Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 378 Overwhelm the Four Demons

The eight-eyed spider was covered in injuries. It was glowing all over, and a large amount of mana kept pouring out, but the recovery effect was very slow. The immortality of the magical power realm seemed to have no effect, and blood kept flowing.

The wounds caused by the Immortal Killing Sword Intent are constantly wearing away at it, and both the physical body and the soul are being worn away.

The most serious one was undoubtedly the severed front foot. Both legs were broken. The sword intent was intertwined on the wound. The injury was not repaired, but worsened.

Faced with this terrifying sword intention, the Eight-Eyed Spider mobilized its own magic power, driving the natal scriptures in its body to constantly consume and expel it.

After a long while, Li Su's sword intent was driven away and his physical body recovered.

"How can you be so strong?"

Its face turned pale, and its pupils were filled with shock. Although it knew that this deal was difficult to do and that it would capsize accidentally, it never expected that the other party would be so strong!

Because of the blood of the ancient demon clan, it has begun to transform, with ten eyes growing on its head, and its strength has increased by about 30% compared to before, but it was almost severely injured by the opponent's sword?

Indeed, a large part of the fight just now was due to the fact that the opponent actually had spatial means and was caught off guard.

But in terms of hard power, there is no doubt that he is surpassed, especially the sword intent. What exactly is the sword intent? So terrible? The eight-color spider silk could not be held back and was wiped out by the sword intent.

Compared to the eight-eyed spider who was shocked, the Vajra White Ape had a face full of disbelief. At this moment, its mouth was full of blood, its nose and ears were all covered with blood, and its internal organs had been trampled to pieces. If it hadn't been for the incarnation of Zhu Yan, the magical power had saved its body. This foot can crush it.

He actually lost in terms of strength.

Although it is a step slower to activate, it is from the White Ape clan, and its power is beyond imagination. In addition, it has transformed into Zhu Yan's true meaning, and its explosive power is absolutely unparalleled in the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is invincible at this stage of the magical power realm.

In the eyes of the Vajra White Ape, it is unnecessary to sneak attack in the first place. A mere human race is not worth dealing with. As long as he takes action, he can do it very quickly. This is especially true after awakening Zhu Yan. He wants to take down the opponent quickly. Next, after taking the head and giving the task, you can slowly explore this endless battlefield and harvest more resources.

As a result, reality slapped it bloody.

Among the three demons, it was undoubtedly the least injured. Although Li Su's kick was terrifying, in the end it failed to completely crush its Zhu Yan body. Although its internal organs were damaged, this kind of injury was not enough for the magical power realm. It's more serious than a skin injury.

The one who was really hit hard was the six-winged golden cicada.

It was trapped in the eight-eyed spider's silk. When it struggled out, it was punched in the head by Li Su.

This time, it can be said to be extremely tragic. Not only was the physical body severely injured on the spot, the brains were knocked out, but its soul was also severely impacted.

The mythical creature entered the heart, and before it had time to resist, the soul light was washed away, the soul split open on the spot, countless supreme beings jumped out from it, the spiritual structure was destroyed, and the physical body and soul both died at once.

Well, once!

The six-winged golden cicada is resurrected.

The Jin Chan clan is not simple. Apart from Taoism, which involves time, the strongest one is undoubtedly the art of immortality.

This has a lot to do with the short life of their family. In order to break out of this prison, they have to develop their ability to shed their shells to the limit. Each time they shed their shells, they will regain their vitality and life.

At this moment, it felt a little frightened, but more definitely angry.

Golden Cicada's Escape from Its Shell is not only an immortality technique for it, which can resurrect after severe damage, but also a transformation method, involving the core fundamentals and touching the two avenues of life and time.

For golden cicadas, the number of times they can shed their shells in a lifetime is limited.

Therefore, every time it sheds its shell, it is a re-cultivation and a further understanding of its own Taoism.

But that was an independent shelling, and now this kind of fatal resuscitation is another matter. It is impossible to experience the cycle of life and death in depth.

It is equivalent to cutting off its avenue and cutting off its opportunities.

Shocked and angry.


There was a loud noise, and three figures rushed up and turned into red light. The three demons rose up again and pounced directly on Li Su.

The eight-eyed spider is fearful, the white diamond ape is violent, and the six-winged golden cicada is full of killing intent.

However, at this moment.

Where Li Su is.

He knocked the three monsters away at the same time, but he didn't show any happy expression on his face. Although he felt like he had hit them, he couldn't kill them directly.

