I guess?

Is Pangu Banner so naughty? You actually asked me to guess?

Before Li Su could speak, the Pangu Banner's physical form began to change, gradually turning back into a shadow and no longer having a physical form.

But this time, Li Su saw clearly that something was flowing away from Pangu Banner. It was fire. To be precise, it was the flagpole made from the ax flying high above his head. At this moment, the flag was fluttering like fire. Light.

This is?

"Little apprentice, please become stronger quickly. It's too much of a burden for you to use me now."

Pangu Banner's figure trembled and completely returned to its phantom appearance.

Was it the ax that projected the Pangu flag? Li Su couldn't help but discount his head. Is this guy really a flagpole? What ability is this? Turn falsehood into truth? Did you project the real Pangu flag?

Is this joke a bit too big?

Even if Li Su masters the Yuqing Chapter and can summon the phantom of Pangu Banner, it is obvious that the fake one is fake, and the power is one hundred thousandth. This is normal. Only in this way can he use it. ,use.

Otherwise, if he tried it for real, his millions of huge energy would be drained out in an instant. This is really not a joke.

Take a deep breath, okay.

No matter what, the matter is over at least. The first god was also killed by him. Except for the seventh god who ran away and disappeared completely like the beast god, there was nothing else.

This is the end of the story.

But what exactly is going on with this flagpole? How could such a thing be accomplished? How could the product from the fragments of the world project the real world and the treasure of a saint?


Li Su's expression suddenly changed, he couldn't move!

The soul still has intuition, but the body, the body seems to be driving away from him as if it no longer belongs to him?

What's this?


Li Su's expression suddenly changed. Is it possible that the first god was not dead yet? Are you kidding? This is his physical body, which carries his flesh and blood supremely. It contains his six billion will and can be reborn with a drop of blood. Even if the soul is extinguished, it can be reborn one day.

Who dares to take this kind of body? Take away and you will find that it will be the worst decision you will ever make in your life.


It wasn't the body that was driving him away, it was the world, the whole world that was rejecting him.

Damn it? Does this mean the task is completed?

Li Su was startled, a little dazed? Unbelievable!

This isn't right, I didn't die, and of course the most important thing is that Suiren didn't make fire? Well, when did I make a fire?

After all, after taking the name of Emperor Sui, no one in the world should name themselves Suiren at this time.

But he really didn’t have the impression that he started the fire himself!

Could it be that the dream of drilling wood to make fire a few days ago was successful?

Li Su couldn't help but open her eyes wide and look at reality, trying to figure out why the story ended suddenly? The First God is indeed the biggest boss in this story, but the battle between them does not exceed the ceiling that the world can bear. After all, they are just mountain monks, and they are already very good at being perfect. They are indeed the first innate spiritual intelligence and learning ability. The thief is strong.

But obviously, this world is not perfect and has problems.

He was not sure before, but by looking at the other party's innate pictures and texts, Li Su discovered that the avenue here was flawed. No wonder the first god could not break through no matter how much he accumulated. The fundamental reason was that the world itself was incomplete.

But it probably has nothing to do with drilling wood to make fire.

When his eyes fell into reality, Li Su paused.


Lots and lots of fire!

The whole world was lit up.

Extremely brilliant, the lights are bright, like tens of billions of large light bulbs, directly illuminating the dim night sky.

Not only that, Li Su discovered that among these light bulbs, the brightest one was undoubtedly himself.

After all, there was a flag flying above his head, bursting out with light like the sun, lighting up the whole world.

The strong wind is dissipating.

The earthquake is receding.

The torrential rain, the underground magma, and the huge waves are all receding along with the endless firelight.

As if to confirm something, in what was supposed to be an endless night, a ray of morning light suddenly fell and the sun rose.

what's the situation?

Li Su was stunned, because it should still be dark at this moment, so long that the days seemed like years.

But the morning sun rose, and the light spread to the world.

Time has changed?

"The fire fire responds to the desire of the human race. The fire fire illuminates the path of the human race. When the fire fire is lit, everything will be as human beings imagine it!"

There was a voice, right next to Li Su.

It was Fuxi, who suddenly appeared in this empty space.

"Huang Xi? Wait, are you saying that all this is because of Xinhuo?"

"No, it's because the ax you picked up is a flag to be precise. This is its ability. It is a work of civilization. It uses the will of a nation as firewood, uses the sun and stars as the fire, and collects billions of metals. , it took an epoch to forge and forge day and night with the blood and energy of the nation’s creatures, and was formed in the infinite universe, light!”

