Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 376 The beginning of a war is a decisive battle


In the endless battlefield, the battle is still going on.

With a sweeping sweep of his sword, Li Su cut away Jin Chan's stream of light again.

He frowned slightly, a little troubled.

It wasn't that the opponent was too strong for him to deal with, but that the speed was very troublesome.

The so-called martial arts in the world are all about strength and speed.

In this golden cicada, it is brought into full play.

This speed is extremely abnormal and involves time. Even if Li Su's swordsmanship is already as good as a god and his swordsmanship is as mountainous, combined with the Immortal Trapping Sword Intent in the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, he can only block the opponent's attack at most, but cannot capture the location of the deity. .

Taking a breath, his thoughts changed slightly and his sword power changed.

Absolutely Immortal Sword Intent.

The long sword rises across the sky, and the sky changes countless times. The meaning of the sword is like flowers, water, fire, and wind.

The moment the sword is raised, the changes are endless, encompassing everything in the world.

One sword, another sword, and another sword.

The sword-to-sword connection is endless, like a tide in the sea. Since the other side is faster, use the sword intent to stop the void, fill the four directions, and turn it into a sword net cage.

The six-winged golden cicada reacted very quickly. As soon as Li Su's sword intention changed, it noticed that the attack slowed down instantly, and its body was unstable in the void, as if it was everywhere but nowhere.

This is not the kind of smoke and mirrors, neither true nor false, but a view of the future, with unpredictable development.

This bug is really interesting.

The magical talent of the Jin Chan clan has been developed to its limit, right?

Li Su's brows jumped as he watched the opponent slip out of his sword net without leaving a word. The immortal transformation has endless magical effects. His instincts can catch everything. Once he is caught, even a great god will not be able to escape his life.

However, Li Su's realm at the moment is not enough. He is only in the realm of magical power, and cannot fully exert this infinite mystery. He can seal space, but cannot affect time.

In fact, this realm of magical power cannot be touched unless Taoism and magical power involve time.

This six-winged golden cicada, in a sense, can be regarded as having invincible power.

Seeing the other party turn into thousands of rays of light again, with almost no real body inside, Li Su was a little annoyed.

The main reason is that although this golden cicada has awakened and transformed and gained the power of ancient monsters, it still does not change its nature as a cicada. It keeps making loud noises when its six wings vibrate.

The sound of cicada is like a steel knife. If it were in the mortal world, just thinking about this sound would cause the glass windows of houses in a city to burst.

And from just now, its attack power, without realizing it, became more and more intense.

Is this planning to attack myself through sound resonance?

Not to mention that Li Su himself mastered the Taoism of Saints, the inside was already like a new world, with intertwined avenues and chapters floating on every inch of skin, flesh, meridians, and bone marrow. Even the cells were penetrated by the supreme power, and mere sounds could not shake it at all.

In the battle of Sui Man making fire, Li Su even had innate pictures and texts, and almost understood the power of all things in his heart. This resonance had not yet entered his body, but had been eliminated by the sound of his heart.

At this moment, Li Su had a little headache and couldn't handle the six wings. After all, magical power involves the power of time, flowing through time.

The six-winged golden cicada also had a very ugly expression. No, it should be said that he was horrified in his heart.

What kind of monster is this?

It is a family of magical powers that, although simple, are very incomprehensible.

After all, time is involved, the speed can exceed imagination, the future can be touched, and the future can be seen.

This magical power has caused a qualitative change in its 'speed'. It is no longer simply fast, too fast for you to react, but out of a speed beyond your expectation.

It doesn't sound like much, it just feels so fast that you can't react in time.

In fact, this is not the case. The word "beyond your expectation" here means that you think it is so fast, but in fact it is much faster than you think.

This kind of mystery is difficult to understand without experiencing it yourself.

Like you think you've escaped, but you haven't.

You think you're in the way, but no.

You think you hit it, but still not.

And it is obvious that the more masters are, the more powerful they are. Once the above situation occurs, it will be more deadly.

But what happened to the other party? Why? Why were all his attack methods neutralized by him?

Is he fast?

No, not fast!

Many times, you are much faster than your opponent.

From the moment he was attacked by the opponent for the first time, Six-winged Golden Cicada found that his magical power seemed to have lost its original magic, and its unpredictable power was gone.

This family of them is very fast!

There is almost no such thing as a protracted battle. The battle will be resolved in an instant. If it is slower, the battle will inevitably end in a few breaths.

It’s not that they can’t last, but they don’t need to.

Because of their magical powers, they are too fast.

Earth shattering? That's not their fighting style!

However, the result of the fight was so beyond its expectations. Not only was its attack blocked by the other party's frontal defense, but even if it was able to remove its slash, it would definitely be from the front.

Why is this happening? ?

The six-winged golden cicada was sweating continuously, and his fierce eyes couldn't help but express shock.

The closer it is to the other party, the harder it will be.

Once it breaks through to a certain level, it will be surrounded by a different space, like other worlds, forcing it to increase its own consumption.

Within a thousand meters, for every hundred meters advanced, the consumption of activating the power of time will double. After a hundred meters, the consumption will be almost a hundred times higher.

It's like an invisible mountain, surrounding it and restricting it from all angles.

Even though the six-winged golden cicada is shining brightly at the moment, in fact, this has never been its fighting style. Gorgeousness and violence have nothing to do with it. The only thing it needs is speed, speed beyond imagination.

This situation has never happened to the Six-winged Golden Cicada.

Not only that, but also the opponent's sword skills, the red sword intention is enough to penetrate people. At the moment of contact, the sense of crisis almost makes his inspiration explode. He is trapped everywhere, and he does not dare to stop at all, as if even if there is an extra zero If it stays for one second, it will completely collapse and be covered by the opponent's sword intent.

