Li Su is on the road.

And this time, he went on the road alone, not with anyone. Originally, Jie Jiao did not agree with Li Su acting alone, and planned to let him go back to practice in seclusion for a period of time, at least after thirty or fifty years.

In the end, Li Suhao finally got the permission after showing off some astonishing 'tricks'.

Silently entering the void, with him alone, Li Su was naturally very careful and didn't want any accidents to occur.

When moving with Yuqing Supreme, unless he is locked by the Daluo realm with his spiritual consciousness from the beginning, or is within the scope of his power, it will be very troublesome even for the ultimate Daluo to find him.

This is also the reason why Li Su got permission.

However, he did not go straight to the deepest place. Instead, he dived into the other world to a certain depth and then began to practice.

In an instant, thousands of Tao rhymes flowed and infinite laws fluctuated, all of which were absorbed by Li Su.

Of course, the range is very low, but it is only close to the surrounding area, so the fluctuations are not completely dispersed.

Feeling that a large amount of Dao principles were absorbed into his body, sorted out by his Dao, and then integrated into his own world, Li Su couldn't help but exhale frequently, with a happy look on his face.

In Jiuzhangtian, he seemed to be making rapid progress, but in fact he was suffering very badly.

It was clear that there were Dao principles and Dao rhymes all around him, but he could absorb and digest them without restraint. However, in order to avoid being discovered by others, he could only suppress them deeply.

Now that I was finally out of sight of the big guys, I was able to act alone, and I naturally began to absorb it to my heart's content.

The world is ringing.

No longer under restrictions, it began to swallow a large number of Tao principles and grew astonishingly.

This speed is very fast.

It can be said that at a speed visible to the naked eye, the world and the star core are constantly being reinforced and enriched.

Soon, the world shook, and the nearly 800 paths that were attached to the surface and had become a burden trembled slightly and became relaxed.

Li Su did not hesitate, and continued to capture the rest of the three paths. At the same time, the last path of earth, fire, and feng shui also began to absorb.


This one is quite astonishing.

It is the most important one in Yuqing Supreme, with many and complicated ones.

Thanks to Li Su's talent, the comprehension bonus is extremely terrifying, reaching more than 200. Otherwise, it would take someone else just to figure out the secrets inside. I don't know how many years it would take.

A total of 2,100 trails are involved.

In other words, there are three hundred paths of wind, fire, and water, and the rest are all earth, which makes up exactly three thousand paths.

Beyond Yuqing Supreme, the methods of the other Six Saints are almost the same. They all have three thousand small paths, three thousand middle paths, and finally form the supreme avenue in the Daluo realm.

Moreover, as the supreme chapter, the formation of the avenue is not the focus, it can even be said to be the starting point.

Three thousand avenues is an imaginary number, but it is also a real number.

When you reach the Da Luo realm, you can use your own Dao, lead, and integrate the 2999 Dao to achieve the Holy Path. That is the path to the true store of the highest chapter.

Of course, that realm is undoubtedly still far away from today's Li Su.

The avenues in the current supreme chapter alone are enough for him to spend a while of effort, and the demand for this resource is not small.

Even if he is not picky about food, he can eat it, but the amount is still too much.

Others strive for the top with the ten paths, but he is not. He builds the foundation with the Seven Saints. Each of these saints has ten subordinates, which is seven times that of others. You can imagine how big the demand is.

Fortunately, Li Su's talent is so high that it exceeds imagination. Otherwise, just asking this question would kill him, and it would be impossible to complete it even if he exhausts the life of an immortal.

Soon, Li Su's Yuqing Trail was gradually taking shape, forming a complete trail.

Asked 1080 questions.

Earth, fire, feng shui, all reached the level of 270 paths.

He stopped and did not continue to practice Yuqing Supreme. Instead, he expanded and opened up life, soul, Taiqing, Shangqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti.

Over the past few days, he has captured a lot of Dao Yun, and the number of trails has exceeded 5,000.

After all, it is just a realization. It is not difficult for him. He can find a new one every second.

