Nine feet away, there is the Way to Heaven!

Deep in the depths, two figures were moving forward quietly.

A fat Taoist smiles like a Maitreya Buddha. The only difference is that Maitreya Buddha's smile is compassionate, happy and full of joy. When this person smiles, you will feel wary for no reason, feeling ominous and something is about to happen.

"Kongkong, can you stop smiling? It's very charming, isn't it?"

On the side, the golden-haired rat turned into a human being and couldn't help it. How could a human have such a weird smile? In the past few hours, it has changed six directions in a row. As soon as you look at the other person's face, you will find that he is smiling at you. The smile is very weird, as if it sees a cat like a mouse or a snake like a frog. , the fox discovered the hen...

Taoist Kongkong's face suddenly darkened when he heard this, and the old man of the horse said: "I didn't laugh!"

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth curved in a weird way, and his eyes bent at a scary angle, like a smiling poisonous snake.


Taking a breath of cold air, the Chinchilla's hair stood on end, from the neck to the tail vertebrae, and he took two steps back.

What the hell, you haven’t laughed yet?

The golden-haired mouse looked solemn, and the other party's smile was so shabby. Following him, there seemed to be a huge pit in the road ahead, "Kongkong, let me tell you, if you don't give me an explanation, the two of us will lose thousands of dollars." This is the end of our friendship."

Taoist Kongkong was helpless, stopped in his tracks, and said slowly: "Is this smile so penetrating?"

"What do you think?" The golden-haired squirrel took out a mirror and motioned for the other party to take a look at it.

Taoist Kongkong didn't look at it, but just shook his head and said, "Okay, don't show it to me, I can't see it!"


"This is a curse!"

The golden-haired rat was stunned. Curse? Smile? What dog?

"Thousands of years ago, I was cursed by someone because of certain things. I dealt with it. However, the curse did not have any lethality, or was of a negative nature. There was no way to expel it. I could only wait until it disappeared on its own."

Taoist Kongkong took a breath and said: "This curse is called 'laughing makes you chill'. I originally thought that I was hit by it, and would feel like I was laughing no matter what I saw. But I didn't expect that it would be forced to appear on the screen for one month every year." On my face."

The golden-haired rat was stunned and couldn't help but widen his eyes. Even though it had visited the grave thousands of times, it had met the red-haired old monster with all kinds of ominous features. This was definitely the first time it had heard of this kind of curse.

"What kind of curse is this?" The golden-haired rat had a curious look on his face.

"How do I know?" Taoist Kongkong looked helpless, "I hold a special immortal weapon, and my life is 'damaged'. In fact, I don't care about the killing spell, but this thing doesn't hurt anyone, it just makes When people look at me, they feel inexplicably chilled, and you don’t even have to look straight at me, even if you look at the back of my head, it still has the effect.”

The golden-haired squirrel stayed for a while, and then it couldn't help but stop and look at the back of the other person's head. Not to mention, after looking at it for a while, that weird smile appeared on the back of the other person's head, which was extremely penetrating.


The golden-haired rat couldn't help but take two steps back. Undoubtedly, the effect of looking at the back of the head was greater than looking at the face.

Taoist Kongkong said quietly: "Haha, let alone the back of the head, even if you cut off the head and place it on the other side of the river, it will be useless. The curse is still there, and it is divided into two parts. It is on the head and on the body!"

"Causation adds..., fate stains?"

The golden-haired rat was shocked and couldn't help but said: "Is this crazy?"

"Yeah, that's really a lunatic!" Taoist Kongkong looked pained. Although the method of curse killing is more or less related to cause and effect, the price of cause and effect is very high.

Realizing how annoying this spell was, Taoist Kongkong practiced several sets of miraculous tricks to prevent himself from appearing and alerting others when he was cheating.

As a result, the flying head technique was useless, and the five-horse dismemberment technique was also useless.

When the curse is activated, it will take shape wherever his consciousness exists.

How much does this cost? After paying such a big price, you might as well just curse me to death.

He endured Ling Chi, Thousand Swords, and the sea of ​​​​fire and oil pan.

"You don't know who cast it?" Jin Mao Shu understands the character of Taoist Kong Kong very well. Such a curse is really uncomfortable for him, and it is obvious that since such a thing as a curse cannot solve the curse, then Deal with the curser.

"I know!" Taoist Kongkong sighed.

"Then you went to kill her not long ago?"

"Don't dare to go!"

"Can't beat you? I said Kong Kong, I told you, in our line of work, the most important thing is not to provoke someone who is too strong. If you are really targeted by the opponent and can't be beaten to death, it will be very uncomfortable."

