Lightning, thunder, heavy rain, strong winds.

Sandstorms, hail, tsunamis, lava.

Celestial phenomena, countless kinds of celestial phenomena.

The first god of heaven has great power in every move he makes, and supreme power explodes at his fingertips.

Water, fire, wind, light and electricity.

Thunderstorm wood and metal sky.

Every power has reached the extreme, reaching a state that no one, no god, has been able to enter so far.

It was an extremely terrifying power, and it was also a dazzling power.

Following the performance of the first god, brilliant colors filled the dark, shattered void with no light at all.

Beautiful, yet deadly.

These forces are extremely powerful, but they are extremely harmonious.

The forces that generate each other merge and complement each other.

Surrounding Li Susi, they turned into extremely terrifying celestial phenomena, trying to take away all life and destroy everything.

If every ray of power fell in the real world, in the mortal world, just one ray would probably be enough to tear the earth apart and scorch the sky.

Powerful, matchless, perfect.

The first god showed a terrifying power that was at its peak and had no blind spots.

Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands continued to fall, and each one gathered energy as vast as stars, submerging Li Su and the entire huge partitioning void.

Even though I was outside, I still couldn't help but be shocked.

Because the huge sky, with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles, is distorting and expanding, as if something is about to explode.

Among these dozens or hundreds of natural disasters, Li Su faced them calmly.

His flesh and blood was glowing, and what spewed out from it were strips and pieces of supreme scriptures. These scriptures were engraved with the highest avenues in the world, touching eternity and reaching immortality.

That is the supreme power and the highest cause.

It is the Tao, it is the extreme.

Life is interpreted as immortal art at this moment.

The fire of life is burning.

The temperature was not high, just the temperature of life, which was always wrapped around Li Su's body. Facing the terrifying power of the First God, it did not flinch or annihilate. It was tenacious and hard, resisting.

This is no longer just power.

It is interpreting and interpreting the great achievements of all living things, the vitality that will never give in and can adapt to any environment.


Incredibly adaptable.

Facing the terrifying power of the First God, although Li Su's life fire was constantly trembling, it was adapting all the time.

Light, adapted.

Hot, adapted.

Cold, adapted.

Burning, crushing, splitting, chopping, bludgeoning, drying up, flooding...

Facing the vast power of the gods, Li Su is like an immortal lighthouse. Wherever he stands, the fire of life always shines, never goes out, and shines all around.

One shows the unpredictable changes in the world and the infinite celestial phenomena.

One, interprets the supreme ability of life and adapts to everything.

They kept intertwining, their forces colliding hundreds or thousands of times per second.

The sparks that were wiped out were thousands of feet away, and the space was shaken by the splashing sparks. In such a huge space, what is happening is a conflict that is more terrifying than the end of the world and the destruction of the planet.

Both are gods. Standing at the highest point in the world, they can overlook all living creatures and control the destiny of all living beings.

This constant collision is endless and endless.

It seems that it can kill until the world is destroyed, and it can kill until the heaven and earth collapse.

The two looked at each other. The first god's eyes became more and more eager, while Li Su's eyes became quieter.

The First Heavenly God was observing Li Su, and his main innate graphics were running at high speed, exerting their full capabilities.

That is innate wisdom!

It is the first ray of spiritual light in the world. It possesses supreme wisdom and can decipher everything, observe everything, and master everything.

He was in high spirits, and his face had never been so alive.

The power displayed by Li Su collided with his thinking and produced a huge spark, allowing him, who had remained unchanged for millions of years, to feel changes, endless changes.

What's this?

What's this?

The god was trembling all over, visualizing Li Su's body and analyzing his power.

Longing, overwhelming longing.

I really want to take him down, I really want to cut him open, and observe every detail, from the texture of the skin, to the condition of the flesh and blood, from the nerves to the bones and marrow, I also want to hold the soul in my hands and observe it carefully bit by bit. .

No, no, we can't be so anxious yet. Start from the outside first, and go deeper little by little, making sure that there is no omission at all, and that everything is captured.

Yes, he is learning.

To be precise, he is stealing from his master!

This is undoubtedly the most powerful power of the First God, and no one has been able to surpass it since ancient times.

Through fighting, he can secretly learn the power of others and make it his own. Not only that, but because of his terrifying wisdom and unimaginable ability to understand, everything he learns will not only soon become his, but will be mastered by him. Not to mention, it can also innovate and directly surpass the holder.

Just like the emotions, anger, thunder, frost, and tearing power exerted at this moment.

Every power was brought to a new level by him, countless times more powerful than the original holder.

As he studied, scriptures actually floated on his body. He caught a glimpse of the truth and gained the power inside.

This is absolutely terrifying, extremely terrifying.