Should it be said that it is worthy of being in the magical realm? Sure enough, they are all just weaklings. If you want to kill them with one blow, unless you directly crush them with a big level, it will basically be a war of attrition.

At the same level, Li Su was confident that he could kill the opponent with one move and use magical powers to obliterate him. Now the three demons were obviously higher in level than him. To describe it numerically, he was almost level 80 and the opponent was already over 95.

Although he knew that none of the three guys could be killed by himself, he had no time to chase them. The white bone sword was wrapped with life fire, and the sword light was like a wheel, and he kept slashing out.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

Every slash made a huge sound, as if tens of thousands of tons of steel collided with each other, and the splashing sparks could penetrate the earth and ignite the air.

It's a white-bone spirit!

She's attacking.

This demon is really weird.

It was as if the corpses on the ground were all her clones. Attacks came from all directions and were silent. If Li Su's spiritual sense had not exceeded the limit of understanding, the silence itself would actually be a conspicuous feature. He might have been stabbed several times by this witch.

But even so, during the three-minute battle, Li Su could only passively fight back and could not find the specific location of the White Bone Demon.

Feeling the breath coming from the ground and from the left and right, he sighed.

The White Bone Demon has a huge advantage here. This kind of battlefield full of bones is as if it was specially designed for the opponent, and he is as comfortable as a fish in water.

If I had known this, I would have taken action directly during the exchange meeting and used the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation to mark the opponent's body, instead of being so passive.

Although the opponent is strong, Li Su has too many supreme chapters under his control, especially for practitioners such as Underworld Supreme and Tianke.

It's just that there are too many remnant souls here, and the White Bone Demon's body is not nearby, so it is difficult to find it without being able to locate it in a certain direction, and it will take a lot of time.

The reality is that the worst thing about him is time.


The Vajra White Ape was the first to pounce. It transformed into Zhu Yan, but compressed its huge magical power from dozens of feet to less than three feet. It was still very tall, close to ten meters.

But compared to before, that was the gap between orcs and dwarfs.

Its aura became more solid, its strength increased instead of decreasing, and it became larger and larger.

With a punch in the air, an entire area of ​​100 feet was solidified and suppressed by its power. With its falling fist, the space around Li Su collapsed directly. The force of the punch did not crush from one side to the other, but squeezed in from all directions.

This move is extremely astonishing. It combines suppression and restraint, making it almost unavoidable.

Li Su's expression remained unchanged, his body glowed, life fire steamed, and textures emerged. He could not move his head, and his body shook slightly.

hold head high!

A penfish emerged from his body and directly hit Zhu Yan's fist.

There was a loud bang, and both sides trembled.

Li Su paused for a moment, while the body of Zhu Yan, transformed into the Vajra White Ape, was slightly distorted. The whole demon flew back for several miles, smashing the mountains ten times along the way before it could stop.

The six-winged golden cicada arrived. It was so fast that it escaped into time and instantly launched a series of slashes at Li Su.

The void ripped through his body, like a magic weapon, trying to split Li Su apart.

Taking a breath, Li Su's eyes burst into golden light, and the scriptures on his body shone. That was the Amitabha Sutra, one by one, turned into a supreme classic.

From the scriptures, the void condenses!

The Buddhist kingdom comes out from the border, transforms one side of the world, and suppresses it for hundreds of miles.

The six-winged golden cicada is very fast, but in the face of this kind of covering magical power, even the power of time cannot match the supreme power of Buddhism.

It was immediately enveloped by the Li Su Buddha Kingdom and absorbed into the magical power.

Li Su raised his hand and punched, and the grand Buddhist kingdom was knocked out by him. It flew for more than ten miles and landed on a large mountain. The scriptures were like a huge cage with a diameter that locked the golden cicada in the mountain.

The magnificent Buddha's light erupted, and the monks inside chanted. There were countless precious lights, like heavenly fire, burning golden cicadas.

The eight-eyed spider has also arrived. Its true form has manifested, and its webs are all over the sky. This is a trapping formation, and it is also a killing formation. It weaves its web extremely fast, and instantly covers hundreds of miles around Li Su, in the sky, on the ground, and underground. .

There are so many spider silks, layer upon layer, airtight.

There is a steel wire that can break gold and stone.

There is soft silk, as soft as wrapping around a finger, with hundreds of rolls.

There are sticky threads that enter the medullary tarsal bone.

Standing in the spider web, Li Su remained motionless. His consciousness was like cloth, and he could see all directions instantly. If he made any unnecessary movements, he would be entangled in the dense spider webs, and spider web traps spread over hundreds of miles would be activated in an instant. , covering him completely.

