Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 371 Infinite Killings, Dragon Chains and Phoenix Locks

"No matter what the reason for starting the Hundred Years' War, there is no such thing as safety in any Hundred Years' War, and this one is particularly bad.

Spider spirits, white ape monsters, six-winged golden cicadas, and even white-bone spirits appeared.

These have left a great reputation in the history of the human race. Different from the monsters of other races under the Five Kings, they were once hostile to the Xia Kingdom and even competed with the Five Monster Kings. Although they failed and their vitality was severely damaged, they chose Hidden.

You have all had contact with me before, and you should also feel the power of the demon clan coming this time.

There is no number requirement for this Hundred Years War. The only criterion after entering is to survive for thirty days until you come out.

It is not mandatory, you can choose to go in or not. "

Zhang Hao looked at everyone except Li Su and said calmly: "This time is very dangerous and the crisis is great, so you should think about it carefully. Of course, if you choose to go in, you will be rewarded with 10,000 merit points, regardless of life or death. If you can successfully come out of it, you can get a complete sacred object, a heaven-level magical power, and a pill of dispersing immortality."

"Su'er, come with me!"

Taking Li Su directly to the stone tablet, Zhang Hao said: "I won't say any more. You should be careful. After entering, if possible, it is best to find a place to hide until the thirty days are over. Although many means have been prepared for you, since the demon clan has paid such a huge price, it must have some confidence. We don't know it, and it even exceeds our expectations."

"Yes, I understand!" Li Su nodded.

"It's hard for you, kid!" Zhang Hao sighed and patted Li Su on the shoulder, "It's because we adults are incapable of letting you grow up in peace, and we have to let you carry the banner and bear what you shouldn't bear. Heavy pressure.”

Li Su thought for a while and said with a little confidence: "It's already very good. With Master and you guys here, at least the Immortal Realm can't end up in person. But if it's just the Divine Power Realm, escaping is not a big problem."

He has mastered the Seven Sacred Magical Powers and has so many bonuses, but now he is killed by someone at the same level. It really cannot be said that it is someone else's problem. He blames himself for not being good at learning.

Zhang Hao took a deep look at Li Su and said: "Go ahead, drop your blood on the stone tablet, and your name will be automatically recorded and sent inside. We will all watch from the outside. As long as we can survive this time , your road will be completely paved from now on, and no one in Xia Kingdom will dare to gossip about you."

This time is undoubtedly a huge crisis, but at the same time it is also a huge opportunity.

Li Su went to war for the sake of the human race and the Xia Kingdom.

He is equivalent to using his own life to exchange for the apricot yellow flag.

No matter what happens next, as long as he can come out of it, he will be a hero to the Xia Kingdom and the human race, a well-deserved brave man, so that the Xia Kingdom will no longer have any worries in the mortal world.

A young man in his early twenties fought bloody battles against monsters. No matter how embarrassed and unbearable he was, he will undoubtedly be remembered.

Li Su nodded and walked directly to the stone tablet. Without looking back, he cut his index finger with a slight stroke of his thumb.

Along with a drop of bright red blood, it slowly floated down and landed on the huge stone tablet a hundred feet high. In an instant, the blood light burst out, directly covering Li Su, and disappeared with him.


As Li Su entered, Zhu Chongba and others took a deep breath in the sky.

"Zhang Tao, it's okay."

In the center of the only two endless battlefields that could be entered in Qianshan Forest, Zhang Tao turned his head and looked directly at the Crow King not far away.

The Crow King smiled and felt something. Without any hesitation, he raised his hand, and in an instant a huge flag appeared.

It was a bright yellow flag.

It shines with light and is as thick as earth. The light shines on it and the patterns surrender. As soon as it appears, the mountains and rivers feel it and can't help but resonate with it.

Xinghuang Banner, one of the five innate flags, has the ability to control the earth. As long as it steps on the earth, its power will flow endlessly. Even in the immortal realm, it is difficult to break its defense in a short time. There is no doubt that it is an innate spiritual treasure. .

In addition to the apricot yellow flag, Crow King also took out a bag and threw the two items to Zhang Tao without hesitation.

Unexpectedly refreshing, Zhang Tao couldn't help but take a breath, and after confirming through mana perception that there was no problem, he caught it.

"In this way, the transaction is completed, and I won't accompany you anymore."

The Crow King smiled, turned around, and flew towards the tiger tribe's stone monument in the north.

Zhang Tao couldn't help but frown, he was so happy. Is this still the demon king who wants to destroy the Xia Kingdom at any cost? Or does it mean that in his heart, Li Su's value has exceeded that of the entire Xia Kingdom?

