Chapter 883 The End

Every time he reaches a certain level, Li Su stops and continues to adapt.

At this moment, his eyes were glowing, and there was vibration inside. The deeper he went, the more radiation he received, the greater the vibration.

The inscriptions on the body shine more and more, and under the radiation of the special golden extraordinary particles, they make bursts of sound. More and more golden halos flow through the inner force, constantly absorbing, converging, and gradually taking shape, as if moving from virtuality to reality. The transformation is general, and a sense of material heaviness begins to appear.

His soul was also greatly impacted, and the pain continued with no sign of relief, and cracks began to appear. This is undoubtedly a very serious situation. The soul is the foundation of the human body and the source of thinking. If it is really broken, not to mention monks, even ordinary people will be extremely seriously injured.

But fortunately, whenever there are signs of cracks in his soul, the inscriptions on the surface of his body will glow, and special substances will seep out of them and penetrate deep along his cracked parts to nourish him.

As the penetration became more and more abundant, Li Su could feel that his soul was changing. The deep-seated structure had changed, and unknown mutations had occurred. The inscriptions on the surface were changing in a certain way. A very special way, embedded in the core of his soul, compatible with it, and changing its structure.


Li Su took a gentle breath and felt the true effect of Yin Wen.

Under this special radiation, it is modifying the sequence of its soul, changing its composition bit by bit.

The reason why he felt severe pain was because of this change. This was no less than the collapse of the earth, rebuilding the mountains and rivers, collapsing the old land, and rebuilding a brand new landform on it.

No wonder Lao Xie said that king-level awakening is very dangerous, and if you can't bear it, you will die.

This structural change is too terrifying, and is essentially equivalent to jumping from one species to another.

How terrible!

The inheritance of this underworld is really amazing.

The good fortune in it far exceeded his imagination. Even for him who possesses the Seven Saints, it is an unimaginable opportunity.

It’s hard to imagine who actually created this inscription?

It was actually possible to accomplish this extremely dangerous method of alienating souls in such a simple way.

Yes, dangerous!

As we all know, the human body's DNA chromosomes are in twenty-three groups.

What is being done at this moment is to add three teams of twenty-four, twenty-five, and twenty-six to it.

This kind of change involving the fundamental source, let alone one more pair, will most likely lead to subversive results, so that the DNA itself will completely collapse.

But through Yinwen, this extreme and dangerous transformation has gained stability, and this stability is very high, so high that people who meet the standard can guarantee immortality.

What is that concept?

It is equivalent to a civilization that has just discovered nuclear bombs, and a creature that can rub nuclear bombs suddenly appears in front of it.

Faced with such fortune and opportunity, how could Li Su not be surprised? How can it not be scorching?

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but smile on his face. He was truly worthy of himself.

At the moment, what he encountered was definitely a great fortune, but even if someone stabilized this kind of fortune with great supernatural powers, the difficulty would still exist.

At least, if it were someone else, I might not be enjoying the pain and feeling the improvement right now.

Instead, they were rolling on the ground, wailing and screaming.

Even if the Yinwen is constantly nourishing, the pain caused by alienation is actually no less than a trip to hell.

Even if they are guaranteed not to die, how many people can guarantee that they will survive a trip to hell?

Li Su is different. In fact, his soul has already been transformed. He was alienated a long time ago due to the cultivation of soul supreme. The direction is different from here, and it is not as intense as here, but it also involves the fundamentals, giving him the nature of flesh and blood. , has extremely strong adaptability, otherwise at this moment, even if he has understood all the insinuations, it will be absolutely painful to undergo the transformation. It may take several months to fully adapt to the transformation.

Now, he has adapted quickly, mainly because his soul can bear it quickly, and his soul is also sublimating itself after being affected.

It should be said that it is the underworld, the home of Houtu Empress. This inscription and the supreme soul complement each other.

Each stop would last no more than a quarter of an hour before getting back on the road again.

Li Su moved quickly. The golden ocean in front of him was getting bigger and bigger, and the radiation concentration continued to multiply several times.

He was moving really fast. Even if someone could withstand it and start this so-called king-level awakening in the past, they probably wouldn't be able to achieve such amazing results.

In less than three hours, the inscriptions on his soul had completely turned into gold.

On the cracked soul, more and more special extraordinary substances are constantly forming and pouring into it.

His soul was glowing, and the light reflected the highest chapter in addition to the soul. There were sacred carvings between the chapters. At first glance, they looked like inscriptions. At second glance, they formed patterns of special extraordinary particles on the stone walls around him. Very similar.

