Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 375 The First Battle of the Hundred-Year War

"Military Department, Second Demon Conquering Army, Information Department, Li Youyou reports!"

She still has the mushroom head, and the military uniform gives her a hint of heroism, but her eyes are so smart that she can't help but raise the corners of her mouth, which shows that even after almost a year, this girl is still the one who wants to make a big deal. The news girl hasn’t changed at all.

"It's because of your dedicated behavior that you don't even need subsidies for your 'career'. No wonder Chihu and Shengying call you Li Daer. ​​You are indeed very courageous."

Zhu Chongba watched the whole process for not even an hour before Li Youyou came with many instruments and people.

"But, why are there just two of us? Can we handle it?"

Li Youyou said loudly: "Zhu Shuai is heartbroken, but it's just a global live broadcast, two people are enough!"

Zhu Chongba waved his hand, "Okay, I don't know much about this anyway. The picture is over there, go and do it!"

Li Youyou patted his chest, turned around and said, "Junior, junior, let's go!"

"Senior, is this, this, is there a subsidy?" He is still the same junior, his deputy when he was in military college. He has matured a lot, but his courage is still not up, he is still so small, and he walks tremblingly. I don’t know if it’s because I’m used to it, but although the person is shaking, the equipment is not shaking at all.

As the saying goes, what kind of leader will have what kind of subordinates? That's probably it.

"You should have it if you fight for it, right?"

"That, that."

"I said, you little boy, when is it, is it important to have news about subsidies? We are doing big things, what is this? It is a hundred years of war, a hundred years of war, a battle that is related to the well-being of tens of millions of people in Xia Kingdom, Not only that, although many people have always known about the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Monster Clan, very few people know what the specific situation is. Now this is an opportunity to let everyone know that our Xia Kingdom cultivates What are the geniuses and the twenty-year-old 'generals' in the military department doing? Are they occupying the latrines and not taking a shit, or are they fighting to the death and wrapping their bodies in horse leather!!!"

"Yes, yes, yes."

"I'm convinced." Li Youyou rolled his eyes, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Toot~! Click!

"Li Youyou~!!!"

An extremely angry message came from the other side. It was a male voice. He was super crazy. If he was given a hatchet and could come along the network cable, he would definitely chop her alive again.

"Xiao Yan, let's make a deal..."

"I'll trade you* # **##." On the other end of the phone, the man yelled and almost went crazy. This bastard caught him meeting another woman not long ago. It was nothing at first, but the angle was very classic. . Of course, this is nothing, but as a person who is internally afraid, my daughter-in-law is also famous for being domineering, those days.

No, I've been kneeling on the washboard for two weeks, and I haven't felt much of my kneecap recently. I don't know if it's still there.

"The Hundred Years War, live broadcast, global, three-second news, you name it or not, if not, I will find someone else!"

"Hundreds of you..., wait, a hundred years of war??"


"Can you broadcast live?"

"Although I, Li Youyou, like to tell the truth when I am broadcasting news, but when it comes to what I want to do, I have deceived people? In one word, do I do it or not?"

"If it's true, do it!"

"Okay, 10 billion, 9.99 billion to fight the second demon army, 10 million to my junior, okay?"

"Ten billion, isn't that too much?"

"Damn, you know, Yan Baibai, let me tell you that the most annoying thing for Li Youyou and me is to advertise in her own news. There was someone in front of me who said 30 million for an item and I didn't even agree to it. If it weren't for giving subsidies to my juniors, Do you think you have a chance to appear in my live broadcast?"

"You get 10 million extra for your junior, but you want to kill me 10 billion?"

"Be a good person and do things with integrity. I can make money, but the bulk of it has to be in the military department. My family has 10 billion. How much subsidy is available to all the soldiers of the Demon Conquering Army? It's not even 10,000 yuan. Here, there are only three cans of Niuyao milk powder. Is it expensive? Is this expensive?"

"By the way, this is what you're into, right? Remember, Cow Demon Milk Powder is cheaper. I'll go get it from the military department. Three barrels cost eight thousand, and that's it!"


"Okay, subsidy?"

"Okay, okay."

"Okay, hurry up and inform the Ministry of Information that each person will be subsidized with three barrels of Yan's milk. From now on, it will be eight thousand three barrels. The internal price is one thousand cheaper. By the way, tell them not to resell it. Otherwise, don't blame me, Li Youyou, for my small mouth. Show mercy.”