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Li Su couldn't help shouting, he hadn't finished listening yet!

Looking at Li Su's body that had fallen silent, Fuxi smiled softly, "The little guy is finally gone. How long do you two old guys plan to stay in each other's bodies?"

"Although the fire is passed down from generation to generation, I didn't expect that even after centuries, our bloodline will still be passed down, and we old guys will still be missed by future generations."

A voice sounded from Li Su's body. It was extremely ancient. The words he spat out ran through the length of civilization, making those who heard it couldn't help but feel shaken in their hearts, as if great history was flowing before their eyes.

"Old guy, I don't have time to sigh for you. Now that we have recovered, it means that the future that my old friend said has begun, and it is time to prepare for the gears of fate to start again."

Fuxi shook his head and took out two bodies. They were compressed very small, but he could feel that these two should be the second and third gods.

Two rays of light emerged and penetrated directly into them. The next moment, they turned into two kind-hearted old people.

At the same time, Fu Xi's Li Su-like face also changed, turning into an old man with light in his eyes.

"Are you really not going to tell that child anything?" an old man asked.


Fuxi turned into an old man and shook his head and said: "The last era was too tragic. Saints bled, innate treasures were beaten to the point of losing their aura, the entire human world was destroyed, and the fire flag was interrupted. The content was too tragic, no matter what. It’s suitable for the little one to know and bear that which would overwhelm him.”

"I agree. There is no reason for the old guy to hide behind the scenes and let the child carry the burden forward. Let him do it like this, bear a certain amount of pressure, and grow up happily until the day comes when he has the qualifications to stand on the stage. Say it again!”

"Let's go, tens of billions of humans are not enough. We can't let the little guy do everything. We can't let him enjoy the shade. At least we have to help him carry the tree. When that day comes, at least there will be helpers instead of letting him carry it alone. !”


"This body, the Farmer Emperor, will be nourished by you with your strength. Those dogs are the most unruly and like to bully others. Although I don't know if the person in the corner of the future mentioned by my old friend is him. As an ancestor, We can’t let him be bullied.”

"Yeah!" One of the old men nodded. He raised his hand and the herbs appeared all over the sky. There were many precious medicines that could only be found in thousands or tens of thousands of years. They split in the void and turned into rain of light, forming scriptures. They fell quickly. came down and plunged directly into Li Su's body.

Immediately, Sui Huang raised his hand and waved, and the endless fire spread, burning the void into cracks, and a huge river appeared in front of the three people.

The Nonghuang raised his hand and directly pushed the body left by Li Su into the huge river.

After finishing everything, the three people left the void directly.

At this moment, outside, with Li Su's departure, the world began to change, as if a page of a book had reached its end, and it began to vibrate and close.

The three emperors looked at each other and smiled. The three of them worked together and raised their hands. The entire huge world was lifted up by them and began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, the world in the book was gathered into their hands, and the world was captured by the three of them. People hollowed out.

Then, the three people turned into light and disappeared into the merged world.

"By the way, who will be the next emperor of the human race?"

"Who else does it matter? That little guy has retained his bloodline."

"You mean?"


"Hey, let's not talk about it. This little guy has a very prosperous heir, and he has the demeanor of that guy Xuanyuan."

"Tsk, it's not good to be like anyone. Like Xuanyuan, I'm not afraid of back pain."

"Haha, I remembered it. Back then, Emperor Nong, Xuanyuan ran to you a lot. Was he going to prescribe medicine??"



Don't play like this! ! !

Standing inside the fragments of the world, Li Su had a toothache on his face.

Damn it, at least let him finish listening and then be sent away, right? As if someone had kicked him, he was sent back to his physical body.

Damn it, I haven’t done the layout yet.

After all, in Li Su's opinion, the first god of heaven had nothing to do with Sui Ren making fire. After the fight, he should still have a lot of time and enough effort to prepare.

Taking a gentle breath, Li Su sighed. In fact, he was not sure about the original plan. A few people, dozens of people, and hundreds of people would be okay, but ten billion humans? Not to mention whether he can withstand the backlash of the world's fragments, he can't hold so many people.

Sooner or later, he will become the master of this place and bring out all the people in the world he has experienced.


After waiting for a while, Li Su realized that something was wrong.

What about rewards?

What about the sound?

Why is there no movement?

Could it be that I did too well this time and showed too much power, causing the world fragment to crash?

Hey hey hey, stop joking, okay?

I'm waiting to advance to the magical realm and go out to fight the demon clan.