The speed of awakening is beyond imagination. It has already involved more than half of the souls, and it is only a few hours away from complete transformation.

Just when Li Su was quickly adapting to the special extraordinary particle radiation and awakening himself, his steps suddenly stopped and he couldn't help but look up into the depths.

At this moment, the golden sea of ​​smoke near him was so thick that it seemed like substance, and over there was a ray of light, a door. You couldn't see what was inside, but you could feel the amazing concentration of radiation emitting from it. The intensity was probably It is more than dozens of times larger than the current location.

He was a little stunned. He didn't expect that he would reach the end of alienation so quickly, and the final transformation should be in it.

Of course, the pleasure Li Su felt was actually incorrect.

Because this passage itself is very special. In fact, what is needed to move forward is adaptation, not how far he really has to go.

In three hours, he paused seven times, which was equivalent to withstanding higher concentrations of radiation seven times.

At this moment, it was the eighth time that he stopped and was baptized by the extremely rich golden smoke.

When we arrived here, the danger level was very high. The cracks in the soul were very large, and many places opened directly, forming a deep wound.

But the faster it is nourished, the faster the soul will adapt.

Those wounds healed extremely quickly, and were completely repaired in about a quarter of an hour, leaving only some traces on the surface.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath of extraordinary particles. For the first time, Li Su didn't move up, but stood still.

This level of radiation is a bit unbearable for the soul. Even though the injury has been repaired, in fact the cracks are still there.

He planned to wait for a while, take a short rest, let the soul adapt to the supreme, let more of the special substance flowing from the Yinwen flow into the body, nourish the soul, and then move forward.

This time, he stopped for almost an hour, until his soul completely adapted to the radiation here.

The adaptation here doesn't mean that I can't hurt him anymore.

In fact, he has not been immune to the damage here since he came in. The adaptation of his soul has improved his ability to heal himself. After the damage is taken, it will be repaired in the next second.

This is why the cracks on his body are getting bigger and bigger. There is no way to be immune to injuries. Every time, his soul will be torn, but he healed it immediately the moment his soul was torn.

Fortunately, the Yinwen nourishes and contains extremely high soul power. Otherwise, even if Li Su got here, he would be exhausted and would not dare to go deeper. He would have to find a way to leave.

It is certain that even in the face of more radiation, the soul will not be severely damaged or even completely damaged.

Li Su took a gentle breath and jumped into the special extraordinary particles that were already like liquid.

The expected pain did not come. The first thing Li Su felt was suppression, huge suppression.

His realm was falling, which was very astonishing. He fell directly from Taiyi to True Immortal, and then from True Immortal to Heavenly Immortal. The avenue was shaken, and the Seven Saints Daoguo couldn't help but open his eyes at this moment. , showing a severe sense of discomfort.

Thanks to his strong foundation, each stage of breaking through the limits was astonishing. Even if his realm was suppressed, the foundation itself was not completely shaken. After just a moment, stability was restored.

If someone with an empty realm comes over, this pressure may be enough to shock the person to death.

Li Su was a little stunned, obviously he did not expect such a situation to occur. In the deepest part, it was not the final baptism of Yin Wen, but the suppression of the realm.

Taking a breath, he couldn't help but raise his head, wanting to take a closer look.

The next moment his soul shook, and the inscriptions covering his soul were shaking. The previous smelting had made them as solid as substance. With the constant shaking, they actually fell from his soul like real objects.


Li Su took a breath of air and was stunned. This scene was obviously something he had not expected. After all, Yinwen was essentially formed by his will. Although it absorbed the extraordinary material here and transformed, it was directly separated from his body. It's really unbelievable.

Before he could make a move, Yinwen quickly flew towards Li Su not far in front of him.

There, there is a huge pool.

The surroundings are engraved with the same patterns as those on the walls of the castle. The density is dozens of times higher than outside. All the patterns are derived from the inside of the pool. It is obviously the center of alienation and the source of special radiation.

At this moment, it contained extremely astonishing radiation, which had turned into a liquid. The luster had changed from extremely bright silver to a hint of red, and a hint of gray.

His Yin Wen was shaken and he jumped directly into the huge pool.

Facing this scene, Li Su was not only a little surprised. Is this final transformation just the inscription itself?

Before he could finish his thoughts, he saw that the pool suddenly erupted with an astonishing light due to the entry of Yin Wen. The special lines around it vibrated directly, and a large amount of special extraordinary substances were formed and poured into the pool.

Terrifying radiation fluctuations erupted, and the golden-red liquid burned directly, instantly igniting the mixed gray and burning it to pieces.


