
He spit out a mouthful of old blood. Before the blood fell, the steaming fire turned into ashes.

Taking a deep breath, Li Su's body began to shed dead skin, layer after layer, like a cicada shedding. After a while, more than a dozen layers were shed, and a lot of anger accompanied the shed skin. It was discharged from his body.

Once, and again, and again.

It lasted for ten minutes and was removed thousands of times. Li Su's hair turned white and wrinkles began to appear on his face. Not only his body, but also his life span was consumed in large quantities, as if thousands of years had passed in the blink of an eye. .

Finally, he let out a long breath, and fell on his bed as if he had no bones, with a look of lingering fear on his face.

Depend on!

I was almost tricked to death!

That fake immortal is so unbelievable that he is so strong.

Fortunately, the guy with the fifth surname Zoe back then was much weaker. This guy's lethality was beyond imagination.

Even Li Su's supreme method couldn't withstand it. If he hadn't mastered the extremely powerful regeneration technique of flesh and blood supreme, he had no intention of starting a war with the opponent from the moment he was exposed, and almost never had a head-on confrontation with the opponent from the beginning to the end. He might actually die.

Although he also injured the opponent, he used the Buddha Kingdom to drain away tens of thousands of his mana and caught the opponent off guard. Without any expectation, he barely managed to beat the opponent with a bruise on the nose and face. In fact, such an injury was healed by the opponent in less than a second.

He is Li Su, who has mastered the Seven Saints to the highest level, and his combat power cannot be inferred by common sense. It is stronger than ordinary people in the late stage of the magical power realm.

This guy, apart from not going through the thunder tribulation to complete the final transformation, is actually in the fairyland, right?

According to Li Su's feeling, with his current strength, if he were in the world fragment, the gods would not be able to force him to this level.

What is the situation with this heavenly ancient jade?

When you introduced it, you didn't say that once it gets close to the heaven, it can absorb it?

It only says that you can rely on it to enter the secret realm of heaven.

If he had been told this earlier, he would never have approached the Star Palace so simply. He would have rushed directly into the depths of the lava of the central volcano, dug a hole out of it, and immediately run away as soon as the Star Palace was attracted. , collecting and running at the same time, so as not to expose himself in front of the Crow Clan and almost be beaten to death.

Li Su took a deep breath and couldn't help sensing his mind.

The ancient jade is there, the phantom of the heaven is also there, and the part of the Starry Sun Palace is clearly displayed.

After feeling it for a while, Li Su couldn't help but clenched his fists.


Although there was a major accident, the original plan was to take advantage of that flaming chicken to stare at me and try to kill him, then steal his house, go to the other party's lair, get some benefits, and improve his strength.

As a result, I didn't expect that because of the relationship between Tianting Ancient Jade and because the other party regarded Xingri Palace as his home base, Li Su's house was raided all of a sudden.

Feeling the extremely rich extraordinary particles in the Starry Sun Palace, he couldn't help but wave his fist vigorously. Although he was almost beaten to death in the process, the result was undoubtedly delicious.

Although I haven't looked at it yet, the energy escaping from the Star and Sun Palace probably contains billions of extraordinary crystals.

Even Li Su, a big spender, needs to spend countless extraordinary crystals just to make Dongxu. He can't help but take a breath and is quite excited. The amount in this should be enough for him to complete Dongxu and generate several small caves. .

As for how to take out the contents?

It's very simple. If your consciousness is integrated into the ancient jade, you can enter the Star and Sun Palace.

Well, only the Star and Sun Palace can be entered, as for other places, he has not yet obtained it.

Very suddenly, Li Su couldn't help but blinked his eyes and didn't know where Tushita Palace and Pantaoyuan were.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside the Star Palace first, right?

With a thought, Li Su separated his consciousness and directly entered the Star Palace through the Ancient Jade of Heaven.

With a swish, he appeared in front of a huge palace, brilliant and noble, with golden Taoist rhyme flowing on it, and mysterious pictures and texts constantly flowing.

When I saw it before, I just felt it was a bit mysterious, with traces of time and full of ancient flavor.

Watching it now, it’s completely different.

This huge palace, just like its name, is like a huge and shining sun, hanging in the sky, shining on the earth.

It was as if it had come alive.

Standing in front of the palace, Li Su could feel a breath greeting him and welcoming him.

There was no need for him to do anything specifically. The door to the Starry Sun Palace opened by itself, welcoming him into it.

Not only that, the handwriting on the plaque on the palace also changed. Flames erupted and burned away the words "Sun Palace", revealing its original appearance.

It's ancient writing, but there is no doubt that it says the three characters Xingri Palace.

Standing in front of the palace, feeling the ancient atmosphere rushing towards his face, Li Su seemed to be standing on the long river of time in a daze, watching the palace slide towards his time point from the endless past, The grandeur of history almost took his breath away.

Something, a sight, is being transported.

Suddenly, Li Su's eyes went dark, and the next moment, the sky cracked.

A huge hand pierced the sky and fell directly towards where he was.

Just for an instant, Li Su trembled. The power was too terrifying and full of ominous aura. The green aura wrapped around his arms was composed of endless souls of injustice. They screamed shrilly and poured out words from their mouths. A visible curse, a resentment against everything alive.

This is the Green of Resentment? ?

The end of a century of civilization? The resentment of the dead against the living during disasters?

But compared to the one on the Xinhuo flag, the one on this arm was simply terrifying. The moment the aura was revealed, he remembered countless wailings around him.

Unable to help himself, Li Su looked around him.

Countless golden-armored soldiers, each with an extremely terrifying aura, they are all immortals, not in the early stage, but in the later stage. Each of them has Li Su who can easily kill the current magical power level.

