Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 618 The poor monk came to the Eastern Tang Dynasty

Anyone who has read Journey to the West should have a feeling that Master Tripitaka is very weak and relies entirely on his disciples. In these ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, the difficulty is not so much for Tang Monk, but for Sun Wukong and the others.

After all, Tang Seng's only role inside is to be tied up, tied up, and continued to be tied up.

The only time I suffered a frontal injury was in the episode about the real and fake Sun Wukong, when I was slapped by the angry great sage and almost broke my waist.

I have to say, this episode is a classic.

It has extended a lot of content, including a commercial version and a dark version.

The general idea of ​​the commercial version is that the great sage has imitated adultery and created a clone. If you cause trouble with the Buddha, you will cry to the big boss. If you don't give an explanation, the great cause of seeking Buddhist scriptures from the West will be left here.

This forced the Buddha to come up with an idea and get four monkeys out of the world to grant Sun Wukong the status of Buddha.

Naked crying children get candy.

As for the dark version, the content is really evil and has a huge impact on the three views of the Mahasabha Party, so I won’t mention it here.

But in general, the purpose of Tang Seng's journey to the West to obtain scriptures is to shout with two voices tied up. As for the female monsters, they are not even tied up.

Sister Guanyin found that the disaster was not enough, so she drowned Tang Monk once.

For this reason, Tang Monk avoided being arrogant and cursed the great sage arbitrarily, so that he acted out the real and fake Sun Wukong for a while.

Here we are analyzing it carefully. Why was Tang Seng polite to the Great Sage after this?

Because he has enlightened.

The monster may not dare to kill him, but if the monkey is provoked, he can really turn the tables.

You have to understand this thing about human nature. Water far away cannot save the fire close by. Does what Buddha promised have anything to do with Tang Monk? The fundamental reason why Tang Seng became timid was that he found that he was beaten to his heart's content. Not only was there no one to make the decision for him, but the monkey actually achieved the status of Buddha, which made him understand the seriousness of the matter.

No, that's too far.

Back to topic!

Tang Seng, should he be weak? To be honest, although there has been a very strong version of Tang Monk, Li Su is talking about this version of Journey to the West, and whether you are 18 or 31 years old, you should not be powerless.

As for the reason, it's very simple.

If he were eighteen years old, he would have been born at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

As for the age of thirty-one, it is even more incredible. He has lived through the most exciting Sui and Tang Dynasties.

After all, the Sui Dynasty fell in 618, and he set out in the 13th year of Zhenguan. He either experienced the Sui and Tang dynasties, or was born in the late Sui Dynasty. Anyway, choose any one.

And obviously when you were born in the last years of a dynasty, the environment was undoubtedly quite bad, and it was extremely bad. The whole society was in a state of eating people without spitting out bones.

Without the support of a wealthy and aristocratic family, if you are not allowed to walk around the streets, people will disappear.

What's more, Tang Seng, in the setting of Journey to the West, can be regarded as an orphan, and he still has no food and no house.

Of course, some people here will say that after all, Tang Monk is the protagonist of Xitian Buddhist Scriptures. With the blessing of Buddhism and the help of gods, the problem should not be big.

But don’t forget, the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties in seeking Buddhist scriptures from the West are based on Tang Monk’s life experience.

The first difficulty is not to mention the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi.

The second, third, and fourth disasters were all encountered by Tang Seng when he was a child. Each one was really more difficult than the last.

Among them, the most difficult thing was that when Li Su stabbed three hungry thieves to death with bamboo, he still didn't see the old monk from Jinshan Temple appear in front of him, took him away and raised him until he was eighteen years old. Li Su reluctantly I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

There is something terribly wrong with this plot.

Li Su was very sure that after entering the new world, he did not add drama to himself. He became Tang Monk and only added drama because of his mental illness.

Because he was seriously injured and entered the World Fragments, he was not given a choice and was sent directly to Journey to the West. Li Souna was quite panicked at first.

After all, Journey to the West will feel very interesting when you read it. Once you enter that world, the reality will tell you how cruel and terrifying it is.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about the Shituo Mountain area.

How was it described in the book at that time?

The Great Sage couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He was shocked by the scenery here. That was the Great Sage Qitian, and he was frightened.

He passed through, and the character he possessed was still a dispensable character. If he fell into the territory of the demon clan, there was a high probability that it would become a description of a certain paragraph in the book, and it would still be the kind of character that does not exceed thirty. Word.

For example, when he saw a demonic wind blowing up, one hundred thousand people were swept away. He opened his mouth and swallowed, and his soul flew to the sky and the earth. It was so desolate.

In an instant, Li Suxin felt so cold.

However, he soon settled down, mainly because he found that the place where he was born was not bad. He had a car and a house, which made him feel at ease a lot. He must be from a wealthy family, and the clothes were very Tang Dynasty, and the silk was thin and could really be worn. It takes six or seven pieces to cover the body.

Although there were monsters in the Tang Dynasty, there were still no monsters that could swallow a hundred thousand people with just one mouthful.

However, before Li Su had time to breathe out evenly, he found that his cheap old lady actually wiped her tears and wrote something on her swaddling clothes, and then put him into a basin along the river. And down.