However, the more he captured, even if his talent was 200, he still felt some pressure. After all, if you count the great ways, there are three thousand small ways, three thousand middle ways, three thousand great ways, and there are also outside ways.

Just by calculating like this, the number of Tao principles already exceeds 27 billion.

Now he has to find what he wants from these two seven billion paths. It is no longer a matter of the speed of enlightenment, but also a matter of selection.

This is undoubtedly an extremely huge amount of work. It would take him more than 300,000 days and 856 years to comprehend 86,400 trails without doing anything in one day.

So, don’t think it’s easy for him to practice.

In fact, the difficulty is so great that it is unimaginable.

Therefore, it is not easy to find more than 5,000 trails that you need in such a short period of time, mainly because they are relatively common and there are so many of them.

This is the case with Yuqing Supreme. Under the 1080 trails, it becomes troublesome to continue to understand more. Sometimes, you may not be able to feel something new for an hour or two.

For this reason, he decided that the Seven Saints would practice at the same time, first covering the way that could be quickly found, absorbed and strengthened, and then analyzing it bit by bit. As for how long it would take to complete, Li Su did not think about it, nor did he dare to think about it.

After all, even if the time to screen them all was halved, it would still take more than four hundred years.

Not to mention that if his world wants to grow to a height that can host all the Seven Saints of the Lord, even if it is a twenty-second-level world, it will take a lot of time to grow.

In a sense, facing this result, Li Su finally had the idea that he had really started to cultivate immortality. It would take a long time to complete a journey.

After all, others have been cultivating immortals for hundreds or even thousands of years. What we are talking about here is real time. Counting their years in the special cave, even if it is not several times, it is more than ten times.

What about him? From the beginning of practice to the present, the real time is about ten years, and the special cave is less than a hundred years.

As for the fragments of the world, it is not considered the cultivation of the body. It is considered as the soul experiencing a new life. It is starting from scratch, and not to mention the improved state after returning, it is essentially the same as Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, and the somatosensory feeling has been compressed. Except for the more unforgettable memories and accidents, the trivial matters in life and the long periods of silence will be forgotten.

Therefore, he is still very young at this moment, a big boy over a hundred years old.

In the lifespan of a cultivator, he is essentially still a cub, let alone an adult, with no hair even growing.

Closing his eyes, Li Su kept practicing, trying to capture and absorb all the little paths he had captured so that he could grow.

Fortunately, his world is big enough and consists of twenty-two layers of star cores, so it can be said to be able to hold it.

A total of twenty-two pieces were separated, and every three pieces were occupied by a Supreme, for a total of twenty-one. The last remaining piece was in the center, which happened to be where the prototype of his heavenly law was.

The number of trails continues to increase. In less than a day, the number has exceeded 2,500, and the number is still increasing rapidly.

The power of the Seven Saints is also undergoing amazing changes as the paths are integrated into each other. Although they were magical enough from the beginning, they are still empty shells inside. As the paths are integrated, they begin to become more complete, inside and out. The outer capital began to exude astonishing power, and the wonders inside became more and more grand, and began to shine out of the world with luster, appearing on the surface of Li Su's body, blending with the five major visions produced by the advanced True Immortal Queen.


The other end.

Deep down, the war is still going on.

Even if she is surrounded by others, even if she falls into death, the unknown woman is still astonishing and unparalleled.

She is too strong.

Her foundation is unbelievably strong, and every move she makes has the power to overturn a world. Even those who besiege her are geniuses, beings who can rank at the pinnacle of mythology at the level of Taiyi.

Facing her, it was still very difficult to fight.

This woman's spirit, will, and Taoist and supernatural powers are extremely terrifying. Especially her moves, the huge golden doumi that emits a brilliant light, have the effect of turning decay into something magical.

Every time they fight, although both sides will be severely impacted, the woman will suffer countless injuries after a long time.

But it was obvious that the heavier person was not her, but the four people surrounding her.

