Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 619 The gradually shifting plot

Li Su had a headache. The plot was wrong. The problem was huge, very big.

Although I don’t know why he suddenly became the main character, and he is also the most important character in the Western Heaven Buddhist Group, I can’t help but feel a little panic in my heart, especially when he was picked up by a monk from Jinshan Temple when he was supposed to be going down the river. After the chaos of the plot, the panic will undoubtedly expand infinitely.

He couldn't help but glance at his world book to calm himself down.

World: Journey to the West.

World weighting: 55%.

Character weighting: 60%.

Story weighting: 100%

Talent weighting: 215%.

As always, Li Su, who knows all the plots, has amazing bonuses. With this talent, if he is given the Qi Refining Technique, he will most likely be able to go from zero to 100, and achieve a perfect pass 100% of the time.

Well, feeling better.

It's okay, Li Su, you can do it. Tang Xuanzang, who had no strength to tie a chicken, could complete the journey to the west, let alone you?

Although there is currently something wrong with me, it doesn't matter. Since there was no causal correction when the problem occurred at the beginning, there is no need to worry now, things are not going in the worst direction.

What I have to do now is to calm down, find a way to leave here, find the official way to this world, see if there is anyone nearby, and then find out the location of Jinshan Temple.

If no one takes him there, he can go by himself!

Anyway, as long as the plot is renewed, it won't be a big problem. By the way, let me first think about the plot of Tang Xuanzang.

He went through four catastrophes until he reached the location of the Buddhist scriptures in the West, including reincarnation, birth, full moon, and acknowledgment of relatives and revenge. Judging from the current situation, the plot he took should be the one with bugs, that is, revenge for the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, and Buddhist scriptures. This is also the case in the thirteenth year of Zhenguan.

Regarding this, Li Sudao didn't think there was any problem. As long as he was fast enough and took revenge in spring, he could go to the West in winter.

What really bothered him was how he was going to host the Land and Water Conference!

What did Tang Xuanzang have to do to be qualified to preside over the Land and Water Conference at the age of eighteen? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't this kind of conference be hosted by old guys in their fifties and sixties? You must know that according to the plot, the Buddhist sect of the Eastern Tang Dynasty at this time is practicing Hinayana Buddhism, which means to save oneself, not to save others.

In other words, the Buddhist disciples at this moment are not so grand.

How could a high-end, elegant event like the Waterway Conference be given up to a hairless boy?

Thirty-one years old is barely enough.

Well, I thought a little too far.

Li Su shook his head and quickly came to his senses. Now he had to concentrate on how to get to Jinshan Temple!

This is the key, and it is also the way to make the original plot continue smoothly.

Go down the mountain.

Glancing at the overgrown road, Li Su sighed, OK, he picked up the leaves hanging on his body. He had no clothes and had been exposed to the sun and rain for several years, and they were all gone.

It took almost two days to finish descending the mountain.

Li Suren was too young, so it was very difficult, and because his eyes were covered when he was brought up, he didn't dare to use his mental power at that time, so he could only go out in fear.

Now I can only hope that the path I take will not go too far and lead me in the wrong direction.

Passed through mountains and forests, and then mountains and forests again.

After getting a lot of fruits, insects and sparrows to eat, finally on the third day, Li Su found a road that seemed to be a road.

It was three meters wide and covered with weeds on both sides. At least the middle was treaded flat, so it was definitely a road.

After all, this is ancient times, and you can't ask for cement roads or highways to appear. There is a yellow mud road, which is already quite good.

Doing the math, I am six years old. If I had set out at the age of eighteen, I would have been in Zhenguan for two years now.

That is 628 years!

If his memory is correct, the internal war is basically over, and only the Xiazhou separatist force Liang Shidu is left. When it is resolved there, there will undoubtedly be an external war, that is, fighting the Turks. Although Journey to the West is a mythical story, it still contains a lot of historical content.

At least the Central Plains ruled by the Tang Dynasty basically entered a period of peace and began to recuperate.

This is undoubtedly good news, otherwise if the war is still chaotic at this moment, it will undoubtedly be a huge problem for him to find Jinshan Temple.

Looking at this road, weeds have almost grown into the road. Apparently no one has entered here for a long time.

After all, the war has just ended, and the population has not fully recovered yet.

Not only that, spring has just begun, which is a good time to officially plant seeds. If you wait for someone on the road, you will most likely have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

With no choice, Li Su could only move forward along this narrow road. It would be great if he could walk along the road to a certain city in the Tang Dynasty.