But with the sudden change in the next second, the six-winged golden cicada was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, completely unable to believe the scene in front of him.

The sword that slashed horizontally turned into a straight thrust, a pick, or an oblique slash in the middle, which was too much.

Turning around, it turned into wind, water, fire, and lightning.

What the hell kind of swordsmanship is this?

Everything seems to be enveloped by his sword intent, and the changes inside are almost endless.

If it hadn't been able to glimpse a corner of the future, it would have been caught up and entangled by the opponent's sword of change just now.

The more I fight, the more frightened I become.

The more I fight, the more shocked I become.

What's going on with this guy in front of me?

The red sword intention and the changing sword intention all seem to involve the highest. The sword intention breeds perfection, infinity, and extreme realms.

It's as if the chapter of the great road is right in front of him, and all he can do is helpless.

Faced with its own predicament, the six-winged golden cicada did not retreat. It continued to launch attacks, using its own speed to transform into thousands of things. It was surrounded and covered by terrifying and powerful enemies in front of it.

There's still a little bit left, a little bit left.

Although it has the name of a ferocious beast, it is very calm and extremely rational.

It deliberately came to find Li Su directly. The purpose was naturally to quickly capture and kill him, and then slowly search for resources in this world. After leaving, it would seek more from the Crow King.

It doesn't intend to give Li Su time and space to become stronger. After all, if it makes progress, the other party won't, right?

The sooner you kill it, the better!

And as it started to move, it became obvious that the others couldn't sit still either.

right here! ! !

Very suddenly, the six-winged golden cicada vibrated its wings. The fourth pair of wings that had just grown out not long ago and could completely transform it vibrated.

In an instant, its speed more than doubled.

A pair of new wings undoubtedly brought it an improvement beyond imagination.

The space was torn apart by it.

The golden stream of light disappeared. It broke through the void directly. The speed exceeded the limit that the space could bear. It turned into a black light that could cut through everything. It cut dozens of them in an instant, and the space was cracked. It felt like the screen was cracked. Open, a sense of layering appears.

Extending towards Li Su.


Li Su was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the opponent could actually use the speed to split the space!

The black light that was flying over was filled with unprecedented power, and the space that was cut off by it crashed towards him.

Speed, triggering extreme attacks.

Fighting with the immortal sword will lead to losses.

Absolute immortality is the ultimate change and the pinnacle of skill.

What he is least good at facing is this kind of attack, which has no skills at all and is simply extremely violent. That is what is meant by the saying that one force can bring down ten wisdoms.

Li Su tightened his grip on the sword, took a breath, and changed his sword intention again.

A sense of death burst out, all vitality disappeared, and the sword intent of killing immortals was revealed.

The long sword rose across the sky and cut off life with one strike.

Regardless of space or time, as long as there are traces of existence, as long as the body can flow, life will be captured and death will be given.

The same domineering, the same extreme.

The difference is that Li Su's sword is even more terrifying.

The moment he drew his sword, it actually killed the entire space in front of him!

Jin Chan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, which means that the compound eyes cannot shrink, otherwise you can see that its eyes turn into small dots at this moment.

This meaning of death, even though it was far away, still suffocated it.

The third kind of sword intent? ?

However, although it was shocked, it did not retreat. Instead, its mouthparts kept vibrating back and forth.

Because this battle is not a one-on-one challenge!


Very suddenly, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and the bones at Li Su's feet suddenly exploded, and a pair of golden furry hands stretched out and grabbed his feet directly.

The hand is covered with scriptures, and there is Taoist rhyme flowing, and there is an inexplicable charm inside, with extremely terrifying power. Each finger seems to be a mountain, and the palm is like a piece of earth. Between the void grasp, Li Su's legs are coming out The entire space was distorted, as if it had been brought into another world by those hands.

There is no doubt that once caught by it, let alone flesh and blood, even if it is made of gold and stone, there will probably be only one result: it will be crushed into ashes.

Li Su was stunned for a moment. No doubt, he didn't feel it at all before the other party exploded.

There was no breath at all, it was completely covered!

At the same time, a figure appeared in the clouds above the sky. With a flick of his hand, the eight-color flowing silk thread flew out. The thread broke the air instantly, forming a huge sound barrier, Mach five, Mach ten, Mach fifteen. .

It was obviously far away, but he almost arrived in front of Li Su with the furry hand.

Speed ​​is second, after all, no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than the six-winged golden cicada.

The moment the spider silk arrived before Li Sugeng, it was not preparing to penetrate him, but spread out instantly and turned into a spider web.

The eight-color spider web is the most powerful magical power of the spider spirit clan. It is very terrifying. It has the effect of forcibly dispelling the magic power and imprisoning the body and soul.

It is said that the highest ten colors are, even if the Immortal Realm is bound, it is impossible to break free easily.

Not only that, the cobwebs are highly poisonous. The more colorful they are, the more powerful the poison is. The poison in the eight-color cobwebs will melt into flesh and blood and turn into white bones if the body is unable to struggle for a moment, even if the body has extremely strong supernatural powers.

It's an eight-eyed spider and a white ape! ! !

Not only that, although they did not appear, countless corpses were moving around, and the white bones turned into bone spurs. The spurs were gray in color and carried an extremely ominous aura. What was revealed on them was not poison, but a virus. Once contaminated, Just like bones with marrow, the aura and even the Dao patterns are extremely abnormal, and the structure has been infected.

Even though it was Li Su, her face couldn't help but change slightly at this moment.

Fall into an unprecedented death situation!

The start of the battle turned directly into a decisive battle.

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