Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 613 A strong man who surpasses himself in all aspects

King Diming took a deep breath, and from the outside, an astonishing genius really appeared.

In the True Immortal Realm, if you can catch his attack, even if it is only at Taiyi level, the other party will be proud of himself.

As the Ultimate Great Luo, he has already completed himself and reshaped his own foundation over hundreds of thousands of years. This is the Fool's Road, which emphasizes accumulation. Through continuous practice over the long years, he will fill himself up bit by bit and fill in the flaws. Finally reach perfection.

It is different from the myth of breaking through realm barriers with talent and ability, and being able to cross levels and kill enemies.

This is a state that has been tempered for thousands of times, and it is the torture that turns decay into magic.

It is said that the edge of a sword comes from sharpening the fragrance of plum blossoms from the bitter cold. The practice of Extreme Daluo is like creating a peerless magic weapon that has been tempered thousands of times. When the sharp edge is revealed, it can kill all foreign enemies.

King Diming quickly calmed down after being slightly shocked.

Li Su's talent is indeed amazing, but it is not enough to shake him. Over hundreds of thousands of years, he has accumulated not only his own supreme realm, but also experience.

Tianjiao, in the eyes of Extreme Luo, is nothing but praise.

It means material that can be built, and it means the possibility of standing beside them in the future.

But the reality is very cruel. The history of the mythological world has never lacked geniuses. It is not that he has never seen amazing ones, but those who can walk in front of them and stand side by side with them are indeed very few, which can be said to be one in a billion. .

Therefore, in the world of mythology, saying that a person is a genius or even a genius is just a hint of encouragement given by these truly strong men.

The genius and the strong are two different concepts.

A talented person?

King Diming couldn't help but laugh. If so, it would be quite interesting.

He searched his memory and retrieved the scenes that had appeared in his memory. Even though he had no interest at all at the time, he took it as a joke and turned around and immediately forgot about it.

But once he recalled it, the memory inside was clearly experienced by him again.

He stood up from his memory, took the discarded information in his hand, and started reading it directly.

Originally, this should not be possible.

After all, he has not read the contents in his memory. Even if he recalls it, he can only recall what happened once and cannot see more.

But King Diming broke this concept. He opened the unseen information and interpreted the contents inside. Not only that, these contents were not his imagination, but really the information sent by the alien demon clan at that moment. content.

King Diming's eyes are shining, and endless Taoist rhymes are flowing. This is not going back in time, but capturing all the Taoist rhymes at that time and reconstructing the structure of the data.

When he reaches this state, even if he doesn't intend to, everything he has experienced can be directly reproduced, without any difference from reality.

But in the blink of an eye, he finished reading the information about the genius with eight talents in the mouth of the foreign blood eater.

The next moment, King Diming's eyes trembled slightly.

In the content, an unexpected word appeared.

Treasure! ! !

A treasure related to the ancient saints of ancient times.

For a moment, King Diming's breathing became heavier, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

No wonder the opponent was able to catch his attack immediately. It wouldn't be surprising if he had a treasure.

Unable to help but take a breath, King Diming's body began to tremble slightly, and his whole body fell into a state of extreme ecstasy.

If it were just the ancient heaven, he had to win it because of politics and luck.

So at this moment, realizing that the other party may hold the treasure, the concept is completely different. For King Diming, this means the holy realm and the holy road!

God is taking care of him.

Unexpectedly, because he was worried about the growth rate of foreign blood food, he came here to take a look. There is no doubt that this is just a casual move for King Diming. It doesn't matter whether it has any effect. After all, the worst thing about the Daluo realm is time, especially It was the Ultimate Great Luo. He looked at the cliff in front of him. He knew that he was only one step away from the holy realm, but he couldn't take any step forward, so he would undoubtedly have more time.

Suppressing the rising ecstasy, King Diming looked at Li Su with eyes that were like a woman looking at a diamond, shining with astonishing light.

The ancient heaven, the most precious treasure, and even the supreme saint of the ancient heaven.

One can already make Da Luo crazy, three?

At this moment, he had great expectations. The person in front of him was the legendary Badou Talent.

Get him!

King Diming's face turned red, and Zhou Yu couldn't help but tremble inside. A terrible desire was coming out of his heart, as if the lid had been opened, and the things inside could no longer be suppressed.

Extremely big Luo, extremely big Luo.

It sounds very good, but if you are not an extreme person, you will never be able to understand the mentality of this group of people.

There is no road ahead.

Standing in front of the cliff, looking at the towering realm, no matter how much I stretch out my hand or how much I long for it, the stairs to the holy realm are always out of reach. It is too far, too far away. That distance is not like Da Luo realm advancing to the holy realm, but In the foundation building stage, I want to reach the sky in one step and become a great person.

If they hadn't practiced for countless years and their minds were as hard as iron, they would have gone crazy when faced with this desperate scene.

Boom~! Boom~!

There was a sound, vibrating.

Very low and heavy.

Like heart sounds.

But starting from the second of the beating, the expressions of the two Daluo realm evil beings not far away changed immediately, and their steps that were about to come over stopped on the spot.