After listening to the words of the Golden Mouse, Taoist Kongkong shook his head. His fat face looked very weathered, and his eyes seemed to be piercing through time, looking at the place that he had never dared to set foot in since he left.

There's no way, there's no way.

What he wants to do is too big, and if he is not careful, he will be doomed, so it is doomed from the beginning.

Shaking his head, Taoist Kongkong was ready to say something.

At this moment, the two of them were startled at the same time, turned their heads, and looked into the distance, at the deepest part of Tongtian Dao, where Taoist Kongkong agreed that Li Su would go.

There is vibration...

Very low, very low.

But he was still captured by two people. The former was blessed by an immortal weapon, and the latter was gifted with magical powers.

"Someone is fighting deep down??"

The golden-haired rat was a little surprised and couldn't help but say: "I can't see it at all. How far is it? The power is actually transmitted through the other world."

Taoist Kongkong's eyes flickered and he said slowly: "The deepest... should be inside the fragments of the ancient heaven that blocked the way to heaven."


The golden-haired rat was stunned and couldn't help but turn his head and said with a horrified face: "Kongkong, are you kidding? Do you know that the broken fragments of the ancient heaven have actually formed a world, another space. This It’s not a matter of distance anymore.”

"Yes, power can be transmitted from inside. There is no doubt that the strength of the person fighting is capable of penetrating 'thousands' of other lives and forming this kind of dimensional oscillation." Taoist Kongkong frowned. Being able to possess such power, The lowest level is also Taiyi, and it has to be above Shinhwa.

Although he has been trapped in Jiuzhangtian for a long time, there are many people in Kongkong who have intelligence outside, and they have their own spies.

In the past year, I haven't heard of anyone with that kind of surface-level power going to the depths.

A lot of powerful people have come to the Great Sect during this time, but it is obvious that it will not be them. They will not go to that depth.

That section of the broken corner that belongs to the Heavenly Court has a very big problem. If Taiyi and Taiyi go in, it will be fine. But if Daluo goes in, it will cause unpredictability and wake up some very scary things.

Once this corner fell, it naturally attracted a lot of attention. It was a corner of the ancient heaven. The moment it fell, the world of mythology was touched. It had the power of overturning. It was the saint who took action to stabilize it. Otherwise, it would not be the way to heaven now. If it is blocked, the entire Eastern Region may be smashed into a sinkhole.

At that time, the great religions sent people to investigate.

As a result, he never returned, the whole army was wiped out, and Da Luo fell into it. If the saint hadn't taken action, several people would have died inside.

In the end, the saint checked and told Da Luo not to enter, and there was no need for Taiyi Celestial Immortal to enter.

This corner of Duanluo is a dead end in a sense. It has no value, or it has value, but it cannot be dealt with.

Therefore, no one goes to this deep part of Tongtian Dao.

It is extremely dangerous, has very few benefits, and is naturally unpopular.

Back then, Taoist Kongkong went in, not because of the treasure, but because it was a corner of the ancient heaven. Therefore, he went in to inspect it, and unexpectedly discovered the shadow that had a great causal relationship with Jiejiao.

Now not only did someone get in, but there was also a big fight?


Taoist Kongkong was very decisive and stepped forward directly, speeding up and heading towards the deepest place.

"Damn it, there's a big war going on over there in Kongkong, the level of strength is extremely high!" The golden-haired squirrel couldn't help shouting, brother, are you drifting? Are you completely lost? The two of us are liars and thieves, not positive output.

"The content of the transaction is related to the Ghost Emperor Rune."

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Kong Kong, your uncle, what's wrong with trading? Trade this."

The golden-haired rat spewed smoke from its seven orifices and chased after him.

"A great Taoist disciple, and a Taoist disciple, most likely a descendant of a saint. Do you think they will be short of money?"

"Killing and stealing is better than this."

"That's the key. My destiny tells me that if I hit him, something will happen."

"Your destiny??? Wait, your destiny is not..., holy shit, you mean...?"

"As long as you know!"

While the two were chatting, they rushed straight to the deep place at an extremely fast speed. They wanted to know what happened there and why there was a war there?

They are extremely fast, and both of them are extraordinary, and their skills are astonishing.

A person can walk a thousand miles in one step. The strange thing is not that his steps are big and wide, but that the distance of a thousand miles is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the distance is only that big.

Another person shuttles through the gaps in space, but is not affected by the barriers. Even in a place like Tongtian Dao where evil is everywhere and the rules are chaotic, he is still unaffected.

Fortunately, in the final stage, there was almost no one on the road. Although 'several' populations migrated here, they all 'disappeared'. Not only the population itself, but also the branches and leaves that were separated here disappeared, and the entire road was covered in darkness. Shrouded and surrounded by heavy fog.

