
Just when Taoist Kongkong and Jinmao Shu were being hunted, they had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, and they couldn't help but begin to doubt their lives.

Very suddenly, the deepest place shook.

In an instant, both those who were running away and the chasing King Diming and others couldn't help but stop, their attention was completely attracted.

The direction of movement... is in the depths.

The vibration was so powerful that it could be clearly felt even from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Not only that, in this dead world, where all the rules of Dao Yun seemed to be dead, there was a terrifying Dao Yun erupting from the depths where the most deadly energy was.

In an instant, even the furious King Diming stopped and couldn't help but stand there, looking far into the distance.

There is light there, an extremely bright and brilliant light, intertwined with countless rhymes, the author's supreme texture, with the meaning of holiness and ancientness, rising into the sky.

Just when everyone was extremely shocked, in the gray sky, where the huge light was, a strange scene emerged.

That... is a palace.

It is grand and solemn, sacred and ancient, beautiful and noble.

The whole body is engraved with bright words, which contain supreme power, blessings from saints, and blessings from the great road.

At the moment of its appearance, it can be seen that the great avenues of heaven and earth surround it, complimenting its center and being covered by magic. There are thousands of golden clouds of merit, and there are golden lotuses blooming.

That palace is extremely magical and extraordinary.

It is so huge that it almost covers the entire sky. The sun, moon and stars are all located in it. There are thirty-six palaces in total. Each palace has its own characteristics and has special wonders.

Facing this scene, no one who saw it even needed to say anything at this moment. Whether it was the two Taoists Kong Kong or the three kings of Diming, they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air at this moment.

Ancient Heaven! ! !

In an instant, a word appeared in their minds.

After all, the biggest wonder in the Eastern Territory is the Heavenly Court, and the huge palace displayed at this moment is undoubtedly very similar to the huge wonder outside, but the difference is that there are no immortals on it, and it only highlights the palace itself, which makes it It was clearer and more extraordinary. Even the sight itself made everyone present couldn't help but be shocked and yearned for it.

That's where the immortal should be! ! !

In an instant, King Diming abandoned Taoist Kongkong, jumped up, turned into a rainbow of light, and headed straight for the light pillar in an instant, thousands of miles away.

No matter what caused the vision, the thing that caused the vision had to be obtained.

Facing this scene, Taoist Kong Kong, who was being chased at this moment, couldn't help but be shocked. He should have been extremely excited. He was finally able to save his life. There was no need to use more means. After all, some means were better not to be used, because that was not the case. It will only expose one's own strength, but it may also expose one's own heel. The former can be tolerated, but the latter will definitely cause big problems.

But in the face of the sudden change that occurred not far away, Taoist Kong Kong was shocked and did not take the opportunity to escape. He left this world and completely got rid of King Diming to avoid being discovered by the other party.

At this moment, his eyes flickered and his emotions were inexplicable.

is it him?

That Jiejiao Daozi!

As far as he knew, there was no one else in this deep place except him and the Golden Mouse.

Now this sudden scene, what people can imagine is undoubtedly the only way to teach.

As for whether this scene would explode on its own and release the seal, Taoist Kongkong didn't even think about it and just shook his head in denial. The possibility was too small, too small.

How long do you think this world has been here? Not in years, decades, hundreds, or thousands of years, but in units of tens of thousands of years.

What will happen should have happened long ago.

Moreover, do you think that when Daluo entered and the saint entered before, they would not check it?

Of course it's impossible!

In the end, it was determined that everything here was dead, and at the same time that it was cut off, the entire world entered an extremely terrifying situation and became a truly dead thing.

This kind of death is not the kind of death of flesh and blood.

Instead, it has become like death itself. Not only is it dead, but it can also have an influence, causing all living matter to transform towards it.

Therefore, this place was declared by the saints as a place of nothingness, because here you can feel nothing except death.

Therefore, this shock itself is extremely unusual.

Taoist Kongkong didn't wait long, a golden light came quickly and came to him in an instant.