The Black Mountain Cult's Nu Feng was coughing up blood, and his majestic body had many cracks, and the inside was constantly vibrating. It was a treasure body, its hardness was comparable to that of an immortal weapon, and the woman's power actually fell on the body through the opponent's carelessness. .

Taotie wasn't much better either. Its mouth was bleeding and there were two cracks at the corners of its mouth. It was recovering very slowly. There was a trace of fear in its huge eyes. How many times had this happened? His mouth was torn apart.

Is this really a female? How could it be so cruel?

Several times, it obviously bit the opponent, but was caught by the other hand and tore it apart with brute force. The pair of hands, as white as jade, definitely looked like they were good at needlework rather than strength work. They broke out for a moment and fell into a trance. The Taotie bloodline was shaking, and ancient memories were awakened, and they saw the terrifying existence that fed on them in the early days, Wu!

As for the string puppets, I won’t mention them. The puppets were all knocked crooked. The terrifying puppets were composed of evil elements, mixed with inexplicable metals, incredibly hard, and possessed extremely weird powers. Several deep holes were punched out on their bodies. The deep fist mark was not just once, but was created over and over again with the show of fists.

There is also that black shadow, with blood all over its body and countless eyes rotten. Every time it uses evil methods to capture the opponent, it will be torn apart by force in the next second, and then it will hit it with a golden bucket with a wave of its hand. The woman seems to be extremely disgusted with the black shadow. Every time she looks at it, there is a ferocious look in her eyes, and her tactics are very dark.

"There's something wrong with this situation!"

The golden-haired rat shivered and became more and more frightened as he looked at it.

This female is a bit scary, as if she is staring at her own female cat, making her soul tremble and meeting her nemesis.

Taoist Kongkong also twitched the corners of his mouth and his eyelids kept twitching.

In the world of mythology, it’s not like there are no powerful women.

There are amazingly powerful beings in both the Eastern and Western Regions, and they are all in the Daluo realm. They are known as the twin pearls of the mythical world and the twin poles of women.

The Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal, the Sword Fairy.

The former was born in a great religion and is one of the four extremes of Dongchan. He has strong feet and amazing talents. He has the ability to transform flowers into thousands of flowers, which is extremely beautiful and extremely ferocious.

The latter is relatively rare. He has a good relationship with Jiejiao, but he is a real casual cultivator with amazing talent. Zeng Yufeijian cut through the mountain guarding formation of the Sect of the Shangyu, pierced the heart of a veteran Daluo Wanjian, and hung him on a hundred thousand people. On the cliff, there is no escape for a hundred years.

The above two people are both legendary women, and both are amazingly strong.

However, its foundation is still based on beauty, giving people a feeling of being women, even if they are really strong.

But the person in front of him, buried under that majestic body, is definitely an ancient tyrannosaurus, a strange beast from the ancient times.

That character and those methods are too tough and overbearing.

The Buzhou Mountain of the Black Mountain Sect has been famous for its defense for several years. However, it was penetrated and broken by the woman dozens of times, hundreds of times with absolute power. The scene was really amazing. Taoist Kong Kong and Jin Mao were watching from a distance. Rat couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling and felt sorry for Nu Feng.

This guy, after this battle, is probably going to have a psychological shadow and have doubts about his own magical powers.

Taoist Kongkong's teeth ached. He was such a strange woman in the beginning, but he told the Golden Mouse that if there was a chance, he would quietly do something to her and sell her favors to her, which would be a timely help.

Judging from the tactics and character analysis, the other party is not a person who repays kindness with enmity.

Moreover, Taoist Kongkong watched for a long time. Although he didn't know who the woman was, he was almost certain of her identity.

He is not a person from the mythical world, but an outsider.

Such an identity is undoubtedly good. After all, what he did offended many people. Although he did not attack the disciples of the great sect, many of them belonged to the great sect. The Demon Court, Tianting, and Dongchan Sect were all offended. Really If something happens, they will be hunted everywhere, and no one will help.

This kind of outsider is different and will not take into account the great religion.