Once they have the Xinghuang Banner, Xia Kingdom will have a stable rear area, and they can go all out to develop without worrying about anything. It doesn't matter even if the five surnames completely fall to each other.

After the thought fell, Zhang Tao couldn't help but look down at the apricot-yellow flag on his palm. He took a breath, and a huge oven appeared under his feet. He opened his mouth and swallowed the apricot-yellow flag directly.

The flames began to rise, directly covering the apricot yellow flag.

It's not to destroy, but to check whether the other party has hidden methods on it.

For a long time, Zhang Tao had a strange look in his eyes, and he became even more puzzled. There was nothing wrong with the apricot-yellow flag.

"How?" Zhu Chongba's voice sounded.

"I got it. Is there any problem? I haven't found it yet."

Zhu Chongba was a little surprised, "Grandma, is the Crow King so honest?"

"Yes, it's honestly shocking and unsettling!" Zhang Tao said slowly.

"..., well, the next step is to watch the little guy himself. Once he enters the endless battlefield, all means are useless. The Immortal Realm can only be watched from the outside."

"Zhang Tao, take the Xinghuang flag away first and go to the human world."



"I mean Crow King, is it really that simple to give the apricot yellow flag to the other party?"

"Of course not, I left the means behind."

"I knew it, but now that the flag is in Zhang Tao's hands, aren't you afraid of being noticed by him?"

"It's undetectable. It just leaves a backdoor. It can't be discovered unless it is activated once."

"Oh, that."

"Okay, the target now is not the Xia Kingdom, but the human being recognized by the treasure."


The Crow King came directly to the Tiger Clan's territory.

At this moment, there are a large number of monsters gathered here, the number is beyond imagination.

There are thousands of them, although most of them are in the magic realm.

The eight-eyed spiders are also there. At this moment, the aura of a group of people is very different. Compared with the day when Li Su and the others met, they are much stronger and the aura has changed greatly.

Two more slits opened on the top of the eight-eyed spider's head. Although it has not been completely opened, the road has been dug out, and it is not far from the legendary ten-eyed spider.

This is not transformation or sublimation, but evolution, completely.

Once its fifth pair of eyes grows, the Immortal Realm will truly be just around the corner, beyond the scope of the Supernatural Realm.

Not only it, but also the Vajra White Ape. The golden light on its surface becomes more and more intense, and its hair is rendered with a layer of gold. This is not enough. When its hair completely turns golden, it will break away from the ape. He transformed into Zhu Yan, an ancient ferocious beast with earth-shaking powers.

There is also the six-winged golden cicada. It has also transformed. A pair of small wings have grown out. Under the six wings, they are not conspicuous, but the aura on its body is undoubtedly becoming more and more fierce. Just being looked at by it can make people feel sad. People's liver and gallbladder are both broken.

As for the White Bone Demon, she stood there quietly, but in fact, except for a few such as the Eight-Eyed Spider, the other monsters' faces were very pale because their bones were moving and they wanted to leave their bodies and go. There, the White Bone Essence merged with her.

"It seems that you all have a good harvest!"

Regarding the four demons, the Crow King smiled and spoke.

The four demons glanced at each other and said nothing.

After the party that day, they found the Crow King and asked for their reward first.

As a result, the other party really gave them the reward without saying anything, and also promised them that if the matter came true, the reward would be calculated separately after they came out.

The generosity was a bit beyond their expectations.

"King, can I go in?"

There was a sudden sound. If Li Suruo were here, he would probably recognize it immediately.

The Crow King turned his head and looked at the other person. It was the Crow Clan pseudo-immortal, one of the three guarding the Star Sun Palace, the guy who beat Li Su and ran away with his head in his arms.

"Have you thought it through?"

"Yes, King, if something is lost in my hands, then I must get it back myself!"

The Crow King thought for a moment, took out a porcelain bottle and threw it to the other party.

After directly catching the porcelain bottle, the pseudo-immortal didn't hesitate at all. His breath began to become confused and he began to fall. He was destroying his magical power.

Pseudo fairyland, third level of supernatural power, second level of supernatural power, he didn't stop until he reached the first level of supernatural power.

"If you can kill him, after you come out, I will find a way to completely restore you to normal, so that you can completely transform from the body of a crow into the body of a golden crow."


The pseudo-immortal's eyes lit up, and his eyes flashed with incomparable fire.