Such an enemy is simply unimaginable and unbelievable. Unless you can kill it completely instantly, as the battle continues, he will become stronger and stronger and learn everything from you.

Facing this scene, Li Suta remained calm, his eyes full of tranquility, without any change or any disturbance.

He is also looking at the other person, through the power exerted by the other person, peeling away the outer colors and terrifying energy to the core, capturing its innate graphics, learning, understanding, and mastering.

It has to be said that the First God has become the absolute worst opponent to others because of his innate graphics.

However, Li Su is also like this.

In terms of pure learning ability, he is indeed inferior to the other party, because the talent blessing only targets skills and extraordinary power. Just like a mathematician, his logic is extremely strong but his sensibility is very poor.

But when it comes to the realization and mastery of extraordinary power, a talent bonus of more than 200%, what is the concept?

Even if your brain mutates, it won't reach this level.

Not to mention Li Su, in addition to talent weighting, he also has Tao interpretation, which is like a super computer. In terms of Tao understanding, there is no living being in this world who can be higher than him.

Isn't it just stealing lessons?

Who can’t do it anymore?

Li Su learned theology quickly on the first day, and he learned it even faster.

His original core is constantly vibrating, and the pictures and texts composed of his innate spiritual wisdom as the core are constantly being filled.

It was through the Supreme Saint that Li Su made up for the gap in width between himself and his opponent. Now as the battle continues, the gap in innate graphics and text is being smoothed out and reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Still fighting.

The two bodies were constantly bursting with great power. It was no longer just a collision of energy, but their fists and feet were also impacting.

Holding a power that can almost shatter a continent, they kept colliding. The countless celestial phenomena of the gods conflicted with Li Su's life fire like a violent storm.


Changes in heaven and earth!

Catastrophe of heaven and earth!

The two of them were clearly fighting in the unpredictable endless void, but the outside was also affected.

There were heavy rains in some places, the ground was shaking in some places, devastating tornadoes appeared in some places, and the cracked ground in some places spewed out lava like a sea.

The whole world is shaking, and the beast gods have a look of panic on their faces. They are running around, unable to remain calm, and destroying like crazy everywhere, because no matter where they go, their instincts tell them that they will die, die, and will die without a doubt.

The tens of billions of human beings are also panicking at this moment.

The leaders raised their heads and stared at the violent scene in the sky.

There, two supreme gods are projected, and they are fighting madly.

"Don't panic, calm down!"

The leader spoke in the fire, "Emperor Sui is fighting against the darkness that has been pressing on the heads of the human race for millions of years. The dawn is not far away, the morning light is about to set, and the day that the human race has been thinking about day and night is about to come. .

Feel it? Even now, the Emperor is still protecting us. Even if the world changes, even if there are endless disasters outside, we are still protected by the Emperor. "

"Come, let's all pray together!"

"We can't help Sui Huang in battle, but our faith can be passed on!"

"Gather our dreams and beliefs together and pray for Emperor Sui!"

"The great emperor will eventually lead the human race to break this dark prison!"

"The great emperor will eventually lead us to obtain physical and mental freedom!"

"Emperor Sui, be with us!!"

Following the leader's loud call, the frightened human race took a deep breath, and then they sat down, their bodies and minds began to shout, and they kept calling.


"Great Emperor!"

"The human race will surely break through the endless night, and the light of fire will shine on the heaven and earth."


On the cliff where Li Su was standing, Fuxi appeared, and the terrifying power of fire and the power of the thoughts of tens of billions of people were constantly gathered in his hands.

The fire that could almost light up the night sky and the will that could almost rewrite reality were bit by bit driven into the flagpole that he continued to repair his axe.

"The emperor of the human race is fighting a bloody battle with the enemy. How long will you sleep with the banner of the human race?"

"Wake up, recover, use the fire as a flag, turn into a beacon for the human race again, light up the dark world, and let the light fall again."

The words Fuxi muttered were not the language of this world, nor the language of the outside world, but an extremely ancient and time-honored discourse.

It sounded silently and turned into runes one by one.

This is the writing of the human race, the writing of civilization, the writing of history, and the writing of the great road.

It was embedded into the body of the axe, and began to flow on the flagpole. It was also imprinted in the aura, and the final wound was healed bit by bit and disappeared completely.



The roar is ringing.

It’s the first god!

He lost his composure, his face was extremely ferocious, and his eyes were full of extreme anger.

In order to learn as much as possible, he prolonged the battle, and did not engage in a fatal bloody battle with Li Su. He deliberately kept fighting, trying to steal everything the other party had.

However, the result was beyond his expectation. For the first time, he spent endless efforts and made dozens of notches. Now, except for the floating scripture auras on his body, he could not learn anything. Can't learn.