As a result, after waiting and waiting, instead of waiting for the other party to be in a desperate situation, a comeback against the wind began to appear.

Not only that, Taoist Kongkong also discovered an astonishing reality, that is, this woman's fighting style, although it seems very ruthless, is full of skills. It is the kind of fighting that has been fought through countless bloody battles with all her strength. Most of her body is covered in blood. Extremely terrifying fighting talent.

How could such a person be alone and trapped in a place like this?

This is simply unreasonable.

Stupid people can survive for a long time in a peaceful environment, but they can't survive in that kind of environment with constant fighting.

Therefore, the Chinchilla would say that something was wrong.

As the balance of the battle began to tilt, the woman gained the upper hand, and the faces of those who besieged her gradually became embarrassed and solemn.

Especially Taotie, it is the leader.

The Black Mountain Sect and all the evil beings were invited by it to set up traps here, hoping to hunt down the core that took over the Xia Kingdom.

The opponent was really difficult to deal with. Daluo Realm had ambushed him several times. The opponent either didn't end up at all, or woke up early and left. In the end, he had to arrange it here, a place inaccessible to Daluo Realm, and deployed absolute combat power.

It was undoubtedly smooth at first, but when the fight actually started, I realized that the opponent's strength was beyond imagination.

Taotie really couldn't accept this result, because the woman in front of him was not the strongest. The reason for arresting her was because her disciple was declared by the Waiyou to have the terrifying talent of ten fights in the world and the exclusive possession of nine fights.

Faced with this result, Taotie wanted to scold her. After hundreds of years of practice and fighting against four Taiyi myths, this talent is not the best?

Not only was Taotie scolding his mother, but Nu Feng of the Black Mountain Sect was also scolding his mother at this moment. He was so miserable that Bu Zhoushan's true meaning was almost interrupted. This woman is so awesome.

His surname is anger because of his personality. Therefore, Buzhoushan's power is undoubtedly more lethal than defense. His best skill is frontal suppression and crushing the opponent. As a result, his three views have been refreshed at this moment. He is suppressed and beaten. People penetrate.

Moreover, what made his mentality explode the most was that with the strength of the other party, that bastard Taotie actually allowed him to be captured alive? Just kidding, if this continues, instead of them capturing each other alive, the other party will beat them to death.

"Taotie, I can't catch him. I won't do it anymore unless he kills me." Nu Feng said angrily. This business is a scam. No, it's over. Please add more money, otherwise it's over.

The other two didn't speak, but their eyes, attitudes, and emotions could all be seen. They couldn't stand it anymore.

It's really too scary. It's hard to deal with such a existence at all costs, let alone capture it alive.

Taotie gritted his teeth and understood that it would be worse if he continued like this, and at this moment, he had already deeply begun to cherish the information brought by the group of foreign monsters.

This talent is actually second-rate? It’s not the strongest, these guys are at least above the Fourteenth Fire of the Golden Core, a perfect level of true immortality, right? This talent is unparalleled in the world of mythology. It can be surpassed by only one hand in the history of hundreds of thousands of people in the entire mythology world.

In a world with just a few hundred million human beings, it’s a lucky coincidence that something like this could be born. Now you’re telling me that there are others above it?

I remember the other party said that there is not much difference in talent between this woman and two people.

I'm gonna spit in your face.

"Do it!" Taotie gritted his teeth, not intending to capture him alive. There was no way he could be captured unless Da Luo came and put an end to it.

But obviously, Da Luo cannot enter this place, which will cause terrible situations.

Since they can't be captured alive, they can only be killed. I don't know if some of the body can be left. Such foreign blood food, the flesh and blood can be said to be the best.

As the words fall, the atmosphere changes.

The four people who were besieging broke out.

Undoubtedly, compared to being captured alive, the current strength is much stronger. The difference between keeping hands and not keeping hands is really big.

Although the woman was very strong, when faced with the four people who showed her extreme moves and wanted to kill her completely, the situation suddenly became a little dangerous. The advantage of getting it back was no longer there, and the balance tilted again.