Lots, lots, lots.

Tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.

They let out shrill screams and were infected by the green of resentment. Green spider silk grew on their faces, bodies, and golden armor, covering and wrapping them.


Li Su was horrified. His heart seemed to be suppressed by something. At this moment, his heart, which was beating freely, seemed to be held in someone's hand, exerting pressure little by little, suffocating him.

Unable to help it, he lowered his head and raised his hands. His hair stood on end and he almost couldn't help but scream.

At this moment, his hands and body were entangled with green spider silk, covering and infecting him.


Before Li Su could react, there was a loud bang, and the Star Sun Palace was shaking violently.

Nothing could be seen or felt. The shaking continued for a long time, and finally it quieted down after a more violent and terrifying shock.

Feel nothing, see nothing.

Everything went out, everything went dark, there was no light source, there was nothing.

There is only black, endless black, so dark that it makes people panic, so black that it makes people palpitate, and it is so dark that it makes people crazy.

I don’t know how long this has passed, but finally the curtain was opened, light fell, and then I saw a huge eye looking over from the other side.

"Got you!!!"

Li Su's face suddenly changed. The moment those words fell, he seemed to be grabbed by the neck. He couldn't breathe, let alone struggle. He could only feel the impending death.


With a scream, Li Su suddenly opened his eyes. He woke up sweating profusely and with a face full of fear.

what is that? ? ?


No, to call it a dream is too scary and too real.

It was as if everything was happening right in front of his eyes. Despair and pessimism were constantly growing in his body, and his soul was dimmed and affected.

It took a long, long time for this extremely terrifying feeling to fade away little by little, and I recovered from the endless pessimism.

Has this ever happened? Is this the scene when the Three Realms are attacked? When he was in the underworld, he had seen and experienced it before, but the reality was completely different from this time.

The spider threads all over his body and the huge eyes shocked him and made him tremble, and his cells couldn't help but tremble.

Is this what Xing Sun Palace has experienced? No, that feeling of sight is the experience of a certain heavenly soldier and general guarding the Star Palace?

Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, his expression was very horrifying.

Because he discovered that in his mind, each of the seven Dao Fruit villains burst out with terrifying light, and the scriptures of the supreme chapter penetrated their bodies and emitted huge light.

They are like torches, lighting up the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

The darkness faded away little by little, driven away by the light of Taoist fruits.

In an instant, Li Su trembled. Could he still not know what the image of his own sea of ​​consciousness was?

It should be colorful, it should be dazzling with glass, it should be a glorious ocean, dotted with endless stars.

Where did this darkness come from?

Looking carefully, as the last trace of darkness disappeared, the faint green light inside also disappeared.


Li Su couldn't help but feel horrified, "I'm going to offend Fake!" ! !

Myths reflect reality?

It was just a glimpse of what happened infinite years ago, just a corner of the picture. The disasters experienced by the Star Palace actually appeared in his sea of ​​​​consciousness, infecting him?

If he hadn't mastered the Saint Chapter and dispersed the darkness and green light, what would have greeted him?

Stifling black, crazy green?

In an instant, Li Su was soaked all over and was frightened by this terrifying situation.

He only saw a little bit of the scene, is it so exaggerated? The power that drove countless heavenly soldiers and generals crazy and buried the Starry Palace in darkness for endless years actually silently infected his sea of ​​consciousness?

"I didn't expect you to steal the Star Palace. No wonder that bastard came back so aggressively."

There was a voice in Li Su's heart.

It’s Pangu Banner!

It came back, after clearing all traces to ensure that the other party could not find it.

"Uncle Gu..." Li Su was still in shock. He didn't have any strength in his body and almost fell down.

"Sure enough, it's too early. What you have now is not enough."

Pangu Banner took a breath, as if he knew what happened, and said softly: "It's okay, let me help you cut off this corner of your memory. You are not strong enough now, and you are not suitable to face those weird things without the protection of a saint."


Li Su took a deep breath and tried hard to suppress the shock and trembling in his heart, "Uncle Gu, the scene just now was a scene of heaven being invaded?"



"What the truth actually looks like, you need to find and see for yourself."


"It's not that you can't say it, it's that you can't say it. Some things you find and see by yourself will only have a little impact. But if I tell you, you won't be able to bear the pressure, your soul will be torn to pieces, and your life will be destroyed." will wither.”

Li Su couldn't help but clenched his fists, with an extremely shocked look on his face. With his current strength, he would die just by listening to others tell the truth?

Recalling the scene just now, Li Su couldn't help but feel frightened. For a moment, the resources stored in the Star Palace were no longer fragrant. He sat down on the ground. He was obviously conscious, but he kept breathing heavily at this moment.

"You really don't want to cut off this corner of your memory? This is supposed to be something you will only come into direct contact with after you advance to the Immortal Realm and go to the Mythical Realm."


Li Su shook his head. His face was very pale, but his eyes were firm.

This will happen sooner or later. He can't avoid it. No one in this world can avoid it.

Instead of waiting to know when you are strong enough to bear it, it is better to remember it clearly from now on.

He can't bear even a single scene and needs to be cut off to return to normal. How can he become an immortal? In what way?

It's not that he really can't stand it. His Dao Fruit is fighting against it and has driven out the darkness. It is obvious that the Dao Fruit is the transformation of his instinct and is where his courage, wisdom and consciousness lie.

They are all fighting, how could Li Su give up?

"Uncle Gu, I will practice for a while." Sitting cross-legged, Li Su kept breathing, sinking his consciousness and began to practice.

Kung Fu and swordsmanship are all the same, to calm down this great terror!

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