The god yelled angrily, this is unacceptable! More terrifying power burst out from his body, each one no longer just one kind, but a fusion of several, dozens, or even dozens of kinds.

From the moment they came out, those powers were distorted, no longer natural as before, just like their appearance, ferocious.

"What did you do? Why can't you learn? Why can't I learn!!!"

The god was furious and attacked Li Su crazily. Under the gathering of terrifying power, the lethality was once again increased. The twisted space continued to expand, and it could no longer bear it.


The corner of Li Su's mouth twitched, although he had felt it just now, was this guy secretly learning the supreme chapter of his own flesh and blood?

Because the scriptures floating on his body really look like it.

How much do you overestimate yourself?

The supreme chapter is the work of a saint, and it is an explanation of one's own attainment.

Without permission, without seeing the full picture, stealing lessons from your opponent's cast? Are you kidding me?

I don’t know that the top skills are all locked!

Especially for such a supreme saint, I'm afraid there are more than one lock.

There are a lot of biological locks, soul locks, and civilization locks.

In fact, Li Su suspected that the reason why he was able to learn it in the first place was not only because his talent was highly weighted and he learned the highest level of flesh and blood, but also because the holder had no intelligence and opened it up for him to see.

But because of his identity.

He is from the human race and holds the Chinese heritage. Empress Nuwa is his holy mother of civilization and his ancestor!

Do you know about this?

What grandparents love most is their great-grandson.

Although he is strict and old-fashioned, he can hold it in his mouth for fear of melting when he meets his little grandson, or he can hold it in his hand for fear of it breaking.

What's wrong with stealing? Are you stealing from a saint?

There is no core key, just relying on superficial chapters? Just kidding, if the saint's skills can be stolen so easily, why should they be passed down?

Unable to learn Li Su's power, unable to grasp the changes in front of him, obviously able to transform but still unable to do so.

God went crazy on the first day!

Although living a long life means having a long life.

But beings like gods, who have a lofty will, may have a lot of knowledge, but their personalities have long been stable.

Even when the first god appeared in front of Li Su twice, he behaved in a gentle and graceful manner.

But in fact, he was arrogant and proud, and his pride had reached the depths of the clouds, making it impossible to see below.

After all, it has been like this for a long life, and everything is under control!

Therefore, He cannot accept it!

His body began to change with the madness, twisting and turning into an extremely ugly monster, extremely ferocious.

He had no real flesh and blood, and with the ferocity of his soul, he revealed his original appearance.

It was an extremely twisted and ugly appearance, with huge eyes connected to a heart-like thing, and it was full of holes.

The heart is the external manifestation, the eyes are the proud ability of the first god, and the heart means the unfillable depths of his heart, which are the abyss of desire.

He let out huge roars again and again, and the power he controlled kept bursting out. He stared at Li Su with his huge eyes, ferocious and evil!

"Don't make any resistance anymore. Give me your flesh and soul together with your soul!"

He made a loud voice that was unquestionable and irresistible.

The realm has been lowered, the realm has been lowered!

Li Su looked at the opponent, his life fire kept burning, and through the innate power of pictures and texts stolen from the opponent, he quickly adapted to the opponent's attack and blocked his power.

Only a psycho would do that! !


The huge eyes of the first god moved, and in the next moment, a terrifying force directly broke through the void, turning into a huge meteor, and smashed towards the mortal world.

The meteor was extremely huge, entwined with hundreds of terrifying forces, and its diameter exceeded a thousand kilometers.

Li Su's expression changed instantly. Undoubtedly, he did not expect this scene, that the ultimate life would be so disrespectful.

Li Su became angry, and his eyes began to spit fire, "Asshole, you!!!"

On the first day, the God of Heaven kept attacking. While he tightly entangled Li Su, the power of flying out overflowed a little and fell directly towards the earth.


The land over there suddenly stopped, and then started to turmoil.

Thousands of miles of earth was torn into pieces. The earth, mountains and rivers were instantly evaporated, revealing an extremely huge and deep hole on the ground.


On the first day, the god looked at Li Su fiercely, "Only one of you will die, otherwise none of the tens of billions of people will be left alive!"

Li Su was angry and his eyes turned red instantly. He had previously regarded him as a respectable opponent who could fight and communicate with him.

But at this moment, he understood that everything was just a disguise. Even though he was wearing human skin on the outside, he was still no different from other gods on the inside.

Damn it, why did you forget that this bastard in front of you is the source of the darkest night in the human race.

"You, damn it!"

His pupils were blood red. At this moment, Li Su's anger reached the limit. The space was shaking. The phantom of Pangu Banner floated in it, preparing to directly cut off the opponent's real power. At the same time, a sword intent rose up. It was Qingping Sword. He wanted to Summon the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, turn them into Zhu Xian's formation, completely kill this thing, leaving no trace behind.