Not just them, even the golden-haired rat with Taoist Kong Kong in the slit of the world couldn't help but change his face at this moment, his eyes showed shock, his body shook slightly, and he showed a look of pain.

On the side, Taoist Kongkong couldn't help but take a deep breath and slowly spoke: "The Divine Sound of Earthly Sound, the natal magical power of King Earthlyming!"

King Diming, this title is not chosen randomly, but is named after his Taoist magical powers and his great way.

The ground roared!

King Di Ming's natal magical power is also his strongest method as the Ultimate King. In the vast world of mythology, excluding saints, his attack power ranks among the top ten, making him the top killing magical power.

Although its lethality is slightly inferior to that of the Blood Sword Master, one of the Nine Elders of the Jie Jiao, it is extremely difficult to defend and extremely damaging.

Its characteristic is this low sound, as if the earth is ringing.

Fortunately, the other party's realm was suppressed. Otherwise, if they were in the ultimate state of Daluo, with this sound, they would have fainted on the spot, the internal galaxies would have been impacted, and the avenue would have collapsed.

The level is too high and too strong, it is completely impossible to resist.

As the bystanders said, Li Su, who was the target of King Diming, was naturally the first to bear the brunt. The sound was like substance, constantly transmitted to his ears, and even passed through his flesh and blood, affecting his soul, and even the world was not spared. .

This sound was so pervasive that there were countless confusing avenues in the sound. The moment the impact was formed, it was as if a avenue ran over him. Li Su's body, soul, and even the inner world were shaken, and sparks flew all over the sky.

The physical body trembled slightly, and more than half of the cells were torn apart by the invisible force. If he hadn't activated the fire flag from the first time the opponent made a move, the fire would have scattered all over the world, covering the body and soul, just like that, he I'm afraid it will be severely injured and cause incredible damage, which will be difficult to repair even if you have the power of immortality.

Highly limit-breaking, this kind of trick is definitely not something that can be performed in the Taiyi realm.

Even though there was a salary fire flag, it was still vibrated into the inside, and many physical cells died.

His face was a little tense, and there was a rare solemn look on his handsome and evil face.

There is no doubt that this battle is probably the most terrifying opponent he has encountered since his debut. The opponent's strength completely exceeded his expectations. Regardless of realm, foundation, and strength, he far surpassed him. Even with the treasure, he was still at a disadvantage. among.

Undoubtedly, except for the emperor surnamed Zhao who encountered the world fragment for the first time, King Diming, one of the four kings of the demon clan who was slowly approaching in front of him with an aura like an abyss, even Taiyi could not stand in front of him, could definitely He can be called the strongest, but for the first time against him, Li Su didn't feel confident at all.

However, he did not retreat. Instead, his emotions were shaken, and all the cells in his body were trembling.

Not for a long time.

This feeling of being forced into a desperate situation and being choked by someone.

Li Su has always felt that he is a stable person. When it is time to be timid, he will definitely not hesitate at all.

But facing King Diming in front of him, even though he was unsure, even though he felt the opponent's power, he somehow had the idea of ​​being eager to try, the fighting spirit in his eyes was high, and his mood was stirring.

He stretched out his hand and raised his eyebrows.

He raised his finger and flicked it.

One black, one white, life, one death, the two distinct qi of yin and yang soared into the sky, inoculated in the void, took root, and grew into an extremely beautiful and dazzling flower of yin and yang.

As soon as the flower bloomed, the two energies of life and death alternated, forming a yin and yang millstone, which rolled directly towards King Diming.

Life and death, no, Yin and Yang?

King Diming's eyes were slightly shaken. This fluctuation, this breath, is undoubtedly the supreme way, the method of the saint! !

People teach ancient sages, are the Taoism of Taiqing saints orthodox?

The power of yin and yang is no stranger to the world of mythology. The disciples of one of the eight major religions, the Human Sect, follow this path.

However, it is obvious that the power of yin and yang in front of us is amazing. It alternates with each other and integrates into one body. It is far beyond the human teachings, immortals, and even the Taiyi level.

There is no mistake, the person in front of me is that talented person.

The Earth-Ming King became more and more excited and overjoyed. He raised his hand, and his arm became illusive and hazy, with flesh and blood beating. It was immersed in the Earth-Ming Avenue, which resounded to millions in an instant, forming an incredible resonance.

The void was trembling, and as he shook his hand, a large swath of the void collapsed directly, and the terrifying power acted directly on the yin and yang millstone formed by Li Su's yin and yang flower.

Bah~! A harsh sound sounded, and the sound was simply indescribable. It exploded like substance, forming thousands of fragments that spread thousands of miles around.

In an instant, the space between the two people was evaporated, and everything inside was eliminated.

This is simply not like a magical power, but more like two stars colliding with each other. The energy that escapes is not the so-called sound, but the fragments formed by the collision of the avenues. It possesses the power to penetrate everything and destroy everything.

The yin and yang millstone received a huge shock. It encountered an indestructible existence for the first time. It made an unpleasant sound and its rotation speed was greatly reduced.