Immediately, a violent wail suddenly sounded, and the center of the pool shook.

A figure jumped out from it.

As soon as it appeared, an astonishing explosion of death energy erupted, a rotten atmosphere filled the air, and an aura that was contrary to living things spread throughout the place. The terrible malice shined into reality and directly suppressed the soul.

That's a skeleton!

The densely packed scriptures written above have special energy flowing through them, and death and decay are intertwined, giving people a sense of sacredness.

However, the skeleton looked a little bleak at this moment. Its eight layers of bones turned black and exuded a rich smell of grease, as if it had been grilled by fire.

Its pupils were burning with gray fire, and an astonishing anger was gathering. It stared at Li Su, full of hatred!

That's right, it's hatred!

"You ant, how dare you ruin my plan!!!"

The skeleton opened its mouth and roared. It was not a sound, but the resonance of the soul. It was so powerful that the atmosphere could not help but tremble and vibrate.

It struck directly, without any thought of talking to Li Su, and reached out and grabbed his head.

Terrifying power gathered. Although it was also suppressed in the realm of immortals, this simple move actually gave people the feeling that even if it was caught, five holes would be taken out.

Li Su's face turned dark instantly. Thinking of the scene just now, it was not difficult to guess what happened. It was obvious that this skeleton was hiding here and was doing something. As a result, it was destroyed by his arrival. What he saw clearly just now was that in addition to the red color in the pool, there was also a hint of gray intertwined in it. Now it was gone and burned away.

Seeing his furious skeleton, which wanted to tear him into pieces, Li Su couldn't help but curse in his heart.


After all, Yinwen was still in the pool, and there was no way he could just retreat.

What's more, with his perceptive appearance, that weird aura, and his behavior of hiding under the pool, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance!

He paused in his steps, raised his hand and punched the opponent's outstretched hand.

There was a loud bang, and the two people who collided shook each other.

The skeleton's forward figure was beaten and stopped in place.

Li Su staggered and took several steps back. His fists were full of cracks and split apart from the shock, with blood dripping from them.

Facing this scene, the skeleton was stunned, and the gray firelight flashed in the empty pupils.

Actually, blocked it?

Obviously, this result is very incredible for it.

As for Li Su, her face at this moment is like a dyeing workshop, which is called wonderful.

As a person who breaks the ceiling, he has no opponents at the same level. The upper limit of each stage is pushed up and pushed up by him.

As a result, in the collision just now, the person who was suppressed was actually him?

In terms of skills and use of strength, were they crushed by the opponent? What hits my face is an unprecedented breath of time, the accumulation of endless time.

Is this horse riding an old monster from there? ? ?


Just when Li Su encountered the strange skeleton, he was outside the realm of king-level awakening.

Lao Xie, who had withdrawn because he couldn't stand the king-level radiation, stood there silently and did not leave.

He said quietly: "Do you think it's a bit unkind?"

As Lao Xie finished speaking, he saw Fan Wushe, one of Fengdu's Black and White Wuchangs and one of the Black Wuchangs in Fengdu.

Fan Wushe rolled his eyes, "If he finds out the truth, I'm afraid he will fall out immediately."

Xie Bi'an turned around and said, "No way, it's just the bones of the Dzogchen Immortal of the Fifteenth Ancient Fire God. Why can't you run away if you can't beat him? He's not a fool."

"What's the problem with bones? What's problematic is the trace of soul that carries that bone. That's a near-sage from the Dead Soul Clan. Even if his realm is suppressed, his combat power far exceeds that of the fifteen-fire Dzogchen Celestial Immortal. With the superposition of realms, I’m afraid it can be compared to Twenty Fire!”

"Is it more dangerous than bad?"

"It's more dangerous than ever!"

"Isn't there nothing I can do? I don't want to trick him. I also want to do it slowly and step by step. But something has happened to all three of the origins. No matter how talented the child is, it will take time. Now it's like this If it goes on, within a few months, I’m afraid it will become a dead soul in the underworld.”

When Xie Bi'an said this, he not only had a headache, "Do you think there are brain-eating worms growing in the skulls of the living people this year? Why can't they cooperate with them, but they cooperate with dead souls? Lao Fan, what do you think food is? What kind of mentality do you have to cooperate with someone who eats food?"

"God knows!"

"Well, I can only hope that this little guy has enough sinister characters in his body to get the old thing out of the source pool. This can buy a lot of time."

"Are everything ready?"

"Well, the Book of Life and Death carries his mark. Once he dies, we will immediately start resurrecting him!"


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