Li Su didn't intend to touch the other party but didn't think so.

The white bones moved strangely, and the spider threads rippled directly, and at the same time, they pierced towards him.

This white-bone demon is really annoying!

Frowning slightly, Li Su was very upset by the White Bone Demon. Although his killing move was powerful, it was just a small move. Without his main body, he couldn't do anything to him at all.

His eyes flashed and ancient flags fluttered.

The void opened directly, instead of folding and bending, it opened its mouth and swallowed the bone spur.

At the same time, he raised the bone sword in his hand and made a slight sword sound. The bone sword seemed unable to bear it, and countless cracks appeared on the sword.


One sword sweeps across, one sword cuts through the air.

This sword is different from the past, there is no change, no color, and no death.

There are only two words, sharp!

Very sharp.

It was so sharp that the moment you saw it, it felt like you had been cut open.

This is the Immortal Killing Sword Intent! !

Among the four swords of Zhu Xian, it is the strongest sword. Even Li Su has only been able to barely use it so far.

The eight-eyed spider's pupils shrank, showing a look of horror. Its eight-colored spider silk was completely irresistible at this moment? The moment the sword was raised, the spider silk was like a weed, easily cut off by Li Su.

It was horrified in its heart, and finally its eyes began to glow and it opened its eyes.

Opening its mouth, the eight-eyed spider spit out the most powerful magical power of the spider spirit clan, the ten-color spider silk, for the first time.

As soon as this thread appears.

This shows its huge difference from the eight colors.

It was actually breathing in spiritual energy and absorbing the extraordinary, as if it were a living creature, swallowing up the surrounding extraordinary particles in an instant.

It stood in front of Li Su's sword intention. The spider silk was densely covered with scriptures and glowed, blocking Li Su's Zhuxian sword intention.


Li Su was surprised. This Immortal Killing Sword Intention was extremely sharp. It was the first time he encountered something that could not be cut.

The eight-eyed spider was even more shocked and frightened at this moment.

Its ten-colored spider silk is the result of its destiny. It began to gestate after the appearance of its ten eyes. It is currently only three feet long.

This thread is magical. It is made up of 128,000 strands of thread. Each strand is almost imperceptible to the naked eye. Although it is worth three feet in length, the entire length can be 384,000 feet, which is equivalent to 384 kilometers.

Although it withstood Li Su's sword intent, tens of thousands of strands were cut off directly every second. Although it recovered in the next second, the recovery could not keep up with the destruction, and it had reached its end in just a few seconds.

This is ten-color spider silk! ! !

Although its current spider silk strength is far less terrifying than that of the ancestor, it is far superior to the eight colors. It has already surpassed the limit of the magical realm and has a trace of the immortal realm.

Even so, you can't resist it?

It immediately deflected the spider silk, not by force, but by a bevel angle, and deflected the slash.

Li Su's eyes flashed. His spiritual sense was astonishing. He caught the situation and was about to strike out with the second sword immediately.


The White Vajra Ape came to kill again, and at the same time, a large number of white bones shook. They flew up and turned into a huge skeleton man, holding bone spurs with a breath of destruction. Together with the White Vajra Ape, they launched an attack on Li Su.

The eight-eyed spider didn't stop. It rushed forward, spitting out eight-color spider silk, mixed with ten colors.

In the distance, there were sounds that were suppressed by Li Su in the mountains with the magical power of the Buddhist kingdom. The six-winged golden cicada kept struggling, trying to escape from the cage.

Li Su frowned, and without taking a step back, he raised his bone sword, and the life fire, space, sword intention, and the four poles of the Buddhist kingdom burst out.

In an instant, the two sides became entangled again.

The grand magical powers continued to explode, and the scope of the battle between the two sides became larger and larger. Large tracts of mountains and rivers were affected and shattered by the collision of forces between them.

The heaven and earth were also shaken by this impact, with terrifying scenes emerging, dark clouds rolling hundreds of thousands of miles away, and thunder thundering from the sky.

The earth kept trembling and cracking, creating astonishing chasms.

The wind howled, and the rain of bones covered the sky.

This can no longer be said to be a battle between humans, but a collision between gods.

Blood was splattering. In such a battle, even Li Su couldn't escape injury. He was beaten until he bled.

But it was obvious that in addition to the White Bone Demon who was still hiding, the four demons and the three demons were also bleeding. No, it should be said that blood and flesh were flying everywhere.

The eight-eyed spider was punched open by Li Su and almost exploded. Its internal organs were visible.