It was the Golden Mouse. Apparently the two evil spirits had given up on chasing him, but he did not leave immediately and ran over while still maintaining his true form.

"Kongkong!" At this moment, the golden-haired squirrel had a serious face, its small eyes kept scanning towards the bright light in the distance, and its attitude was self-evident.

"I know!" Taoist Kongkong took a deep breath and quickly made a decision.

"Let's lurk there first and then look at the situation. If it is really related to the Ancient Heavenly Court, no one from the Demon Court can get it."

Soon, the two were directly on the road.

This time, the golden-haired rat directly broke through the space, and Taoist Kongkong directly sacrificed the immortal weapon. The two of them moved and dived into the slit, heading towards the deepest place.


And in the depths.

Li Su had a toothache and stared at the huge palace in front of him with a rather unsightly expression.

I originally planned to check it out and find out who the old woman was? He was undoubtedly a little knowledgeable. He really couldn't think of a mythical immortal in heaven who could use a hatchet as a weapon.

There is one in the underworld, but that mother-in-law’s tool is soup, not a hatchet.

As a result, unexpectedly, as soon as he approached, the dead palace suddenly shook, and the inside began to glow, and the shell quickly peeled off, directly exposing himself, not to mention, it also aroused a huge brilliance that exceeded ten thousand feet.

That light can't even be seen from the entrance, just like the bright moon in the night sky, it can scare people's eyes.

Faced with this result, how can you make Li Su happy?

This light should not be able to penetrate this world, and there is a high probability that it will not be exposed and let everyone in the Tongtian Dao know.

However, Li Su had no way of confirming whether Taoist Kongkong and the others had left!

If you leave, that's okay, maybe you can hide.

But if he hadn't left, something related to Gu Tianting had been intercepted and if Daozi got the news, it might have spread.

As a person who likes and is used to making a fortune in silence, how can I accept this situation?

For a moment, thoughts of murder and silence kept growing in Li Su's mind, which made him uncomfortable.

In my previous life, whether I was watching TV or reading novels, what I hated most was the group of villains in them. As soon as they saw something good, they immediately became malicious and wanted to kill people and silence them, whether they saw it or not.

Especially those who are more ruthless, not only those present will die, but everything within a few miles or dozens of miles nearby will die.

If there is a village, then I'm sorry, but the position you were born in is not very good, and you are destined to have a disaster.

At this moment, Gu Tianting is making such a fuss, isn't this forcing him, Li Su, to become a bad guy?

However, after thinking for a while and thinking of the identities of Taoist Kongkong and the rat, Li Su quickly realized that these two were obviously not good people, let alone innocent. If he killed them, Li Su felt that he would not create a burden.

Wait and see, depending on the nature of their urine, they might come over.

By the way, why not put some makeup on...

No, to be precise, Jie Jiao Daozi himself is the makeup he put on. He removed it first. Those two guys are not easy to kill. I always feel that what is shown is not everything, and it is hidden deep inside.

After a while, if they can't be killed, they will at least have a very deep impression on the two of them, that is, the person who got the thing is not Jie Jiao Daozi.

But the descendant of the ancient saint whom he met in Jiuzhang Tianluojia Mountain!

Well, that's a great idea.

Seeing that the vibrations of the huge palace began to decrease, and the light emitted no longer increased, but became more restrained, Li Su took a breath and took advantage of the huge light to envelope himself, undoing the changes in his flesh and soul, and restoring his original appearance. .

Just after finishing everything, Li Su felt movement.

Someone is coming here quickly, very fast, beyond imagination.

Sure enough, he's back!

His eyes flashed. This speed undoubtedly shocked him. You must know that when Taoist Kong Kong left, he was not at this speed. Now he felt that the treasure was unearthed and completely exploded?

The speed of greed for treasure is actually faster than running away for one's life?

I have to say, admire, admire.

