Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 372 There are three realms of magical power

This chain, like a beacon, will connect with the 'enemy'.

Then the chains will gradually straighten as time goes by, until there is no distance between them.

As long as the chains exist, there is no way to leave this battlefield.

Unless the person on the other end of the chain is completely dead, it will never be untied.

Reaching out and touching the shackles around his neck, Li Su's eyes flashed.

According to the above situation, the chain around the neck still has a lot of time before it can be completely straightened.

Of course, only a few days at most.

He must hurry up!

The other party actually used this method, and the fundamental purpose was to prevent him from 'escape'.

In other words, the next few people will have a big killer weapon, or they will be very powerful.

To break the situation, the best way for Li Su is undoubtedly to further strengthen himself, break through the opponent's estimation, break through the opponent's preparation, and naturally the threat will be lifted.

Of course, there is no way.

The endless battlefield itself is filled with a large number of extraordinary particles. The concentration is very high, dozens of times more concentrated than the earthly fairy world. However, there is something wrong with this particle. The evil spirit inside is very heavy, very heavy, and it carries extremely strong resentment. If you inhale some It's okay. If you smoke too much, you will easily be affected by resentment, leading to murderous intentions.

But the good thing is that the influence of this thing is only inside. Once you go out, you can recover quickly, which is different from the demonic nature of the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave.

Not only that, Li Su is not even afraid of demons, and the murderous intention naturally does not have a high impact on him.

Just go through the six paths of reincarnation and refine it through the Buddhist kingdom.

And, this evil spirit.

Opening the Buddha Kingdom, he sucked out the extraordinary particles around him like a whale, and refined the energy to replenish his fourth small cave. At the same time, he did not refine the evil spirit but rather restrained and concentrated it.

Without wasting any time, Li Su directly sent the evil spirit into his body.

feeling bad!

Affected by the evil spirit, the physical will became a little irritable.

But it didn't matter, he mobilized his will and started chanting.

What he is reciting is not the Diamond Sutra recorded in other Diamond Laws!

One after another.

Li Su kept chanting silently, mobilizing his cells and will to follow the chant, and used Buddhism to eliminate this evil spirit.

After a while, he opened his eyes and curled his mouth slightly.

Sure enough, it feels right!

The most important thing in the practice of Vajra Dharma is persistence.

What I’m talking about here is persistence, not obsession.

You must know that thoughts are very difficult to explain. No matter how you concentrate under normal circumstances, there are many problems in intensity and concentration, and it will be difficult to achieve the best results.

After all, the realm of Buddhism itself pursues no thoughts, no thoughts, and no delusions.

The so-called ten thousand things, my mind is constant.

This is the case with the Vajra Dharma. If you practice the vehicle, you will make three thousand worlds, one grain of sand, three thousand small worlds, one medium world, and three thousand medium worlds, one big world.

This method is based on my own mind.

If you cannot seek or pursue, you must not be anxious. If you are anxious, problems will arise in your gong, demonic obstacles will appear in the Dharma, and you will put the cart before the horse.

Therefore, it has been several days since I re-cultivated it, but the effect is not as powerful as the Vajra Indestructible Magic. It can only be accumulated slowly over time.

However, things are different now.

The evil spirits around him helped him practice.

No wonder Buddhist monks often like to confront evil spirits, but they don't like killing, but like to suppress and influence. Because with the integration of evil spirits and the dissolution with the Diamond Method, Li Su determined that by dissolving these obsessions, he could improve the efficiency of his practice and strengthen the effect of persistence.


Because I am not eager to improve my skills, but I am concentrating on suppressing the evil spirit.

Let me just say, how can there be love and hate for no reason in this world? Every virtuous monk actually takes it as his own duty to conquer demons, and most of them focus on influencing and killing as a supplement.

Keeping a monster close to you can increase your cultivation speed, so only ghosts will kill you.

Isn’t it fragrant?

It can also further highlight the compassionate mentality of a monk. Bah, bah, Amitayus, it’s a sin.

Today, I, Li Su, make a great wish to eliminate the resentment in this world and turn it into immeasurable colored glaze!

Ahem, no, no, no, no, this is Mahayana. We are practicing Hinayana, so we don’t do this.

Suppressing the thoughts floating in his heart, Li Su began to increase his intensity. His whole body was like a huge whirlpool, constantly swallowing the extraordinary particles and evil spirits here, the kind that could only swallow but not spit out.

Don't tell me, I'm really dissatisfied with the speed.

In just a few minutes, more than a year's worth of mana was extracted.

Now the mana power of the fourth small cave is 12345, which is still 13155 short. If it takes ten minutes and two years, it will be 65775 minutes.

That is, the fourth small cave can be opened in 182 days, damn!

His consciousness directly entered the Star Palace. Although he was quite reluctant, Li Su ran into the place where the fire crystal marrow was placed.

In addition to the extraordinary crystals, there are several rooms in the Star Palace, all of which are full.

Among them, the Fire Crystal Essence is the most abundant. After all, it can be obtained everywhere in the Eight Hundred Miles Flame Mountain. Most of them have been gathered up by the Crow Clan and placed here, together with the Fire God Essence.

Through the Fire God Marrow, the quality of the Fire Crystal Marrow is improved and its effect becomes better.

Li Su didn't plan to use it at first. After all, there was no need to calculate which one was more cost-effective: swallowing it directly or paying for it, right?

There is nothing we can do now, the war is coming, let's waste it.

The Buddha Kingdom and the Ghost Realm opened at the same time. After swallowing almost one-tenth of the amount in the room, he began to speed up his practice.

This is undoubtedly very fast.