Strangely enough, it seems that the pseudo-immortal mistook Li Su for the thief who stole the Star Palace, even though he was indeed right.

Pangu Banner, Pangu Banner, you are very smart, but you don’t know that going too far is not enough. Even the Chaos Clock can’t find any traces. Doesn’t it mean that the person who stole the Star Palace is also the person who possesses the top treasure?

What's more, what was stolen was a corner of heaven.

It is impossible for the New Heavenly Court to identify with the demon clan. If you want to obtain the Heavenly Court, you can only find it yourself, fight in it, and refine the spirits inside.

It's not a demon race, it's a human race, and it has a treasure that can disappear from the 800-mile Flame Mountain in an instant. With so many characteristics, I still can't guess who the thief is?

The Crow King shook his head. He was a little flustered when he learned that the Star Palace was stolen. After all, it was related to the location of the real Heaven. But he quickly calmed down and called the three pseudo-immortals who were guarding it to inquire. .

After hearing the person in front of him tell him that the opponent had many tricks, the most terrifying of which was that he didn't know what method he used to cut out his own magical power of merging gods from the small cave sky, the Crow King's expression condensed.

Once the magical power and Xiaodongtian are integrated, they are almost the same as one body. There are not many ways to separate them again, even in the prehistoric times.

There are probably two known methods.

One is the Seven Treasures Tree, and the other is the five-color divine light.

After asking the other party, I did not see the five-color divine light, but after it seemed to be mixed with the light like glass, I could basically determine what method it was. It was the method used by the two bald donkeys in the West to attract the Taoist.

Being chased by the pseudo-immortal was so embarrassing, which meant that the other party was not at a high level, not even a fusion god.

Who is the one?

Although he couldn't believe it, the only person the Crow King could think of was undoubtedly Li Su.

After all, not only was he recognized by Pangu Banner, but Qingpingjian also recognized him, so it would not be surprising to have one more.

Damn it, how on earth did this human race do it?

As a disciple of the saint, it is already a lucky thing to get one. Two? Or even three? What a joke, there has never been such a person in the world.

The Crow King took a deep breath, and his fear of Li Su became more serious.

"let's start!"

As the Crow King finished speaking, a thousand Mana Realm monsters came forward, most of them were crow monsters. Their eyes were dead and without any aura, they stepped forward directly and cut their own throats without any hesitation. .

Well, not the fingers, not the wrist, but the throat.

The force was so strong that it almost cut off the entire head.

As the corpses continued to fall one after another, blood spattered on the stone tablet. After time and time again, the stone tablet began to vibrate, and the black and red parts began to glow and heat. There was something terrible there. Be startled.

Very suddenly, the crow blood that was flowing everywhere stopped. They seemed to be sucked by some force. Centered on the stone monument, they moved upstream. Like vines and worms, they climbed up along the stone monument and rushed forward. Around the top, the names that appeared before quickly flowed in.

Suicides continue, one after another.

More and more crows fell down, until the corpses surrounded the stone tablet and stacked three levels.

With so many demons dead, there was naturally a lot of blood, but the name on the stone tablet was like a bottomless pit, swallowing up the blood without leaving a drop.

It didn't change until the blood of a thousand demon clansmen was swallowed up by it.

It started to glow, and it started to shine, and it became more and more brilliant.

The alluring color painted the surrounding area with a layer of strange red.


The stele shook, and starting from the black-red base, something rushed out, all the way up the stele, and rushed into the void.

hold head high!

It was a dragon, a huge dragon. It was covered in wounds and devastation. Half of its brain was knocked off. Two pairs of dragon claws were also damaged, or even disappeared. The huge body was dripping with blood and torn apart. There were countless wounds.

Tragic, extremely tragic.

But even so, even if only half of its head is left, its only eyes are still filled with hatred and anger that seem to never be eliminated, and it screams ferociously and crazily.

Along with the movement on the stone tablet on the Tiger tribe's side, the stone tablet on the Wolf tribe's side seemed to be feeling it and started to vibrate.

First of all, the place where Li Su's name was written began to ooze blood, which was so big that it spurted out.

Before anyone could figure out what was going on, a large amount of blood covered the stone tablet, covering it from top to bottom, not even a single spot was spared.

Soon, something was awakened. It moved, floated out from the base of the stone tablet little by little, and rushed towards the sky.


It was an extremely huge phoenix. It was extremely beautiful and noble, but it suffered incredible injuries on its body.

One wing was broken, and the other wing had no feathers, revealing pale bones.

There were very tragic cracks on its huge body, which were bitten and torn apart by some huge creature.