Li Su was shocked at the time! ! !

In ancient times, did people really put their children in a basin and send them away?

What do you think?

Wooden basin, let it go into the river, fuck!

Have you ever seen Jiang? Do you know how big the waves in the river are? Even if the waves couldn't sink the water, the wooden basin would seep water. For a moment, Li Su was stunned. It was hard to imagine that he was so unlucky that he was killed by the plot.

If he really died like this, this would be too funny. He couldn't even kill himself in the Daluo realm, but he was killed by a woman with a basin.

He originally thought he was cold, but not long after he went down the river, he was actually picked up.

Facing this scene, Li Su was so happy in her heart, and she felt grateful to the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, Uncle Jade Emperor, and Senior Brother Duobao.

Then he discovered that he was not a couple without a son, or a monk fetching water, but a group of bandits.

The purpose of taking him out of the basin was not to save him, but because these thieves had not eaten meat for two months.

I'm going to take him back and stew him with wild vegetables...

To be honest, when faced with an extremely fucked-up situation, Li Su went into a state of no reaction, no expression, and no thoughts.

How bad is this bad luck? As soon as Cai Cai was born, he suffered two murders?

I don't know if it was because of their unlucky nature that even the gods couldn't stand it. This group of thieves actually picked up a wild boar that died inexplicably on the way. It weighed more than 300 kilograms. If you save a little, you can eat it for a month.

Therefore, Li Suhe did not immediately become meat in the pot, but was taken up the mountain.

Of course, being taken up the mountain does not mean that Li Su is raised, but like a wild pheasant, he is left in a pen and ignored, ready to be killed the next day.

He was only one month old, and he had been tossed in the river for a long time, and was picked up and tortured for a long time. If he hadn't been a time traveler, and the person who wanted to cross was not Li Su, he wouldn't have survived the next day with this treatment.

Therefore, on the 31st day after he was born, Li Su began to directly swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and was forced to start a business to support himself.

After spending the whole night, my stomach was still growling, but at least there was some energy in my cells.

Li Su quickly used his hands and feet to snap hard with his little white hands, ran to the depths of the circle, and covered himself with leaves.

He is a person who cherishes his life. Even though he started with a wild and explosive character, he still did not give up and tried his best. After all, once he dies in the world fragment, he is really dead. There is no chance at all. He really doesn’t want to His death was so unclear.

It's a pity that he is too young, and his muscles and veins have not grown well. He absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth purely through his spirit. He is really trying his best to struggle to this extent.

Barely covering himself, Li Su closed his eyes and that was it. If he really wanted to die, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, right? He passed out immediately on the spot.

He didn't know how long it took before he woke up.

It hadn't been touched, it was still in the bush, and it was pricked by the leaves.

Didn't you come to see him?

Li Su was very confused. After all, he couldn't run far and left traces. He guessed there was more pork.

Without looking at Tianshi, he started breathing directly, absorbing as much spiritual energy as possible from heaven and earth to ensure that his physical body would not die.

It has to be said that the other party has forgotten for a long time. Li Su, who is nesting here, seems to have been forgotten. No one has come to look for him.

Faced with this result, Li Su couldn't help but feel excited. After all, this was his weakest period, and he had no ability to protect himself at all. If anyone just reached out and pinched him, he would be blamed.

So even if he slept in the open air, his skin hurt from branches, and he was exposed to the wind and sun, he did not move or go out, preparing to put this fragile period through completely.

Fortunately, when he was born, spring had just passed and summer was coming. It was not cold, it was very hot, so there was no need to worry about the coming of winter.

The only bad thing is that there are always some bugs trying to get his idea and bite him often.

He couldn't fight back and kill, but he could still kill the bugs with aura and spirit. Not only that, after killing many of them and swallowing one or two, Li Su's eyes lit up.

As far as insects are concerned, no matter what kind of insect they are, what is the most common thing?

Of course it’s protein! ! !

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is powerful, it still cannot be eaten, right? There are a lot of bugs in the grass, at least enough for a baby.

Ever since, summer has gone and autumn has come, and autumn has gone and winter has come.

In a few months, Li Su's body had grown a lot. Children grow very fast. Although he was a little malnourished, he did not treat his bones badly, and all the protein he ate was used there.

Not only that, but with mental strength and aura, he used his hands and feet to dig a small hole and bury himself in it. At least before the first snow fell, he ensured that he would not be exposed to the ice and snow.

Fortunately, even though he traveled through time, he still possesses certain supernatural powers and is extremely mentally strong, otherwise the oil in his bones would have been chewed dry.

All in all, all in all.

Although the start was a tornado, at least it was able to come back by constantly eating lanes and developing insignificantly.

Just lying on the spot, he lived in this vast journey to the west story for three full years. It was not until the sixth year that he had gained a certain strength, and then he emerged from the soil.

A long time has passed, but Li Su, who came out, has not forgotten the experience of being almost treated as a pheasant, disembowelled and thrown into a pot to be stewed with wild vegetables.

As a true gentleman who is determined to retaliate, one can only imagine his mentality for someone who cannot sleep overnight for revenge.