In a short while, a number of extraordinary particles that lasted for hundreds or thousands of years were transformed, filling their own small cave sky at a speed visible to the naked eye.

12350, 11900, 11300.

According to this speed, the fourth small cave should be completed in about half a day at most.

In addition to the amount of fire crystal marrow, there is a considerable amount of fire marrow, which is more than one hundred square meters. It is estimated that there should be no problem in Liudongtian.

Damn, my heart hurts...

If you pay back the money, let alone Liudongtian, it will be no problem even if you complete the second stage of the supernatural power realm and merge with the gods. You may even directly enter the third realm and you may become enlightened. No, if you want to become enlightened, you may still have to do it. Gotta go to World Fragment.

Thinking of the third realm, Li Su couldn't help but blink his eyes.

Whether it is Dongxu or Fusion of God, they are all within oneself, but enlightenment involves another thing.

Long river sustenance.

That is, the huge long river that will appear every time the world fragments are rewarded. The third realm of the magical power realm is to connect the cave sky of the fusion god with the long river.

To be precise, you are swimming upstream through the stream above your head, integrating with the God Cave Sky. You are no longer passive, but actively entering the long river above your head.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult.

This requires a lot of overhead roads, which is the width of the tributaries where the long river falls.

There is no doubt that Li Su's tributaries are very wide. After all, he has done a good job in the task. He will encounter bugs every time, and his combat power basically touches the ceiling every time. The last time it was almost a hundred feet wide, right?

However, he cultivated the magical power of a saint. After completing the fusion of gods, the cave sky will probably be very big, very big. With the width of his tributary, I don't know if it can withstand it.

If he couldn't bear it, he would have to go to the World Fragment and widen the tributary again, making it larger and able to withstand his own magical power flowing upstream.

By the way, you should also obtain some resources in this world. Although because of the chain, your position is undoubtedly completely exposed. The demon clan may come at any time, and the battle will begin soon.

However, the more serious this kind of thing is, Li Su should not be anxious.

As long as his strength continues to improve and he continues to close the gap with the people from the demon clan, the final winner will definitely be him.

"I don't know if the teacher or senior sister has come in. It's best not..."

The only thing that made Li Su a little uneasy was the teacher and the others. When they discovered this situation, they would most likely be unable to sit still. They hoped that the master would stop them and prevent them from entering this place and taking risks.


Endless battlefield?

It was almost thousands of kilometers away from Li Su and relatively close to the huge corpse that looked like the sun. The Yiren who entered it frowned slightly.

I didn't feel Su'er's presence, she was completely separated.

Reaching out, she gently touched her neck. Was it also locked?

That’s fine!

At least, the directions and positions are different, which can share a lot of pressure. The demon clan has no way to determine which direction is Li Su.

On the other side, near the foot of the mountain where the huge corpse had its head cut off and a heavy rain rained down around it, Zhu Chihu's eyes flashed slightly.

It's really a depressing place, so many corpses, it's really...

She squatted down and reached out to touch the bones on the ground. For a while, a look of intense regret appeared on her face.

What a waste, what a waste.

Heart hurts!

If she could come here earlier, these bones under her feet would allow her to perfect her magical powers, break magic with force, and advance to the immortal realm.

She is a witch cultivator, which is a little different from ordinary monks. Her improvement depends entirely on materials, which requires a large thief. The more she consumes, the more terrifying it becomes.

Suddenly, Zhu Chihu's eyes lit up, and she ran to a place almost a hundred meters away from her, where there was a big bone stick.

How big is it?

Two feet wide and ten feet long.

It should be a calf bone, very big. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that its spiritual light is not extinguished, it is protected by this special place, and there is still essence inside.

Zhu Chihu licked his lips, opened his mouth, and bit it.

It was as if all the alloy had been thrown away from the crusher, and the sound was simply terrifying.

Don't tell me, this girl just bit off a big piece in one bite, chewing it so much that sparks flew everywhere and bones flew everywhere.

After chewing for a while, it was a bit dry. She opened her mouth wide and sucked hard. Her originally turbulent mind expanded again. The evil spirit energy from a radius of dozens of feet was gathered by her, turned into a substantial liquid, and poured into her mouth.

The white liquid is spiritual energy, it tastes very good, and it feels similar to rice soup.

The black liquid was evil, but Zhu Chihu's eyes lit up. The taste was so sour, as if he had taken a big gulp of Coke.

Zhu Chihu reached out and lifted up the big bone stick weighing almost ten tons in front of him, eating and drinking at the same time.

"This place is perfect for me."

He didn't pay attention to the chain hanging around his neck. He walked, ate and searched all the way.

Finally, in front of the mountains shrouded in heavy fog and strong winds, where broken corpses lie everywhere, three thousand black hairs are like waterfalls, guarded by the twelfth yin, and surrounded by white frost, is Zhang Shengying, peerless and beautiful.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and her blue eyes reflected the black and red hell, "Are they all separated?"

"Asu and Teacher don't think there's anything to worry about, but we just don't know how Chihu is."

She has no doubt about Li Su's fighting power. He can escape the pursuit of the magical power realm in the magic realm. Now that he is in the magical power realm, he can protect himself even if the monsters are chasing him.

Only, she was a little worried about Zhu Chihu. He only knew the physical body and did not understand magic, so he would be at a disadvantage!

Jingle Bell!

While Zhang Shengying was thinking, the chain around her neck rang loudly.

She focused her eyes and looked at a small mountain col not far away from her. At this moment, there was also a sound on the opposite side, clear and clear, and the murderous intent was clear.

"Monster clan!!!"

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