Li Su thought to himself, but saw the palace shake, and began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not only that, it flew directly towards him. At the same time, in Li Su's world, the palace shook, as if he felt something , his pupils couldn't help but the phantom of the Heavenly Palace appeared, and his breath overflowed, and he began to take the initiative to attract him.

Sure enough, after Tiangong swallowed Xingri Palace, Gutianting itself formed a connection with him and could be absorbed by him.

I don’t know which palace of the Ancient Heavenly Court is being fused this time. Does such a fusion mean that the Heavenly Court itself will be completely absorbed by his Heavenly Palace in the future?

If the ancient times are revived, for example, the great uncle and grandpa Tianzun comes back, thinking together, Li Su can't help but feel a little numb, and the whole person feels a little uneasy.

Can this be separated in the future?

Before Li Su could think about it, the palace had already arrived in front of him, plunging directly into his eyebrows and merging into his world.

With a bang, Li Su's mind went blank. There was an extremely terrifying and unbelievable pressure erupting. His body sank for a moment, his soul was in chaos, and his mind seemed to be filled with lead. It was extremely difficult to move.

what's the situation?

Li Su's little face couldn't help but turn pale. There was no doubt that this was not the case when he integrated into the Star Palace.

Damn it.

He could feel someone approaching quickly, and it would take at least a few breaths to reach him. At this moment, the palace was immersed in such a reaction, and the other party's arrival at the same time meant that he would not be able to react.

Just when Li Su's face changed slightly, if he wanted to do something, he would either speed up the absorption. If not, he would directly reject it first, and then talk about other things after dealing with the guys who came from behind.

The next second, his body began to vibrate, and substances flowed out of his flesh and blood cells.

For a moment, Li Su was stunned.

He was no stranger to these substances.

When he was forcibly dragged here at the beginning, the old woman who appeared with a hatchet fed him something into his mouth.

They sparkled and formed extremely special textures in Li Su's body, which were covered with supernatural powers, with supreme power flowing through them, emitting an extremely special light.

In an instant, Li Su, whose body was extremely heavy and his thinking became sluggish, suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

These substances are helping him to reduce the impact of the integration of Ancient Heaven.

I don’t know what kind of meat it is, but it actually has such an effect?

Li Su couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face. Obviously he didn't expect this. After swallowing it, the other person seemed to have disappeared and couldn't feel anything.

As the special texture exploded at this moment, Li Su discovered that it was not that he couldn't feel it, but that it became one.

The flesh he devoured has been digested and absorbed by him, which gives his flesh and blood the inexplicable properties of flesh and blood.

This flesh and blood is really extraordinary, it should be said that it is beyond imagination.

There is a big problem with the texture formed. It is not a simple avenue or a rule, but more like a certification with certain attributes.

However, the amount of flesh and blood that Li Su swallowed was not enough, and the texture itself was incomplete and still lacking.

But even so, his absorption at this moment, both in difficulty and speed, had an astonishing change. It felt extremely weird, as if it was not absorption, but that the ancient heaven itself was a part of him, and it was returning home.

This feeling is too weird.

In just a few breaths, the shrunken palace gradually disappeared into the center of his eyebrows and was completely absorbed by him.

"How dare you covet my heavenly artifacts like a human slave and a bastard!!!"

With an angry shout, a figure flew over from a distance, it was King Diming. At this moment, he was extremely furious and his face was ferocious.

Although his realm was suppressed, Da Luo still possessed some of his supernatural powers. Even though he was tens of thousands of miles away, he still captured the situation here very clearly, and saw the sacred palace that represented part of the ancient heaven, and the way it was known. A sight to absorb.

As the only orthodox successor to the ancient heaven in the mythical world, this scene completely stimulated him.

His eyes were wide open, his eyebrows were twisted into a knot, and his facial features were squeezed into a ball. His face looked terrifying. His entire face turned purple and he was so angry that he almost exploded.

Not only is this thing precious, but more importantly, Li Su is a human being, not a monster.

If this scene is publicized, it will definitely cause a spatial impact and have a huge impact.

