Once, and again, and again.

Li Su kept suppressing the images in his mind, trying to expel the uneasiness from his heart.

But what is hard to imagine is that this image seems to be rooted in his heart, indelible in his mind, constantly popping up and disturbing his mind.

The more you want peace, the less peace you will find.

That picture was really a bit evil, as if a layer of oil had been poured into my heart, it was stained and could not be removed.

Even when he is practicing the technique, he can't help but appear and hinder him.

In this regard, Li Su did not make any superfluous reaction. He just suppressed it again and again to drive away the filth in his heart.

This infection is so powerful that once you see it, it can take root in your heart and drive you crazy.

But Li Su is different!

First of all, what he practices is the saint's technique, which is a supreme chapter. Its path and fruit shine brightly, giving no chance to the other party to exaggerate.

Once it appears, the Tao Fruit will react and emit a vast brilliance, washing it away and burning it away, leaving no residue.

Then, the content of this picture itself is rootless water and floating wood in the void.

Although it is strange and difficult to deal with, just through the picture, it transcends the dimension of time and flows from another civilization period.

It takes root deep in the heart and causes infection.

But after all, they were too far apart. There was a huge length of time between them, and they were washed away by the power of time.

He once infected countless heavenly soldiers and generals in an instant, including immortals and mysterious immortals. But now he is not even an immortal, but a mere god. This explains too much.

Of course, it's still scary and terrifying.

It is unbelievable that the scene from long ago, even now, will still have such a terrible effect once it is recognized by living beings. If Li Su had not mastered the supreme power of the saint, this scene might have killed him.

It took more than two hours for Li Su to gradually calm down. After the baptism of the Seven Paths of Fruit, the pollution in the picture was ground away, and his mind was washed away bit by bit.

"Uncle Gu, is this a 'saint'-level power? Even after time has passed, it is still so terrifying?"

Li Su took a deep breath. Although he successfully eliminated the influence, his heart did not relax. Instead, he became more concerned and frightened. He couldn't help but ask.

"Well, that's what you think."

"That's what I think?" Li Su was stunned for a moment. This answer is very problematic.

"The power system is different, and the core is simply wrong. To describe it as a 'sage' is a huge problem."

Pangu Banner was silent for a moment and then said: "After all, being a saint is not a realm, but a level! If we measure the level by combat effectiveness, a saint is not actually considered to be in the realm of entry."

Li Su was startled for a moment, what does this mean?

"Saint, to describe it purely in words, is a title unique to the ancient world. It is recognized by the law of heaven. In the ancient world, it can be immortal. Even the most terrifying countless calamities can hardly cause substantial harm to the saint. .”

"Little apprentice, do you know about immeasurable calamities?"

Pangu Banner said: "That was the Great Tribulation of the Yuan Dynasty, the accumulation of cause and effect. Once it occurs, no one in the world can escape. The cause and effect fate seems to have been stirred with a stick, turning into a huge whirlpool. Everything will be destroyed." Being involved in it, until destiny returns to a peaceful position, no one can see a corner of the future, and no life can escape except the saint."

"It's scary, isn't it?"

Li Su nodded, couldn't it be scary? Of the billions of creatures in the prehistoric era, only seven were unaffected.

"The so-called saints are those who are immune to the accumulation of cause and effect and are not destroyed by catastrophes. As long as they are still in the wilderness, saints mean immortality."

Pangu Banner said: "Therefore, the saint is more of a status, which means immortality, rather than the height of power."

Li Su couldn't help but buckle his head. He didn't know how to react for a while. Undoubtedly, this was the first time he heard that in Fengshen, the so-called saint meant something like this, not the realm of combat power, but the character. Bit.

Pangu Banner did not give any explanation, but just said: "You don't need to know more now. It's still far away from you, so focus on the present first."

Li Su thought for a moment and finally nodded without asking any more questions.

He is only in the realm of magical powers now, and knowing too much will have no effect on him. If he really wants to describe the Great Luo Jinxian and the false saint, they are the same to him, and they can crush him to death.

Not to mention the mysterious realm of saints, it is impossible to understand even if it is explained.

Just like Pangu Banner said, let’s just understand it this way.

Now, think about yourself.

Li Su also has problems to solve. Improving his realm is one thing, and the other thing is undoubtedly his technique.

Yes, there was a problem with his technique. It was fatal and the problem was huge.

He didn't notice it at all at first, but until he faced the pseudo-immortal of the Crow Clan and fought against him, Li Su realized something was different and that there was a problem with his technique.

There are loopholes that cannot be mentioned!

But there is definitely a problem!

It's not anything else, it's his Diamond Dragon Realm and Yin Yang Two Thunders that have a problem.

Facing the pseudo-immortal, Li Subie can compete very well with his magical powers. He may not be able to fight due to his high strength, but he can fight to a certain extent through his skills.

Only these two forces are on the verge of collapse when faced with the pseudo-immortal.

Perhaps this shouldn't be surprising.

After all, Li Su had just entered the magical realm, and the opponent was already a virtual immortal. The gap was not a small realm, but almost equivalent to a large realm.