The junior fellow student didn't look at his trembling, but now that he had money, he became more energetic and started to trade immediately, and his movements became faster and faster.

In a short while, he had laid out several tons of huge instruments.

"Huh? You said the mortal world can only replay it? You can fool others with your head open, but are you so embarrassed to fool me?"

"Can't afford energy consumption? How on earth did you get to be the Minister of Communications? Because you talk so loudly?

Let me undo the teleportation spacecraft in advance. Can I have a signal transmitter on both sides of the ship at the bow and stern soon?

There is no cargo and the ship cannot sail?

Are you useless? I took a quick glance at it before. Is the spiritual rice in the fields east of Xia City ready? Come on, don't you know how to load the stuff in the granary and send it over first? Are you putting the new ones back in to make up for them? "

"I'll give you ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes is not enough!!! Zhang Datou, are you really going to piss me off? The Third Division has been revised, right? Tens of thousands of people are left in the city to eat dirt? Let them go to practice, and tell the ship by the way, You gave me the subsidy, I sweat a little, and there is a subsidy, why not do it? No money? Ask the people at the shipyard, just say that this matter is my Li Youyou's handicap, three barrels Do you want more milk powder?”

"Ten minutes, I'll do it for you!"


After hanging up the phone, Li Youyou was furious and raised her head. She looked at the picture inside the stone tablet and clasped her hands together, "Please, please, don't fight. Don't fight. If you fight, it will be gone!!"

"Little brother, how's it going!!!"

"This, this, here, has been, has been, completed, and Xia, Xia Cheng, over there is ready to start broadcasting."

"Yeah, not bad." Li Youyou finally smiled.

"This girl." Not far away, Zhang Hao was a little surprised.

"Aren't you awesome?" Zhu Chongba smiled and said, "The marshal's young son."

"Why is it placed in the Information Department? Let her take the administrative position!"

Zhu Chongba rolled his eyes, nonsense, he didn't want to? The first time I discovered this girl was when there was an insect infestation. She was a master of tricks. Although she did not suppress the sad atmosphere in Xia Kingdom, she stimulated the ambition to protect the country and the spirit of prosperity.

I asked later and found out that this girl was just a student, but her name was very famous. She was not very strong, but the elites of the military university remembered her. Although they were itching to mention her, they admired her very much.

Not only the school, but also the military, the Ministry of Education, the administration, and even the police department all know about her. The administration and the police department have approached her many times and entrusted her to be a publicity ambassador. This is not a certain city or a certain department, but It is a comprehensive department that establishes a new department, spans ten cities, and includes the entire administrative and police departments.

Instead of asking her to work part-time, let her be a boss.

As a result, the other party refused. She was only interested in the news and had no other ideas.

Now when I look at it, I can see that I have connections all over the world, and my methods are also very exciting. I have all my subordinates and departments in place. Is it more than 10 billion? Not much! Put it in each person's hand, and it's just three buckets of milk powder bonus.

Are people from the military department, especially people from the Earthly Immortal Realm, this bad? not bad!

But it's very good, after all, the person holding the position is short-handed, isn't it? If you don’t work hard, you can at least be serious, right?

What's more, when people in the military department buy milk powder, they don't have 8,030 barrels of it. That's demon milk, which is of great benefit to the next generation. The future generations will be taken care of by you. Every time you buy milk, you think of that cheap 1,000 yuan. Yes, it's not much. Maybe it's better not to miss her?

Talent! !

"It's been five minutes, are you done?"

"Li Youyou, do some personnel work. We have just loaded half of the ship. Is there a fight? Is there a fight? What is the result? Which talented people in Xia Kingdom participated in the war?"

"Haha, want to know? There is only one thing I can say now, Queen Hunyuan!"

"Ah, Lieutenant General Yiren? Sure enough, she participated! Ah! Ah!"

"You are a fan of her, right? I remember you said many times that it was because of her that you chose to join the military and go to the immortal world. Now that the queen is here again, don't you express your gratitude?"

"Young boys, come on, why don't you delay the performance of Queen Hunyuan? Let's prepare for the 1,500-mile death training tomorrow!!!"

An excited voice sounded from one side of the phone.

"Chief, where is the emperor's daughter? Is the emperor's daughter here?"

"Chief, where is the War King?"