The palaces of the Ancient Heavenly Court, when the Demon Court and the Heavenly Court competed with each other, claiming to be orthodox, not only had extremely huge political significance, but also had a deeper, mythological significance.

Good luck! ! !

Nothing else matters, but this is unacceptable.

Both sides claim to be heirs of heaven, and what they are promoting here is not just a name, but also the continuation of their incense and the inheritance of their luck.

Especially before the Great Destruction, Heaven represented the center of the Three Realms and was the representative of Heaven.

Faced with such a situation, King Diming was naturally unable to calm down, and instantly aroused a huge murderous intention.

Um? ? ?

Li Su turned around inexplicably, and then he raised his eyebrows with a look of extreme surprise on his face.

Da Luo realm.?

Moreover, the person he once glanced at from a distance was the Demon Court's Diming King.

How come he is here?

I couldn't help but think back to the demon clan Taotie who was killed by me. Was it related to it? But half a year has passed, so what’s the point of coming now?

The aura is very strong, undoubtedly above the level of myth, but the realm is Taiyi? No, angel?

In just two or three breaths, the distance had been completely closed. The extremely furious King Diming was startled. He obviously did not expect that the person who had captured a corner of the ancient heaven palace was not even Taiyi.

In an instant, he was ecstatic and couldn't help but thought: God helps me.

To be honest, as the pinnacle Daluo realm, even if the realm is suppressed, it is undoubtedly easy to take down the ordinary Taiyi, but it is undoubtedly a bit tricky to kill or even capture the mythical Taiyi, after all, the power he can burst out , it is only equivalent to a myth. If the other party intends to escape, the trouble will be far greater than the bitch he was chasing before.

Although he said he had helpers, there were two evil beings coming behind him.

But as a corner of the ancient heaven, it is too important. Even if the evil beings are not interested, they will definitely not just nod and say yes and leave it to him.

Once they rely on them, even when chasing and killing them, if Ancient Heaven Court is captured by them, Demon Court will definitely pay an incredible price.

Not only that, the importance of this thing is not only its political value and mythological value, but also its spiritual value to King Diming.

If he can get it alone, even if he finally takes it out, at least he can save a lot of time before that. When he reaches his level, the road has already come to an end. The ultimate great Luo sounds like he is the strongest among the saints. The presence.

But in fact, it is not a good thing for the Ultimate Great Luo himself, and he does not like it. He has not been able to break through it after hundreds of thousands of years. Will he be able to do it in the next few hundred thousand years?

There might be an opportunity for sainthood in this corner of ancient heaven.


Without any hesitation, King Diming directly used his own power. In his body, the largest galaxy was vibrating, and large areas of Tao were intertwined. He waved his hand and slashed out. Before anyone arrived, he directly slashed out a huge and boundless area, as if The mercury-like ripples are derived from the wonders of the universe, running through millions of principles, like the Milky Way upside down, extremely beautiful and extremely terrifying.

This blow was extremely terrifying.

It spread for tens of thousands of miles, forming a terrifying scene of annihilation, as if a universe collapsed and millions of stars perished.

This blow was extremely ferocious, and he had no intention of holding back. He wanted to crush Li Su directly, turn his flesh and blood soul into ashes, knock Gu Tianting out, and not give him a chance to escape.

Facing this scene, Li Su took a breath, and while taking a step, his energy began to grow wildly.

Three thousand black hairs are flying, and the wonders of the human race appear above the head. There is boundless blood and energy rising into the sky, and thousands of kinds of ultimate life appear within.

His aura was astonishing, and five different colors of shock appeared on his body in an instant. The extremely grand world in his body began to shake. The light of nearly six thousand paths flickered. The grand history of the human race filled the entire world. The fire flag came to life and stood tall. At the center of his world, the flames shone, forming thousands of miles of fire flags.

Li Su raised his hand and punched.

In an instant, a scroll of life paintings and a piece of human history appeared.

With the foundation of true immortality, life is supreme and manifested.