The two of them ignored it. Here, as long as they entered the heavy fog and it was not the season when evil spirits descended from the sky, and walked along the main road, there would be no big problem.

Soon, the two of them traveled tens of thousands of kilometers and reached the final section of the Heavenly Path, the deepest point.

In the distance, a mountain range can be seen rising up and down, lying in front of the seemingly endless road to the sky.

Tongtian Dao is very big.

It is almost a hundred kilometers wide.

But compared to the undulating black shadow, it was very small.

As the distance continues to get closer, you will find that the mountain is terrifyingly high, reaching straight into the clouds, cutting off the entire path to heaven. It is also terrifyingly wide, with almost no end visible on both sides.

Of course, this is not a real mountain. It is actually a big stone, a corner of the heaven that has been cut off.

The cross-section happens to be facing the Tongtian Road. As you get closer, you will find that the cross-section is very smooth. It can be said that it is a miraculous workmanship. It is extremely smooth and has no flaws at all.

It's like a mortal master breaking stones with a magic weapon.

But it is obvious that this stone is so big that it is unbelievable.

The two looked at each other, took a breath, and walked directly to the end of Tongtian Road, where Jianmu and Tianting met.

With one step, the two of them took a step forward.

In an instant, the scenery before the two of them changed dramatically. They did not arrive before the Broken Angle, but directly changed the world.

The sky is gray and raining. There are mountains, trees, and palaces here, but it is strangely filled with dead silence and no life at all.

"Although it's not my first time here, I still have to say that it's hard to imagine that this is the ancient heaven. The place dedicated to the immortals during the thirty-three days was simply a ghost land." The Golden Mouse has entered. , feeling uncomfortable all over.

"This world has been killed." Taoist Kongkong sighed, his eyes inexplicable. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to catch the falling rain. Obviously water is the source of vitality for all things. But there is a big problem with the water falling here. It is dead and there is nothing in it. Not only that, after touching the bodies of the two of them, they are absorbing and diluting their existence, just like putting salt into the water. Generally speaking, purely in terms of realm, immortals below the Eight Fires will die if they enter here and will be melted by the rain.

Of course, it’s not just rain, the same is true for the earth. Although there are mountains and rocks, they are all sand. They are incompatible with the rain and are independent of each other. These rocks and sands are pregnant with extremely serious dead energy. This sand is poisonous if you stand on it for a long time. , life will be deprived bit by bit and consumed by the huge death energy gathered inside.

As for those trees and grass, they are even more indescribable.

The two of them had only entered for a while, but the trees and grass that were originally far apart had shortened the distance between them.

They were moving, but they didn't make any sound, and there was no trace of green. They were all withered. There is a big problem with this thing, and the form of existence has been subverted.

Its nature has undergone tremendous changes, and it has extremely strange immortal attributes. Once invaded by them, life will change and enter a state of immortality. It will always remain hungry, thirsty, and sleepy, but regardless of No matter how much water you drink, you won't be able to quench your thirst, eat enough, or fall asleep, turning you into a living corpse until it is completely weathered.

Looking at each other, the two of them jumped up directly, without intertwining with the surrounding trees, and went straight to the place where the vibration came from.

Yes, there is indeed a war going on here.

A terrible battle was taking place in the distance, and the power that erupted was so amazing that even Taoist Kong Kong and the others couldn't help being frightened.

It was definitely Taiyi Shinhwa who was fighting, and listening to the sound, there were several people fighting each other, and it was obvious that the two sides were in the middle.

The aura of the person being besieged is so strong that even in Taiyi Mythology, I am afraid it can be ranked among the top ten.

But what made the two of them feel strange was that they had never seen this aura before, and it was not someone on the myth list.

who is it?

The two of them were shocked. After all, there were not many strong men of this level in the huge mythological world, so it was impossible for them to pop up out of nowhere.

After climbing over several hills, the two stopped, hid their bodies behind the mountain, and quietly looked towards the center of the battlefield.

There was a man there who was extremely handsome.

Above her head, there was a huge golden bucket, with terrifying power constantly erupting inside.

Around her, there were four people who were going all out to besiege her.

Among these people, there were demons and humans, and they kept unleashing their extreme moves, attacking the woman crazily.

There are giant mountains, gluttonous shadows, scary puppets, and huge shadows with eyes.

The mountains of inadequacy were continuously beaten out, forming one terrifying mountain after another.

The gluttonous evil shadow grew its mouth and bit into everything crazily. The void, heaven and earth were all chewed up and swallowed by it.

The string puppet has countless threads in its hands, piercing the void, involving the underworld, manipulating the rules, and twisting the rules.

There is also the shadow with eyes, where the eyes are looking, everything has entered a state of withering.