Feeling the impact from the millstone, King Diming was also inexplicably shocked. Although the opponent had many ways, far exceeding what a normal true immortal could possess, but in the face of his power, it was still not worth mentioning, but he managed to resist it. .

It is obvious that it has been increased to an extent beyond imagination.

Even if I say that I am only in the Taiyi realm, the intensity of the Tao method is greatly reduced, but every time I cast it, it is still close to a million Tao, a hundred times that of the opponent. In this world, only the Supreme Treasure, and only the Supreme Treasure, can have such a terrifying increase.

The greater the vibration, the greater the joy.

King Diming couldn't wait to capture the person in front of him and put everything he had into his own bag.

With a roar, King Diming shook the yin and yang millstone open, and pushed it away with great force. With a move of his feet, he instantly crossed the distance between the two and rushed directly to Li Su.

Reach out directly to seal off the surrounding space and suppress the opponent with absolute power.

Li Su's eyes lit up, and there was a shadow of a sword in his pupils. This time, it was not the so-called heart sword, but a long blue sword, simple and unpretentious, but dazzling, with the ultimate sword intention on it.

The sword light exploded from between his eyebrows, showing infinite red light and revealing endless changes.

Two peerless divine swords appeared directly. They were extremely fast and endlessly changing, and they cut through them directly.

In an instant, the light of billions of swords was like the Milky Way, and the infinite sword intent slashed across the sky.

King Diming was shocked, and his eyes couldn't help but lock. He was shocked by the two swords in front of him. The sword intent was so piercing that his heart could not stop feeling cold.

This sword?

Not daring to be too confident, he felt the terrifying power of this sword. It was also a supreme and top-level killing move. A certain figure flashed in his eyes involuntarily, the Blood Sword Lord of Jiejiao.

Is this the way to explain the teachings of the Sage?

In an instant, he realized what the sword intent in front of him was, the first killing formation in ancient times, the Immortal Absolute Sword and the Immortal Trapping Sword in the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

The outstretched hand paused. At this moment, an extremely heavy sound erupted from his body. The ground rumbled continuously, and a terrifying spectacle appeared around him. It was an extremely huge landmass. It collapsed, as if it was a big earthquake in the end of the world. Continuously, it formed an unimaginable power and exploded.

boom! boom! boom! An extremely fierce collision was taking place. Li Su's immortal-killing swords directly collided with the opponent's collapse of heaven and earth. The nearly infinite sword intent slashed in and consumed each other with the spectacle he created.

In the blink of an eye, the two people's strength collided nearly ten million times, and the resulting impact continued to explode outward like a tsunami. The impact was somewhat unbearable in the world. One place after another cracked, and large swaths of the world were slits. exposed.

The shallow layers of the other world are directly exposed to the outside, collapsing layer by layer, heading deeper bit by bit.

The tens of millions of square kilometers of ancient heavenly fragments could not help but tremble at this moment, shaken by the power of these two people.

Kick! Kick! Kick!

After taking a few steps back, King Diming was suppressed by Li Su's sword intention. As an ancient and pure method, he was the most powerful swordsman in the world. Even though he was really powerful and his understanding of Tao far exceeded that of Li Su, he still couldn't. It was a big impact.

Although he retreated, the two immortal-killing swords that Li Su slashed were quickly consumed by his shock, and the endless sword intent was destroyed by the collapsing world.

His realm is too strong, and his energy is beyond imagination. The magical powers he has formed are almost infinite, and there seems to be no end in sight. It is clear that the wonders have been destroyed thousands of times by Li Su, but they recovered in an instant.

The more surprised he was in his heart, the more confident he looked on King Di Ming's face. He smiled. If the encounter was later, if the other party had completed the accumulation of true immortals and achieved the Taiyi realm, he would want to win here. , it’s really not easy.

To be able to use two sets of supreme skills, coupled with the move that he had played before to form countless top-level creatures, King Diming couldn't help but admire him. His talent was extraordinary, and he was also extremely outstanding among the descendants of the ancient saints in the past.

Among the dozen or so descendants of the ancient saints, there are only a very small number of the two supreme saints, most of whom only practice one discipline.

No wonder the foreign demons are so afraid and try every means to force him out and not give him time to grow. If such a person becomes a great Luo, I am afraid that even I will be extremely afraid of him.


You are still too shallow and too weak now.

That's how Tianjiao is. Before he becomes a strong man, he is too fragile and dies too easily.

Once they die young, the so-called genius is like the bubbles flying all over the sky, eventually dissipating and leaving nothing behind.

He raised his foot and shook, "The ground rumbled, and the soul shook!"

You can be proud of me for letting me use my magical powers and tricks. You are a slave and a bitch.

This step was really weird. There was no reaction or fluctuation in the void. Instead, Li Su was shocked in the distance. Countless cracks appeared on his body instantly. His body split open and blood spattered out. There was a terrible impact. Exploded from inside his body.

King Diming's kick had no external effect, but directly stepped on Li Su's soul, erupting from the depths and spreading outward.

Amazing enough, but that’s it!

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