In the painting, thousands of dragons roar, phoenixes roar, Kunpeng, Qilin, and black tortoise roar into the world, and hundreds of millions of people light up the endless firelight.

With a bang, the Milky Way collided with life, with endless starry sky on one side and vast creatures on the other.

The moment the two forces came into contact, a huge impact occurred in this heavenly world. The tens of thousands of miles of earth cracked, the indestructible gray clouds in the sky were pierced, and the endless rain that covered the entire world was evaporated. Under the collision of the two people's forces, the structural situation was changed.

With a roar, Li Su took two steps back. His blood surged for a moment, and six billion cells were shocked.

For the first time, when I went all out and used my supreme strength, I was beaten back with brute force.

He couldn't help but press his lips. The smell of blood spread in his mouth, and his body was injured by the other party.

On the other side, King Diming's force from the counter-shock was too great, beyond his estimation. Not only was he unable to grasp it, but he was beaten to a halt, and he couldn't help but took a step back.

Faced with this scene, King Diming was stunned and completely shocked. There was an incredible look in his pupils. He looked at Li Su who took two steps back and stopped, as if someone had strangled his neck.

How can it be? ? ?

He is not Taiyi, nor is he Daluo, he is in the ultimate Daluo realm! !

Even if the realm is suppressed, the gap between Ultimate Da Luo and Da Luo is undoubtedly larger than Taiyi and Tianxian.

After practicing to the level of King Diming, all the shortcomings have been made up for. The so-called Ultimate Daluo is actually similar to the Taiyi Myth and the Celestial Myth. It is the absolute pinnacle of dominance and has accumulated more than fourteen fire golden elixirs!

At this moment, facing a true immortal, with almost all his strength except for using his most powerful magical powers, he actually only fought an evenly matched opponent?

The opponent did take an extra step back, but what's the difference between a draw and a draw?

Not only King Di Ming was stunned, but the two evil spirits who were chasing after him were also stunned.

Naturally, they could feel the state of the person who fought against King Diming. Because of the relationship with the corner of the heaven, the two of them couldn't help feeling regretful. Although they came over as soon as possible, they were still not as fast as King Diming and their things were about to be taken away by him.

The result was far beyond their expectations. A true immortal actually burst out with power comparable to the peak of Taiyi Myth.

This is unbelievable.

Shinhwa can fight beyond levels, but that refers to the limit of true immortals, against the early stages of Taiyi.

It's not the limit of true immortals, it's against the limit of Taiyi.

The difference is only a realm, not a big level!

The two Taoists Kong Kong, who were caught in the gap and rushed over despite the danger, were also stunned at this moment.

The scene was really too shocking.

If it were outside, with just one blow, this true immortal would be recorded in the annals of history and become a rare miracle in the history of the mythical world. Just like the myth itself, it cannot be copied.

Wait, isn’t this person a Taoist priest?

Suddenly, Taoist Kongkong's face changed, because the person was not the Taoist Jie Jiao he thought, but the outsider he had met once in Luojia Mountain. The extremely powerful, immortal realm could already show his ability to resist the extreme Tai. The existence of B strength.

Why is he here? ?

When Taoist Kongkong and Jinmao Shu were surprised, King Diming's eyes suddenly shrank. He was so shocked that he didn't pay attention, but now he found that the other party's power was very pure, and there was nothing unique to the creatures in the mythical world. Turbid, covered with a hint of evil.

He is not a creature from the mythical world! !

Is it foreign blood food?

As this thought fell, King Diming couldn't help but have an extremely ridiculous idea emerge in his mind.

It was a message he had heard decades ago, but the content was so ridiculous that he undoubtedly regarded it as a joke at the time and didn't take it to heart at all.

The content is also simple, that is, among the alien human race, an extremely terrifying genius has appeared. His talent is so high that it is unparalleled in the world. It has never been seen before. If the talents of practitioners in the world were divided into ten buckets, he alone would have eight buckets! ! !

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