Facing the attacks of the four people, the woman in the center remained calm. The golden dome above her head seemed to contain a world with thousands of stars inside, constantly spewing out terrifying light.

With a wave, it shattered into pieces.

With one sweep, the Taotie was knocked away.

With one slash, the puppet's string was shattered.

With one stab, he pierced through the terrifying eyes that locked onto him.

The fight was extremely astonishing. No matter which side they were on, both sides exerted power beyond the Taiyi realm and touched Da Luo.

Fortunately, this is heaven, a place of ancient mythology, even if great changes and ominous things happen. It is still extremely strong, almost a thousand times, no, ten thousand times harder than the outside. Otherwise, I am afraid that this place would have been broken long ago and would not be able to withstand the strength of five people.

Even so, the place where they were, with a radius of thousands of miles, was still shattered, sand and rocks were flying, the sky was disconnected, and the earth was churning.

"That guy is Nu Feng, right?"

Taoist Kongkong frowned, "Eight thousand years ago, it was already the peak of Taiyi Myth. Now, I think it should be seventh on the Myth Taiyi List."

"That Taotie is from the Demon Court. He is number eight on the Taiyi Myth Ranking. Thousands of years ago, he lost to the number one Taoist disciple of the Heavenly Court at the Taiyi Myth level. He was penetrated into the world and has disappeared since then. He thought he was dead. Yes, I didn’t expect to appear here.”

The golden-haired rat's expression was extremely solemn, and there was a look of extreme shock in his pupils, "And those two, they are so evil, their flesh and blood are defective, there is something wrong inside, they are evil beings??"

The Black Mountain Sect, the Demon Court, and evil beings are undoubtedly very problematic.

However, the most shocking thing is undoubtedly the woman who was besieged. She is so strong, really strong. Facing four Ultimate Taiyi Shinhwa alone, she can not fall behind. The fight is back and forth. It can be said that if she is not the opponent With four people, this battle should have ended long ago.

"Who is that woman?" The golden-haired mouse couldn't help but ask.

Taoist Kongkong shook his head, "No matter who she is, she is in danger..."

After the words fell, they both took a breath at the same time. The woman was undoubtedly stronger, but she was dragged here. It wasn't that she couldn't break through, but that she was trapped.

Around the battle, there were figures standing on several hills.

They intertwined to form a huge net, trapping the woman in it.

There is no doubt that the woman can break through the siege of the four people alone, and she can also break through the formation alone. The two combined, but it becomes impossible to escape.

Faced with such a desperate situation, the woman's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end. Her eyes were as cold as ice, and she was extremely indifferent. She had already taken a dim view of life and death.

"Miss Yi, as long as you are willing to surrender and call your disciples, I promise that from now on, we will no longer fight with you, and everything over there will be given to you..."

On a certain mountaintop, someone spoke. It was a monster with a crocodile head and wearing strange clothes.

Along with its words, the woman showed a rare smile, and there was an infinite tenderness in the depths of her eyes, seeming to recall beautiful memories.

Then, her hand became heavier! ! !

Nu Feng was the first to bear the brunt and was knocked away by the golden light. He spat out a large mouthful of blood, cracks appeared all over his body, and the turmoil of the galaxy could be faintly seen inside.

However, the marionette seized the opportunity at this moment and hit the woman's shoulder with a line, cutting off a large amount of flesh and blood and splattering the sky with blood.

The fight continued, and no one spoke at this moment.

The woman has already made her choice. Threats and persuasion are all meaningless to her!

If you die, you will die~!

Standing between heaven and earth, even if she is besieged, trapped by the formation, and her body is seriously injured, with each move, the woman does not feel the slightest embarrassment or embarrassment. When she opens and closes, she is like a queen on the throne, showing an unparalleled performance. style.

Facing this scene, thousands of miles apart, Taoist Kongkong couldn't help but take a breath, "What a strange woman!"

There are female monks in the mythical world, but it is rare to be so strong. Not to mention, she is extremely beautiful and unparalleled. There are only a few people in the mythological world who can match her, and she is beyond her.

Unparalleled, absolutely beautiful...

She didn’t know who she was thinking of at that moment just now.

Who could have the ability to make such a woman look so nostalgic?


Tongtian Dao...

The end of Jiuzhangtian was quickly replaced by Da Luo. The disciples arrived and Tianjiao evacuated.

Leaving Jiuzhangtian, based on Sun Xiaokong's information, Li Su found the place mentioned by Taoist Kongkong.

Then, his face darkened.

"After seeing this, please go directly to the deepest place! Shen Chenliu!"

Looking at the exclusive message left for him, Li Su felt evil in his stomach, NTM, don't go too far! ! !

Again? ? ?

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