After all, four of the same realms are still accumulated over thousands of years. The woman's strength is beyond imagination. She can kill even Da Luo. She is the true ultimate myth Taiyi, with unparalleled talent.

"Kongkong, do we want to take action?"

Watching the woman being suppressed bit by bit, the injuries on her body gradually increased. She bled for miles in a few breaths. Her back was accidentally hit, her waist was bitten by Taotie, her right leg was pierced by puppet silk, and there were also growths on her arms. Seeing the situation with his eyes open, the golden-haired rat man took a protective breath. If he didn't move now, it might be too late.

Of course, the four people who attacked were also miserable.

Nu Feng's skull was cut off with a palm, and his brains were knocked out.

Taotie's big mouth was punched hundreds of times, his teeth and jaw bones were cracked, and half of his face collapsed.

There was also a puppet whose chest was exploded by the golden light ejected from the golden dou. The black shadow was directly hit by the flying golden dou, and hundreds of huge eyes were punched out from the black shadow. , bursting in the air.

This is a real bloody fight, injury for injury.

This fighting method is completely different from before. Although Taiyi repairs quickly and is faster than Tianxian, he is still not Daluo. He is just immortal and does not have immortality. Such a battle will consume a lot of money and the internal world will be greatly impacted. .

Taoist Kongkong took a deep breath and prepared to say something.

However, the corner of his eye trembled, and there was a look of horror on his fat face.

There is someone there!

A woman dressed in white and snowy, with a huge bright moon above her head. She came silently, traveling thousands of miles in an instant, but without even a single wave of movement. If you hadn't caught it directly with your eyes, you would have missed it.

She glanced at Taoist Kong Kong and the two of them, and a burst of lunar power that could freeze both body and soul was erupting, almost freezing the two to death.

This breath and this taste are the same as that woman. They have the same foundation and come from the same world.

Taoist Kongkong was shocked and immediately realized, what the hell, he was trapped there, he was just fishing! ! !

The woman's eyes narrowed and she sped up.

In one step, he traveled through thousands of miles of void and appeared directly between the five people fighting for life and death.

She raised her sleeves and hands without any movement, silently clapped her palm, and quietly landed on Nu Feng's back.

Nu Feng suddenly trembled, with an extremely frightened look in his pupils. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. It was frozen blood and ice crystals. In just a second, his whole body turned white, and there was no warmth in his body.

A simple slap didn't even make a sound, but inside, the scene was extremely terrifying.

Most of the world has turned into an ice sculpture, and in the core there is a huge bright moon rising. This moon is one empty and one real. The real one freezes the body to death, and the empty one freezes the soul.


At this moment, there was a sound of laughter above the clouds in the sky, and a stream of light came quickly. In the blink of an eye, it came to the center of the battlefield. It stretched out its hand and directly grabbed the string puppet that was besieging the woman. The puppet was very big. It was a thousand feet long, but in the hands of the person who appeared, it was no more than a doll. Under the horrified gazes of everyone, the giant raised his hand, shouted loudly, and poured it towards the ground.

With a bang, the land with a radius of 100,000 miles shook, and a huge shock wave formed. The endless sand and dust on the earth rolled up, forming a huge cloud in the sky.

At this moment, the besieged woman also erupted. Jin Dou emitted tens of thousands of brilliance, forming thousands of swords, soaring down from the sky, directly piercing the black shadow below and nailing them to the ground. Countless blood spurted out for a while, forming a Streams merge into rivers.

At the same time, she raised her hand and punched, one punch, one punch, and one punch after another, hitting Taotie's body.

That fist was heavier than a mountain and heavier than the sea. The extremely terrifying ancient ferocious beast Taotie was shattered bit by bit under this fist, destroyed, and was beaten to ashes.

“Damn, I’m really fishing!!!”

Facing this scene, Taoist Kongkong and the Golden Mouse in the distance couldn't help but have their scalps explode. Although they had some speculation before, they didn't expect it to be true.

The great disciple who had always been a fisherman was actually lost today?

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