The blood was flowing, constantly flowing, and the earth was dyed red by it.

The injuries were undoubtedly serious enough to kill even the immortal Phoenix.

However, it didn't care, and it didn't care. Its eyes were staring at the north, full of evil energy, violent, and extremely cold.

To the north, the leaping dragon seemed to feel something. Its murderous intent became even greater, and veins popped out one after another on the huge dragon body.

Both sides let out an extremely furious roar and rushed towards each other without any pause.


A collision, blood and body parts flew everywhere.

They fought wildly, one tearing the other's body apart and tearing out the heart. One of them pecked the opponent's head into pieces and bit off most of the dragon's head.

But they still didn't stop, even if they lost their hearts, even if they lost their heads, their bodies were still fighting crazily, launching attacks all the time, as if as long as one side was alive, the battle would never stop.

It is unbelievable and unimaginable that such a creature and such an existence exist.

They are huge, they are majestic, they are the two ultimate life forms at the top, and they can actually engage in such a fight that even wild beasts would not do. This kind of behavior has distorted instinct and violated life's desire to live.

It is as if the most terrible and terrible curse has been cursed, taking away the will and thinking. They were intertwined with each other, and they kept making huge and shrill roars, with murderous intentions that reached the sky, trying to destroy each other.

It's clear that the great catastrophe has passed for who knows how many epochs, and today, the fighting and hatred are still going on.

Kill, kill, kill!

Zhang Hao's face suddenly turned aside. This scene was really too ominous and weird. The terrifying cause and effect inside it came together to create today's massacre.

"not good!!!"

Even though he didn't understand, Zhang Hao realized that this scene was unusual, and it should be the Crow King's method against Li Su.

Looking at the scene in the sky that if he could survive to this day, he would definitely be at the peak of his life. In the end, both of them were tearing each other's bodies apart and falling. Zhang Hao couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart. An unprecedented chill, chilling to the bottom of my heart.

This sight, what does this mean?

It means fighting to the death!

The face of the lady who was making arrangements changed, and she rushed over immediately. Without thinking, she opened her finger, and a drop of blood spattered out and fell on the stone tablet.

Almost at the same time as she moved, Zhang Shengying and Zhu Chihu also moved. They rushed forward, broke their fingers, and threw the blood on the stone tablet.

In an instant, the stone tablet burst into brilliant light, submerging the three women and disappearing in an instant.

The people in the magical power realm behind couldn't help but look at each other, and then followed one person's footsteps, and soon everyone took action.

Perhaps, these changes have made this hundred-year war more cruel, and stepping into it will most likely mean death and the end.

But no one hesitated!

Xia Guo can still stand strong today because countless martyrs dared to sacrifice!

However, before they could bleed, Zhang Hao took action, and the huge mana overflowed, directly pushing the rest away.

Turning his head, Zhang Hao stared at the stone tablet, his expression constantly changing, and his murderous intent growing.

Yi Ren and the others went in because they were strong enough, but the others were different. Especially in this situation, it was difficult to guarantee that they would survive.

"Zhang Tao, did you see the scene just now?"

"Saw it!"

"Inform Zhu Zhong and others to bring people over, and ask Yinglong to come too!"

Since the demon tribe planned to break the rules from the beginning, let's fight and see who can survive!


In front of the tiger tribe's stone monument, the Crow King smiled coldly: "Dragon and Phoenix kill!"

"The Endless Battlefield is the place where the dragon and phoenix clans were destroyed. The endless blood hatred between the two clans is intertwined here. Once a race pays death and irrigates the stone monument with blood, the dragon and phoenix killing calamity in the endless battlefield will be activated. On both sides of the stone monument, Anyone who enters will die. There will be no way to heaven and no door to the earth. Unless one party dies or both perish, this battlefield will never end."

Turning his head, the Crow King looked at the remaining Eight-Eyed Spider and others whose expressions changed slightly at this moment, and said calmly: "You have taken the benefits, and now it is time to do things. I only have one request, kill Li Su, and don't let him." I'm disappointed."

The Eight-Eyed Spider and others nodded. There were more than twenty people in total, including the pseudo-immortal whose aura was greatly reduced. They gathered a drop of their own blood and threw it on the stone tablet.

In a flash of light, the Eight-Eyed Spider and the others disappeared.

"Do you want to notify the Alligator and the others to come? Over there in the Xia Kingdom."

"No, you can't get in! It's just a matter of activating the Dragon and Phoenix Killing Tribulation. The rules have not changed. You can only enter the three realms of magical power or at once. Unless they are willing to destroy their foundation and give up on becoming an immortal, they can only watch."