"Want to know? If you want to know, speed it up and we'll get it done in eight minutes!"


Finally, ten minutes after Li Youyou arrived at the scene, the live broadcast was completely completed.

"Study, senior sister, we are already connected. The entire network of the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Mortal Realm is synchronized!"

"Very good!" Li Youyou took a breath, her pupils were shining, and her face lit up. When the dream came, her whole body was filled with passion!

"Three, two, one, open, start!"

"Dear people of the Xia Kingdom, hello, I am Li Youyou, currently serving in the Information Department of the Second Division of the Xia Kingdom's Military Conquering Demon Army. This program is specially sponsored by the Yan's Dairy Clan Milk Powder. For the health of the baby and the growth of future generations, please look out for it. Yan's milk is rich in mild and extraordinary particles, which can help future generations have a healthy body.

Okay, enough gossip, let’s get to the point.

The Hundred Years War has been rumored with great vigor during this period. I believe everyone is paying attention to it and would also like to know what it is like.

Now it is up to me, Li Youyou, to take you all to understand this hundred-year war, the history of blood and tears of the ancestors of the Xia Kingdom, and understand that although the mortal world of the Xia Kingdom now lives and works in peace and contentment, there are people who carry the burden for us!

Please look at this huge stone monument next to me.

I think you may be very unfamiliar and don’t know many of them, so here I will give you a brief introduction. The location is Qianshanlin, which is almost 5,000 kilometers west of Xia City in the Earthly Immortal Realm. It was originally the Demon Clan Wolf in the Earthly Immortal Realm. The territory of the clan was given away due to the Hundred Years War.

There are two stone tablets, one in the south and one in the north. They are connected to a place called the Endless Battlefield. As long as you step forward and drip your own blood on the stone tablet, you can enter it.

So why do I focus on this stone tablet? If you look closely, you will see that the stone tablet is divided into two colors, one of which is black and red.

The important thing to say is the black and red color. This is not the original color of the stone tablet, but the color formed by blood.

According to legend, there was a shocking war in ancient times, in which hundreds of millions of people were killed, and rivers of blood flowed, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

Look at the middle and lower parts of the stele. The amount of blood flowing out at that time was so high!

Here I ask everyone to think about it, what kind of killing is required, how many people need to be killed, and the blood shed to reach this level? ? ? "

When the live broadcast started here, Xia City, the Mortal Realm, and all the interfaces naturally jumped directly and turned into a live broadcast of the Hundred Years War.

As Li Youyou finished speaking, everyone in Xia City and the mortal world couldn't help but take a breath, shocked by Li Youyou's view of the stone tablet next to them.

"With the stone monument like this, you can completely imagine what kind of place the endless battlefield connected to the stone monument would be. How terrible is it? How tragic. Corpses are everywhere, mountains and rivers. Everything that can be seen with the naked eye, except Bones, or bones, what kind of scenery is that? It’s not an exaggeration to say that hell is right in front of you.”

"Now that we've talked about the origin of the endless battlefield, let's talk about the dangers inside."

"The following are the information I found, as well as some speculations. Since there are not many, I will let you take a brief look at them."

"First is the Fire Spirit!"

"The special life form in the endless battlefield. I won't tell you what it can do. Let's just say that even the weakest individual of the fire spirit has a surface temperature of more than 1,500. In other words, your iron sword can't pass by it. If you don’t get close, the knife in your hand will melt.”

"Then, the soul monster is a very special kind of monster. It is the resentment of the undead who died in the battlefield, and finally gathered together and turned into a monster. So how strong is it? At the martial arts level, the distance is the weakest The spirit monster will be affected if it is one thousand meters away, and if it is five hundred meters away, its thoughts will be confused and it will attack the surroundings, including itself."

"It can be said that you must at least be in the magic realm to have some capital for living. In fact, the only people who will enter and wander around are the magical power realm, which can move mountains and seas, and can easily destroy a mountain or a city."

"Here, people who are familiar with me, Li Youyou, are probably going to ask, isn't your live broadcast of Li Youyou always concise and clear? Why have you been talking nonsense for a long time today?"

"The reason is simple. Only by first understanding the dangers of the endless battlefield can we know what the people inside will face!"

"Well, seeing it is better than hearing it. The first battle of the century-old war between humans and monsters is about to begin."