The white ape with three heads and six arms was beheaded by Li Su and three of its arms were broken.

Half of the six-winged golden cicada's body was gone, covered with life fire, and its body was evaporated bit by bit.

As for Li Su, he was also bleeding. The force of the shock was too great, and blood kept flowing from his hands. His internal organs were also impacted, and blood kept flowing from his mouth.

But there is no doubt that he is too strong.

Facing the four demons, he was extremely domineering and unparalleled in strength.

The realm is obviously lower, and the opponent is obviously more numerous.

But in front of him, it was meaningless.

With every move of his hands and feet, great magical powers appeared. Except for the White Bone Demon who did not appear in his true form, the other three demons were directly suppressed and beaten by Li Su. Various magical means and supreme chapters continued to appear, causing them to vomit blood and bleed continuously.

You must know that the eight-eyed spiders have transformed, and their combat power has exceeded the ceiling of the supernatural realm, reaching the pseudo-immortal realm.

But even so, he was still suppressed by Li Su. His attacks gradually became less and his defense gradually increased.

The beating was extremely painful and the blood flowed endlessly.


Outside the field, there was no sound at this moment. Everyone opened their mouths, shocked by this scene.

Even Zhu Chongba and Zhang Hao, who were in the Immortal Realm, couldn't help but be frightened and were shocked by Li Su's power. They knew that Li Su had mastered multiple supreme chapters, but they never thought that one plus one would be so exaggerated.

King Xia, is he so strong? When you are in the magical realm?

The demon tribe was also extremely shocked, because in this battle, no matter who among them was involved, there would probably be only one result: they would be killed instantly.

Even beings at the pseudo-immortal level such as Crocodile Crocodile cannot help but break out in cold sweat on their foreheads.

They know best how powerful the eight-eyed spiders are. No one among the younger generation can surpass them. They can be counted on one hand. In fact, except for the oldest group in the magical power realm who have entered the pseudo- Outside of the Immortal level, there are not many opponents to them.

But even so, they were still being suppressed and beaten.

Even if you lose one fight and one loses, you can still understand it.

Now it's four against one, and the fight is still like this? That human race, is he really in the supernatural realm?

Not only that, but also the other party’s magical power. It’s so fucking bloody!

The highest chapter, the highest chapter without a doubt.

The human race and the demon race have the ultimate power that only a few can master.

How many times has this guy used?

Four, a full four!

Oh my God! ! !

How can this be?

One book is enough to study for a lifetime, four books? There are so many talents in this world, does he alone have seven of them? ?

Not only the Crocodile and the others, but also the entire upper echelons of the Monster Clan and hundreds of ancestors, all had relaxed expressions and extremely serious expressions.

King Xia, no, this is more terrifying than King Xia!

This child must not be allowed to grow, and he must be killed before he reaches the immortal realm.

No wonder the Crow King would not hesitate to take out the apricot-yellow flag and put out so many resources for a reward. With such strength, it would be a disaster for all monsters!

As for the mortal world, there is not a single sound in this huge city at the moment.

Li Su's god-like body was directly imprinted on everyone's hearts. His unparalleled strength, his movements and movements seemed to be able to destroy everything, and the power kept impacting everyone.

"This thing is really mine???"

Li Su's mother stared blankly at the entranced figure in the screen, pinching Dad Li's thigh, pinching again and again, and yelled: "Why doesn't it hurt? Why doesn't it hurt?" Sure enough, it’s not true!!!”

Dad Li grinned, feeling that the muscle on the inner thigh was no longer his. He wanted to say, "Of course it won't hurt if you pinch me." But watching the battle on TV, he felt dreamy.


"Damn it, damn it, what is that pseudo-immortal from the Crow Clan doing? Why hasn't he come yet!!"

The eight-eyed spiders are vomiting blood. They are not retreating, not just because the Curse of the Endless Battlefield has been activated and the relationship between the two parties is inevitable. It is also not because they have a chance of winning. They are waiting for someone, no, waiting for the demon to come!

False Immortal, the trump card specially prepared by the Crow King for Li Su!

Logically speaking, the opponent should have finished their breakthrough, so they should have discovered such a big movement and come here long ago.

As a result, after fighting for so long, there is absolutely nothing over there.


A loud sound came from a distance, and the Eight-Eyed Spider and the others were startled and couldn't help but take a look.

But I don't know how many miles away, there is also a big battle. Three people are besieging one person, and the fighting is earth-shaking and earth-shattering.

It’s a fake fairy.!

Who is it fighting?

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