Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 379 Fighting the False Immortal

The pseudo-immortal of the Crow Clan recovered very quickly.

After all, he gave up his own realm and took back his magical power from under the long river. The foundation is still there. As long as he has enough resources, it is not difficult to return, but there is no way to return to the starting point in a short time.

Feeling that the magic energy was weak and unable to push the magical power upward, the pseudo-immortal of the Crow Clan did not hesitate, and directly took out the elixir-dispersing pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

In the Immortal Realm, you need to push yourself, and your magical power goes up the stream and into the long river.

As long as the distance between the magical power and the river is not even close, the power will increase by one level.

This long river is very strange.

With the naked eye, the Yuan Shen can see that they are extremely far apart. They can use supernatural powers to move up the river in the body, but they are only nine feet apart.

He is a pseudo-immortal, he has reached the middle reaches, more than five feet, and he has walked half of the nine-foot long river. His strength is quite amazing. He can fight in the immortal realm, and he will not be as powerless as in the magical realm. Of course, he can only run for his life at most.

Li Sun was able to suppress the four demons, but in the hands of the pseudo-immortal, he could only flee. This shows how far the gap between the pseudo-immortal and the peak of the magical realm is.

The pseudo-fairyland is actually equivalent to a half-step immortal.

It's just that although the nine-foot-long river is not far away, every step forward requires a huge price. It requires the support of vast magical power to flow backward. Otherwise, the magical power will be unstable and be washed down by the long river water.

Now, after taking the Sanxian Dan, a powerful force burst out in the body of the pseudo-immortal. The power was not much, but the nature was extremely huge. It was far more powerful than the pseudo-immortal realm. It was a complete leap in levels.

It quickly integrated into the long river within the Pseudo Immortal, began to accumulate, and turned into a huge power.

With a bang, it exploded.

An incredible energy went directly up its inner river and penetrated into the tributaries. After a while, it arrived at the location of its natal magical power. The powerful force burst out directly, pushing the magical power that had stopped three feet away and jumped up. The falling water of the long river could not be suppressed at all. It was broken through layer by layer and quickly changed from three feet to four feet, six feet, and eight feet.

Finally come to the end.

Once it passes, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fish to jump.


With a sudden movement, Black Crow's natal magical power directly knocked away the direct current and rushed into the huge river that could only be seen in the fragments of the world.

Vast, infinite, with almost no end in sight.

This is a long river, a long river that spans the dimension of time and transcends the length of space.

As soon as its magical power came into play, the pseudo-immortal of the Crow tribe was inexplicably shocked and discovered the huge difference between the immortal realm and the magical realm.

Within his body, the cave that originally carried the sun's magical power shook, and the water of the long river spurted out.

It's not a splash, not a stream, but a huge current in a long river, pregnant with great power, pouring into the body of the pseudo-immortal.

This river water is different and has the power of creation.

Once it entered, it caused Li Su's body to change, and his flesh and blood kept devouring that power, as if he had been hungry for endless years, devouring it with big mouthfuls.

As more and more power was swallowed, its flesh and blood began to glow, change, and its nature was changed. There was something more in the deepest part of the root, and the restraints on the body were completely opened, and it was completely transcended.

The fur was affected, the magic element began to transform, and an unprecedented clean aura flowed out, as if it was about to leave this world, soar into the sky, and go to the fairyland.

"Is this an immortal?" The pseudo-immortal opened its eyes, with a look of shock on its face, feeling its own changes, which were so powerful that it was unimaginable.

The thing before this and the thing after this are simply not the same.

He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and an unprecedented power filled his heart. This was not expansion, but real power.

Jumping up, its soul has undergone unpredictable changes at this moment. It can see thousands of miles in an instant, and can sense destiny in the dark.

Immortals are different from all living creatures!

Even if it is said that it is just a loose immortal.

Feeling it, it moved its gaze towards the center.

There, that human race!

Yes, it's him!

The little human thief who stole the Sun Palace!

Li Su did not show the great deeds of flesh and blood, but he was still captured by it, and he imagined the connection between cause and effect.

"You, damn it!"

His eyes were cold and murderous, and he was extremely resentful of Li Su, the thief who took away the Sun Palace. He was a fake fairy, but he actually let a mere magical power escape from him. This was a great humiliation for him.

It took a breath and was about to go, killing the little thief first, and then destroying the rest of the human race, completely establishing the demon clan's victory. Now it was still too late, and only three demon clans were killed. If the human clan felt it right at the beginning, there were four.

"Who said that he should die?"

A voice sounded, and a beauty stood on top of the infinite bones, just blocking the way forward for the pseudo-immortal.

Very peculiar.

She wears extremely modern fashion, not a combat uniform, but a black suit, which is what Yi Ren wears most often when she teaches Li Su and the others.

With a ponytail and white gloves.

In this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, she was so out of place, yet so dazzling.

Click, click!

There is frost spreading, freezing air exploding, a beautiful figure, dressed in white, February is born next to her, turning into a unique spectacle, with every step taken, endless frost spreads.

"Yeah, who are you going to kill??"