Three years, three whole years!

Do you know how I have spent these three years?

Li Su's pupils were filled with cold light and murderous intent was surging. Those thieves were none other than Lord Buddha. Bah, how could Senior Brother care about them?

He's going to be killed anyway!

It took three years to break out of the chicken pen. Green smoke rose from Li Su's head and rushed outside.

When the front foot goes out, the back foot immediately stops.

The place where this group of thieves lived was a village, not big, but not small either. Because most of his energy had to be taken care of his body to prevent his young body from dying, Li Su didn't have the energy to feel the situation outside.

Now that he was out, he finally had some spare strength and could sense the situation around him a little.


Unable to help it, Li Su took a breath of air and was stunned by the sight in front of her.

No wonder he was left behind and ignored for five whole years, and his relationship was dead.

There is a huge pit in front of it. Even after five years, the traces still exist. Looking at the surrounding situation, many plants and trees exude extremely strong vitality, and you can feel a trace of the power of thunder inside.

Struck by lightning?

However, the big pit in the middle seemed to have been bombarded with force.

From the analysis of the traces, it has been a long time, maybe several years.

There were several broken bones around, and there were no signs of being gnawed by wild beasts, so he must have died at that time.

Li Su took a deep breath and let it out for a long time. Although he didn't know what happened, this was probably the reason why he had been safe and sound in the past few years.

The enemy died, and Li Su naturally let go of his hatred.

He didn't leave, and just continued to live here. He is still too young now. If possible, he will officially leave the mountain in 30 to 50 years.

This is Journey to the West after all, and Li Su doesn't intend to cause any trouble, lest he attracts attention and gets killed.

It was already the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and it was not long before the monks from the Eastern Land and the Tang Dynasty went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures. Cultivation of immortals was not as good as martial arts, and even thirty to fifty years of foundation building might not be enough.

Lying down, as long as he didn't die, Li Su didn't ask for anything.

In a world of this level, even if you go out without doing anything, there should be a lot of benefits. At least if you delay like this, the injury will not continue to worsen, and you can stay in the debris for a while to recover after you go out.

So Li Su lived here for three full years, until he was six years old. His muscles and bones had stretched a lot, mainly because he couldn't continue relying on wind, food, and dew, so he had to go out to get blood food. , to supplement nutrition. If this continues, he will most likely become deformed. After all, the body has not yet fully grown, and there are no trace elements needed for physical growth in the aura of heaven and earth.

Planning to go out, Li Su thought for a while and went to take out the swaddling clothes he had worn as a baby.

He had no intention of retaliating against that woman. After all, she had taken over the other party's son's body. How ruthless the other party was had nothing to do with Li Su. They didn't owe each other anything.

Take the baby. First, the woman left a message, but he wanted to ask. If you don't want it anymore, you can throw away the temple, you can throw away the Taoist temple, or even give it away. There are so many choices, why do you just put them in the river? ? And the river is not close to his home.

After all, he had some doubts.

The other party wrote on the baby's clothes and put him in the basin. To be honest, the moment he went into the river, a thought of Masaka flashed through Li Su's heart.

As a result, it was picked up by a thief and almost stewed. Apparently reality and imagination were no longer the same, which made him feel uncomfortable for a long time.

He really didn't want revenge, he just wanted to let the other party experience the feeling of floating in the river, the feeling of being on tenterhooks for several hours.

However, if you don’t read it, you won’t know it. Once you read it, you will be shocked.

Looking at the content written in blood in the swaddling clothes, Li Su's little face seemed to have run a dyeing workshop, and the colors were really beautiful.

For a moment, my mind was empty, with only one question echoing.

Where are the monks from Jinshan Temple? ? ?

What about that damn old monk who was supposed to allow him to live comfortably and read Buddhist scriptures every day until he was eighteen? ? ?

Wasn't it just that when he was in the river, he was deeply afraid of capsizing, so he stabilized himself mentally, which resulted in a slight difference from the original work. As for the monk who had raised him for eighteen years, he turned into a thief who wanted to stew himself with wild vegetables? ? ?

What about heaven?

Where is Wang Fa?

And what about the great cause of Journey to the West? ? ?


"Century of waiting, millions of years of planning, now you fucking tell me, lost it???"

At this moment, in Jinshan Temple.

A stalwart shadow with a red face and red eyes, holding a shining golden stick in his hand, full of murderous intent.

In front of him, there was a figure crawling, trembling and bleeding.

However, what is a bit strange is that the person lying down is not a human being, but a ferocious and cunning jackal wearing a monk's robe, with long coarse hair.

Its waist was broken, its intestines were left on the ground, and its mouth was full of blood, which kept flowing.

"My lord, the little demon doesn't know. I really don't know. I went there on time and waited there. I waited for many days, but nothing came. The basin containing the immortal meat doll didn't come at all. !”

The jackal's cry was extremely sad and aggrieved. It had been waiting somewhere for a long time, waiting for the basin to float in. It had completed its master's task. It had been hungry for Tang Monk's meat for a long time.

Well, it seems like there is something really wrong with this plot.

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