No matter how bad the situation is, finding a village would be a good idea. Instead of asking the other party to take him in, it would be nice to even find out where he is.

However, go and go.

I've been gone for more than half a month, and I haven't seen a single person, not to mention anyone.

He is small, but he has supernatural powers and strong mental strength. His bones have been well cultivated by him. With the blessing of the vitality of heaven and earth, he can travel about twenty kilometers a day, which is not a big problem.

It had been almost twenty days, and they had already traveled 200 kilometers, but they didn't even see a fork in the road, which really made Li Su doubtful about life.


Just when Li Su felt that he was really going to break his short legs, suddenly, there was a sudden earthquake, shaking him.

Um? ? ?

Li Su's eyes widened instantly and he turned to look at the source of the earthquake.

It's very far, at least about ten kilometers.

Not only that, what struck him most strangely was that the source of the earthquake was not from bottom to top, but from east to west.

I'm afraid this is not an earth dragon turning over, but someone fighting.

immortal? monster?

Standing on the spot, Li Su frowned suddenly. Such a shocking force could never be a conflict between mortals. It could only be between practitioners. And the strength was probably not low, with the minimum foundation building and the golden elixir. It's not impossible.

After all, one cannot compare the golden elixir of ordinary people with Li Su's golden elixir.

Do you want to go there?

Today, his strength is too low. Although he has special means such as mental power and can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, can he be said to be powerful? That was a joke, any battle-hardened soldier could kill him.

After all, he hasn't started practicing yet.

I've tried it before, whether it's martial arts or Taoism, but it doesn't work.

The rules of this world are very different. Even if you can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it will only slightly increase the physical strength and cannot break the shackles of mortals. After reaching a certain level, it cannot be increased. Even if you use your mental power to capture more, you can only replenish it. Cannot be promoted.

This situation is very strange, it feels like something is missing.

After hesitating for a while, Li Su gritted his teeth and ran over there, up the mountain. It was only ten kilometers away, not too far. If he found a high enough mountain, he should be able to see some.

It doesn't matter whether it's gods or monsters. First of all, I want to see what's going on. The main thing is to understand the practice system of this world. He's mentally abnormal. As long as he can see it, he should be able to understand where the problem lies.

Li Su ran very fast, jumping up and down.

There is no way, my body is too small, everything looks big, and if it is more than one meter high, it is a hurdle. Without jumping, it is really difficult to move in this mountain forest.

Spotting one of the high mountains, he quickly climbed up.

This mountain is almost 100 meters tall by visual inspection, making it the highest in the area.

I just hope that there is no higher one behind the mountain, and I can see it before the battle is over.

Well, the fighting goes on and on.

The trot lasted for almost a quarter of an hour, but it still didn't end. Not only that, the shaking sound became more and more intense. It was obvious that the fighting had entered a small climax, and the final victory was not long away.

Already approaching the top of the mountain, Li Su became cautious now. He held his breath and covered himself with mental power, infinitely reducing his own fluctuations to avoid being noticed by the combatants.

Finally, with a flash of light, he climbed over the mountain blocking his sight and saw the scene where the earthquake occurred.


Taking a breath of cold air, even though he had been prepared in his heart, Li Su could not help but look blank at this moment, shocked by the scenery on the side of the mountain.

It was indeed a fight, but it wasn't the fight between gods and monsters, or the fight between immortal cultivators as he thought.

Instead, two generals on horseback, wearing extremely heavy and extremely strong armor, were fighting.

As for why they are called generals, it is because behind the two of them, there are two armies standing, a large area of ​​darkness with almost no end in sight.

One side is black armor, the other is red armor.

As the flags fluttered, a terrifying blood energy could be vaguely seen floating in the sky above the two armies, forming two mythical beasts.

That is, the dragon and the evil dragon.

The fighting was still going on. One of the two fighting men was holding a silver spear in his hand, and the other was holding a black spear.

The horses under them were moving very fast, exceeding 300 kilometers per hour at that time, and they were able to turn without losing speed, leaving an afterimage behind them.

The two divine weapons collided wildly, and each impact would cause a huge sound and produce an extremely terrifying impact.

The speed of the silver gun is very fast, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms. When it is released, it is a large area of ​​white, falling like a sudden rain.

The black spear was very heavy, as if there was a mountain on it, and it was chopping extremely crazily. Every time it hit, the atmosphere was shaking.