The sound is cold and clear, as clear as an oriole, and as endless as a clear spring falling on the rocks.

"Senior sister, how long ago was it last time we fought together? Was it ten years? Or was it twenty years?"

There was a loud voice, a female voice, but it was extremely pleasant.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One step, one shock, and a small figure came over.

She was not a big person, but behind her, there was a giant statue, headless, holding an ax in one hand and a shield in the other. It was a hundred feet high and could cover the sky and the sun.

She was still eating, holding a huge bone in her hand. The texture was probably higher than steel, but she easily bit it into pieces and swallowed it in three or five mouthfuls.

Zhu Chihu raised his hands and touched them suddenly.


Sparks flew and the atmosphere exploded.

"You are talking nonsense to it. The king is fighting. How can you stand aside and watch?"

"You~! Give me the fuck and die!!!"

With a roar, the giant behind Zhu Chihu looked up to the sky and roared. He took one step a hundred miles and raised his hand to punch.

The huge phantom slashed with an ax, overlapped with the shadow of Zhu Chihu's fist, and hit the pseudo-immortal directly.


The pseudo-immortal's face is majestic, his eyes are majestic, indifferent and contemptuous. To him, it doesn't matter who he kills first!

Its consciousness was shaken, and its natal magical power suddenly emerged.

"Rising Sun!"

The huge sun rises from the bottom, and the temperature instantly exceeds 6,000. In an instant, a hundred miles radius is directly transpired and vaporized by it.

Everything was ignited and turned into a world of flames.


Just when Zhu Chihu was about to be affected, Yi Ren's eyebrows trembled, a huge light burst out, and Hunyuan Jindou soared into the sky from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Jin Dou!"

Jin Dou transforms the world and suppresses all worlds.

As soon as it emerged, the Hunyuan Golden Dou grew in the wind, ten feet, a hundred feet, a thousand feet, and instantly turned into a vast continent!


It was as if a world had directly acted on the pseudo-immortal. Even though it had passed through the realm of immortals and achieved the power of the pseudo-immortal, it was still shuddered and its power was blocked.

"How can the sun and stars shine together with the bright moon?"

Zhang Shengying appeared on top of the pseudo-immortal at some unknown time. Under the huge golden bucket, this was not a scientific world, but a fantasy world. There was no saying that the sun was bigger than the moon.

Suddenly, the huge moon, one white and one red, illuminated the sky.

One is the lunar month.

One, the Hell Moon.

Physical cold, soul cold.

The rising sun was half frozen and half solidified.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.


The true fire of the sun faces the cold air of the double yin, and the extremely high temperature is also covered and suppressed.

The pseudo-immortal's expression froze, and before it could speak, Zhu Chihu's fist arrived.

A punch hit it on the cheek.

Its face was instantly distorted, as if it had been hit by a huge axe. Half of its face was cracked, and its skull was chopped open. The unparalleled violence forced it to fly out and hit Shili directly. Among the mountains outside.


With a loud noise, the mountains shattered, a huge piece of land was lifted up, and tens of millions of tons of corpses were blown up into the sky, flying up to a height of tens of thousands of meters.

"Human race, you are seeking death!!!"

He had just become an immortal, and had just felt the invincible power. He was punched in the face, his skull was cracked, and he was crushed into the dust. The fake immortal was so angry that he was even more upset than being escaped by Li Su. Can not accept.

It is an immortal, an invincible immortal.

It flew up and looked at the golden blood dripping from it. It was really unacceptable. It was a blasphemy for a god to bleed. It must be completely melted by the true fire of the sun.

"Is this guy crazy? Are all immortals pretending to be this way?" Feeling the other party's emotions, Zhu Chihu rarely took action immediately, but said in surprise.

"I don't rely on my own strength to break through. The aura is wrong. Although it is stronger than the pseudo-immortal, it is limited. Therefore, the state of mind is affected by the power of the river, and the character flaws are infinitely magnified. It usually takes reality to wake up." Yiren said lightly.

"I see, uh, how do I wake up?" Zhu Chihu was stunned for a moment.

"If you beat him to death, you will naturally understand." Zhang Shengying said softly.

"Yeah, then kill this thing!" Zhu Chihu's eyes were like fire, and his fighting spirit was high. Under her influence, Xing Tian's figure became larger and larger, and his impact on reality became stronger, as if he was really going to come out of the illusion and become a reality.

Facing the pseudo-immortal who was completely violent and as real as the sun, the three women walked up directly with extremely calm expressions.

Hunyuan Jindou, February has the same sky, and the giant statue of Xingtian is surrounded by the big sun.

boom! boom! boom!

The sky cracked again.

The earth trembled like a frightened child.

Abnormal, incredibly perverted.

In the past, Li Sudongtian beat four children at the peak of the magical power realm, and in the latter part, three women aggressively besieged a strong man from the Crow Clan in the Sanxian Realm.

Different strength, same stature.


"Mom, I want to study liberal arts, not martial arts..."

At this moment, countless people in the human race had only one thought in their minds.

"What's going on with the human guys? Do they have any misunderstandings about the magical realm???"