"Is it any wonder that the one in your clan wants to destroy his own foundation and prevent false immortals from entering?"



Endless battlefield!

Blood was everywhere, and the smell of blood remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. It was so strong that I almost couldn't help but feel sick.

Here, the mountains are the color of blood, the river is the color of blood, the sky is the color of blood, and the ground is also the color of blood. Nothing else can be seen except blood.

There are dead bones everywhere, on the mountain, at the bottom of the mountain, in the mountain.

There were corpses everywhere, by the river, in the river, in the river.

After the light faded, Li Surao, who appeared here, was mentally prepared. He still couldn't help but take a breath, stunned by the tragic scene in front of him.

How many lives died in the Longhan Catastrophe?

There are simply countless corpses here. All that can be seen are, not just dragons and phoenixes, but also many others. Some are as big as mountains, some are small and weak, and almost all of them are bones, one layer at a time. I don’t know how thick the layer is.

What shocked Li Su the most was not here, but far away in all directions. As his eyes fell, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. For the first time, he realized how terrible the most terrifying catastrophe in the prehistoric era was!

In all directions, in one place, there was a fire burning from the sky, the fire was blazing like the sun.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be a corpse. It was extremely huge. It fell there, covering nine mountains and nine rivers. It was hundreds of miles long.

There was thunder rolling from the sky, and the thunder light was non-stop, almost rendering the world white.

In the thunder, there stood a majestic figure. It towered into the sky and was extremely huge. Its face was obscured by thunderclouds. From a distance, it could only be seen that it was a giant beast with scales, but it was already dead and made no sound.

There was a torrential downpour, and what came down was not rain, but bloody water, which went on and on with no end in sight, forming streams, rivers, lakes, and seas.

There was also a corpse lying in the heavy rain. Its head had disappeared. The heavy rain seemed to be some magical power it had exerted, because the head suddenly disappeared, and the magical power remained in that way, constantly existing and never disappearing.

There was a strong wind and thick fog. The wind was very strange. It was so terrifying that it could tear everything into pieces, and the mountains were lifted up by it. However, it had no effect on the fog. The fog was thick and dense, covering thousands of miles.

Through the wind and mist, one could vaguely see the huge bodies one by one. They were very long, very big, and could not be covered by mountains. However, they were chopped into several sections and lay there, lifeless.

Oh my god.

The Dragon-Han Catastrophe, although it was called the Dragon-Phoenix Catastrophe, also involved the Qilin and the Divine Turtle.

These four, shouldn't they...

Just when Li Su was shocked by the scene around him, his right wrist began to bleed inexplicably. The strange blood was not his. It seemed to flow from an inexplicable place and kept flowing on his wrist.

Lots and lots of them, one after another.

Li Su was startled and woke up from the tragic scene of the endless battlefield. He instantly stepped back dozens of meters and removed his wrist.

However, the distance did not affect the inexplicably falling blood, which continued to flow in huge amounts.

Li Su couldn't help but immediately looked around. There was no movement, and he didn't feel any crisis? Only blood keeps falling. What does this mean?

Li Su's eyes flickered and he stopped in his tracks, because he couldn't avoid it, as if it was coming out of his skin.

The blood continued to flow down Li Su's wrist, infecting and covering the corpses on the ground. More and more, faster and faster, and soon became a stream, and soon became a river.

When all the blood was gone, the bloody lake at Li Su's feet shook, and the dragon and phoenix figures that had been entangled outside until they both died together appeared.

They are still fighting non-stop, as if the war is not over yet and is still starting.

And while they were fighting madly, Li Su was surprised to find that these two extremely majestic living bodies, no, to be precise, there should be a chain around their necks, locking them separately. Only one of them died. Only then will the shackles be opened and disappear.


Li Su was startled for a moment, shocked by this inexplicable idea. Is it possible? He couldn't help lowering his head and was about to reach out, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he froze.

He saw a bloody chain extending from his neck to the distance.

This chain is very strange. The chain is like a dragon and the shackles are like a phoenix. It is stained with blood and carries endless killing intent.

Once the dragon chain and phoenix lock are opened, the people trapped in the chain must fight each other until one of them dies, or both parties die together, no end! ! !

Feeling the information conveyed in his mind, Li Su's eyes were very cold.

As expected of you, you will kill me when you come up, and you won’t hide it at all.

But, fight to the death?

I don’t know if the monsters you sent in are enough for me to kill! ! !

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