"Liu Heita, Li Mi has surrendered, Wang Shichong is about to fake his defeat, and Dou Jiande is only declining. The prince pities your talent, so why bother struggling? Why don't you put down your weapons and surrender to the Tang Dynasty."

General Silver Spear spoke, his voice soft and pleasant. Even in the midst of the battle, it was still clearly audible and not affected in the slightest.


The black spear general sneered, and the black spear in his hand became more and more fierce, and continued to fall with extremely terrifying power.

He continued to attack, as if he had no intention of talking to the other party, and his murderous intent became more and more fierce.

Liu Heita?

On the top of the mountain, looking at the battle scene in the distance, Li Su's eyes couldn't help but become dull. Shouldn't this guy have died long ago?

Li Mi? Wang Shichong? Dou Jiande? What the hell? ?

Why is this still going on at the end of the Sui Dynasty? This is wrong, wrong!

The reason why it was wrong was naturally because of the blood letter in Li Su's arms. The name inside was clearly written, Yin Wenjiao.

According to the content of the Journey to the West novel, it was the one added by the Qing Dynasty, so that there was a big problem with the timeline, and there was a situation where the eighteen-year-old took revenge and the eighteen-year-old learned lessons.

It was also because of her that Li Su determined his timeline.

However, the battle in front of him at this moment undoubtedly completely disrupted his original thoughts.

Now, isn't it the year 628?

Just when Li Su was confused, in the red armored military formation, a man in white suddenly opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and silently shot three arrows in a row.

His archery skills were terrifying. He was several miles away, but he arrived in an instant and silently. He struck directly at the back of Liu Heitai's head, heart, and the black horse beneath him.

It was clear that the silver gun general was still trying to persuade him to surrender, but here he directly launched a sneak attack, and he was very cruel. There was no doubt that he planned to kill the opponent.


There was a cold snort, but a yellow horse suddenly rushed out of the black army formation. It was a giant man with an iron tower. He was holding a two-handed axe, and rushed directly behind Liu Heitai in the flash of lightning.

Obviously the arrow shot out first, and the big man shot last, but strangely, it appeared directly behind Liu Heitai. He swept the ax continuously and knocked down the arrow.

"Wang Bodang, you treacherous villain, die!"

After knocking off the arrows, the big man in the Iron Tower, with red eyes, swung his huge ax and brought up a terrible wind, rushing straight towards the red army formation.

His speed was beyond imagination, and he whipped up a terrible storm, rolling down like a mountain avalanche.

Before the big ax arrives, the mountain-breaking force has already arrived. In front of the red army formation, the earth is overwhelmed and shakes and screams.

A yellow horse and a yellow-faced man came out, holding a gold mace, and stood impartially in front of the big man with the iron tower. He looked at the charging man silently, and said softly: "Bite gold, it must be like this. What?"

Upon hearing this, the big man from the Iron Tower raised his head and let out an extremely shrill roar, "Qin Shubao!!!"

Not only did the axe's slashes not stop, but at this moment there was an unprecedented ferocious aura. The person in front of him seemed to be his life and death enemy and must be killed.


A terrible battle broke out. Facing the attack of the big man from the iron tower, the yellow-faced man directly blocked the opponent's brutal blow, and started fighting with him without giving up the golden mace in his hand.

With the collision of the two generals, the military formations of both sides moved.

The trumpet was blown and the drum was beaten.

The extremely brutal murderous intent exploded, and the crazy fighting between tens of thousands of people immediately began. The bloody dragon and the evil dragon entangled with each other in the void, biting madly.

Blood is splattering and the fighting doesn't stop.

On the top of the mountain, Li Su, who was looking at the extremely brutal fighting below, was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

At first, Li Su was calm. Even if there were a few problems with the timeline, he accepted it.

If Liu Heitai is not dead, then he is not dead. The Silver Spear General doesn't know him either, so he doesn't think much about it.

Wang Bodang, who launched a sneak attack, thought that Li Mi would surrender, so it was normal for him to appear in Li Tang's army. But had he participated in the operation to encircle and suppress Liu Heitao? This is undoubtedly a big question. Now that it's here, let's forget it.

Even though this was supposed to be a fight between mortals, but the fight shook the world, as if an earth dragon turned over, Li Su didn't say much. After all, this is Journey to the West, not the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Even in the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there is also the heroic deed of Li Yuanba who single-handedly defeated the Eighteenth Route Army and killed millions of people in the Tang Dynasty.

But who are Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin? ? ?

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