At this moment, countless demons from the demon clan had only one thought in their minds.

In the realm of supernatural power, one only has a huge body, has immortality, and can move mountains and overturn seas.

It can't cut off the continent, break the sky, move every move, it's like hundreds of miles of land disappearing.

That's not the magical realm, that's something that can only be done by the immortal realm! ! !

One Li Su has already made many ancestors of the demon clan feel numb. One Li Su is enough. The appearance of the three girls makes their hearts jump to their throats.

You must know that most of the ancestors of the demon clan are still at the peak of the magical power realm.

In other words, none of the three women on the field could beat them.

Seeing the seemingly weakest woman with a big heart laughing wildly, she actually held the Immortal Realm Sun Magical Power and chewed a piece of the sun fragment in one gulp. She chewed it a few times and stepped back, showing a somewhat spicy expression on her face.

For a moment, countless demons were trembling with chills and frightened. In a daze, they saw that most of their bodies were bitten off.

Are humans so strong? Why have they been suppressed all this time?

The faces of the five demon kings are not good-looking at the moment. Except for the Crow King, the faces of the other demons are very cold. They are already in the magical realm, but how can they reach the immortal realm?


In Xia City, Ermeng was nestled in the arms of a beautiful girl. His little eyes were wandering around, and he introduced: "You see, the man inside, and I are big brothers of life and death. We once had the fifth surname. There was a big war, and we fought for thousands of miles, and there was blood all over the place!”


"Realer than real gold."

"Er Meng is so awesome that he actually fought with the tyrant."

On the side, Wu Mo kept rolling his eyes, but when he looked at the beautiful woman showing invincible talents in the picture, he couldn't help but laugh, very happy, extremely happy.

The junior sister who was once so famous is back!

Zhu Zhong was also extremely happy. The little sister who helped him defeat the dragon since childhood has risen again. It's good. When the little sister comes out, he will call her and we can defeat the dragon together.

The corners of Yinglong's lips twitched and he felt a chill. Feeling the resentment of his childhood, he looked at Zhang Shengying and kept sighing.

My son doesn’t live up to expectations!

Such a good aunt, Liang, actually didn't take it down, which made it easier for the little wild boar from outside. Otherwise, we could have more helpers, right?

That brat didn't learn well, so he learned from his grandfather. At such a critical moment, he actually triggered the Xuanhe Formation and was sent to the mythical world. Fortunately, he was in a relatively safe area and was receiving the inheritance, otherwise.

But count on your fingers.

This year's Xia Kingdom has a bit of yang and yang, isn't it?

Including winning the battle, there are only two, right? Following behind were Zhang Zhuzhu, Zhu Tongyu, and Lu Qian, all of whom were Aunt Liang.

Thousands of mountains and forests, in front of the wolf clan’s territory.

Zhu Chongba grinned, Zhang Hao also smiled, and Li Youyou excitedly explained the deeds of the other three women.

Xia Kingdom, a great victory, an unprecedented victory.


On the side of the demon clan, the atmosphere is a bit bleak at this moment.

It's too strong. The four people from the human race, especially Li Su, he is a caveman, a caveman.

Many people couldn't help but recall the rise of King Xia more than two hundred years ago. After decades, they finally got out of the shadow of King Xia. Now, will they be shrouded again?

The Python King, Wolf King, Tiger King, and Crocodile King all looked ugly. This scene was much beyond expectations.

The demon inside can be said to be the best of this generation, but he ended up being beaten like this.

"It's not urgent, it's not urgent..."

Only the Crow King's eyes flashed. He looked at the other nineteen pictures that had been motionless for several hours. At this moment, there was movement, and black monsters emerged from them.

Xia Guo, the better your performance, the better.

Because once a loss occurs, it will be irreparable trauma to Xia Guo.

The black beast is the last trump card it prepared, and the pseudo-immortals can only be regarded as excessive, because there is no way to determine whether Pangu Banner and the others will take action. After all, there is a big difference between loose immortals and pseudo-immortals.

Using oneself to save others, it feels that it is oneself and it is inevitable to take action.

Therefore, the black beast is the core and the key.

And the most important thing is not their strength, but what they can do.

"Crow King??"

"Big spider? Have you thought about it clearly?"

"We agreed that if 'Li Su' doesn't die in this battle, we will launch a full-scale attack in one month to destroy the human race! If he dies, then we will launch a decisive battle ten years later."

"Very good!!! I'll have the stuff delivered to you."


Before the Yuan Shen connection was hung up, another voice came.

"I agree with your plan."

The Crow King smiled, "He who knows the current affairs is a hero!"

"I want the head of a certain clan. Only in this way can Xia Guo relax its vigilance!"

"no problem."

"very good!"

The Crow King raised his head, and at this moment he smiled coldly.

Whether it succeeds or fails, the real purpose of the Hundred Years' War has been accomplished. Xia Kingdom has made everyone feel the danger. That's enough.

Killing Li Su is the key, but it is also the introduction and part of the core.

The real killer move is yet to come. I have been fooled once and suffered a loss. This time, it will not give the enemy any chance to change the situation.

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