching the limit.

The bugs that he swallowed and could breed almost infinitely have been swallowed by him. Now every cell is filled with extraordinary particles transformed from sound. The number has reached a limit and it takes time to absorb, digest, and settle. Just fine.

That's right, Li Su's battle with his opponent is not a war of attrition, but a war of accumulation.

In these tens of thousands of battles, he absorbed billions of tons of sound sources. The innate sound from the outside world that shines like a beacon on the world is not the brilliance that bursts out from fighting with the opponent, but the light emitted by the sound source with all his strength. .

From this, we can see the difference between the two.

After fighting for so long, the opponent is really huge and bottomless.

The bigger Li Su is, the more she has. There are so many that she can no longer pretend.

Although I don't want the other party to see anything or steal anything, if it continues like this, it will be a meaningless protracted battle. The battle between two perpetual motion machines will not have any results.

Okay, want to see it?

Let me show you a little bit!

However, as a price, he kept the innate weight and the opponent's bone axe.

Li Su's eyes were very fiery. Innate gravity was undoubtedly an extremely powerful force, and the bone ax wielded by the opponent made his eyes even more fiery.

This bone is extraordinary.

It was different from when Li Su used the bone knife. When he used it, the innate voice turned his spine into a bone knife to protect it. The shock was poured out through the protective layer, and most of it had no effect on him. On the bone.

The opponent's bone ax was different. Although it was endowed with gravity, it was not protected at all. He slashed it with the sound knife thousands of times, but he didn't understand the bone ax at all, not to mention what it contained. Innate power, but the hardness itself can be said to be a top-notch treasure.

Li Su took a breath, his body moved, his energy concentrated, and his will began to burn.

Both feet stepped on the void at the same time, and the void they stepped on was dented.

Holding the bone knife with both hands, there is a terrifying will bursting out in his eyes, the Nine Jue of the Heavenly Sword!

There is nothing else but the knife! !

Even though his father-in-law Song Que is just a mortal in Two Dragons, his sword realm, even the magical power realm, is equally terrifying.

In an instant, Li Su's knife broke the void and shattered time. All the minds were focused on this knife, which cut everything.

A simple sword, an ultimate sword, an extreme sword, a brilliant sword.

One knife cut off the void, cut off time, cut off everything.


There was no sound, everything was just this knife, the light of the knife illuminated everything and covered everything.

The extremely furious Seventh Heaven God was also stunned at this moment, froze and unable to move.

He was captured by this sword, his will was fixed, and all his thoughts were taken away by the stunning sword.

Heaven, earth, everything disappeared.

He was cut in two by Li Su.


With a sound, Li Su slashed at the opponent's shoulder with a knife, directly cutting him in two, and the smaller half of his body was split open by him.

Blood spurted out like rain from the thousand-meter-long wound, and the Seventh Heaven God let out a shrill wail. He was severely injured, and his internal organs were split open.

Not only that, the terrifying knife intent erupted in his body, spurted out from his wound, and continued to shine, killing his will, destroying his cells, and trying to kill him.

Unbelievable pain swept through his body and mind, and his eyes couldn't help but turn black, and he almost fainted on the spot.

However, He was still awake and not unconscious.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but the instinct that had never existed before but had always existed was screaming and shouting. The emotion called death burst out and impacted his heart.

will die!

As a high-altitude god, this was definitely an experience he had never had before. This made him, who didn't know what fear was, feel afraid for the first time. All his cells trembled and his whole body was trembling.

When he realized fear and understood death, the god was no longer a god. He fell completely and became a member of the creatures being looked down on, without the feeling of being aloof.


Letting out a huge roar, the Seventh Heavenly God ran away, escaped at a speed beyond imagination.

He broke through the void and returned to reality. He fell to the ground and quickly stood up again. Blood spurted out from the wound, and it rained heavily, dyeing the ground red.

He didn't care or pay attention. His face showed the clearest fear he had ever seen before. He ran and rushed out with a look of fear on his face. He ran extremely fast, blinked for a few breaths, and disappeared into the sky as fast as lightning. outside.


Li Su let out a big breath. He did not pursue him in the void, but his face turned pale and his whole body trembled.

This sword consumes a lot of money.

His mind was chopped out, and his huge body could no longer be maintained and began to shrink rapidly.

To be honest, he really didn't want to use it, but if he wanted to defeat a god, even if the opponent was stupid, he couldn't win with a white crane spreading its wings. The move might catch the opponent off guard, but it was very difficult to cause huge damage.

For the sake of the harvest, I endured it.

It's just the unity of will and strength that gives them a little sweetness, just enough to distract them, so that they don't come looking for trouble soon.

He reached out and picked up the arm and bone ax dropped by the Seventh Heaven God, and also broke through the void and returned to reality.

As soon as he landed, unparalleled cheers erupted from the power of the fire, and tens of millions of humans shouted at the same time, calling Li Su's name.

Sui Huang, Sui Huang, Sui Huang! !

Fanaticism, incomparable fanaticism.

Emperor Sui defeated the gods.

This scene, this day, will undoubtedly be remembered forever, and no one will forget it. As long as the fire is still there, it will become history and be forever imprinted in the hearts of the human race.

God is no longer so unattainable.

Because their emperor defeated Him alone!

At this moment, the infinite fear of the gods in the soul collapsed, the fire was completely ignited, everyone's will was sublimated like never before, the flame began to change, the color of glass appeared, and evolved.

Li Su was stunned for a moment, undoubtedly this result was something he had not expected.

He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. This was undoubtedly a good thing. How could the descendants of the Three Emperors be afraid of mere gods?

In any era, in the eyes of China, there is always only one greatest person, and that is one's ancestors, the source of one's bloodline.

Grabbing the broken wall of the god, Li Su jumped up and flew towards the extreme south. As he walked, his aura was also weakening. This time he ran very far and flew directly over the location of the mountain. .

"Yang, I need to rest and sleep for a while. Qishan can be used as a production place, and the excess people can be moved out..."

After passing the message, Li Su disappeared directly into the depths of the extreme south.

The war is over.

The human race is cheering and reveling endlessly, because the high gods are no longer invincible.

Likewise, the six heavenly gods are located.

At this moment, they were also not born, and their eyes flickered.

They didn't feel much about the failure of the Seventh Heaven God. They were all veteran gods who had experienced the tragedies of ancient times and did not have the supreme emotion of the Seventh Heaven God.

What's more, in the presence of God on the first day, I and others are far from being invincible, they are still below them.

"That knife..."

"A high degree of concentration of will, spirit, and body..."

They were greatly shocked and amazed by Li Su's sword. Their horizons were opened and they felt a brand new path.

On the first day, God couldn't help but laugh: "Sure enough, living for a long time is interesting. You can always see new things. How about this gain?"

The second to sixth people were silent, but their eyes were clearly shaken.

Soon, they closed their eyes, disconnected, and returned to their own bodies.

The combination of strength and will...!


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