Under this kind of gap, it is normal to be crushed, and it is abnormal to be able to fight.

Li Su didn't think it was strange at first. He really couldn't fight it from the front, and other Tao methods were all from the side.

After all, the Diamond Dragon Realm and the Yin and Yang Two Thunders are both offensive forces. One force can defeat ten enemies. If they are not as strong as the other party, they will naturally be crushed.

So he didn't think much of it at first.

But as the picture infected him, he discovered something was wrong.

Of the seven Dao Fruits, it is obvious that the Diamond Dragon Realm and the Yin Yang Divine Thunder are the most affected, and their ability to expel weirdness is not as powerful as the other five Dao Fruits.

This is very problematic.

Fortunately, the Diamond Dharma is a method that accurately mentions Taoists. After all, among the disciples of Hongmeng, the Second Sage of the West, if the disciple level is transformed into the third level of True Inheritance, Core, and Invasion, they will undoubtedly belong to the last level.

It’s not surprising that the combat effectiveness is slightly lower.

But there is also a problem with the two thunders of yin and yang. This is very wrong. That is the Taiqing saint, who does everything because he does nothing.

The boss in Sanqingli is undoubtedly the strongest existence.

What's more, the Buddha Kingdom, which is also one of the two holy powers, has no problem. In fact, apart from them, the other five holy powers are undoubtedly at the same level.

Sure enough, the strange feeling he had when he fought against the pseudo-immortal was right. There was nothing wrong with his technique.

Although these two powers are powerful, they are not as good as the other Five Saints chapters.

In fact, Li Su did not learn these two exercises from the Supreme Chapter, but inferred a corner of the Supreme through certain exercises.

The Yin Yang Divine Thunder is not the Taiqing Chapter, but the Thunder Method, which is the understanding of those who have studied the Supreme Chapter.

Compared with the Saint Supreme, there is naturally a lot of difference.

However, the good thing is that the world where Sui Ren made fire made him realize a little bit of the power of yin and yang. Through observing various forces, he noticed the changes in yin and yang in all things, and there was a glimmer of spiritual light floating in it. Of course, there were still some shortcomings, and he needed to More opportunities, or directly seeing the Taiqing chapter, may be able to complete the transformation.

However, the good thing is that through that understanding, he is on the road and realizes the changes of yin and yang. Even if he does not get the Taiqing chapter, as long as he continues, he will one day realize the power of yin and yang.

In the Vajra Dragon Realm, the problem is really big.

Originally there were two books of exercises, one for Vajra Power and one for Dragon Realm Power.

It was Li Su's own combination, combining the two supreme powers.

At first, he didn't feel any flaws and his performance was very strong. But after the previous battle and the influence of the picture, Li Su realized clearly that although he had merged two chapters, how low was his level? How can such supreme chapters be truly integrated?

It’s time to make a choice!

The reason why I originally chose to revise the Diamond Realm, adopting its supreme concept, and changing the structure to integrate the dragon power, was mainly because all the paths in this chapter were too difficult and should not be the way for "humans" to practice and describe the great deeds of the Buddha.

After all, how can ‘people’ have that kind of time to spend several epochs of time practicing a little bit?

In the past, there were not big problems, but it could still explode with huge power. That was because the saint's classics were too high-level, and the shortcomings were hidden, so there were no problems.

Therefore, this kind of technique is not bad against ordinary guys.

Once he encounters a guy who is not bad at practicing skills and whose realm is far beyond his own, it will undoubtedly become his huge flaw.

This is an unacceptable situation, because as the level becomes higher and higher, the foundations of the opponents he faces will become thicker and thicker. After all, without a deep foundation, one cannot build a skyscraper.

The higher you go, the stronger the enemies you encounter.

For example, if the Fire Chicken uses the Diamond Dragon Realm against him, something will definitely happen.

Then give up there?

This technique from the Heavenly Dragon in the Eight Tribes of the Buddhist Realm undoubtedly carries a trace of the ultimate power, describing the legendary man who became a saint with his flesh and accomplished the great deeds of creating the world.

I definitely want this! But the core is too few, too ethereal, as if it is separated by thousands of miles and mountains, and cannot be touched. When it comes to the true foundation, the road itself is broken. After all, the supreme one in the flesh has died long ago, and his flesh and blood have become He has gone through the world without leaving any trace of inheritance.

Although the Vajra Realm arises from wishes, it has a clear system, with consciousness as the core, involving the physical body and the soul.

Although the road is long, the texture is clear and the path is clear. In fact, when he transformed into the Tao, the core Tao pattern was based on the Vajra Realm. Now if he wants to modify it, the difficulty is also very low. Give up the unstable limit of power and use the Vajra Realm. It only needs to be comprehensive coverage without damaging the fundamentals.

Li Su took a deep breath, and he quickly made a decision to directly abandon the content of the Dragon World Power chapter.

I decided to start cultivating the Vajra Realm, take the Vajra Dharma as the foundation, take advantage of the three thousand vows, and cultivate the glazed Dharmakaya!

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