If he is stuck in the magic realm, with the character of that bastard bird, he will definitely try his best to kill him, okay?


Just as Li Su was thinking about it, thunder sounded, getting louder and louder, heading straight towards Li Su.

Thunder disaster? ? ?

Li Su was stunned, his eyelids twitching again and again. He recalled that he once had an epiphany in the world of fire, transcended the magic realm, reached the magical realm in advance, mastered immortality and eternity, and rewritten the rules of reality. Although it was just a corner, A trace, a trace.

But there is no doubt that he touched the forbidden area and reached the other side where he should not have reached.

Heaven and earth do not allow such an existence. They do not accept his appearance like this and will kill him.

Just wait! ! !

Feeling the thunder breaking through the world, he climbed over the wall directly from the outside and came in. After breaking through the fragments of the world, Li Su couldn't help but scream.

At any rate, can we let the rewards be given first?

This thunderstorm put great pressure on Li Su. His situation was a bit inexplicable. Although he had transformed, it was not complete enough. It was like having half a foot in the coffin board, and the person had not yet fully entered.

The power of this thunder tribulation was beyond imagination. Li Su had a hunch that he, who was only half of the magical power realm, would most likely not be able to withstand it.

You need to advance your magical power, you must advance to the magical realm.

It's a pity that no matter how Li Su screams, or even gets furious, and actively drops the world fragments that reward him, he just doesn't move, motionless, as if he is dead, or simply gloating about his misfortune and waiting for him to be robbed and killed by lightning.

Finally, the lightning appeared and gathered above Li Su's head.

The power was completely unimaginable. The originally small fragments of the world skyrocketed at this moment and kept getting bigger. The lightning above their heads began to intertwine rapidly and turned into clouds of calamity.

One, two, three, count by mile.

Until it was four miles in diameter, the calamity cloud stopped increasing. It began to accumulate, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning was bred inside.


Li Su's back tightened, cold sweat dripping down, and Xiao Su'er almost shrank.

Could this thunder tribulation be the Four-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, right?

Mainly because it was no more, no less, just four miles in diameter, which gave him a very bad, super bad feeling.


There was a loud noise and thunder fell from the sky.

The thunder was as thick as a bucket held by eight people, and the light directly rendered the world white.


Li Su was breathing smoke all over his body. His flesh, blood, cells, bone marrow, and soul were all scorched. The Seven Sage Dao Fruits were all swaying, and they were shocked one by one, and then one after another. They were all thrown into the street, even the extremely powerful Qing Qing. Ping Jianguo was lying on the ground, sticking out her buttocks and swaying non-stop.

This is really going to kill him.

Li Su's heart was not good, and his expression was very solemn. Because it was just a thunder, he felt that his power had been split apart, and all his Taoist methods could not be used. He was severely injured, and green smoke came out of his body and soul. It's all blood.

If he does it again, he will definitely die!

Before he could finish his thoughts, suddenly, a huge river appeared. It trembled slightly and created extremely terrifying waves. Extraordinary particles fell from the sky like a tide, and hit him directly on the forehead and heart like a big river.

Li Su rolled his eyes on the spot and rolled on the ground in pain because his magical power was scattered and he couldn't resist.

Terrifying extraordinary particles poured into the body, and the severely injured body and soul began to repair visibly with the naked eye. The transforming skills of the Seven Saints suddenly began to advance, almost causing injuries that would kill him. , most of it was repaired in an instant, and its strength was further improved.

Facing this scene, Li Su's face did not show a look of joy, but instead turned paler.

This shouldn't be the case.





"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Li Su couldn't help but screamed and rolled all over the place. Damn it, you're causing trouble on purpose, aren't you? ? ?

From the first time he entered World Fragments, his rewards were never spent peacefully, and some were just more miserable each time.

Kung Fu turns into supernatural powers, and Tao fruits become auras.

Obviously he is improving, but at this moment, the Dao Fruit transformed by the Seven Saints' exercises is like Li Su, trembling constantly and being hacked to death.

Rumble, rumble.

Four-nine-thirty-six, one minute per minute, half an hour of chopping.

A big hole was made in the ground. The thunder light, which was obviously an energy body, turned into liquid and turned into a pool. Li Su was floating on it, his whole body was spraying green smoke, and the whole space was filled with fragrance. If you add some cumin...

Almost an hour later, Li Su turned over and stared at the sky absently, silent for a long time.

I suspect World Fragment is messing with me, but I have no proof.!

Ding dong~!

Congratulations, Raiders succeeded...

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