Li Youyou raised his hand and pointed the picture at one of the pictures on the stone tablet, where a human and a monster were fighting each other.

Moreover, the protagonist is none other than Li Su.

He met the first demon clan he met head-on after entering this place, and this demon was a familiar demon, the guy who had competed with him at the exchange meeting.

It's the six-winged golden cicada!

"Li Su, I think everyone is familiar with it. Some of them may still remember it. When the insect pest occurred a year ago, he was one of the three geniuses of the Xia Kingdom who turned the tide. He was the Major General of the Xia Kingdom with the title of tyrant."

"On the opposite side, if I read it correctly, it is the Six-winged Golden Cicada. Nowadays, few people have probably heard of this name. But if you look at the history of the Xia Kingdom and read it for three hundred years, you will know that this is What a vicious thing.

Pay attention, the golden cicada is vibrating its wings. The golden light flowing around its wings is not light, but the markings on its wings. The more golden light, the faster it flaps its wings and it wants to move. . "

Before Li Youyou finished speaking, a dazzling golden light suddenly erupted in the picture, and the six-winged golden cicada disappeared, replaced by a golden light. In the blink of an eye, the whole world seemed to be cut in two by it.


Mountains, dozens of hundred-foot mountains, were cut through the middle, a terrifying distance of a hundred miles.

The next second, boom!

There was a loud noise, and the five-hundred-mile incision exploded, not with one knife, but with hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of knives.

The mountains were split into pieces, the rivers were cut off, the sky was cut into pieces, and everything over a hundred kilometers in diameter was cut into powder.

Even across the screen, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, feeling like they were being chopped open.

So strong? ? ?

Li Youyou was shocked, even though she knew that in this hundred-year war there were all talented people, including the Xia Kingdom and the demon clan.

She has also heard of the six-winged golden cicada, but, this is too scary, isn't it too exaggerated?

Did she say that the magical realm has the ability to move mountains and seas, destroy heaven and earth, but can turn hundreds of kilometers into nothingness in the blink of an eye?

The Xia Kingdom was also silent. Many people knew that this battle would not be simple or easy.

But no matter how much I thought about it, I never thought it would be so scary! ! !

No, is he dead? That young man!

Many people are concerned about it.

After the battle against the insect pests, Li Su gained a high reputation in the mortal world. Many people were attracted by his domineering attitude, and his powerful strength is still unforgettable to countless people.

As a result, he was killed instantly in a hundred years of war?

Li Youyou is a little anxious too, isn't she? No way? Is this done? You are a tyrant and a tyrant!

This is just the beginning. Not to mention winning in one battle, at least they must be evenly matched.

Otherwise it would be too depressing!

Monster clan, is it that exaggerated? ? ?

Under normal circumstances, the ratio is three to one in the same realm, right? Three monsters and one human?


boom! boom! boom!

The sound of fighting did not stop, and the six-winged golden cicada did not stop. It was still sprinting, but the golden light stopped and continued to erupt on both sides.

As the screen zoomed in, Li Su, who was supposed to be chopped into pieces, was in front of its terrifying golden light.

It was blocked by Li Su, using a white long sword to completely block it.

After a brief stalemate, the six-winged golden cicada moved. It ignored time, and its body transformed into ten, ten into hundreds, hundreds into thousands, with countless clones. In an instant, the same stream of light erupted as before, but it was not one, but several. Thousands, tens of thousands, turned into light feathers and covered Li Su.

Li Su stepped on his foot, and a red light burst out from the white sword!


There was a loud noise, and the shocking sword intent burst out. The blood-red light was dazzling, and it turned into a long river of blood in an instant.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

In an instant, golden light and rivers of blood collided wildly, as if two huge angry dragons were intertwined.

One breath is thousands of times!

Terrible power continued to erupt around the two of them, and the ground cracked! God, it’s chaos!

Billions of bones were knocked upside down by the force of their confrontation, and tornado winds surrounded the two and swept away everything.

boom! boom! boom!

In just ten seconds of fighting, in just tens of thousands of entanglements, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land were in a mess, and mountains of hundreds of feet disappeared into smoke, shattered by streams of light and rivers of blood!

In front of the screen, Li Youyou grew her mouth for the first time, and hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the TV also grew their mouths.

Gone? ? ?

A city just disappeared?

What the hell, it’s CG! ! ! Can a person do such a thing? ?

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