"Don't move!"

God didn't give Li Su a chance on the first day. The energy that rushed out split directly and turned into thousands of pieces. It spread out and reached the ground in an instant. It was only a hair away from destruction!

"Take back your power, hand over your body, and surrender your soul to me!!!"

As soon as the God thought, another force fell, heading towards the North Land to completely wipe it out.

There are many human beings there, hundreds of millions of them.

He has no hesitation. Everything can only be for Him, and it can only exist for Him. If you want to obliterate it, you can obliterate it. If you want to seize it, you can seize it. No living being is allowed to refute it. This is His decision, the great and supreme Him.

"Go, the Emperor needs you!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, and Fuxi on Qishan Mountain retracted his hand. The ax had recovered, and the flagpole was glowing very brightly. It not only illuminated the entire outside world, but also lit up the void where Li Su and the others were.


The flagpole shook, and a flame began to ignite at the top. It was firewood, civilization, and the light that lit up everything.

The blood-red flag burned out, and the flames covered the sky and the sun.

Its trunk moved and swept out.

There was a loud bang, and the fire exploded for thousands of miles. The steaming flames evaporated the terrible power that the first god had dropped.

The next second, the flagpole soared into the sky, directly breaking through the endless void and arriving at the place where the first god of heaven and Li Su fought.

It didn't stop for a moment and rushed directly towards Li Su, reaching above his head before he could react.

Li Su and Tian Shen were startled at the same time.

The face of the god changed in an instant. He felt suppressed. The flames on the flagpole were infecting his body. There was a terrifying will inside like billions of sharp knives inserted into his soul.

What is this? ? ?

Before he had time to think about it, for the first time, there was a touch of anxiety in the huge eyes of the first god, because inspiration was constantly warning him. He had experienced it millions of years ago, and then it was completely suppressed deep in his heart, and the almost forgotten shadow appeared again. came to mind.

will die? ! !

The moment consciousness emerged, the first god panicked. He suddenly shouted loudly, shaking all his strength, broke free from the shackles, turned around and ran away.

He has never been a top warrior, and the only bloody battle he had was with the Nest King, who was severely wounded by trickery.

Unless victory is absolutely possible, when a life crisis comes, He will be far more afraid of death than ordinary creatures.


If it were before, there might still be a chance.

And now?

How could Li Su give the other party that chance?

He was so angry that he almost, just barely, caused the death of tens of billions of people because of his mistake. At that moment, his body and mind undoubtedly fell into huge self-blame and guilt.

Damn you bastard, you will die for me! !

With an angry shout, Li Su raised his hand to summon the Pangu flag and slashed it out into the void.

As Li Su took action, the flagpole above his head also spontaneously sensed, and the terrifying fire shot up into the sky, and actually merged directly with the phantom of his Pangu flag.

The Pangu flag shook, and the supreme power erupted from it. It was no longer a shadow, but became real.


Pangu Banner was stunned for a moment with a cry. It was sleeping soundly at this moment and was trying its best to recover itself. Why was it called out by Li Su? Does he have that strength? No, I have just reached the realm of supernatural powers, just a little cricket.

When his eyes turned and saw the flagpole above Li Su's head, Pangu Banner was stunned again.

Uh, small flagpole? Why is it here? Wasn't it interrupted at first? This has all come back, I admire you, I admire you.

At this moment, Li Su didn't hear Pangu Banner's voice. He was filled with anger and had only one thought in his mind: kill the first god of heaven.

The Pangu flag was waved by him, towards the first god who wanted to escape from this void, this world.

Just hearing a bang, the entire huge space except for Li Su himself folded up, as if a piece of paper had been folded ten thousand times in an instant, and then exploded!

Wails, screams, nothing comes out.

The first god's eyes widened in horror, being folded, compressed, and torn apart by the terrible space, and finally turned into nothingness, with nothing and nothing left.


As soon as the flag was played, Li Su didn't have time to feel relaxed and relaxed. Instead, he took a breath of air-conditioning and his face turned green.

what's the situation?

Not only was his physical strength gone, but his emotions were also beaten away. His whole body seemed to have been drained dry, and he almost turned into a paper man.

"Little disciple, I'm not telling you that if you wave my body directly, you must at least reach the immortal state. Before that, just think about it. I didn't stop in time just now, and it wasn't that I was drained. It was really gone."

The sound of Pangu Banner sounded at the right time, in Li Su's ears and in his heart.

Li Su was stunned. He would never forget this voice. He was tortured many times in those years. "Uncle Banner? Oh my God, why do you always show up in your true form?"

Pangu Ban smiled and said softly: "Guess!!!"

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